cock blockade manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny PUA vaginas white knights

Meet the Meat Market Makers

Buy! Sell! Neg!

Uh oh! Trouble in mansophere paradise! Over on MGTOWforums, the “ghost” calling himself MrLahey is throwing down the gauntlet to all the pickup artists out there who dare to consider themselves allies of MGTOWers. Apparently PUAs are violating the terms of the Cock Blockade; by screwing women, they are evidently screwing over their brethren.  MrLahey, who apparently once took an Economics class, explains:

Ghosts are driven to celibacy due to current market conditions, voluntarily or not, it is done in this particular context of risk aversion. I dare say any ghost would prefer, all else the same, to be sexually active, and wishes the risk-reward was different so he could participate in the meat market.

The conditions that make a man ghost are legal, practical and moral. Too risky, too high a price, too time consuming. … Now those conditions that make a man ghost do not exist in a vacuum, but are created by the sum of interactions of the meat market players, right ? The sexually active are the traders and the market makers of pussy, ensuring market liquidity.

Yes, he did just use the phrase “market makers of pussy.” And evidently not as a joke. He continues on with this metaphor:

So when the ghost leaves the market, the ones left to play it, and thus able to sustain or modify the conditions of the trade are the men left in the field : manginas, white knights, puas and mgtow. …

The reason I believe women get away with exorbitant prices (associated risks) for pussy is the existing demand, which sustains the price and favors similar conditions for each subsequent iteration of the trade. …  I fail to understand how catering to a woman’s skewed entitlement and grandiose sense of self-worth (telling her lies, buying her things for sex, investing more time in entertaining her than in actual sex … etc) can ever be helpful or instrumental to bring the market price (risks and costs) of pussy down.

The rattling sound you hear is Adam Smith’s skeleton rolling in its grave.

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13 years ago

I had no idea there was some kind of economic study of the cost of people having sex. I guess to some men, the only reason to spend time or money on a woman is to get into her pants. Then they wonder why they can’t get a date.

13 years ago

It couldn’t possibly be that the problem is the “ghost’s” coldly transactional view of sex, nope.

13 years ago

“investing more time in entertaining her than in actual sex … etc”

Jesus H Christ dude, just hire a sex-worker already, since you are clearly not interested in women for anything that doesn’t reside between their legs. The “meat market” has already provided, sir.

Doctress Julia
13 years ago



13 years ago

Been lurking about six months, so I figure I finally weigh in. After spending a day or two, sorting through the MRA/PUA/MGTOW cesspool on the internet. I mean blinding hating half of the population, and unlike radical feminist, when your on the side of power. I couldn’t get my head around it. But in addition to the hatred of the slightest loss of control, the biggest reason for the whole mess and how you end up as one of them. Another significant problem is the refusal to realize women are people instead of commodities, and you end with this. An extremely oversimplification of both economics and sociology to the point of utter falsehood, in order to fit your paranoid worldview.

As for the fight between the PUA (in name only) vs. MGTOW, the “war” is even funniest on their sities, unlike republicans, I find it easier to laugh at their stupidity because they have no real power and can’t actually enact their vision. I mean both groups have no idea how interactions work, so “game” is really just obvious information like be confident, stand out, and in the case of Roissy and the MRA form of game, don’t show that you hate women to their face. So it’s an argument about a gross misinterpretation of human social interaction between people who are attracted to each other and a flaming tradewreck.

PS Lastly, as a 5’2 21 year old male virigin yeah many of this threads make we want to fall to my knees and thank the FSM for having the perspective not to become a bitter asshole with no sense of perspective who refuses on own the choices of their life, but I think it’s the fact that I’m also black so I know what it’s like to be part of a real underclass vs. something that sucks but is basicially an annoyance which means I don’t get as many chances with women I as would like.

13 years ago

Wow. I’ve said it before, but barring illegality, I will never understand why these guys just don’t get prostitutes. They already view sex as coldly transactional, as mediumdave said, so put up or shut up. Guess they’re just too cheap all around.

13 years ago

Nice to know I’m essentially an object in a market with a price tag.

This shows just how out-of-touch some MRAs are with not only women, but humanity and the world as a whole.

