kitties open thread video

Kitty Video Open Thread!

Sometimes, you just have to post cat videos. This is one of those times. The theme today: Cats making adorable noises! Please discuss which of these cats is the most adorable. Or any other topic you wish. Open thread! Kitty videos! Two great tastes that taste great together.

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13 years ago

I am happy that my semester is over, so I can comment on Man Boobz when other people do instead of lurking after the fact 🙂 darn timezones.

Also my cat has started purring with his mouth open on the in-breath so that he can be louder.

13 years ago

Lol Ami!

Spear, you wanna neg her man! bitches love being insulted. Say this: nice smile, are those your real teeth?

And forget splitting the bill, that’s for femputers. Make her pay for her meal and yours, and the coffee afterwards, and for the gas it took you to drive up and meet here. She’ll appreciate your selfish alphahahahapha-ness

When you part ways, smack her ass. I guarantee she’ll drop her panties right there. If not, she’s obviously a femcunt and you’re best without her anyways. Onto the next bitch!

Brett K
13 years ago


Good luck on your date! Unfortunately I suck at dating, so I can’t give any advice (seriously, I once asked a date whether he would like to see how far I can stick my finger in my eye. We dated for three years after that, but I still wouldn’t recommend it).

Also, I see all your cat/guinea pig/pug videos, and I raise you an English Bulldog puppy:

Oh, and what is this I hear about a Toronto meetup? Details plz.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Bee, I see your two pugs and raise you five basenjis.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

And now, an attempt to actually embed that video. It hasn’t worked before, so it probably won’t work now:


13 years ago

Spear, I’m really excited about your date! You have to come back and tell us how it went, ok? And tawaen gives you good, basic advice, but really, I’d try not to think about it too much! I always find that trying to remember all of the rules of dating freaks me out and causes me way too much stress. Just relax, and be yourself and have a good time! And if ze dosen’t like the real you, then ze is clearly a poor match! I always have thought it was a terrible idea to try and be on your “best behavior.” You’re looking for a mate! Someone to like you! Not a carefully modeled you that you’re projecting on a first date.

Just remember, you are an awesome person! And the best way to show that off is to have a good time, because natural, happy people are the most fun to be with.

My one but of concrete advice, is that if you’re attracted to hir and what to try escalating things to the next level at some point, I would try and introduce casual touching early! Shakeing hands, gently touching and then removing your hand from hir forarm while making a point. That short of thing. It’s a good, easy for step to physical intimacy, and test the waters with how comfortable ze is! If ze pulls away after very simple touches, you pull away too! Otherwise, try and kiss hir! Because kissing is fun! =DDDD

Good luck! And just relax! <3 <3

13 years ago

(Going from forearm touches to kissing is not necessarily as easy as I am making it look.I just really like the kissing part.)

Any other kinds of advice you are looking for? I love helping people with their love lifes! =D

13 years ago

Also, Filet, your cat looks just like mine! It’s almost creepy!

13 years ago

OH MY GOD BASENJIS!!! There are so many of them! And they’re on the stairs! =D

(Ok, I’m down… quadruple posting now… sorry…)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

LOL Feminist advice for dating. This is hilarious. Be gentle, you wouldn’t want to break her precious skin capillaries! Oh I’m sorry, HIR. I guess our feminist overladies have deemed “her” to be sexist now too huh? Like womyn, or is that wamyn? I can’t keep track of what our almighty great and powerful feminist overlaydies want us to think any more.

Shakeing hands, gently touching and then removing your hand from hir forarm while making a point. That short of thing. It’s a good, easy for step to physical intimacy, and test the waters with how comfortable ze is! If ze pulls away after very simple touches, you pull away too! Otherwise, try and kiss hir!

Wow, just wow. You would think like this was rocket science or something. Thank god, that men controlled early civilization, or we’d have never made it out of the caves.

Because kissing is fun!

Congratulations Einstein. Next you’re going to tell us that water is wet.

How feminists managed to control half of the world is beyond me when you’ve got geniuses like that one. I think it says something about women and how little sex actually matters to them when they think men need to know something like that.

13 years ago

@Emily: I’m voting for Ami’s account being hacked–weird stuff popped up on the Meat Market thread, too.
@Spearhafoc: I hope your date goes well! Talk about Manboobz!

13 years ago

I don’t think Ami’s been hacked – I think she’s pretending to be a troll, for Kave’s sake. At least, I’m hoping that that’s the case still.

13 years ago

OH MY GOD AMI! You’re a really good troll. This is kind of fun, just so long as we get normal Ami back eventually!

And courtship is a lot harder then rocket science! Especially for Spear, because he’s admitted to being autistic. (right?) There are so many things that I had to learn by trial and error. They may seem obvious to some people, but not everyone! And not me!

