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Uh oh! Trouble in mansophere paradise! Over on MGTOWforums, the “ghost” calling himself MrLahey is throwing down the gauntlet to all the pickup artists out there who dare to consider themselves allies of MGTOWers. Apparently PUAs are violating the terms of the Cock Blockade; by screwing women, they are evidently screwing over their brethren. MrLahey, who apparently once took an Economics class, explains:
Ghosts are driven to celibacy due to current market conditions, voluntarily or not, it is done in this particular context of risk aversion. I dare say any ghost would prefer, all else the same, to be sexually active, and wishes the risk-reward was different so he could participate in the meat market.
The conditions that make a man ghost are legal, practical and moral. Too risky, too high a price, too time consuming. … Now those conditions that make a man ghost do not exist in a vacuum, but are created by the sum of interactions of the meat market players, right ? The sexually active are the traders and the market makers of pussy, ensuring market liquidity.
Yes, he did just use the phrase “market makers of pussy.” And evidently not as a joke. He continues on with this metaphor:
So when the ghost leaves the market, the ones left to play it, and thus able to sustain or modify the conditions of the trade are the men left in the field : manginas, white knights, puas and mgtow. …
The reason I believe women get away with exorbitant prices (associated risks) for pussy is the existing demand, which sustains the price and favors similar conditions for each subsequent iteration of the trade. … I fail to understand how catering to a woman’s skewed entitlement and grandiose sense of self-worth (telling her lies, buying her things for sex, investing more time in entertaining her than in actual sex … etc) can ever be helpful or instrumental to bring the market price (risks and costs) of pussy down.
The rattling sound you hear is Adam Smith’s skeleton rolling in its grave.
@Brett K Only a woman, brainwashed by the feminarchy (I can make up terms too!) would believe that sex isn’t a marketplace. What do you think happens when men buy women drinks, or dinner, or a Maserati? Only a feminist would so deny female genetic nature to believe that women don’t accept these gifts knowing what they “cost” and that payment is owed. Feminism seeks to destroy and deny thousands of years of genetic programming and truth. They want a world where women can accept a drink, but not reciprocate with a blow job. Where women can take that dinner, and not fulfill her end of the transaction. They want to wipe out those ancient unwritten laws so that a woman can accept the Maserati and not do upside down flying butterfly double anal with buttplugs and a goat. Feminism wants a world where women have no responsibility as the merchant for displaying their wares while getting all of the benefits of the sexual marketplace.
I think they have this backward, really. The problem is not that pussy is priced high. The problem is that cock is priced low.
Come on, gentlemen! Foment more demand for your cocks! An advertising campaign, perhaps? Stick a picture of it on your blog, enhanced with Photoshop lens flares, with a caption TOO EXPENSIVE FOR YOU TO AFFORD. Start auctions for them! Show how they are so delectable that even other cock-possessors must have them! Stop accepting cheap deals for your cocks!
Then and only then will you find parity with ladies and their costly lady bits!
Well if they’re going on a sex strike, I’m quite willing to be a scab.
@ Fake Ami
Goddamn, I’ve had a lot of sex, and no one has ever bought me a Maserati. Hell, no one’s even bought me a Volvo. What have I been doing wrong?
I think men advertise their junk enough. Perhaps they are the victims of overselling and seeming desperate? Nahhhhh.
So one drink = one blow job? Dang, that’s like three or four blowjobs to get drunk enough for actual sex. How is a guy supposed to make it to PiV?
Also, “upside down flying butterfly double anal with buttplugs and a goat?” The hell? I mean, I understand the rest, but why in Hell, MI would you need a goat?
In case things get gruff.
So, am I to understand that the participants need a safe goat?
No, they need a scapegoat.
The safe word is “mehhhehehehehehe,” and the safe action is to consume a paper bag full of feed.
@Brett K you’re probably a 5, maybe a 5.5 If you did a couple of exercises and walked maybe 10 minutes a day, you might be a 6 or 6.5. You’d at least get an ’89 Civic. Men can never raise their physical status as easily like women. A few crunches a day and an occasional salad doesn’t do the wonders for men as it does for women. This is further exacerbated by the government (with more than a helping hand from your precious feminism) banning drugs that could enhance a man’s natural hormones and muscles, such as androstenedione, HGH or other growth supplements, while women are free to get breast implants and use make up to cover up imperfections that could make a 7 a 5.