13 years ago

If the bar for maximum investment is set at “spend same amount of time in each other’s company not having sex as having sex,” (as that’s what I consider to be being “entertained” by a guy, enjoying each other’s company) then I don’t think even prostitution will cut it. By the time they’re done “entertaining” her by saying, “why yes, I do want to party, get in my car and we’ll drive around the corner to where it’s dark so you can service me” and then driving around said corner, by the time it’s over and done with, they’re out at least 3:1 on the time issue.

13 years ago

I’m totally imagining these guys dressed in sheets with little eye wholes cut out hitting on girls in clubs. MAYBE THIS IS WHY YOU DON’T GET LAID!

13 years ago

Do they realize how hilarious this looks?! How are they so out of touch…

13 years ago

If nothing else, this line of thought is making me totally appreciate my boyfriend*, who is some kind of mangina or something, for thinking of women as actual people. Hell, he has actual women as friends. Who he talks to. Way to be human, Bee-babe.

*Even moreso than I already did.

Also, is this “strike” supposed to spur women into some kind of desperate action? I’m imagining groups of ladies taking to the streets screaming, Where did all the angry douchebags go??? I’m so sick of dating guys who LIKE women!!!

C.C. Fuss
C.C. Fuss
13 years ago

I’m rather amused by the idea that if enough men would just stop trying to get sex with women, this would

bring the market price (risks and costs) of pussy down

and women would then agree to have sex with men even though the men had put in much less effort to get it! They might even stop demanding that the man treat them like a human being! And that the man not be a misogynistic asshole who treats sex like an economic transaction in which the man tries to buy access to ‘pussy’!

Going with the ‘economic transaction’ model, however, I’ll just mention the Australian grape glut a few years back. Many growers couldn’t get a price for their grapes which was worth the cost of the labour of picking them. So acres and acres of vineyards were left unharvested, with the grapes just drying up and falling off the vines. Sometimes, if the price drops too low, it’s no longer worth the effort of trying to sell your product.

Since these guys seem to believe that women don’t enjoy sex, and just trade access to their vaginas for nice stuff, one wonders why they think women would still ‘put their products on the market’, so to speak, if noone will pay a price that’s worth it to them.

13 years ago

If the idea is to just get laid, the price of sex is not that high really-maybe some time finding a woman who really truly only wants you around for the time it takes you to orgasm and then wants you to go away.

13 years ago

Of course these guys tend to have these standards that do limit the number of women they can date:

Blonde, blue eyed, never over the age of 19, twenty pounds under normal weight, great in bed but a virgin, brilliant at everything that is not the man’s field of interest, able to give head and make a sammich at the same time…I mean impossible standards that means yes, the woman will not have to be willing to settle for the guy who treats her like crap.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I think this offers some insight into the way MRAs deal with the world in general. They want very precise, specific rules about how everything works. They don’t like having to deal with emotion or feelings, because those are ‘girly’ and emasculating (I think this is partly why they resent ‘manginas’ so much – a dude who can openly talk about his feelings without his balls falling off). They don’t like the vulnerability that comes with romance and dating, and so they want to pretend it’s simply transactional – after giving up X amount of time paying attention to a woman, she’ll come forward with Y pussy.

They can’t imagine spending time with a woman because you like her company, or that women might also be interested in sex and have their own standards that have nothing to do with the stupid Greek system they like so much.

13 years ago

So.. this is seriously their argument? “All right, everybody, stop having all that sex. Then girls might be desperate enough to have sex with me!” Either that or, “Well, if ALL guys were assholes like us, then maybe girls will get used to it and have sex with us anyway! All you men buying flowers and being romantic, it’s just raising women’s expectations!”

Gah! Its just… Mind boggling how rediculous this gets. It’s like they think every woman everywhere spends every day trying to find a nice man to buy her food and clothing and luxuries, and all she has to do in return is offer up her genitals. Way to be in touch (or not… -_-) with the world, guys…

13 years ago

For some reason Kirby I am reminded of the scene in Erin Brockovich where Ms Brockovich comes back with something needed from the residents of the little town and the lawyers look down at her so she sarcastically states “yes, I did ### sexual acts to get this. I am kind of tired.”

