antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny MRA rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts threats violence against men/women

Blogger: SlutWalkers deserve to be raped

From the website of the Edmonton SlutWalk 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the most odious misogynist bullshit I have seen thus far on the topic of the Slutwalks: a post on The Third Edge of the Sword, a blog that seems to go out of its way to be offensive and “edgy,” that takes victim blaming to a whole new level. Here’s the basic, er, argument of the post, which the author has put in giant pink letters so we won’t miss it:

Every woman marching in the Edmonton Slut Walk is publicly declaring herself a slut. This means every woman there desires sex with any and all partners. Any sexual activity you initiate with them comes with implied consent. They cannot say no, and if they do understand all their ‘no’s mean yes. They are all asking for it. They want it bad. Now. From you. Go get ’em!

Some other highlights:

[I]f you … dress slutty, men are going to stare at you. We’re going to catcall. We are going to tell you all sorts of sexual things we want to do to your body. And if you dress slutty and wave your ass in our face, we will do them. The organizers of this event are not oblivious to this point: what they want is a fake sexual revolution. They want to be able to impersonate sluts without actually being sluts, and that’s unacceptable. If you don’t want to be treated as a piece of meat, don’t marinate and grill yourself and sit perched on a piece of garlic toast. You dress slutty, you show off the goods, you try to get a reaction, you will get one. Hint: it’s not always going to be the one you want. …

The “reaction” he has in mind is rape. By calling rape a “reaction” instead of what it is — a criminal assault on someone, an act of sexual violence, a violation — he of course is attempting to switch the blame to the victim. He spells out his “logic” in more detail:

[W]hen you impersonate a slut we don’t fine you, and we don’t throw you in jail. There’s really only one punishment for dressing like a streetwalker when you aren’t one: you do have to endure the occasional rape. You should really suffer it in silence. Accept the character flaw within you that caused this, and move on. Police and court resources are already busy enough with real criminals: like actual rapists who do nasty things to their niece or the homeless native chick passed out under the bridge, or a conservatively dressed urban professional walking to her car, or a girl out jogging in a track suit. To equate the act of actually violating and raping one of these people with having sex with a girl who’s every square millimetre of public persona screams anybody who wants to can screw me right now is ridiculous.

Once again, this brand of misogyny leads to some conclusions that are pretty misandrist – namely, the notion that men are at heart rapists who can’t control their violent urges:

If you go out on the street in an outfit that would make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable, you do so knowing that your ultimate aim is to make men want you. Well, they want you now. Congrats. Oh, wait, you mean you didn’t understand what that implied? That in the great Bell curve of sexual congress you’ve just pushed everybody on the right-hand side of the -2 std devs line past that imaginary barrier that says “there is no power in the universe powerful enough to stop me from sliding my finger inside your panties”? I call bullshit. You do know. But you want to be a virginal slut, to dress in ways that makes men helpless to their urges but still leaves you fully in restrictive control.

The blogger concludes by arguing that the Slutwalkers are all “lying bitches” because they dress like they wasn’t to be raped, but do not actually want to be raped. Then he makes this lovely suggestion:

If your wife is one of them, I’m very very sorry. Maybe a good rape might make her a little more manageable around the house.

Now this post is an atmittedly extreme example of a misogynistic response to the Slutwalks. But the basic “logic” of this blogger’s would-be argument is essentially identical to that of many MRA and other “manosphere” pieces I’ve seen on the subject, the main difference between them being that this guy embraces the logical conclusion of his argument — that Slutwalkers deserve to be raped — while the MRAs who make essentially the same argument (and fling the same sorts of insults at the Slutwalkers) make a show of saying that they don’t really think the Slutwalkers “deserve” it. And maybe they’ve convinced themselves that this caveat means something . But in that case the extreme reaction that manosphere misogynists have had to the Slutwalks – the insults thrown at the Slutwalkers, the “jokey” references to rape, the prurient sneering – makes little sense. If you argue that women are “asking for it” when they dress like “sluts,” you’re essentially saying they deserve it. You’re making the same argument this guy is making, but pretending you aren’t.

NOTE: The graphic above is taken from the official web site for the Edmonton SlutWalk 2011, which took place a week ago. Here are some pictures of the march.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@dreamhouse That’s a great link, and a great post, thanks for sharing it :3

@Xtra and @sarahejones *big big supportive hugs if it’s okay* 🙁 I’m so sorry that happened to you.

13 years ago

The other fun thing about the notion that women who are rape victims are responsible for the rape because they did or didn’t X, Y, Z is that you see just how fucking fast the shoe gets on the other foot when the problem is reversed.

If a guy, at minimum, has had sex with a drunk girl he didn’t know well under sketchy circumstances and is being accused of rape? It is an injustice of epic proportions that this has happened, oh yes, despite the obvious precautions that he could have taken to reduce his risk of that happening to him. Inclusive of the reasonable precaution of not having sex, which seems to be what is expected of women up until the point that their services are required.

13 years ago


If you wanna talk about the guys side of things, putting the responsibility on the woman is about as dehumanizing as possible. Basically, men are wild animals unable to control their intense desires to rape anything that flashes a knee-cap at them. Guys are just gonna do what they do, there’s no helping them, so in the mean time do what you can to protect yourself. =_= Give us guys some credit, and make the guys who don’t think they’ve done anything wrong understand what they did.