Unfortunately, Mandolin, the value of a man’s penis will never be equal to that of a woman’s body and vagina. While men cannot easily replace the subtle softness, and beautiful richness of sexual experience with a female body, the worth of a man and his sexual abilities has evolutionarily been tied to his ability to impregnate a woman, be a provider for her and her children, and take care of all the physical needs that women simply are naturally unable to assist in (such as mowing the lawn, or attaching the cables of a digital video disc player to a television). Because of the obvious lack of utility to day to day survival of women, in order to ensure the survival of the human race, evolution needed to create a reason for men to love women, and that is their bodies and evolutionarily perfectly shaped vaginas. But because women naturally needed men to protect them, there was no reason for the evolutionary process to make a man’s penis specifically interesting to women outside of the fact that having one inside her meant safety and security.
Since feminism has usurped the technological creations that male sweat, tears and sheer brilliance have created over the years, they have made a world where women no longer need men to do very much at all, or can hire a man for pennies on the hour to hook up their electronic devices. As well, the feminist ideology of abortion, contraception, and divorce has removed women’s need for men as providers and husbands, and in fact discouraged women from having or wanting children and a family unit at all. The feminist dictate to male allies that they must donate sperm once a month, only adds to this removal of male sexuality from society.
Because of these rapid and unfortunate changes, men are quickly replaced in the feminist society by sex toys: dildos, vibrators, black guys and anal beads. This is why male sexuality and the male sexual organ no longer has any worth in the sexual marketplace, nor can it ever in a society that demonizes real men and male desires.
Black guys are sex toys? XD
“investing more time in entertaining her than in actual sex”
The thing is, I used to do totally no-strings sex. I once answered a Craigslist ad and hooked up with a dude in NYC, and after poking around in the sex blogs I got an invite to an orgy where the only real prerequisite was “enthusiastic”.
I know CL is quite different now, but certainly there’s still hookup sites out there somewhere? Maybe the MRAs just haven’t gone sleezy *enough*…
Man, you are going the full fruitloop now. For all your talk about us having to fit our evolutionary roles, you’re basically saying that men only exist to do things for women, and evolution had to “dupe” men somehow by hardwiring sex? Pretty misandrist of you.
The only thing abortion and contraception has done is make it so women aren’t forced to bear children they aren’t ready to have. Are you saying that this does a great disservice to men because now they can’t fill their evolutionary role of giving everything they make to women?
Also add racism to the list of traits that will ensure that you will never be able to be the man that nature intended.
Actually, I’m gonna drop all pretense at intellectualism now. WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH AMI? :’O
aMiRA is scarier than a real MRA.
POE’s law in full force here. Any parody can be indistinguishable from extremism. I’ll bet there’s a lurker MRA out there right now who’s like “Wow, when did Ami get so cool all of a sudden?”
I already requested that you don’t use XDs! They confuse and infuriate me. I’ve seen other posters on this blog request that various things not be said as it triggers, them, I don’t understand why my request can’t be honoured. Unless it’s because I’m not a feminist. But that can’t be it, right David?
@Kirby thank you for engaging me. It’s weird that nobody else is given how often they pounce on other MRAs in this echo chamber that David claims is a free and fair comments section. Maybe they know truth when they see it. If people are holding back, however, I’d like them to take their best shot. As an objective outsider who is not wed to an ideology like some MRAs and all feminists are, I welcome feedback and challenges to my statements. After all, how will you learn if you don’t ask questions?
Back to you Kirby. Nice try with the “you’re being misandrist” thing. I know who’s being misandrist, and it’s not me. If you understood evolution in the least, you’d understand it has no goals, and no design. Men were so able to survive on their own that they did not need women holding them back, but unfortunately the ones who chose not to mate with women at all, did not pass on their genes and therefore died. They possibly were the more intelligent and creative ones of the species too, but unfortunately, that’s life, something feminism, marxism and “anti-oppression” doesn’t understand. Nor do you, apparently. Evolution did not “dupe” men into liking women, merely the women who had vaginas that were pleasingly shaped for men, and the men who liked those vaginas, tended to spread on their genes and therefore survived. If you knew even the slightest about evolutionary science, you’d get this.
