Hey Torontoites! Some Man Boobzers are organizing a little get-together for this upcoming weekend. Check the comments here for details as they become available, and post a note if you’re interested. Or check in directly with Ami Angelwings on her blog.
Meanwhile the joint Pervocracy-Man Boobz Boston meetup is happening this Friday (the 17th) at 6:00 PM at the Prudential Center. More details here; check in with Holly ([email protected]) if you’re planning to go.
And if you’re somewhere else and want to organize a get-together, post your location below. I’m going to organize a Chicago get together, probably the weekendΒ after next. And it looks like we’ve got enough people in the Bay Area and in Madison/Milwaukee; anyone want to organize a get-together in either place? (Or have you Bay Area folks already started organizing?) Some DC people have already had a little get together.So let’s do this!!!11!!
Should we start up some actual meetup.com groups? Or it is easier to do it informally here and by email?
Drats, I’m out of town this weekend. Enjoy what promises to be a brilliantly sunny weekend and I hope things go well enough that there’s another Toronto meetup soon!
We can do many Toronto meet ups! It’s the summer, going out isn’t like being stabbed w/ a million knives… I dun NEED to stay in the cocoon that’s my car… xD
We can have many meet ups over the summer, at many places! :3 until finally we all get together and form Voltron! π
Ami speaks as someone who lives in normal temp land. Those of us in 110 heat disagree. :p
The Chicago one will be a no-go for me- FoSBoyfriend’s friend’s Grad party, and I’m making a giant Hostess-Style Ding-dong cake to take. As for Madison ones? I suppose if people wanted to email me, or get together a Facebook group? Or talk to me via IM on AIM. Some contacts: AIM= dammitbob18, email= lilredfox87 hotmail com. Just lemme know who you are and I won’t ignore you. I can give out my FB info via email. I don’t want the trolls here knowing my real life info, in case they read this stuff.
@PosterfomerlyknownasElizabeth I dunno what’s normal temp land, tho I suppose we are in a way, we’re not Winnipeg either in the winter… tho I STILL wish we didn’t have winter xD I have a rly low body temperature (that’s even lower cuz of my ED right now, I have so little energy and everything hurts sometimes) so I’m extremely sensitive to cold : (even 25C can feel cold to me : ) I’ve been in rly hot places in the US before, and even tho it can be painfully hot, I’m much more okay w/ it than the winter cuz it rly does feel like knives in me every day π If I lived in Winnipeg I would be in constant pain π
Imma pout now. I can’t come to Chicago that soon. But I’ll make it out there this summer, I’m sure. Crap. I’m just gonna move in with filetofswedishfish and her boyfriend. A pig roast? A bucket of sangria? A giant Ding-Dong as a cake? Do you have a vacancy … for a back scrubber? Oh oooh.
I meant in the winter. obv xD (for winnipeg) Also I wasn’t meaning to disagree w/ Elizabeth :] Obv if this was some place rly hot, I wouldn’t be saying that summer is better than winter, but it’s not xD
Bee- There’s a good quarter of the sangria left >.< It's been just sitting in the bucket, sealed, since Saturday. I might boil some it down to get rid of the alcohol, and turn it into sorbet, or I might just dump it. It will probably kill grass at this point. Also- cooking is basically my hobby. My facebook wall pictures are all either my cat, my dog, or my food. Also, I just made lemon bars because I was bored. We're trying to kick out one useless roommate- If you'll actually pay rent and not watch Sportscenter all day, and make messes I have to clean up- you're in!
Also- Be a Cubs fan. I’m surrounded by Brewers fans up here and ugh.
Ami-I was just teasing you (and whining about the 110 degree heat which is 43 C.)
If you have physical pain from cold, you should think about coming to the Southwestern US as we have usually warm weather all year round.
Filetofswedishfish: Aha! I was raised by Sox fans, but weaned with Cubs fans, so I’m mixed. Yanno, I was going to tease you about being a FIB in cheeseland, but I wasn’t sure if that was true? Are you?
I wish there were some way I could get to Madison, drink an assload of sangria and toddle back here …
Yeah, I’m totes a FIB. BF tells me all the time. As a plus- we’re going to a Mallards (local independent minor league) game tonight. So, maybe he and I can root for a team together, finally. I grew up about 80 miles SW of Chicago, just south of I-80. Very much a FIB.
Should add- I only moved here in March. I miss Chicago hard sometimes.
Glad you put up a post for this – I’ve been pretty much offline for the past few days and was afraid I
missed the details in the bottom of a 1000-post thread.
So Toronto boobz, we’re doing Saturday sometime? I’m good any time after 2.
Saturday sounds fine.
Me too! Former Chicagoan, here. From … prolly a little north of where you grew up. Taken away by a guy who called me a FIB. It’s all coming back to me now. Good memories!
I assume by FIB you all are referring to Flying Inflatable Boats, and not something possibly derogatory towards people of my state.
Ok, I need two things clarified.
Chicago is a state?
The Brewers have fans?
Also, depending on various things, I might be able to make Chicago at some point.
But I think it would just be easier for all y’all to come to Summerfest. I’ll be easy to spot: Imma the zombie. I’ll save a spot on a picnic table.
Zombie- FoSBF is going away to training right while Summerfest is going, and some of the only people I know up here are being sent back to their home area by the Marines so the hubs can train. I don’t think i can go π As to Brewers fans? Come to my house sometime. Every Brewers game, every night.
Also, David- I have got to use that next time FoSBF and Roommates get in on me for being an Illinoisan. I loves it.
Every Brewers game, every night.
what, are they masochists?
I can’t come, but I want to put in a plug for A Tribe Called Red, my new fave DJ group. They’re native, based in Ottawa, and play fairly often in Toronto. I am not sure if they are playing this weekend, but I wanted to mention it anyway.
I went to Ottawa a while ago specifically to see them, and they are GREAT to dance to, lots of fun. Check out their soundcloud page for lots of free downloads!
Email seems fine for now. The DC group isn’t *too* big… yet. π
I’m thinking of putting together monthly meetups since the last one was so fun (we kicked ass at Pride and got tons of beads and squirted by dykes with squirtguns). If you’re DC-ish and wanna come to the next one, shoot me an email at missmollyren (at) gmail (dot) com and we’ll set something up.
So how about this Saturday? What would be good for everybody? Should we do it in a central city location? (like Dundas Square/Eaton Centre) or someplace that’s still on the TTC line but also has parking (Fairview Mall/Yorkdale Mall/etc)? or someplace else? :] I’m in Markham, so obv a place I can drive and park would be simplest for me, but I dun mind spending a day in the city either π
Ah, now I understand. Most of you are on the East Coast or in the Midwest. This is why most of the good threads are all played out by the time my kids go to bed.