cock blockade manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny PUA vaginas white knights

Meet the Meat Market Makers

Buy! Sell! Neg!

Uh oh! Trouble in mansophere paradise! Over on MGTOWforums, the “ghost” calling himself MrLahey is throwing down the gauntlet to all the pickup artists out there who dare to consider themselves allies of MGTOWers. Apparently PUAs are violating the terms of the Cock Blockade; by screwing women, they are evidently screwing over their brethren.  MrLahey, who apparently once took an Economics class, explains:

Ghosts are driven to celibacy due to current market conditions, voluntarily or not, it is done in this particular context of risk aversion. I dare say any ghost would prefer, all else the same, to be sexually active, and wishes the risk-reward was different so he could participate in the meat market.

The conditions that make a man ghost are legal, practical and moral. Too risky, too high a price, too time consuming. … Now those conditions that make a man ghost do not exist in a vacuum, but are created by the sum of interactions of the meat market players, right ? The sexually active are the traders and the market makers of pussy, ensuring market liquidity.

Yes, he did just use the phrase “market makers of pussy.” And evidently not as a joke. He continues on with this metaphor:

So when the ghost leaves the market, the ones left to play it, and thus able to sustain or modify the conditions of the trade are the men left in the field : manginas, white knights, puas and mgtow. …

The reason I believe women get away with exorbitant prices (associated risks) for pussy is the existing demand, which sustains the price and favors similar conditions for each subsequent iteration of the trade. …  I fail to understand how catering to a woman’s skewed entitlement and grandiose sense of self-worth (telling her lies, buying her things for sex, investing more time in entertaining her than in actual sex … etc) can ever be helpful or instrumental to bring the market price (risks and costs) of pussy down.

The rattling sound you hear is Adam Smith’s skeleton rolling in its grave.

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13 years ago

The problem, ghost-who-has-hacked-Ami’s-acount, is that women have never controlled the sexual market. Never. As long as you want to ignore the historical imbalance of power you won’t understand why feminism is necessary for both men and women.

13 years ago

Thank you David (and all of you especially Ami)

I’ve been following MRA’s for 10 years or so and there is one constant.

They cannot get laid. In a nutshell for all their complaining this is what it comes down to. Men who lack the social skills to attract women. They are the guy who cannot maintain eye contact, who stutters, the guy who cannot leave his mom’s basement to interact with others. Completely socially inept all that is left is for them to find a reason to blame someone else for their own LAMENESS.

News flash mral and nwo and the rest of you… you have no one to blame but yourself for your pathetic lives..

And yes your life will always be pathetic by anyones standards. Even if you do manage to eke out a living and move out of mom’s house eventually you won’t be able to work and there will be no one to take care of you. No one will care.

When you get old enough that a slight dementia starts to happen if your lucky enough to be in a nursing home your contempt for women will show to your caregivers, who 9 times out of 10 will be women. There are a lot of great people working in nursing homes but karma can be a bitch. You will not live out your end years in anyway that could be considered to be fortunate.

13 years ago

The thing that gets me about this whole “Sexuality as a Market System” trope, is that so many people seem to buy into, even though it’s ridiculous and hurtful! Like, this woman, Susan Walsh, basically writes a whole blog, called Hooking Up Smart, devoted to it from a women’s prospective. She makes the argument that we all should have less sex so that we can charge more for it and snag better men. And she actually refers to damaged goods! She drives me absolutely batty, but I can’t stop reading her blog. XD

I want to start a blog called “Refuting Susan Walsh.”

She’s a great example of a boob that’s actually a woman, David! Maybe it’s time to have some diversity in your postings.

13 years ago

…I’m kind of in love with troll Ami.

13 years ago

Wait, Ami’s been hacked? Alright, this just got personal. *dons white knight armor*

I don’t know who you are, aMiRA, but what kind of sick asshat hacks other people’s accounts to post anonymously? Its about as bad as your logic on, oh say, everything else. Oh yes, point by point refutation, douche. This Gish Gallop is ON!

1. Cherry pick? What exactly is a moderate MRA, and where do they hang out? Because David searches high and low for some form of humane post by an MRA, and this bull is all he finds. Seriously. And every comment has, like, a million upvotes. Who’s cherry picking now?

2. He’s a GHOST, aMiRA. He doesn’t talk to women, that’s the point! How could he possibly complain about being mistreated by people he never interacts with? He probably was shipped off to an all male enclave as a child to protect him from all those evyl wymynz, and only pretends to vent about things he’s only ever seen on the internet.

3. I am not controlled by sex. No one here is controlled by sex. Sex is a very very very very very tiny part of life’s experiences. Erm… hang on, its not… its not THAT tiny. Sex is a decent, above average part of life! Seriously, its not tiny. Shut up.

