off topic open thread



Now here’s a bar  – the one in the video clip above – that probably could benefit from having a ladies’ night once in a while.  (I rather doubt the ladies would really benefit, though.) That’s why it’s Ladies Night here at the second weekly WEEKEND OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY! It is also Men’s Night. Everyone comments for free! Post about whatever the hell you want to post about, link to stuff by people you like, link to your own stuff, go wild!

The dance sequence in the video is taken from the dark and wonderful Belgian horror film Calvaire. Which brings me to the questions I’m going to use to start off the thread: Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? If you do, what are some of your favorites?

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13 years ago

DSK–you’re right about the Korean horror movies (though I have not seen “Green Planet”)! In school there was a handful of guys I would get together with on Friday nights to watch horror movies. One of my friends was Korean and would bring all these cool imports over–I have no idea what any of them were called, but they were awesome.
Psychological horror’s more my thing but I’m not against gore. Our Friday night tagline: don’t get off the highway. Because bad shit always happens when you take a detour. Bad, awesome shit. Ah, good times…

13 years ago

Sorry, that would be DSC. Cuz I spell gud.

13 years ago

Long-time lurker, first time poster (natch^.^)!

I’m terrible with horror movies. I don’t know if I get too emotionally invested in the characters or what, but they always disturb me greatly. I’ve screamed loudly IN THE THEATRE at two different scary movies (The Ring and Jeeper Creepers)…everyone laughed at me, but it was dark so no one really knew who it was >.< I think that's the problem, I get too into them and so when something bad happens I experience it on a deeper level than most other people. Aand, I just don't like them all that much…I like some of them, but most of them aren't really my thing. I usually stick to comedies, action flicks, and other genres.

13 years ago

I always wondered why, in slasher-horror movies, the main charactors are always compelled to lock themselves into a tiny room, like a closet, or always climb stairs to the roof rather than, you know.. go outside…

13 years ago

I can’t stand horror, because I always have too much empathy for characters. So when people are all mildly scared, I am literally crying from fear. Similarly, watching There’s Something About Mary leaves me curled in the ball in the fetal position being all “they’re being so EMBARRASSED! I feel so bad for them.”

13 years ago

Hahah. Ozy, that’s so cute! =3

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I hate horror movies -_- They frighten the crumbs out of me xD Unless it’s like… Alien… do those movies count as horror movies? o_O Cuz then I like the Alien movies :3


*wanders on* My Terry Jones DVD set came in so tonight is a nifty fun time of watching these wacky explanations of history.

And my new roommate has arrived so the Great Big Book Moveathon will be occurring this weekend.

13 years ago

Wow, you guys are way nicer than I am. I have no sympathy for characters in horror movies primarily because they insist on engaging in the behaviors kirby mentions (while screaming and running in high heels, usually). Oh, Blair Witch Project, that was good. Since this is an open thread: what are the movies that have made people cry? Mine are: American Tail, Frankenstein (with Robert De Niro), Shine, The Elephant Man, and The Fall (Tarsem Singh is awesome!!! I just rewatched The Cell, but I think The Fall is actually better).

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Honestly? >_>;;;

The end of Rocky xD When Rocky and Apollo just keep going and going.. it makes me cry >_>;; But then I’m v into sports drama xD

13 years ago

The last horror movie I watched was The Ring, and it scared the fuck out of me. After watching it we went over to a friends house. This friend managed the vintage clothing store where I worked at the time and so had access to a great deal of interesting clothing. Well she also had a copy of a promotional video that the studio had sent out to as a marketing thing for the film, which contained just the weird video clip featured in the film. Someone decided we need to watch it. Meanwhile in the other room a short, slim friend of ours was putting on a floor length vintage white nightgown and a black wig, worn backwards. As soon as the clip faded to static she lunged jerkily into the room in the flickering light, straight at the sofa I was sitting on. Both the man sitting next to me and I vaulted over the back of the sofa and leap to our feet in full fight or flight mode. It was hilarious once I recovered from the shock, but the incident also convinced me that maybe horror movies make me a little too jumpy.

13 years ago

Ooooooooooooo, I [heart] horror flix!! And they are so versatile….. some really bad B flix can substitute as comedies, whereas really bad comedies are stuck being really bad comedies.

A few of my more favourite horror flix are Below, 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later.

“…or always climb stairs to the roof…”
I’ve always wondered about this one, too, and it happens not only in horror flix, but action/adventure ones.

13 years ago

The only horror movie I own is The Craft, though I still have to shut my eyes for the toilet-full-of-snakes scene. I can’t stand snakes.

I cry over practically anything, though. Who doesn’t cry when Bambi’s mom is killed?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Who doesn’t cry when Bambi’s mom is killed?

Dick Cheney. You just know he’s rooting for the hunter.

13 years ago

I’m not a horror fan, but I have seen a few. The most recent one was The Wicker Man, the original one. I don’t want to watch the remake, as it sounds incredibly painfully stupid for me to watch. My boyfriend and friend love horror. Oh, Blood On Statan’s Claw was pretty great too. They loved it, my friend wrote a song based on the movie, and the video that they’re doing for the song sounds cool.

I like action films, drama, stuff like that. Well, when I watch movies, that is. I’m not a big movie person. I prefer TV shows – I can actually sit through a whole season of say, True Blood, but not an hour and a half movie. Don’t know why that is, but that’s kinda just a quirk of mine.

And Sarah, I’m not just saying this to make you feel better, but you really rock the bald look! It’s all awesome, but the bald look does look good on you.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I cried during The Fall too!

My mom cried during the end of 101 Dalmatians once because she loves dogs.

I also get something in my eye whenever I re-watch the episode where the Doctor says his final goodbye to Rose… > >

13 years ago

“I also get something in my eye whenever I re-watch the episode where the Doctor says his final goodbye to Rose… > >”


I feel pretty neutral about horror movies, usually. I don’t mind scary, but I find a lot of them to be just too formulaic. I did really like Quarantine, and 28 Days Later. And last night I watched Shutter Island and that was pretty cool (though I guess it’s more of a mystery-suspense deal than horror) and it was decent.

13 years ago

Looooove horror movies! Especially zombie and vampire movies. And pretty much anything based on a Stephen King novel (though moreso his older stuff). I don’t really like psycho-killer-slasher movies though. One of my favorite horror movies of all time is actually The Omen (the original not the remake) which I find not exactly scary but definitely freaky. But my absolute favorite movie is Videodrome.

I still haven’t seen The Ring.

13 years ago

I like movies that scare me; I do not like movies that just gross me out and wonder what the hell is wrong with the people who made it. I can handle blood, lots of blood, but I can’t watch people or animals being burned alive, skinned alive, gutted alive, squeezed through a much too tiny hole alive or boiled alive. Other than that, I love scary movies!

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

New gravitar test

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I used to make amateur splatter films when I high school. Good times.

13 years ago

I love unrealistic/funny horror movies, and also love scary/gross horror movies, although after seeing the latter, I kind of walk around in a daze for the next few days, afraid to look in any mirrors (for some reason), or be alone, etc.

The last good funny horror movie I saw was Jigoku, which I totally recommend for anyone who hasn’t seen it and likes hell and/or vintage Japanese horror.

zombie rotten mcdonald
zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

OF COURSE I love horror movies. Zombie, ya no?

Although like David says, most of them don’t seem to be scary. Nowadays, it seems a lot of moviemakers just make it gory and call it a day.

I always found it surprising that one of the movies that scared me the most was the TV version of It. Tim Curry was so good as Pennywise. Although the ending was not so good.