off topic open thread



Now here’s a bar  – the one in the video clip above – that probably could benefit from having a ladies’ night once in a while.  (I rather doubt the ladies would really benefit, though.) That’s why it’s Ladies Night here at the second weekly WEEKEND OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY! It is also Men’s Night. Everyone comments for free! Post about whatever the hell you want to post about, link to stuff by people you like, link to your own stuff, go wild!

The dance sequence in the video is taken from the dark and wonderful Belgian horror film Calvaire. Which brings me to the questions I’m going to use to start off the thread: Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? If you do, what are some of your favorites?

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Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Can’t stand them. Horror movies are totally not my bag, baby.

13 years ago

Horror movies are fun! I like psychological horror myself (gore is fine), and from this scene alone I can conclude that Calvaire might be my kind of movie. Course, it also reminds me of a Discovery Channel documentary about the agressive behavior of Penguins… soo…

The only movie that comes immediately to mind is The Shining (Kubrick) which made me fall in love with Jack Nicholson. That one scene, where the camera just zooms in on his face while he stares blankly into the distance, not blinking an eye? Instense.

13 years ago

Guys. Guys. I have had a pretty fucking crappy night. Some guy who I’ve been seeing, and who I REALLY REALLY LIKED, is apparently trying to break up with me by ignoring me. THIS PISSES ME OFF! And hurts my feelings. (Well, the whole situation is more complicated. But that’s what it comes down to.)

Why are people/feelings/relationships so hard? =[

To make me feel better I will post pictures of my hair looking totally rad.

I’m bald!
A bonus snake! =D
Pink and long! This one is old.
Blue and silver!
Orange and black!

Guys, make me feel better and tell me how awesome my hair is, kay? Thanks! =D

13 years ago

Oooh, I borked my html, lemme try that again.

I’m bald!
A bonus snake!

13 years ago

I’m currently freaking out because I’m going viral and now I am convinced that someone from my (very tiny) school will know who I am, read my posts on the guys I have crushes on and think I’m a creepy stalker. 🙁

13 years ago

Wow, Sarah, I’ve never seen so many hair-styles on one person before. That is quite impressive.

Also *massive comfort hug*.. I’ve only been through one breakup so far (out of two), and it sucked hard… Before the actual breakup there was a period of ignoring as well… I actually had to ask her friends what was going on before I found out. -_- Hope things work out one way or the other.

13 years ago

I wouldn’t worry about it too much, Ozy. I don’t think anything in your blog is too creepy/stalkery. And your school is supposed to be really liberal and hippy, right? I’m sure people will understand! And if they don’t, fuck ’em. Everyone has crushes! And get’s obsessed with them! And does dumb things about them!

13 years ago

You make a fair point. I did delete the post where I talk about all of my (honestly not that interesting) secrets, though, for reasons of paranoia, and I’m probably going to run through and edit anything really creepy, just to make myself feel better.

13 years ago

Also, Sarah, your hair is awesome, and anyone who breaks up that passive-aggressively deserves to not date someone as cool as you are. 🙂

13 years ago

Also (because I’m spammy tonight) it’s kind of amusing how many of the Boobz from the sidebar have taken up residence in my comment section…

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Oz, when life hands you traffic, put up blog ads. 😀

If y’all are sitting around as bored as I am, I found something I wrote a while back making fun of a PUA post on sluts. Also porn.

13 years ago

Hey, I made fun of that! So did Holly! This just gets passed around like a bad case of herpes…

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Oh, dang, did she? And here I thought I was being original… >< (Though this was probably before I started reading either of you with any frequency.)

13 years ago

Yay! Thanks Kirby and Ozy for the support! =3

13 years ago


Any time

@Molly Ren

But but but… How is can a woman stay so slutty if she continually buys all the many, many men she sleeps with lots of gifts? Wouldn’t that get expensive? I never knew being a slut was so costly…

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Also, I second Kirby’s comment on Sarah’s multiplicity of looks. I’d love to dye my hair someday, except I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to take time to give it the extra care it’d need afterwords. Maybe someday I’ll get extensions put in?

13 years ago

I’m OK with some horror, but not a fan like my husband. I saw the Exorcist at 10 and that pretty much scared the shit outta me and turned me off the genre.