4. I don’t know where this Canada you talk about is, and honestly? Base on how wrong you are about everything else, Canada probably doesn’t even exist. Seriously, I looked on a map, and I coudn’t find a Canada anywhere in Europe.

5. Women do not control men, if anything men have been controlling female sexuality for millenia! Just look at the porn industry! Women being wrapped up, vacuum sealed, shipped off and consumed by pock-marked teens who barely know what a woman actually looks like. Women want sex as much as men! But women don’t want sex, because its disempowering.

I think 5 is a nice number to stop on. If you don’t start crying and run off like the little opressed wuss that you are, maybe I’ll continue. Face it aMiRA, you are so full of it you’d be able to solve world hunger.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What the fuck is this XD shit. It upsets and frightens me.

It’s hilarious that you idiots actually believe that sex is not market system, and it doesn’t drive our society.

“We have to be aware that there are sex consumers who fuel the demand,” says Kate Quinn, executive director of the Prostitute Awareness and Action Foundation of Edmonton (PAAFE).

Even one of your feminist leaders agrees that sexuality is a market system.

“We have to realize that it’s the demand side that we have to tackle, and educate men that there are healthier ways to deal with their sexuality than to consume people,” says Quinn.

Of course this is what feminists want. You admit the natural state of human society and evolution but because it doesn’t fit with your narrow ideology, it has to be changed. And of course the fault is men, and apparently they don’t have sex. Only women have sex. Men “consume people”. This is pure misandry. But I bet I won’t see a single one of you feminists say a word about this. Men are evil, male sexuality is “unhealthy” and they need “healthier ways to deal with their sexuality” then have sex. Typical hate-filled misandrist feminist bullshit.

13 years ago

Ami, are you taking requests? ‘Cause if you are, do David! K! Meller! Next!

13 years ago

If my pussy is so valuable then why can’t I afford to go to grad school?

Never mind. I’m trying to make sense out of that bullshit. Not going to work, brain, not going to work.

13 years ago

“you are so full of it you’d be able to solve world hunger.”

I literally lol’d. XD

Men's Rights Activist Lance Corporal

Only a dumb girl would try to parody troll without making up a new nym.

13 years ago


Did you even read the article? At all? I’ll bet you just made up those quotes, then had someone else read a news article to make sure they matched. Typical MRAs, so lazy they can’t even be bothered to cite relevant sources. Also? Everyone knows that is a classic Holocaust Denial website, so good luck trying to find ANYTHING truthful there.

By the way? Men don’t “consume” people. You are the only one in the entire world who has ever said that. In fact, men don’t consume women, and that’s one of the biggest problems with cis-hetero sex today! What, too lazy to go down on your lady for a change? Please, all you want is to get your rocks off before picking up the next floozey. Well you know what? Those floozies have feelings too!

While I do understand your latter points, about men being evil and so forth, you still need to provide evidence for your claims.

Men's Rights Activist Lance Corporal

Typical feminist Kirby trying to Godwin the thread by bringing up the Holocaust. As soon as anyone points out the hypocrisy of the feminists suddenly they’re just like the Nazis!

No soup for you!

13 years ago

@Men’s Rights Activist Modern Major Lance Corporal, ESQ:

“Typical” Right, you see this ALL over the place.. Uh huh.
“feminist” Woo hoo, you got one right for a change!
“Kirby” Name Kirbywarp, ass.
“trying” Do or do not, there is no try.
“to” Oooh, scary, MRAMMLCE can use prepositions now!

I think that’s about enough to prove you wrong. Checkmate, dude.

Men's Rights Activist Lance Corporal

You’re stupid, and you stink, and your butt stinks, and you’re a stupid poopyhead, and nobody likes you! And stop making fun of my eye!

Leroy Brown
Leroy Brown
13 years ago

[kirbyquote] This Gish Gallop is ON! [/kirbyquote]

I just think that deserves to be in the thread another time.

I think aMiRA must actually be a group of students studying our reactions as a class project. Real MRAs would have at least one instance of “man = bad, woman = good” or mention of the “Roman” alpha/beta/omega system by now.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Indeed! I do not take requests! I am neither puppet nor pawn to any woman much less a feminist bent on the further socialization of the USSA! As I have articulated in the past, feminism is responsible for many of the ills that currently befall and mystify our society, and this sexual economy is yet another pernicious symptom of our feminist run society! Do not be naive and deny the plain truth that men and women have different natures that require differing base needs and wants to satiate! Do not be blinded by the lies and deceit propagated by feminism under the guise of equality! In the past, men desired women, and women desired men’s ability to provide and protect her! This was what made the United States of America the bastion of economic, technological and philosophical giant that it was pre-World War II! But because of the rise of that pestilent and insidious offshoot of Marxism that is feminism, and the push by it’s devoted and insistent believers to ignore sexual and racial differences, we have the financial, social and military devastation that is the USSA! And yet you bleat on in foolish ignorance! You ignore the base needs of men and the proper natural role for women!

