Ladies, your days are numbered! The sexy lady sexbots are only a few years off, which will free men of the onerous task of having sex with your cootie-ridden human bodies, and pretty soon you won’t be needed for anything at all, not even making babies. At least according to this comment by “JR” on Roissy’s blog, which was recently highlighted on the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog:
I think the obvious gender-wide frustration of women today can partly be explained by this lowered value of children/reproduction altogether. Women understand that their primary purpose will always be tied up with reproduction and not civilization-altering achievement; now that this purpose has been largely removed, what do they have left? … [M]en are as useful as ever, whereas women’s role as child-bearer is rapidly becoming unnecessary and in many cases even harmful.
Babies? We don’t need no stinkin babies!
And if after a few years of childless Children of Men-style dystopia we male humans decide that maybe it would be good if we, collectively, had a few kids, well, by then some clever dude will have invented an artificial womb. And then, ladies, you’re toast! (Which we dudes will be eating a lot of in the future, by the way, as actual cooking, not to mention sammich-making, is for bitches.) As Mr. Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology explains:
Before … our current level of technology, women were in complete and total control of reproduction. Women could get knocked up by one guy and claim another guy is the dad and there was no way of knowing what the truth was. First came increased scientific knowledge about reproduction. Before that the process of reproduction would have been considered to be almost magical given women room to exercise total control. This lessened women’s control over reproduction. In the 20th century came paternity testing so men could know without a doubt who a child’s father is. Now women have no room to hide except that the law allows for paternity fraud. Eventually we will have artificial wombs which will allow men to have children without women if they so choose. The artificial womb represents control of reproduction being wrestled away from women. This is a pretty direct progression of how women become less and less necessary in reproduction.
Of course, there’s that whole issue of actually raising the little buggers. But don’t worry, dudes are totally better at this, too!
[W]omen’s role as child bearer in many cases is becoming harmful. … All the pathologies caused by single mothers do not need to be repeated here. Beyond single motherhood take a look at younger women in their 20s. How many of them would you really trust to be mothers even if divorce wasn’t an issue? Take a look at the current crop of teenage girls, and it’s clear they will be even worse for motherhood than women currently in their 20s. Don’t forget all the misandry that these women carry which will have a negative impact on any sons you might have with them. … All things being equal the two parent family is probably better for raising children, but all things are not equal. Because of divorce the two parent family can become single motherhood at the drop of a hat. Single fatherhood from the beginning is better than that. Even without divorce women are increasingly unqualified to be mothers. … We are getting to a point where single fatherhood may be the superior system of raising children, especially when it comes to raising sons.
In your face, ladies! Moms suck! DudeMoms rule!!!!
Of course, not all dudes want to be single fathers. As savethemales notes in the comments on Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology,
Robogirls can take the place of mothers and assist in raising children for the biological dads who employed artificial wombs in the labs to incubate their babies. Personally, I never want kids and frankly, what reason is there? Children and women are a big liability. Actuarial escape velocity and transhumanism will be the answer and logical choice over procreation for many men.
I have no idea what he just said there, but I am totally 100% behind it. Except maybe for the part about Robogirls. I mean, how do we know for sure that Robogirls aren’t going to teach robomisandry to our dude-children?
Personally, I wouldn’t trust my artificial-womb-born dude-children to anyone but a RoboDudeMom.
probably not-that is what the omega males are for.
Sorry, reading about NC defunding PP has me growly and less likely to look kindly on those who hate women.
@Ozy rly? o: i have a radfem friend (mind you she’s not trans-exclusionary nor fears her son the way i said a couple of the posters i saw were saying xD ) and she seems like a rly good mother and her son is v cool :3
Women will simply be phased out. Men can do everything better than women except giving birth to children (biological fact!).
Isn’t that what I said yesterday? xD Except I think I said it better.
Hrm.. Being a lover of symmetry, I’m curious. What exactly do these guys think women will be so upset about? When uterii become obsolete, both men and women will still be having sex (cause, you know… its fun). Both will still need to donate genetic material to create new babies (unless they think that all children will be the result of two sperm chosen to ensure children don’t become YY (or XX? do they want daughters?))… Honestly the uterus is only really useful for childbirth (I think hormone regulation as well, but come on, do these guys really care about biology?) And it is exactly like other posters said, if women could have children without going through all the dangers and complications, why not?
The whole Robomom thing has got me thinking. These guys don’t actually hate women, per se, they just hate the fact that women are autonomous human beings. Think about it this way, if they really wanted to get rid of women, they’d figure out some way to do it without replacing a woman with another woman. No, what they really want is a robot they can control, one which does everything you want without questions, will always have escort-quality sex and no complaints, and will still have time to do all that lady-work that you don’t want to bother with, like sandwich making. They don’t want women to not exist, they just want to have their remote control.
It would frustrate the abusers though-they would have no one to torture.
Hmm, that wasn’t clear. The symmetry thing was a thought that kinda disappeared as I wrote. I should probably start re-reading before I post… 😐
I also get that they think women are genetically unable to contribute to society the way a man does, therefore they are only good for makin babies, but that’s an argument so rooted in ignoring fact and history that I couldn’t possibly begin to comment on it. So yeah.
I wish I could aim for civilization-altering achievements, you know, like all the awesome stuff MRA dudes have done.
Ah, but they don’t’ have to have actually done anything. They get credit for everything good members of their gender have done (everything bad, not so much). It’s just like how white supremacists get to take credit for anything good any white person has done anywhere at any time (again, anyone who points out anything bad done by the same group will be told to get over it and stop living in the past).
