antifeminism evil women misandry misogyny MRA rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts threats violence against men/women

Blogger: SlutWalkers deserve to be raped

From the website of the Edmonton SlutWalk 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the most odious misogynist bullshit I have seen thus far on the topic of the Slutwalks: a post on The Third Edge of the Sword, a blog that seems to go out of its way to be offensive and “edgy,” that takes victim blaming to a whole new level. Here’s the basic, er, argument of the post, which the author has put in giant pink letters so we won’t miss it:

Every woman marching in the Edmonton Slut Walk is publicly declaring herself a slut. This means every woman there desires sex with any and all partners. Any sexual activity you initiate with them comes with implied consent. They cannot say no, and if they do understand all their ‘no’s mean yes. They are all asking for it. They want it bad. Now. From you. Go get ’em!

Some other highlights:

[I]f you … dress slutty, men are going to stare at you. We’re going to catcall. We are going to tell you all sorts of sexual things we want to do to your body. And if you dress slutty and wave your ass in our face, we will do them. The organizers of this event are not oblivious to this point: what they want is a fake sexual revolution. They want to be able to impersonate sluts without actually being sluts, and that’s unacceptable. If you don’t want to be treated as a piece of meat, don’t marinate and grill yourself and sit perched on a piece of garlic toast. You dress slutty, you show off the goods, you try to get a reaction, you will get one. Hint: it’s not always going to be the one you want. …

The “reaction” he has in mind is rape. By calling rape a “reaction” instead of what it is — a criminal assault on someone, an act of sexual violence, a violation — he of course is attempting to switch the blame to the victim. He spells out his “logic” in more detail:

[W]hen you impersonate a slut we don’t fine you, and we don’t throw you in jail. There’s really only one punishment for dressing like a streetwalker when you aren’t one: you do have to endure the occasional rape. You should really suffer it in silence. Accept the character flaw within you that caused this, and move on. Police and court resources are already busy enough with real criminals: like actual rapists who do nasty things to their niece or the homeless native chick passed out under the bridge, or a conservatively dressed urban professional walking to her car, or a girl out jogging in a track suit. To equate the act of actually violating and raping one of these people with having sex with a girl who’s every square millimetre of public persona screams anybody who wants to can screw me right now is ridiculous.

Once again, this brand of misogyny leads to some conclusions that are pretty misandrist – namely, the notion that men are at heart rapists who can’t control their violent urges:

If you go out on the street in an outfit that would make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable, you do so knowing that your ultimate aim is to make men want you. Well, they want you now. Congrats. Oh, wait, you mean you didn’t understand what that implied? That in the great Bell curve of sexual congress you’ve just pushed everybody on the right-hand side of the -2 std devs line past that imaginary barrier that says “there is no power in the universe powerful enough to stop me from sliding my finger inside your panties”? I call bullshit. You do know. But you want to be a virginal slut, to dress in ways that makes men helpless to their urges but still leaves you fully in restrictive control.

The blogger concludes by arguing that the Slutwalkers are all “lying bitches” because they dress like they wasn’t to be raped, but do not actually want to be raped. Then he makes this lovely suggestion:

If your wife is one of them, I’m very very sorry. Maybe a good rape might make her a little more manageable around the house.

Now this post is an atmittedly extreme example of a misogynistic response to the Slutwalks. But the basic “logic” of this blogger’s would-be argument is essentially identical to that of many MRA and other “manosphere” pieces I’ve seen on the subject, the main difference between them being that this guy embraces the logical conclusion of his argument — that Slutwalkers deserve to be raped — while the MRAs who make essentially the same argument (and fling the same sorts of insults at the Slutwalkers) make a show of saying that they don’t really think the Slutwalkers “deserve” it. And maybe they’ve convinced themselves that this caveat means something . But in that case the extreme reaction that manosphere misogynists have had to the Slutwalks – the insults thrown at the Slutwalkers, the “jokey” references to rape, the prurient sneering – makes little sense. If you argue that women are “asking for it” when they dress like “sluts,” you’re essentially saying they deserve it. You’re making the same argument this guy is making, but pretending you aren’t.

NOTE: The graphic above is taken from the official web site for the Edmonton SlutWalk 2011, which took place a week ago. Here are some pictures of the march.

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13 years ago

Ion’s response indicates that he is annoyed at being proven wrong and just can’t admit it, so instead of refuting our responses he implies that we’re either gay/bi/trans, rape victims, aspies, or have mental health issues. Not that that any of those would make the person wrong anyway.

I am straight, and lucky enough to have never been raped. I also dont have asperger’s syndrom or any mental health issues. I still believe blaming a victim for not preventing their rape somehow is wrong and backwards thinking.

You seemed like a decent guy Ion when you asked your first question, generally curious about women protecting themselves by dressing modestly. This is a common attitude and I actually dont think it implies that the majority of people who think it are misogynists or trying to excuse rape, just very misinformed. A great thing about Slut Walk is that it corrects otherwise decent people’s misconseptions about these issues. I do my part in correcting people when the topic comes up. But if they reply by implying that I’m mentally unstable, am being too “emotional” or something, then I think they’re being an ass on purpose and still want to keep holding their views even when the facts have proven them wrong.