I have a challenge for you! You believe that the sexual economy is a lie! And that limiting men’s sexual agency and women’s natural desire for protection and resource stability has not been a factor in the shackles that restrain the USSA! If that is so, then you have nothing to lose in joining those of us who believe otherwise! You have nothing to lose if we remove the legislation and indoctrination that prevents men and women from being free to interact without feminist social construction! If you are correct then society will continue to function as it is! You will have lost nothing! If, however, I am correct, we will be happier and stronger than ever in the past! The United States of America, the greatest country that history has ever known will be once more a beacon of hope and prosperity in the world, with its men, industrious, creative, invincible! And their women, truly happy and supportive, raising a generation that will strive further and reach higher than any before it! Do you accept this challenge? You have nothing to lose! If you truly believe you are correct, you will not shirk from my proposition! Come! Prove the mettle of your so cherished beliefs! Accept this challenge! Until then, I leave you just with my words to digest!


Ami A. Angelwings

Men's Rights Activist Lance Corporal

I don’t entirely agree with Ami A. Angelwings, but I can understand how living under the iron heel of the feminocracy has turned Ami into a bitter extremist. It’s all feminism’s fault.

13 years ago

Jeebus H. Fucking Christ on a cracker. Seriously dude? You hacked Ami and left several more of your unresearched-unreadable screeds? And then signed it with your well known, completely un-true sign-off?

I mean, for serious. I have had lots of sex. I enjoy it, and it’s been almost entirely with dudes. I have never done that because of flowers or dinner. In fact, I generally haven’t been taken out to dinner until after I started sleeping with someone. But I take them out to dinner too, so…

13 years ago

Also, try paragraphs, emoticons, and txtspeech and none of this gorram PEACE AND FREEDOM bullshit. I would like peace, as in not having my government fight unnecessary wars, and also freedom to do things like make my own choices about my reproductive health. I’m going to take a huge leap here, though, and guess that you don’t agree.


13 years ago


“You’re stupid, and you stink, and your butt stinks, and you’re a stupid poopyhead, and nobody likes you! And stop making fun of my eye!”

Truly you are a bastion of intellectualism and rationality. How could I hope to compete against so worthy a foe?


Well, on the one hand, you’ve linked to a source, which is a great start. On the other hand, that source is yourself, so we’re back to square one. Men and women do have biological differences, and there may be other differences as well, but we just don’t know what is attributable to gender and what is to culture. To say that women just want men to kill small animals for food and men just want sex is taking “what has been” and concluding with “what should.” We don’t live in caves anymore, aMiRA, we can live in an equal society without being burdened by gender roles. Saying otherwise is just taking us back to the stone ages, long before that “bastion of econom[y], technolog[y] and philosoph[y]” that you say was pre-WWII.

Honestly, I don’t know why you and DKM obsess over WWII so much. Have you ever heard of the Red Scare? The cold war? When Marxism and Communism became dirty words? That was post-WWII! To be considered a communist was to be practically given a death sentence! Hardly the USSA you speak of.

Also, great tactic: “You guys disagree with me, right? Then join me!” But you are still wrong. Even though society has progressed since (and because of) the feminist movement, there is still bigotry and misogyny out there, which David has continued to show with this blog. Breaking down “feminist social construction (whatever that is) would only allow that bigotry to thrive unchecked. Perhaps in the future, when women aren’t opressed, and men like you aren’t saying “golly gee, what a fine time it was when a man could give his wife a smack if she gave him any lip,” I’ll take you up on your offer. For now, I and others are going to continue fighting the good fight.

Men's Rights Activist Lance Corporal

There you go, amandajane5, being an awful female person just like all the others! You deliberately sleep with other dudes and never with me because of heightism. Just because I’m a hunchbacked dwarf with a cast in one eye you spit on me every day, and twice on Sundays.

Go to hell!

Brett K
13 years ago

Okay… what? Where’s the real Ami? How is there anyone in the world stupid enough to believe that sex is a goddamn marketplace? What is going on?

Brett K
13 years ago

And Men’s Rights Activist Lance Corporal, official feminist policy is actually to spit on men THREE times on Sundays. Provided they’re under 5’8.725, of course.

13 years ago

As soon as they hit 5’8.726, though, we give ’em blow jobs.