Thus, in their view, the biggest zero of a male is still better then the most successful woman: after all, he has had to endure the numerous hardships of being male, whereas she probably got where she was through affirmative action and false rape accusations. Or something.
> Actually they didn’t yet have the integral calculus. It’s not fair to say he didn’t understand something that is explainable by a method that wouldn’t be discovered for a very long time afterwards, and which many people still find difficult to master.
You don’t need integrals there. Convergence of a series is enough.
> In the meantime, your Freshman math is not impressing anyone.
What… a woman disagreeing with me? How dare you?
Get back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich rofl lol lol lol
Btw, if a problem is solvable with “freshman math” that’s not my fault!
If I correct 12 + 5 = 16 will you, “girlscientist”, say “Your Elementary School math is not impressing anyone”???
You’ll make a very bad scientist (women can’t be scientists anyway).
Remember Albert Einstein (a MAN!!!!):
“Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler”
b2t: The Greeks were stupid they’re still that way today. Look at all the money they waste and how they cry to get a bailout .
Come on, the Greeks even had the method of exhaustion. That was sooooo close to the limit concept of calculus but they blew it.
I think the Greeks got so stupid because they were to kind to women. Look at the Spartans they even allowed women to own land. How sad is that?
> Sorry, reading about NC defunding PP has me growly and less likely to look kindly on those who hate women.
He who hates women with me shall be my brother
> Isn’t that what I said yesterday? xD Except I think I said it better.
Yes but you just can’t say that enough times.
Oh, yeah, right. Me and my stupid illogical lady-brain…
Good thing they’re so individually successful, though, because otherwise that sort of belief might seem incredibly self-serving!
Depends on which of Zeno’s paradoxes you’re talking about.
Sounds like someone has just taken freshman or upper high school maths…
“women can’t be scientists anyway.” Why?
“I think the Greeks got so stupid because they were to kind to women. Look at the Spartans they even allowed women to own land. How sad is that?” How does the state of knowledge and reasoning in Athens (the main center of such) relate to Sparta allowing women to own land? And how does being kind to women reduce intelligence? I guess you’ve been kind to women all your life…
I can’t tell if you’re serious, or on an extended parody drive…
And Greece refused to properly tax those who were ripping the country off.
Did you know that Socrates’ wife Xanthippe is supposed to have once been so angry with Socrates that she emptied a chamber pot over his head?
And he put up with it! What a mangina! I bet no MRAs are going to be taking credit for his achievements…
@Kirby who cares why… they just can’t xD That’s why my mom doesn’t exist… and therefore I can’t exist either xD omg Kirby, you’re losing it! A person who doesn’t exist is talking to you! :O
Also I am unimpressed by this troll xD He just doesn’t have that… oomph… XDD real or no xD
@Kirbywarp: makes Ira Levin look like a prophet, doesn’t it?
“Depends on which of Zeno’s paradoxes you’re talking about.”
We are talking about Achilles and the Tortoise. Didn’t you notice that?
“Sounds like someone has just taken freshman or upper high school maths…”
It’s getting boring. What can I do if Zeno’s paradoxes are solvable with high school math? Use non-standard calculus or what?
> Also I am unimpressed by this troll xD He just doesn’t have that… oomph… XDD real or no xD
obvious counter-troll is obvious
I now have a deep need for a beer-powered penguin. I think they transcend gender.
I cast Lightning Poe! I tap two islands and Counter Troll that! xD
You… you’re serious… You read Goedel Escher Bach and decided you knew everything about Zeno from that? Are you kidding me? Don’t get me wrong, its one of my favorite books ever, but reading a book and parroting it back doesn’t make you intelligent. -_-
This troll gets frustrated (and snippy) way faster than the other trolls too o_o;;
@Kirby shhhh dun give away my sekrit! xD I’m actually just a giant collection of books that were placed too close to a library computer xDDDD
Nope. Wasn’t really paying attention. I just didn’t think it was particularly appropriate to call Zeno and his paradoxes ‘stupid’ and to fault him for failing to understand something that hadn’t been discovered yet (and probably wouldn’t have been discovered if he hadn’t called attention to the problem).
No, no. (Though I’m sure your calculus is very non-standard). By all means keep writing things like
. . . Actually, reading that again, I agree – gotta be a Poe.
> This troll gets frustrated (and snippy) way faster than the other trolls too o_o;;
I am not a real troll. Are you really that stupid?
Haven’t you read my posts?
– I clearly stated that everything I say is just BS.
– I “troll” much worse and muuuuch less subtle than if I were seriously trolling.
> You… you’re serious… You read Goedel Escher Bach and decided you knew everything about Zeno from that? Are you kidding me? Don’t get me wrong, its one of my favorite books ever, but reading a book and parroting it back doesn’t make you intelligent. -_-
No, I never read that book. Btw, I don’t know non-standard analysis, it’s too esoteric and I doubt that such an advanced topic is discussed in there (or the method of exhaustion by the Greeks which is also cumbersome and purely of historical interest).
Zeno’s paradox is the idea that to get from A to B you need to go halfway between A and B. But to get there, you need to go halfway again, and so on. The idea that to get from one point to another, you need to reach an infinite number of subgoals, therefore motion is impossible.
Marc read Goedel Escher Bach, which contains a dialog between Achilles and a Tortoise. In a race between the two, the tortoise is given a head start of 10m. When Achilles reaches 10m, the tortoise is at 11. When Achilles reaches 11, the tortoise is at 11.1. The idea is that this goes on ad infinitum, therefore Achilles never catches the tortoise.
You should have been talking about the former, the latter is a reinterpretation.