![Stock Traders Trading Stocks and Securities](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/stock_market_traders_market_maker_pic.jpg?resize=362%2C286&ssl=1)
Uh oh! Trouble in mansophere paradise! Over on MGTOWforums, the “ghost” calling himself MrLahey is throwing down the gauntlet to all the pickup artists out there who dare to consider themselves allies of MGTOWers. Apparently PUAs are violating the terms of the Cock Blockade; by screwing women, they are evidently screwing over their brethren. MrLahey, who apparently once took an Economics class, explains:
Ghosts are driven to celibacy due to current market conditions, voluntarily or not, it is done in this particular context of risk aversion. I dare say any ghost would prefer, all else the same, to be sexually active, and wishes the risk-reward was different so he could participate in the meat market.
The conditions that make a man ghost are legal, practical and moral. Too risky, too high a price, too time consuming. … Now those conditions that make a man ghost do not exist in a vacuum, but are created by the sum of interactions of the meat market players, right ? The sexually active are the traders and the market makers of pussy, ensuring market liquidity.
Yes, he did just use the phrase “market makers of pussy.” And evidently not as a joke. He continues on with this metaphor:
So when the ghost leaves the market, the ones left to play it, and thus able to sustain or modify the conditions of the trade are the men left in the field : manginas, white knights, puas and mgtow. …
The reason I believe women get away with exorbitant prices (associated risks) for pussy is the existing demand, which sustains the price and favors similar conditions for each subsequent iteration of the trade. … I fail to understand how catering to a woman’s skewed entitlement and grandiose sense of self-worth (telling her lies, buying her things for sex, investing more time in entertaining her than in actual sex … etc) can ever be helpful or instrumental to bring the market price (risks and costs) of pussy down.
The rattling sound you hear is Adam Smith’s skeleton rolling in its grave.
@Kirbywarp As I said, if you understood evolution you would have understood what I was saying rather than suddenly feigning that you don’t understand context. This is very dishonest, even for a feminist sympathizer.
You think that men are evolutionarily designed to provide and care for women, and that women are designed to make babies. That is incidental. Even if it were the case that women in the past tended to care for children, and men to hunt, what makes you think that those should be the roles of men and women today? As you say, evolution “has no goals, and no design.” So why insist that society must be built exactly the same way as the past?
So you believe that without outside, natural pressure, that we should make hundreds of generations of actual real live human beings suffer in the roles they don’t truly want to be in, and are naturally disinclined and dis-interested in filling, simply b/c feminism is hoping to shape human evolution with artificial selection processes? You truly a disgusting example of strict adherence to feminist dogma and doctrine. You don’t even CARE if you’re inflicting real harm on current and future generations of children simply to fulfill the Marxist feminist grand experiment of trying to eliminate gender and sexuality from society.
Feminism recognized the sexual opression of women and fought for contraception to combat it, recognized their physical opression and fought for women to be able to hold jobs and not rely on a husband to live life.
Kind of like how cigarette companies sell aids to addicts to help them quit smoking? The feminist lobby created the “problem” (by brainwashing women to work and lying to them that their husbands were abusing them) so they could “solve” it, conveniently to the benefit of their own ideology and to the harm of actual real women that are being used as pawns in this social and by your own admission, evolutionary experiment. Again, it sounds like you’re supporting a pretty misogynist position Kirby.
@Kirby The demon barber of Fleet Street…
Oh, it’s easy enough to explain. Obviously the Feminist Movement has gotten women so against men that they are brainwashed into liking women instead, as another ploy to make sure men don’t get sex. The real conundrum is how to explain gay men.
Oh wait, they are brainwashed to not like women because men loving women is evil, so feminists make them woman-like and go after men instead. Or something. Feminism seems to be very contradictory in their eyes.
I mean @darksidecat. ><
@ kirbywarp:
You must die! I alone am best!
*Draws sword to defend Kirby*
O_O ummm….
“So you believe that without outside, natural pressure, that we should make hundreds of generations of actual real live human beings suffer in the roles they don’t truly want to be in, and are naturally disinclined and dis-interested in filling…”
I would like to hear your opinion on the LGBTQ community, as well as on the women who don’t want to be housewives and the men who want to be stay-at-home-dads. Or are you interested in forcing these people to “suffer in the roles they don’t truly want to be in?” And if your answer is that the Feminist movement caused these people to suddenly dislike their gender roles, how do you explain the existance of all of these people before the Feminist movement even existed? Oh wait, you did say that.
“The feminist lobby created the “problem” (by brainwashing women to work and lying to them that their husbands were abusing them) so they could “solve” it”
Interesting quote from your source:
“”By selling smokeless tobacco,” Sweanor said, cigarette companies can “morph the way many other industries have historically morphed into selling products that are far less hazardous.””
The comparison seems invalid.
