antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny MRA rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts threats violence against men/women

Blogger: SlutWalkers deserve to be raped

From the website of the Edmonton SlutWalk 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the most odious misogynist bullshit I have seen thus far on the topic of the Slutwalks: a post on The Third Edge of the Sword, a blog that seems to go out of its way to be offensive and “edgy,” that takes victim blaming to a whole new level. Here’s the basic, er, argument of the post, which the author has put in giant pink letters so we won’t miss it:

Every woman marching in the Edmonton Slut Walk is publicly declaring herself a slut. This means every woman there desires sex with any and all partners. Any sexual activity you initiate with them comes with implied consent. They cannot say no, and if they do understand all their ‘no’s mean yes. They are all asking for it. They want it bad. Now. From you. Go get ’em!

Some other highlights:

[I]f you … dress slutty, men are going to stare at you. We’re going to catcall. We are going to tell you all sorts of sexual things we want to do to your body. And if you dress slutty and wave your ass in our face, we will do them. The organizers of this event are not oblivious to this point: what they want is a fake sexual revolution. They want to be able to impersonate sluts without actually being sluts, and that’s unacceptable. If you don’t want to be treated as a piece of meat, don’t marinate and grill yourself and sit perched on a piece of garlic toast. You dress slutty, you show off the goods, you try to get a reaction, you will get one. Hint: it’s not always going to be the one you want. …

The “reaction” he has in mind is rape. By calling rape a “reaction” instead of what it is — a criminal assault on someone, an act of sexual violence, a violation — he of course is attempting to switch the blame to the victim. He spells out his “logic” in more detail:

[W]hen you impersonate a slut we don’t fine you, and we don’t throw you in jail. There’s really only one punishment for dressing like a streetwalker when you aren’t one: you do have to endure the occasional rape. You should really suffer it in silence. Accept the character flaw within you that caused this, and move on. Police and court resources are already busy enough with real criminals: like actual rapists who do nasty things to their niece or the homeless native chick passed out under the bridge, or a conservatively dressed urban professional walking to her car, or a girl out jogging in a track suit. To equate the act of actually violating and raping one of these people with having sex with a girl who’s every square millimetre of public persona screams anybody who wants to can screw me right now is ridiculous.

Once again, this brand of misogyny leads to some conclusions that are pretty misandrist – namely, the notion that men are at heart rapists who can’t control their violent urges:

If you go out on the street in an outfit that would make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable, you do so knowing that your ultimate aim is to make men want you. Well, they want you now. Congrats. Oh, wait, you mean you didn’t understand what that implied? That in the great Bell curve of sexual congress you’ve just pushed everybody on the right-hand side of the -2 std devs line past that imaginary barrier that says “there is no power in the universe powerful enough to stop me from sliding my finger inside your panties”? I call bullshit. You do know. But you want to be a virginal slut, to dress in ways that makes men helpless to their urges but still leaves you fully in restrictive control.

The blogger concludes by arguing that the Slutwalkers are all “lying bitches” because they dress like they wasn’t to be raped, but do not actually want to be raped. Then he makes this lovely suggestion:

If your wife is one of them, I’m very very sorry. Maybe a good rape might make her a little more manageable around the house.

Now this post is an atmittedly extreme example of a misogynistic response to the Slutwalks. But the basic “logic” of this blogger’s would-be argument is essentially identical to that of many MRA and other “manosphere” pieces I’ve seen on the subject, the main difference between them being that this guy embraces the logical conclusion of his argument — that Slutwalkers deserve to be raped — while the MRAs who make essentially the same argument (and fling the same sorts of insults at the Slutwalkers) make a show of saying that they don’t really think the Slutwalkers “deserve” it. And maybe they’ve convinced themselves that this caveat means something . But in that case the extreme reaction that manosphere misogynists have had to the Slutwalks – the insults thrown at the Slutwalkers, the “jokey” references to rape, the prurient sneering – makes little sense. If you argue that women are “asking for it” when they dress like “sluts,” you’re essentially saying they deserve it. You’re making the same argument this guy is making, but pretending you aren’t.

NOTE: The graphic above is taken from the official web site for the Edmonton SlutWalk 2011, which took place a week ago. Here are some pictures of the march.

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13 years ago

Do you give your last name as Pez because you hide pez in your pockets and have that dog of your’s go in after them?

Do you give your last name as Pez because you hide pez in your pockets and have that dog of yours go in after them?

Also, too, guh? That’s not a decent insult. It’s not clever or witty or apropos. It’s just stupid.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

are boys and girls made to snuggle in the nursery schools NWO go to or want to run or something? o_O


13 years ago

Than write/right your/you’re congressman/woman everybody and tell them to have have boys snuggling boys and girls snuggling girls by nursery school.

Then write/right your/you’re congressman/woman/everybody and tell them to have have boys snuggling boys and girls snuggling girls by nursery school.

Need to know
13 years ago

NWO- sadly for you, words have these things called definitions. And the definition of consent is not “gives someone else a hardon”.

Sexual assault is a crime. The persons committing sexual assault are making a choice to commit a crime. All the whining in the world about how teh ebil gurlz made them do it by daring to have boobies IN PUBLIC OMGWTFBBQ is bone stick and stone level stupid.

Also? It makes you look like a world class creep.

Bored now. When does tonight’s Dr Who come on?

13 years ago

“Sir… Its NWO!”
“What? What about him?”
“Its his troll readings… He’s gone full tilt!”
“… My God…”

13 years ago

BTW, NWOSlave, you clearly don’t spend much time around children. Reinforcing gender roles and enforcing heterosexuality are HUGE parts of a child’s informal education.