And there are plenty of people who don’t know enough to pull back if she is also pulling back, so I always think it’s worth mentioning.

And kissing is so much fun, I can’t say it enough! =3

Have you guys forgotten? Kissing is fun! I’ve totally dated people who don’t like to kiss. And that’s just a deal breaker. I think I’d rather make-out then sex! =D

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I stand corrected. Apparently there are dumbasses out there who can’t do it. I’m sure this place is FILLED with guys like that, that’s why you need to bow to the feminists to get laid. And yeah, I just provided a link AGAINST WHAT I JUST SAID BEFORE. That’s more than any of you lying feminutsies have ever done when you’re wrong.

I think I’d rather make-out then sex!

I think that pretty much sums up the female condition. Feminism just wants to make that law.

13 years ago

Ooooooooh, you.

13 years ago

Guys, I’ve actually had a really hard time these last few days, and I really feel like this community is safe and friendly and home and helpful. Would you guys minded if I vented here for a little bit? I mean, it’s nothing like having my daughter die from cancer… I’m just so frustrated and I feel like I have no one to really talk to about it all. I always feel like I’m whining, when other people have real problems. *sigh*

13 years ago

@Absinthe–you’re right, I hadn’t finished reading the other thread.
@Ami–I am in awe of your amazingness!
@Sarah–part of what’s great about this site is that it’s a safe place to talk. Everybody needs to vent sometime.
Also, I am voting for the yum yum kittie.

13 years ago

Well, the good news is that I got a job. At a Wine Store, too! I start tomorrow. But I am so nervous. This is actually my first real job ever, and I’m just sure I’m going to frell it up.

But the bad news is that yesterday I got a call from my gynecologist saying that I have HPV and a yeast infection. The yeast infection is annoying, but just one more thing. I don’t know how bad the HPV, because I couldn’t get a doctor’s appointment until next week, but I am so nervous. And that means no sex, too, at least until then! I’ve been telling some of my past/current partners about it, and it’s so scary and frustrating. I mean, most of them are nice about it and thank me. But I hate bringing them bad news. And some people just freak out, and make me feel worse. And there are some people I can’t get in touch with! And some people I’m really dreading getting in touch with. *sigh* I even have the guardasil shot and everything!

And then I was have a few drinks last night, to just relax and calm my nerves, and I remember talking to a guy who I am kind of in love with, but we’re taking a break right for a lot of weird complicated reasons. And then the next thing I remember is waking up the next morning on the sofa with an empty bottle of vodka on the floor. That kind of blacking out has never happened to me before! I really, really didn’t mean to drink that much. The fact that I did has me very worried.

And then when I check facebook the guy I’m kind of in love with has apparently completely blocked me. And I don’t remember what I said or did to cause it. According to the chat transcripts all I did was tell him I love him, and then babble drunkenly. I… I just don’t know.

And then today I was talking with my dad, who I love and look up to and respect very much, and we were talking about some sexual political scandal or what have you. I don’t even really remember how it came up. I was making the argument that whatever politicians did in their own time had no bearing on their ability to govern, and it really wasn’t any of our business. And then, out of no where, really, my dad told me he thought I was immoral. When I pressed him a little further, he told me he thought I was being sexually immoral. Guys, this broke my heart in a very spectacular way, the fact that he believes this. Plus, we’ve been fighting so much lately, over so many stupid things. And he keeps saying he’s going to throw me out. Which terrifies me, because I’m such an anxious, depressed mess, I don’t know what I’d do!

And while cleaning my room I found a valentine’s day card addressed to me from several years ago from my ex-best friend who will now no longer talk to me, because she thinks I’m a slut. And that made me cry.

And I don’t know. I’ve just been so depressed and anxious lately. And I haven’t been sleeping well, and drinking so much! I’ve also been taking higher dosages of my medicine, to help keep me calm, and sometimes taking it recreationally. And now I’m running low, but I’m afraid to ask my doctor for more because it’s been too soon and maybe he’ll stop giving it to me all together. And I think I’d just fall apart if that happened.

And I was talking to one of my friends today, and I know he was trying to be supportive, but he was going on about how he thinks I’m a lot more stable then I say I am and it’s just our modern culture trying to make everything into a mental illness that’s got me down. And I know he meant well, but what I felt like he was saying was that it was all in my head. And that really hurt my feelings.

And I know that a lot of this dosen’t even begin to compare to some of people’s problems, and I feel like such a Whiney McWhine face. But I do feel a bit better having gotten this off my chest. So, thank you to whoever reads my tl;dr. I really, really appreciate it! And any advice. And advice at all.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Sarah, I don’t have to tell someone with a Cthulhu avatar that when the Great Old Ones return, even the most severe personal problems will seem like a walk in the park. When your soul is being torn, screaming, from your body and used up like a kleenex during a pollen alert by vast, inhuman, unspeakably hideous things, you’ll long for the days when your problems were caused by human activities.