The only thing abortion and contraception has done is make it so women aren’t forced to bear children they aren’t ready to have. Are you saying that this does a great disservice to men because now they can’t fill their evolutionary role of giving everything they make to women?
That’s only if you believe women are “forced” to have children. Is a bird “forced” to lay eggs? Is a bacterium “forced” to split? Typical feminist junk science. The only reason women “aren’t ready to have” children in modern society is because feminism has destroyed the family unit, and brainwashed women that they have to go out into the workplace, at jobs they are ill-suited to (and thus more likely to fail at and fail to get promotions at) rather than commit the cardinal sin of allowing a man to even provide a dollar to them. Feminism created a problem so that they could “solve” it with abortion an contraception, and society bought it hook, line and sinker.
Are YOU saying that men should keep everything they make, gender segregate the economy and not share future technological breakthroughs with women? That sounds pretty misogynist to me.
Ami has always been cool. Now she’s sensible, too.
@Kirby I just find her posts so hard to read now when there’s no emoticons!
“aMiRA is scarier than a real MRA.”
She’s also smarter than one. This is probably not unrelated.
I’m still baffled by the fact that these manosphere folks clearly hate women, yet they want to have sex with us. Also they seem to fail to realize that not all women want to sleep with men. You know, lesbians. 🙂
Evolution is also the reason why 5% of the men have sex with 75% of the women, because natural selection has produced women who instinctively seek out men between 6 feet 1.5 inches and 6 feet 4.25 inches, since these are the men best able to provide them with safety, security, and platinum Visa cards.
Actually, I do understand evolution, and I’m more consistant about it as well.
“… in order to ensure the survival of the human race, evolution needed to create a reason for men to love women..”
“… there was no reason for the evolutionary process to make a man’s penis specifically interesting to women…”
“If you understood evolution in the least, you’d understand it has no goals, and no design.”
Nice. You do realize that genitals evolved along with the human race, right? Men and women didn’t just pop into existance fully formed, and “merely the women who had vaginas that were pleasingly shaped for men, and the men who liked those vaginas, tended to spread on their genes and therefore survived.” This is an example of co-evolution, two mutually beneficial traits that evolve complementing each other. The attraction men and women feel are another example, evolved alongside the need to procreate to pass on genes. But this is kinda beside the point.
“In the past, men desired women, and women desired men’s ability to provide and protect her!”
“the worth of a man and his sexual abilities has evolutionarily been tied to his ability to impregnate a woman, be a provider for her and her children, and take care of all the physical needs that women simply are naturally unable to assist in”
You think that men are evolutionarily designed to provide and care for women, and that women are designed to make babies. That is incidental. Even if it were the case that women in the past tended to care for children, and men to hunt, what makes you think that those should be the roles of men and women today? As you say, evolution “has no goals, and no design.” So why insist that society must be built exactly the same way as the past?
Women are would be forced to bear children when pregnancy happens from sex. Or should women only have sex to make babies? Women do poorly in the job market exactly because of the notion that they wouldn’t be as good at it, or that they should stay at home and take care of children. Feminism recognized the sexual opression of women and fought for contraception to combat it, recognized their physical opression and fought for women to be able to hold jobs and not rely on a husband to live life.
What was the topic again? Meat? I could really use some good beef, the meats at the city supermarket just aren’t up to snuff with the local meatmarket back home. Red meat should be red dammit, not slightly brownish. I want a nice fresh steak. It doesn’t even have to be from a beef cow, I’ll take chewy old dairy cow steaks as long as they are fresh… Dammit, when I hear the words “meat market” I think of that wonderful little butcher shop that grinds its own spices and has meat that was often killed that very day. I am hungry now, for good fresh meat, it is a good thing cannibalism isn’t the worth the hassle. 😉
If all the awesome boys, uh, I mean manginas, suddenly stopped putting out I’d just take my pussy off the market and only sleep with girls. Yeah, I’m only a little bi, and I prefer boys to girls by about 5 to 1 but if suddenly all the boys turned into assholes, girls would start looking a LOT better! I’m sure I’m not the only one 🙂
I your see Plymouth, it seems to many of these MRA’s/MGTOW’s (whatever they call themselves) that bisexual or lesbian women don’t exist. They think the reason why all women don’t want to sleep with men like them is because of issues of height or some other bullshit, but ignore the fact that some women just prefer a vagina to a penis. Must be mind boggling for them. 🙂