If you don’t believe me go observe a baby ballet class sometime. On second thoughts don’t. You’ll creep the poor little ones out of their skulls.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hay Kristinmh you’re in Toronto right? :3 We’re trying to get a meet up together… tho Spear can’t meet next weekend… but would you be interested? 😀

13 years ago

Little kids like to snuggle. With each other, adults, teddy bears, pets – they’re kids. Does Subby think kids are into bestiality if they snuggle with a pet?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I snuggled w/ my pet and I turned out jus—

oh right…


13 years ago

Actually, I’m free next weekend. It’s this weekend (ie now) that I have to do stuff.

Procrastination, thy name is Spearhafoc.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Actually, Subbie, PEZ stands for Perpetual Emasculation Zone, and represents the oath of fealty I took to Our Feminist Rulers.

13 years ago

If it makes people more like Ami, then everyone should snuggle pets!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh right.. somebody else couldn’t make it next weekend :

13 years ago×300.jpg

GAY PUPPIES! What horrors has the state unleashed upon us now, where cute little puppies are forced to sleep on top of each other in an attempt to turn them gay! (And get them into bestiality, apparently.)

13 years ago

But wait a minute. I snuggle with my female dog, so I’m a lesbian, not a zoophile, right?

13 years ago


Yup, because women are basically dogs. BOOM! Back to feminism!

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I snuggle with male and female dogs, so that would make me a bizoophile.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Capt B-robe, you don’t speak for anyone calling himself a man. You’re a feminist. Kinda says it all.

I speak for me and me alone.

Am I a man?

Yes, technically I am .

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Another day, same old hateful shit from slavey. He’s really getting tedious.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

And I’m assuming Subbie’s insult was his way of saying, “Yes, Johnny, you’re right, if some big gay dude raped me it would totally be my fault for leading him on with my sexy tank top and daisy dukes.”

13 years ago

NWO, a couple things.

In relation to a lot of your posts: You seem to have this idea that the human body is inherently sexual, and showing it off is an inherently sexual display. Why is this? We do so much with our bodies that has nothing to do with sex.

Similarly, your analogy to waving piles of money around in a poor part of town is total BS. Why? #1, see above. Showing off your body is not inherently sexual – and it can be aesthetic without being sexual. #2, because from an ethical standpoint, no matter how much of an asshole move it would be to wave that money around, that still doesn’t make it OKAY or RIGHT for anyone to take it. #3 Money is a bad comparison, because money and human bodies are very different things.

Do you go to museums, NWO? Do you think you have the right to steal the art and hang it up in your living room just because someone else put it on display?

“Don’t ya think prepubecent children are a little young to be taught any sexuality?”
Well, no. Yes, I think prepubescent children are too young to be ENGAGING in sexuality, but here’s the thing…when a kid hits puberty, they’re going to start having these feelings and desires. And they should have INFORMATION on how to deal with and understand those feelings before they start having them. And that continues after puberty too. You teach you’re young teenager about sex not because you want them to have sex now, but because they are preparing to be adults and should know what they’re getting in to before it happens, not after.

13 years ago

NWOslave, you are a vile, subhuman, hateful piece of shit that needs to find a deserted island and stay there for the rest of your life- away from people and especially away from women. Knowing people like you exist makes me lose more faith in humanity each day.

Your utter lack of logic, empathy and rationality makes me even wonder how you can manage to turn on a computer and spout your filth. If I ever met you or one of your ilk in real life, my brain would start oozing out of my ear just from hearing you talk for 5 minutes

GET HELP. If you are even capable of responding to help. How the hell does someone so backwards even exist? how do you go to work and hide such a rotten and hostile personality?

13 years ago

Love how NWO just pulls numbers out of his ass (over 80% of child abuse cases are man on female child, so even if his utterly bullshit notion that all man on male child abuse was by gay or bi men were true, it would not be anywhere near his cited numbers).

Here is a rundown of the science on the matter written by a UC Davis Psychology Professor

Here is the APA’s basic facts about child sexual abuse page which includes this statement:

“In most cases, the perpetrator is male regardless of whether the victim is a boy or girl. Heterosexual and gay men are equally likely to sexually abuse children. A perception that most perpetrators are gay men is a myth and harmful stereotype. Some perpetrators are female — It is estimated that women are the abusers in about 14% of cases reported among boys and 6% of cases reported among girls.”

Organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Child Welfare League of America have taken a similar position-stating that LGBT people are not a threat to children any more than their hetero counterparts and are equally fit parents.

The fact is that no credible scientific or child welfare organization supports NWOs position, which is why he can’t cite one. As usual, NWO has no comprehension of even the most basic concepts and facts about the things he is talking about and ends up only spewing bullshit.

13 years ago

Quakers you’re a filthy pedophile proponent who deserves to rot in a vat of pig shit. Your only friend should be the swine that fills the vat where you reside. Your food should consist of the steaming shit sucked directly from your only companion that fills your putrid vat. The only sound to ever escape your lips would be the constant vomit that spews from your shit breathed mouth. The only sound that you should ever hear is the screaming of your parents at the plague they brought into this world. Do you want to continue to play the insult game? Bring it on.

darksidecat…The number is 80%, but just to humor you I’ll go with the 50% that you say is the case. Once again we’ll use math. At the very most 5% of the population is you blessed LGTBQ. That means a child is 25 times more likely to be abused in an all gay community as opposed to an all straight community. Ya feel better now. Ya it’s a myth. Probably the only myth you’ve stated is the way low women sexual abusers. Hey wanna see where all those nasty abusers and rapists come from. Try looking up female headed households. I bet thats a sore spot.

white knight
white knight
13 years ago

Angry PUA Roissy was trying to organize a “pimp walk” on May 21st to counter-protest. But unsurprisingly like most proposed MRA activism nothing seems to have eventuated and the idea has just remained a butthurt blog post.

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