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I’m totally imagining these guys dressed in sheets with little eye wholes cut out hitting on girls in clubs. MAYBE THIS IS WHY YOU DON’T GET LAID!

I suspect that tactic only works at very specific clubs which you can only find in the American Deep South….

13 years ago

Um, if he’s a ghost can I give him a noogie with my invisible hand?

13 years ago

Also, I am totally waiting for Ozy to make my day by saying something about Lysistrata. Ozy, where are you?!? We need you!

13 years ago

I was going to say something about how I would have been perfectly happy, as a teenager, to engage in no-lying no-gifts no-time-together no-strings sex, as long as I could have been assured of not being beaten, murdered, forced to have sex without a condom or having really bad orgasmless sex because dude doesn’t know where my clit is.

But Lysistrata works too. Lysistrata! Lysistrata! Lysistrata! Feminism caused the fall of Greece!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

As usual David cherry picks one very small example of the Men’s RIghts Movement while ignoring all the other moderate MRAs out there. This ghost is clearly just letting out his anger built up by years of abuse and emotional violence at the hands of feminists, and you’re taking his (out of context, I might add) cathartic vitriol as, of course, indicative of all men because that’s what the intellectually damaged people here at Manboobz do. However, if you take out his angry rhetoric, you will see a kernel of truth. Women have for centuries controlled men through an economy based upon the availability of sex, and since women control sex, they control this social economy. When this economy is threatened, women historically have found ways to reinforce it and keep the status quo. Just look at what’s going on in Canada where the feminists are fighting to keep sex work illegal because they know that if men can actually treat sex as a fair transaction (one where money is exchanged for a service, rather than where your future children, financial stability and individuality is exchanged) , then the power that women have and feminists have over our society will be severely weakened, if not damaged irreparably. Being able to control the sexual desires, the sexual agency and the reproductive has always been important to women’s control over men. As men slowly gain control over a society that hates them, through hard work by good men like those non-extremists in the MRM that you so blithely ignore, feminist society has always found ways to fight back. Keeping men from being able to just pay for sex as a one-time transaction, allowing women to destroy the genetic product and work of a man, and convincing males of the beta persuasion that they’re homosexuals are all ways that women have used to keep men off balance and control their sexuality and natural male desires. But the end is near, as the case in Canada proves, and the feminists know it. This is why sites like these exist, to bolster the morale of the feminist sheeple and convince the indoctrinated men who know that there must be a better way that the MRM is full of extremists and they must return to their abusive relationship with feminists in order to be safe. It is classic abuse dynamics, and it’s ironic that feminism preaches against this when they so expertly use it to their means. But as I said, Rome is about to fall. The visigoths are coming over the seventh hill, and sites like Manboobz are fiddling while your feminist paradise burns. I hope it was a nice song.

13 years ago


*reads some previous posts*


I kinda love how this guy probably thinks that “going ghost” will leave a huge emptiness in the pit of women’s vaginas, and they’ll start begging him to come back. Only they won’t because of all those lousy PUAs are picking up his slack. Or summat. I mean, there are over 6 billion people in this world, even if a couple thousand decided to go do their own thing it wouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference… Unless they were all from the same area I suppose, but if there were thousands of ghosts in the same community, I for one would think twice about staying there.

13 years ago

I suppose I should not be amazed at this kind of stuff, but I am. Sex sounds so…unfun. Totally like “Put Tab B into Slot A” kind of unfun, so completely transactional that putting together Ikea furniture is more rewarding and fun than sex.

Of course, if this person has never had sex with an actual woman, I can see where he’d think of it as transactional. After all, sex with a woman isn’t any different than masturbating with a dick sleeve, right? So why should a woman get flowers and dinner when my dick sleeve doesn’t demand it? Don’t give in! You don’t want to get mixed up with The Pussy Cartel!

Leroy Brown
Leroy Brown
13 years ago

LOL, “ensuring liquidity” in the “pussy market.” Doin’ it wrong, boys, nothing dries up the pussy market like treating women as vagina vending machines.

Bemused at the negative correlation between logic and legibility affected by Ami/aMiRA. You’re waaay too good at this game.

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