Ladies, your days are numbered! The sexy lady sexbots are only a few years off, which will free men of the onerous task of having sex with your cootie-ridden human bodies, and pretty soon you won’t be needed for anything at all, not even making babies. At least according to this comment by “JR” on Roissy’s blog, which was recently highlighted on the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog:
I think the obvious gender-wide frustration of women today can partly be explained by this lowered value of children/reproduction altogether. Women understand that their primary purpose will always be tied up with reproduction and not civilization-altering achievement; now that this purpose has been largely removed, what do they have left? … [M]en are as useful as ever, whereas women’s role as child-bearer is rapidly becoming unnecessary and in many cases even harmful.
Babies? We don’t need no stinkin babies!
And if after a few years of childless Children of Men-style dystopia we male humans decide that maybe it would be good if we, collectively, had a few kids, well, by then some clever dude will have invented an artificial womb. And then, ladies, you’re toast! (Which we dudes will be eating a lot of in the future, by the way, as actual cooking, not to mention sammich-making, is for bitches.) As Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology explains:
Before … our current level of technology, women were in complete and total control of reproduction. Women could get knocked up by one guy and claim another guy is the dad and there was no way of knowing what the truth was. First came increased scientific knowledge about reproduction. Before that the process of reproduction would have been considered to be almost magical given women room to exercise total control. This lessened women’s control over reproduction. In the 20th century came paternity testing so men could know without a doubt who a child’s father is. Now women have no room to hide except that the law allows for paternity fraud. Eventually we will have artificial wombs which will allow men to have children without women if they so choose. The artificial womb represents control of reproduction being wrestled away from women. This is a pretty direct progression of how women become less and less necessary in reproduction.
Of course, there’s that whole issue of actually raising the little buggers. But don’t worry, dudes are totally better at this, too!
[W]omen’s role as child bearer in many cases is becoming harmful. … All the pathologies caused by single mothers do not need to be repeated here. Beyond single motherhood take a look at younger women in their 20s. How many of them would you really trust to be mothers even if divorce wasn’t an issue? Take a look at the current crop of teenage girls, and it’s clear they will be even worse for motherhood than women currently in their 20s. Don’t forget all the misandry that these women carry which will have a negative impact on any sons you might have with them. … All things being equal the two parent family is probably better for raising children, but all things are not equal. Because of divorce the two parent family can become single motherhood at the drop of a hat. Single fatherhood from the beginning is better than that. Even without divorce women are increasingly unqualified to be mothers. … We are getting to a point where single fatherhood may be the superior system of raising children, especially when it comes to raising sons.
In your face, ladies! Moms suck! DudeMoms rule!!!!
Of course, not all dudes want to be single fathers. As savethemales notes in the comments on Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology,
Robogirls can take the place of mothers and assist in raising children for the biological dads who employed artificial wombs in the labs to incubate their babies. Personally, I never want kids and frankly, what reason is there? Children and women are a big liability. Actuarial escape velocity and transhumanism will be the answer and logical choice over procreation for many men.
I have no idea what he just said there, but I am totally 100% behind it. Except maybe for the part about Robogirls. I mean, how do we know for sure that Robogirls aren’t going to teach robomisandry to our dude-children?
Personally, I wouldn’t trust my artificial-womb-born dude-children to anyone but a RoboDudeMom.
ROBOsexuality is the default, with their robochicks. They will still hate teh gays.
They could program the robolady to cower in fear with no worries of her having a though of retaliating. They would be real scared of a Terminator or Matrix type situation, I’d imagine. How much artificial intelligence would they be able to give the ladybots?
“How much artificial intelligence would they be able to give the ladybots?”
Considering they don’t have much intelligence of their own… I think we’re safe from the robo-pocalypse for a bit longer.
Why can’t gay men get Robo menz?
That would be a good brand xD Menz xD like Catz and Dogz
Xtra: Or straght and bi women! Fair is fair.
Women don’t want sex, only money, power and sports cars remember? xD
Or this *_*
Random note: you know, from all I read, and I don’t read a lot, but still, what really led to the successful development of technology and all that came from it, among humans, was cooperation as a species. And all the rhetoric of competition, and kill the other dudez and rape their women, and compete, compete, compete, is just so…..frustratingly toothgrindingly wrong.