So.. *draws sword* It has come to this. Then let this be our final battle! *charges*
Wait a minute, I don’t need a sword! *sics vagina on evildoers*
The great experiment of feminism has been admitted by even one of their most ardent believers! Now do you see the truth or will you still stick your heads in the sand as an ostrich would in crisis! Do you not understand the threat that we face now? The threat that has already caused so much harm in the form of unemployment, homelessness, violence and crime by a population crippled by forced immigration, affirmative action and mass abandonment and murder of children by feminists, Marxists and racial radicals! Feminism is an ideology based on lies and the self-aggrandizement of a select few! It does not care about you, or your children! Even you admit that feminism is trying to control and shape our very evolution, a process that will take many generations, if our society even survives that long! How much of your life, of your children’s lives will you sacrifice! The USSA is already on the verge of collapse, and you want to strain our economy and our social fabric further on this feminist gold calf! I have already offered you my challenge! Yet I have heard no reply! As usual, there is only the bleating and mockery of the masses as David feeds you bread and indulges you with circuses! Do you fear challenging your beliefs so much! Do you fear being wrong? As I said, you have nothing to lose! If you are correct, things do not change! If you are not correct however, and I am, and do not assist us and we fail, you have everything to lose! The choice is yours!
Ami A. Angelwings
“The USSA is already on the verge of collapse, and you want to strain our economy and our social fabric further on this feminist gold calf! I have already offered you my challenge! Yet I have heard no reply! As usual, there is only the bleating and mockery of the masses as David feeds you bread and indulges you with circuses!”
“Kirby thank you for engaging me. It’s weird that nobody else is given how often they pounce on other MRAs in this echo chamber that David claims is a free and fair comments section. ”
I’ma just leave this here. The rest of your screed speaks for itself, really.
I would like to hear your opinion on the LGBTQ community, as well as on the women who don’t want to be housewives and the men who want to be stay-at-home-dads. Or are you interested in forcing these people to “suffer in the roles they don’t truly want to be in?” And if your answer is that the Feminist movement caused these people to suddenly dislike their gender roles, how do you explain the existance of all of these people before the Feminist movement even existed? Oh wait, you did say that.
Feminism caused these problems, and you think they can solve it? This is hilarious. I’m sure feminist history books say all sorts of things that you believe without question. That’s a loyal beta.
“By selling smokeless tobacco,” Sweanor said, cigarette companies can “morph the way many other industries have historically morphed into selling products that are far less hazardous.”
When feminism decides to stop being hazardous and start working to correct it’s insane experiment, call me. Again, you are a misogynist. You just don’t know it.
Why are you quoting something I said, with something another poster said? I am not responsible for what some MRA you choose to quote says. I’m not even an MRA or a feminist. Perhaps you have reading comprehension problems. You feminists always say that you’re not a hivemind. Apparently you believe your critics to be. Typical.
This whole thread is hilarious.
So, aMiRA, Feminism caused teh gay? How do you explain the widespread practice of homosexuality, overtly and covertly in every society ever? Most noticeably, the ancient Greeks.
This is terrifying.
Yeah, because LGBTQ people never ever ever ever ever existed. It’s something created by the Feminist movement. Sexuality and gender identity are things that are set in stone. I mean, what the hell were the ancient Greeks doing all that time? They weren’t having sex with each other, that’s just some Feminist bs!!!!
MRAmi, I want to know where the feminists are keeping all the movies with lesbian main characters. And all the female action heroes. And WHY didn’t Vin Diesel and The Rock make out in Fast Five???
And now I must away to blissful slumber! Unlike you privileged women and brain-washed men, I have labours to accomplish in the morn! Twenty six hour work days are not uncommon amongst us true Americans thanks to having to pick up the slack of those under-educated, under-qualified and under-skilled workers who have the “oppression” of being over-hired and over-promoted thanks to affirmative action! It has been invigorating to debate and challenge you! I hope I have at least made you question your beliefs and perhaps in indulging your affectation for irrational argument, changed some minds as well!
Ami A. Angelwings
I only see one name, or are you (all?) too terrified to even be known by anonymous handles? What a wonderful way of showing how awesome MRAs truly are, by hacking an account for multiple people to post on. -_-
Alright, so the history books say something. Do you have evidence to prove them wrong? Or how about this, you might say you don’t need to prove a the claim the books are making. Fine. So what evidence do you have that these are history books tainted by the foul hands of feminism? Are the worlds scientists, historians, and archeologists all in on it as well? What evidence do you have of this massive feminist conspiracy?
So.. .does that mean that only one of the cabal of trolls have flounced? Or did they all decide to flounce at once? I’m confused…
Or is it really Ami, playing Poe?
The plot thickens…
So, aMiRA, Feminism caused teh gay? How do you explain the widespread practice of homosexuality, overtly and covertly in every society ever? Most noticeably, the ancient Greeks.
Only a feminist would demean the great sporting culture of ancient Greece by referring to wrestling as homosexuality. Typical feminist hypocrisy. You talk about fighting homophobia but when backed into a corner, call men gay.
MRAmi, I want to know where the feminists are keeping all the movies with lesbian main characters. And all the female action heroes. And WHY didn’t Vin Diesel and The Rock make out in Fast Five???
The fact that there are so few homosexual characters in mainstream film is proof that the natural state of humans is adverse to it. Feminists have been pushing for this for how long? And yet they are still a handful. Why? Because people won’t pay to watch it. This is why feminists are always so against a free market, and want a socialist state, a free market, even a semi free one, quickly reveals their ideology for what it is.
Nice try though.
That’s it. I demand a flounce from every one of the different trolls heard on Ami’s account. To prove that they are not a hive mind that speaks with one voice!
Or is she just another outlier like Andrea Dworkin?
OK, this is seriously weird.