kitties open thread video

Kitty Video Open Thread!

Sometimes, you just have to post cat videos. This is one of those times. The theme today: Cats making adorable noises! Please discuss which of these cats is the most adorable. Or any other topic you wish. Open thread! Kitty videos! Two great tastes that taste great together.

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13 years ago

One of my favourite kitteh videos – ‘cos everyone who is owned by a cat can identify…

13 years ago

Answer: E, my kitty:

[flickr video=5034007766 secret=4204baac8b w=400 h=300]

Hopefully the video embedding works, if it doesn’t, David, can you remove it?

13 years ago

You people and your cats!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

You people and your animals other than guinea pigs!


13 years ago

I’m sorry, but hedgies are far cuter – I hope to own one someday.

Also, if you need to die laughing for a few minutes, I recommend this video. Unless vegetable death disturbs you. Then I recommend Oedipus with a vegetable cast. It’s awesome.

13 years ago

Oh, wait, duh, Oedipus would have veggie death as well. If it disturbs you, I guess you’re out of luck. 🙂

I blame it on the shoulder pain. I hate it when my shoulder suddenly decides that it hurts.

13 years ago


That’s funny as all heck!

13 years ago

I’m not feeling at all well due to a few nights in a row of terrible sleep. This sucks.

Also, I somehow managed to get one of them date thingies for Friday. Quick, somebody teach me how to act like a normal human being!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@spearhafoc just dun b teh assh0le n l0ser u normally r


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@absin ur name is 2 long ur shulder h8s u 2

u r a l0ser just like kave

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@carswell dat wuz stoopid DBZ is cooler than dat who drew dat ur mom

13 years ago

@carswell dat wuz stoopid DBZ is cooler than dat who drew dat ur mom

@Carswell: That was stupid. Dragon Ball Z is cooler than that. Who drew that; your mom?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

oh teh grammer nazi is here go click ur boots nazi dun u hav sum ppl 2 kill nazi

13 years ago

@ Spearhafoc

Acting like you know what you’re doing on a date:

1. Hygene: Brush and mouthwash before you leave the house. Use a nice but neutral scent, if you are so inclined. (It’s sensual and stimulating to smell plesant things.) Don’t forget to wear clean underwear. 🙂

2. A brief shake or hug is all the physical contact that is necessary for a greeting on a first date. Smile a lot, if you’re enjoying yourself.

3. Ask questions, but nothing that could be potentially embarrasing or too personal. If you aren’t sure, preface the question by saying something like, “I’m really curious, but feel free not to answer if you think this is a forward question…” Personal ambitions and favorite activities are a good start. Follow up questions show you’re paying attention and are eager to converse.

4. Eye contact. Look her/him in the eye and smile every few minutes; otherwise, try to mimic the other person’s cues as to how much eye contact is expected. (Unless you’re at an event in which you aren’t supposed to be facing one another. In which case, don’t.) If they aren’t meeting your eyes, they may not be feeling comfortable with you. Don’t feel insulted, but leave further contact up to them.

5. Wear comfortable shoes. Just in case you want to walk around after dinner/movie/whatever and continue talking. Feel free to suggest prolonging the evening if you’re having a good time. Don’t suggest the other person come back to your place, unless they are really handsy and you’re enjoying it. Accept it gracefully if they say no.

6. If you’re not attracted or not enjoying yourself, be polite and thank them for their time. But don’t make plans with them for other activities. You don’t have to justify not wanting to be involved with someone.

7. A hug or a handshake while saying goodbye is simple and respectful. If you enjoyed yourself, feel free to follow up in the next few days with an invite to something you think the other person would enjoy.

Dating isn’t easy, but those are my quick and dirty rules for surviving an evening when I don’t know the personal dynamics involved.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

If she gets kidnapped by a dark lord who takes her away to the dimension her true parents had hid her from in order to hide her destiny, don’t pursue or bother fighting off his hideous dark legions. It’s just a shit test.

13 years ago

I just had to share this one. Teeny-tiny! So cute!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Typical, a man asks for help on his date, and the feminist echo chamber is too busy indulging their female emotional nature with pictures of stupid animals.

13 years ago

There’s something rather endearing about guinea pig whistles. My niece had one that purred when she cuddled it – that was even cuter!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Guinea pig whistles for less than $200

Gucci handbags for only $50



All at wholesale

Best deals ever!

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Sauron should have joined the MRM. I mean, he put all his power into a ring! And who made him do that? Definitely a woman, probably a feminist.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go cut the heads off of a few parking meters.

13 years ago

So…Ami’s been hacked, right?

Kittens saying nom nom nom. I expire from cute.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I think Ami’s exhibiting her mad trolling skills. At least I hope that’s what’s happening.

13 years ago

My best friend asked me yesterday how to be less of a smeghead when talking to people.

So I told him to pretend every person he is talking to is his sister and if she would cry at what he says to not say it.

13 years ago

Perhaps this would be a good time to point out that my pseudonym is not a stars wars reference and introduce you to my pseudonymsake:


PS, I love how the “yum yum” kitten above is clearly just really pissed off but the person is so not getting the message

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