Hope this helps!

Brett K
13 years ago

@Sarah – *epic, epic hugs* (sorry if that’s creepy, seeing as I don’t know you at all).

Seriously, I’m sorry for all that you’re going through, and I hope things work out for you. I’m going through a lot of similar stuff (like, strikingly, with the drinking and unemployed-ness and HPV – I even applied for a job at a wine store, bizarrely enough) and it sucks, a lot. I can’t say I know exactly what you’re feeling, since I am not you, but I know how overwhelming it can be when this shit just keeps piling up. I’m glad you’re able to see this as a place to vent, since that’s something we all need, especially when friends and family IRL are being the opposite of supportive.

I can’t offer any advice, since I’m not in a much better place myself, and I also suck at advice generally (see my dating advice above), but I really hope that things get better for you soon. From what you’ve posted here you seem like a really cool, thoughtful person. I know it’s weird hearing that a bunch of strangers on the internet are here for you, but we are anyway.

And on a lighter note, congrats on your new job! Working in a wine store sounds awesome – like I said, I’ve applied for a job at one as well. Good luck!

13 years ago


*All the best hugs in the world* 🙁 I’m really sorry, and I’m sure Ami would send her hugs as well if she weren’t trapped in the void.

I’ve had a bit of a falling out with my dad as well, with him saying stuff like “you are the single most unappreciative person I have ever met in my life,” plus insinuating that I should be kicked out of the house so I would appreciate him more. -_- But parents are people too, with their own lives and failings, and along with your personal friends you have a community that will support you whenever you need it.

In terms of advice, I honestly feel like I can’t really suggest anything worth while: despite my own problems in my life they seem kinda pale in comparison. With regards to the medication, though, I find that doctors are usually very understanding. I’ve been seeing a therapist recently, and being able to be honest with him about the things in my life has been immensely helpful, especially since he does not try to suggest that I am the problem. If you go to your doctor once your perscription runs out, and explain why, its highly likely that he/she will be able to give you advice. The worst thing you could do right now is to fall into some sort of dependence in secret, its one of those things that gets exponentially worse as time goes on.

Probably everyone feels that their issues are much more manageable than others, because they’ve found some way to cope with them, and that isn’t visible when talking about other people. If you were whining, I would be the first to tell you (MRAL take note), but you’ve been going through a lot of really brutal stuff recently. I hope everything works ou

13 years ago

My kitty Keiun attacking her reflection in the dishwasher, back when she was a bitty thing. She has since gotten tired of playing with reflection-cat.

13 years ago

Sarah – Congrats on the job!

And ((hugs)) to the rest. If it helps any, being a “slut” or “sexually promiscuous” isn’t really a bad horrible thing – remember that the definition moves around a lot, depending on who you talk to. There’s nothing wrong with having sex in a manner at the times when you want to. I’m known amongst my friends as being the more scandalous one because there was a time where I had a different guy almost every day of the week. (Seriously, there was Monday Guy, Tuesday Guy, Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Guy, Random Saturday One Night Stand, and I took Sunday off. Day of rest, of course!) I’m also happy being in relationships. As long as you’re having the sex you want, there’s no reason to worry – it might be more than what other people prefer, but that’s why we’re individuals and generally it’s not fair to judge people by one’s own preferences.

As for blackouts, don’t freak out too much – one blackout, because you’re anxious and depressed and mistakenly had far too much this one time, happens. If it starts happening on a regular basis, you want to cut back then. It also may or may not have to do with the medication, you may want to research if there’s an interaction. You may want to bring it up to your doctor, that you’re getting especially anxious and depressed, and the medication doesn’t seem to be helping – it might be time for a med adjustment. Also, if you’ve recently started taking other medication, that might be interfering with it as well. There are other things, too – if you’re not eating right or getting enough sleep, it can cause problems with medications as well as alcohol, not to mention exacerbating depression and anxiety.

Don’t know if that will really help you or not. I know that if I’m stressed or depressed, it’s far, far easier to drink waaaay more than I wanted to. Which is why I don’t drink when I’m depressed anymore.

Victoria von Syrus
Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Oh, man, Sarah, that sounds like a really rough time. Take a pile of e-hugs from me.

Tell your doctor why you’re running out of your medications, and tell her or him that you’d like a referral to a therapist. Being up front means that you can get some help.

In a day or so, send your Facebook love a message, just explaining that you’re hurt about being blocked and you can’t remember that night, but you want to apologize for anything awkward or uncomfortable you did.

And now that you have a job, try branching out, if you haven’t already. Try meeting new people, to take your mind off the old people who are disappointing you.

That’s the best I got, I hope it helps!