Sarah, that dude is a tool, ignore him right back.

I caught a cold from someone at work, gonna turn in early (total life in the fast lane here right now). Have a great Friday night!

13 years ago

Sarah, I’m sorry things are going so crappy for you.

Your hair is awesome, though! I am proud of any girl who is willing to do crazy hair stuff. I will definitely shave my head someday.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Ahhh I just got home! Dx *gives Sarah BIG BIG BIG HUGS*

you alrdy know I think you’er awesome and amazingly smexy tho -_^

13 years ago

It depends on the kind of horror involved. I like vampire movies because vampires are relatively “safe” monsters: they have to be invited in, they have all sorts of well-documented vulnerabilities, if you pour gain on their doorstpes they have to count it all before they can go inside . . .

I like horror movies where the characters are at least given a fighting chance. I hate movies like “The Grudge” where people just have bad luck and die horribly. If I want to see that I can watch the news.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Molly Ren that “slut” list is hilarious xD Do you have to be all of these things or only one of them? o_O (the “she’s black” confused the f- out of me xD so if it’s all, that means there’s a lot of ppl who aren’t sluts, and if it’s only one, then ALL black women are sluts? o_O also the condom thing is very scarily ignorant -_-)

13 years ago

I thiiiink what stupid-dude meant is that the more traits of this sort a woman has the more sex partners she is likely to have. Of course, what it boils down to is “horny women have more sex” and “random sexist stereotypes.”

13 years ago

Maybe they don’t want a ladies night, maybe its a bar for bears, and redneck gay guys, and redneck bears…

As to horror movies, zombie films exempted (because I love those to a disturbing degree), I only like a few of them. I do not find them scary usually, so I tend to like those with a good suspense/drama plot that fall into horror more by being morbid than by fitting into the usual tropes of the genre or ridiculous B movies. The latter is why I refuse to watch horror movies based on real life stories, because I like to mock and laugh at horror movies and it makes me feel bad about myself if I do it to real people’s suffering. I often like Korean horror movies too, because they are often plot intense, unlike most US horror movies.

*mild spoilers ahead* One horror movie that did catch me off guard and legitimately freak me out was a Korean film called “Save the Green Planet”. I went into it with no expectations, and the start of the film made it seem like a slightly dark comedy and the film started out with a neat version of “Somewhere over the Rainbow”. But, eventually, the film just spiraled into gory hell after you had gotten attached to characters who turned out to be really twisted individuals. Yep, a film that starts out with Somewhere over the Rainbow and has a dog eating human flesh before it is over. That was a fucked up movie. I highly recommend it.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

My scariest horror movie experience was when I worked as a maid in a large hotel. I was doing the usual menial tasks, bored out of my gord. After being told I wasn’t allowed an iPod, I started turning on the TV. One day The Ring was on, and, unable to help myself, I watched nearly the entire thing, turning the TV to the same channel as I moved from room to room. Since it was a huge hotel, I was entirely alone for my hours-long shift, and by the time I’d gotten to my last room I was terrified a dripping wet chick was going to be behind every closet door and in every dark bathroom.

So yeah, I don’t do real well with horror movies.

13 years ago

I like suspense type horror fills alright if I have some to hold me while I’m watching them. But gory-type films of any sort are a big no-no for me! I almost walked out of Inglorious Bastards, it made me so sick. But I love camp type horror films! Or camp of any sort! Give me a so-bad-it’s-good any day of the week! =D

And, Molly, everyone’s hair is different so I can’t really speak to what kind of care your hair needs, but the aftercare on my hair was relatively simple! I only bleached any part of my hair once, and then I used high-quality dyes (I had to mix them together to get some of the colors I wanted. So in the end I never actually got the color I really wanted, but it always came out great!) and I bought shampoo and conditioner for color-treated hair. And then I just didn’t actually wash my hair very much, but conditioned it often. And my hair stayed surprisingly soft and nice! But after dozens of repeated dyings it was still so damaged I just shaved it off. =p

And I did all of the dye stuff myself! I’m really proud of that fact!

Also, I am now a strong supporter of bald women. Bald chicks are hot! Shaving my head was such a fun experience, I’m probably going to do it every few years! Just not in the winter again… my head got cold…

And you guys rock as my dating and sex life support group! <3

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