13 years ago

Ok, I don’t mean to make light of the situation, but how many commenters here are either a) queer/transsexual/bisexual, b) sexually assaulted in the past, c) with a history of Asperger’s/other mental or emotional issues or d) all of the above? Because it seems like an inordinately high number, and would certainly explain some of the stronger reactions around here…

13 years ago

Thanks Ami, & Snowy. Things like the slutwalks can be a real opportunity to get different stories out there and to drive the point home to people that victim blaming is harmful.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Can you explain further what you mean and what your intention is behind the question before I assume I know what you mean? o_O;;

13 years ago

Exactly, kirbywarp!! Myself and other feminists that I know (including ones I know only from my occasionally hanging out at this blog) believe that men are far better than these rape apologists allow for…. and yet we’re the misandrists??

13 years ago


I think we’re talking across each other. I’m contrasting the MRA response to men being accused of rape (at all, it seems, even if justly) to the MRA response to women being actually raped.

Women are expected to follow various precautions in order to avoid being raped, which will expand to encompass any conceivable case (or so it seems). The woman “should not have been at that party, should not have consumed alcohol, should not have been alone with that man, should not have been wearing that, should not be know for having had sex with other people”, et cetera.

A man who is in the position of being accused of rape could usually be accused in much the same manner. The guy equally well could have declined to attend a party of the sort which is known to produce accusations of rape, could have avoided consuming alcohol, could have avoided being alone with a woman, and could have refrained from sticking his dick in one. He thereby would have reduced his risk of being accused of rape substantially.

It’s not as if the MRAs don’t know the dangers of rape accusations, for all they complain about it incessantly. But you sure as hell don’t see them running the dude down for receiving the “known consequences” of his “irresponsible behavior” the way they do for women who wear skirts, or jeans, or gods help me footie pajamas.

13 years ago

@Ion: I’m not sure how to take your comment. While I don’t want to presume as to your motivation, the way you’ve worded things sounds very much like a criticism of the reactions many of have had to the misogyny David posts. I can only speak for myself. I am a survivor, though of assault not rape, and I also have a diagnosis of bipolar II disorder. Historically, women and the mentally ill (and there’s a significant amount of overlap in those categories that I believe is at least partially due to sexism) have been portrayed as irrational and overly emotional. My diagnosis has been used against me to discount my experience of abuse at the hands of my ex. Hence my wariness about your comment–on the surface it seems to delegitimize the reactions I and others present here.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@sarahejones I share your same wariness… which is why I asked him to elaborate on his meaning and intent, before I start assuming it from the way he phrased his question -_-;;; Why is this so important? (also a lot of questions he’s asking are personal questions)

13 years ago


Don’t worry, I wasn’t trying to contradict you or anything. I was just bringing up another point I thought was complementary to yours. Sorry if it came across the wrong way.

13 years ago

Oh, no problem, I think it’s also a good point. It strikes me as utterly bizarre, some of these arguments, when I think of them contrasted against my father or any of my boyfriends or my BFF (lol) or most of the men that I work with. Seriously? If men were really as described, it’d make sense to lock them up in advance.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Sorry Kirbywarp, you were misunderstood, and you’re a man… that means off to the gallows for you! XD

13 years ago

Ion, I don’t think it’s any of your goddamn business who is a survivor, or mentally ill, or an Aspie, or not straight, etc. By asking such a question, you delegitimze all of their (our) experiences and reactions. Why does it matter if I am bi, or mentally ill, or an Aspie, or a Martian, or blue? What does that have to do with my experiences? Not a whole lot, really.

13 years ago

@AbominableSnowPickle: here here.

An answer to the questions Ami and I posed would be nice.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@firebee that is something… if men were animals, like the rape apologists always say, and w/ their “if you wave meat in front of a wolf” thing… and so therefore they can’t help themselves… then they should be treated like animals… animals dun get trials… they dun get benefit of the doubt, we understand they can’t help it, but animals that assault humans get put down (or flown back into the wild, away from society) -_- That’s not what I believe. B/c I believe men are human beings. But apparently that’s what these ppl believe, they even make wild animal analogies that dehumanize and demean men >_:| Sometimes I think we need “I believe in men” t-shirts. 🙂

13 years ago

@sarahe: I’m waiting for his answers to your questions too…they’re very important questions!

@Ami: If men act like wild animals, does that mean we can put down rapists? <–Sarcasm here…damn, I wish the internet had a sarcasm font! I would totally wear an "I believe in men" shirt, and possibly bumper sticker as well^.^

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I need to remember to stop using the >_:

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I love how I said that and then FORGOT NOT TO USE AN ANGRY FACE! xDDD


@AbominableSnowPickle Here here x 100000000! Exactly >:3

13 years ago

@Ami: thankees! I’ve been lurking here for forever (since before David moved the site to WP), and recently decided I didn’t want to be a silent observer anymore^.^

13 years ago

FYI: It’s “hear, hear”.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I thought it was… but I got confused from the way it was spelt here xD Luckily I’m female, so spelling isn’t important for me! 😀

13 years ago

Of course it isn’t, Ami! We ladies are perfect pretty princesses who can do no wrong! <—Did I get that right?

13 years ago

So wait, if women are princesses, are men the gallant knights who slay the evil ogres that imprsoned them, or the evil ogres?

13 years ago

Well, some of them are the evil ogres…and the manginas are the gallant knights, or something like that. That seems to be how it’ll separate out.

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