@ithiliana no no no… life was always like this xD if it hadn’t been for men, turtles would be the dominant species on Earth!
“masculine inadequacies drive women nuts?”
So, is that… like… sexy nuts, or frustrated nuts?
I dunno Kirby, but your confusion and lack of masculine certainty is rly turning me on…
Heh, here’s the cover they were originally going for. Mmmm, that’s a fine hunk of man right there.
turtles would be the dominant species on Earth!
turtles all the way down, ladies.
…riling up a bunch of uppity women and manginas.
Zomgina, please.
That is one tacky Oan power ring.
@Ozy, did whoever say that live before modern philosophy (i.e. prior to Galileo)? Because the Platonists were wrong about well, pretty much everything, including stuff like how basic reproduction, embryology, and eyes worked. The views that look more like those of the Platonists opponents, the Sophists, are far more popular and developed in modern science, math, and philsophy than the Platonist views are, with certain exceptions. We have less of the works of anti-Platonists Ancient Greek philosphers, and Plato was not always the most accurate or fairly representing in his depictions of them (for example, there are very good arguments against Socrates’ propositions in the Philebus that are found in the works of Philebus’ contemporaries on the subject, but Plato depicts Socrates as arguing against Philebus’ student rather than Philebus himself, so that Socrates can be seen only dealing with “softball questions” and not having to deal with a serious defense of the position against him). Part of the reason it took so long to get back to the place where the anti-Platonists started was that the Platonists were the most supportive of anti-democratic policies. The Roman Empire and medieval feudal lords, as might be expected, were not overly fond of the pro-democracy obsessed Sophists, or the proto-utilitarianism and anti-religious attitudes of some of them did not go over well either. The works of Plato were more widespread and more influental prior to modern philsophy in part because his political theories could be used to justify at times the current political and religious systems. Modern philosophy, science, and math look far like what we have of the anti-platonists than they look like Plato.
On Zeno’s paradox-it took literally millenia for science and philsophy to come up with satisfactory answers to Xeno in regards to math and motion (Zeno’s paradox is a bit of Zeno’s evidence towards his end position that motion is imposible). If it takes two thousand years, calculus, and Einstein to fully answer your questions about motion, that’s actually a good sign that you are a pretty clever person. If you look at the Moving Rows Paradox (aka the Stadium Paradox), you really can start to look at Zeno as trying to hash out relativity of motion, as well as the mathematical problem of infinite progresses. Still, I suppose one could just go with Diogenes the Cynic’s response insead-just get up and walk around. (Diogenes the Cynic is always a real hoot-he lived in a tub, went around with a lantern during the day telling people he was looking for a human, and all sorts of other fun antics).
@zombie rotten mcdonald http://i.somethingawful.com/inserts/articlepics/photoshop/11-02-07-magazines/pipes!3.jpg
HA! We at Man Boobz have understood the dangers of turtles for some time. And masculine inadequacies.
Somehow the picture got shrunk when it was moved from the old site.
Wow… early season Manboobz had a ttlly different cast! 😮 Except for Darksidecat! She’s like Anita Van Buren xD (tho even she wasn’t around for the first 3 o: I’m trying to think of a better example of shows I watch xD I got it! She’s like Chloe! :3 to David’s Clark I guess xD)
Hrm… I want to change that to zie… my memory is fuzzy but I think I remember zie saying zie was genderqueer… or was that somebody else? 😐 ahhhhh Dx now I feel bad xD
Only if it’s, like, ZOMGina! The catchcry of the MRA startled by the existence of a woman in their vicinity.
Yes! Exactly!
Agreed about Plato’s dialogues too. “Oh, Socrates! You are so wise and clever! How silly I am to have had ideas that differed from yours!”
P.S. Don’t tell the MRAs, but
Congratulations Boston! :3
If the Greeks are stupid, how does that impact the Greek system? WAT WAT!?!
I totes defeated them with logic.
With that, the Greeks win again!
O_O There are riots going on in Vancouver now Dx