13 years ago

and reading about people’s experiences with rape and assault is extrememly sad. I’m so sorry to each one of you who had to go such horrible ordeals. It must be really tough listing to these assholes constantly fighting tooth and nail to pin blame on victims.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Men are like the treacherous and evil Federation, always thinking that if we decloak, it means we’re asking to be fired upon. Those jerks! And they don’t get NO CROSSING THE NEUTRAL ZONE MEANS NO. Manginas are the humans who see the truth and join the Feminist Star Empire! >:3 And the WHINING too about how they dun have cloaking privilege -_-;; Blame yourselves and your silly treaty! The Patriarfleet hurts men too! xD (also Armas, he hurts everybody… that jerk… >:| )

13 years ago

Man, I’m so happy to have another bee here. Hi, Firebee! *waving and jumping up and down*

We bee folk have to stick together, yanno.

13 years ago

Oh! I wanna be part of the Feminist Star Empire!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You’re like a magic card tribe! 😀

Maybe you’re like slivers :O

Firebee 2R

Creature – Bee

All Bees gain +2/+0 as long as Firebee is in play.


13 years ago

I really like that responsibility post-it completely shows why one should never assume the victim bears any responsibility.

13 years ago

Ami, you forgot the flavor text! >:(

“What’s worse than being stung by 1000 bees at once? Being stung by 1000 bees at once while on fire!”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I knew you’d have my back Kirby xD It’s part of my female privilege, always having a geeky guy there to fill in my missing flavour text xD

13 years ago

Why do you call people like that fine officer who gave great advice rape apologists? If he said not to drive a mortorcycle without a helmut, that would be good advice, right? Would he be a motorcycle accident apologist? If he said not to leave hundred dollar bills hanging out of your back pocket because it’ll probably get stolen. I’d say more good advice. Not an apologist of some kind. So why, in this one realm of all crime is he an apologist?

13 years ago


“The Slut Walk protest movement was originally sparked in January 2011 after a Toronto police officer’s suggestion that women could avoid being sexually assaulted simply by not dressing like “sluts.””

That wasn’t good advice. He said that if only women didn’t dress so sexily, they wouldn’t get raped. But of course, what women wear don’t actually affect how often they are raped. Amazing, but true. So not only is it bad advice, it’s incorrect.

13 years ago

You just don’t listen at all, do you Slavey?


13 years ago

“All Bees gain +2/+0 as long as Firebee is in play.”

“What’s worse than being stung by 1000 bees at once? Being stung by 1000 bees at once while on fire!”

Yay! I’m so proud of my bee heritage. Thanks, kirbywarp and Ami!

*buzzes off*

13 years ago

I’d say more good advice. Not an apologist of some kind. So why, in this one realm of all crime is he an apologist?

The Rothchilds (not to be confused with the Rothschilds) controlling your life? Well, you were just asking for it by calling yourself a slave.

13 years ago

Bees, the only creatures for whom the phrase “Buzz off” isn’t an insult. 😀

13 years ago

He gave terrible advice NWOaf..

13 years ago

I know where it started and I know what he said. Once again, damn good advice.

I’ll be in Atlanta sometime next week, (oh fucking joy) and the area is a shit hole. If I told you, “hey buddy I wouldn’t walk too far south because you might not walk back,” you’d shake my hand and thank me for the good advice. Right?

So this fine officer pretty much did the same thing. He gave great advice in order to avoid a bad situation. Shake his hand, thanks for the great advice.

13 years ago

Subbie, given your amazing tendency to be wrong about pretty much everything, I’d be more likely to do the exact opposite of whatever you’d advise.

13 years ago

You don’t listen at all, do you NWO. Here it is again, in all caps.


Keep putting your fingers in your ears, slavey, its about the only thing you can do these days.

13 years ago

Ok speedliners, my advice to you is take out a loan and walk thru downtown Chicago waving it around. But don’t take that advice.

13 years ago

He’s a Toronto police officer. That means he’s working for the government of Soviet Canuckistan.

Why are you defending an agent of the New World Order?

Don’t you realise that feminists aren’t actually against him? It’s all a ruse to misdirect free-thinkers like yourself from important matters, like the disappearance of Thora Birch. Seriously, what happened to her?

13 years ago

Just because you say the way a woman dresses and acts has no relevance doesn’t make it true kirbywarp. You might want to believe that, but that clearly isn’t the case.

13 years ago


Oh man, you got me. I guess there is clearly no evidence to suggest.. oh… whoopsie.

(Link is a page on google answers, which provide a bunch of links to different studies from different states)

13 years ago

I have a question.

A woman who’s dressed in an attractive manner gets raped. Do you think the rapist has any responsibility for what happened or was it all her fault? What percentage of responsibility do each party get?

13 years ago

And of course I borked the html. My point still stands, I think.

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