off topic open thread



Now here’s a bar  – the one in the video clip above – that probably could benefit from having a ladies’ night once in a while.  (I rather doubt the ladies would really benefit, though.) That’s why it’s Ladies Night here at the second weekly WEEKEND OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY! It is also Men’s Night. Everyone comments for free! Post about whatever the hell you want to post about, link to stuff by people you like, link to your own stuff, go wild!

The dance sequence in the video is taken from the dark and wonderful Belgian horror film Calvaire. Which brings me to the questions I’m going to use to start off the thread: Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? If you do, what are some of your favorites?

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13 years ago

I am not good a being scared at horror movies. And the Ring just annoyed me. I felt sorry for the poor girl though. But I liked the Host from Korea, it was pretty interesting and did not have the ending I expected. Yay Korea!

I cannot remember the last movie I cried at but I cried at the dog episode of Futurama.

zombie rotten mcdonald
zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

A funny zombie movie I really liked recently was “AAAAH! Zombies!”. Had such great lines as:

“I wonder if Mexican brains taste spicy?”

“Anyone for a brain margarita?”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh, for kids movies… I dun think I ever cried in Bambi, but MY Bambi was the Land Before Time when Littlefoot’s mother sacrifices herself fightng the T-Rex… I bawled and bawled in the theatre 🙁 And I still cry now : It was rly moving to me (and I understand that the random death by a hunter is affecting in another horrifying way 🙁 ) b/c she made the conscious sacrifice to fight something that was gonna kill her viciously in order to save her kid, and that made me cry and cry and cry 🙁 (it might also have hit v close to home for me w/ my mom protecting me from my dad : )

The other one is Mulan where she sings “Reflection”.. cuz of the whole “everybody sees me as a man, but I’m a girl inside” thing 🙁 I still cry now :

Hmm… *thinks* I get misty eyed at a few points in Jerry Maguire too xD

13 years ago

I fucking hate it when movies make me cry. Usually it feels like fake emotions and also crying gives me a headache. I tend to avoid movies that I expect will have tear-jerker scenes in them.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Plymouth awww : I’m the opposite xD I love crying cuz I had forced myself to stop crying for so long (cuz I was beaten up constantly as a kid for crying until I bottled it all up and it became this anger thing 🙁 ) that it is a bit of a validation of myself now when I can just cry :] But I ttlly understand not wanting to cry : I hate being scared… I avoid any movie that might make me scream and shut my eyes D:

13 years ago

Hay guise! My pig has done cooked! The roast is going beautifully, aside from the grease catching skin on fire around 7 this morning. I has pictures! None of me, unfortunately, as I’m behind the camera, but FiletofswedishBoyfriend poses beautifully while tending the fire.

13 years ago

I’ve been watching a lot of foreign horror films recently, like Delicatessen and Sheitan. Pretty interesting how different countries have different ways of ratcheting up the uncomfortable tension.

13 years ago

There are very few movies that have ever made me cry, I can think of four movies and two shows, total: Tae Guk Gi, Grave of the Fireflies, To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything (I found it near unbearable as a child that Chi-chi did not get her man), Serenity (Wash! Noooooo!), Angel Beats, and Code Geass.

Most kids movies did not affect me much-I generally was not a fan of them. Beauty and the Beast scared the hell out of me as a kid though, because of the all too familiar creepy abusiveness of the whole plotline. I watched Mimic when I was nine and that didn’t bother me (though it traumatized my then seven year old brother so much that my older sister did not let him watch another horror movie until he was in his teens), but Beauty and the Beast was a hellishly disturbing film. Bambi did not upset me in the slightest, however, probably because like so many kids movies it only killed off parents, and I was not a fan of my parents.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@filetofswedishfish that looks delish! 😀 Wish I was there… that Sangria looks YUMMY <3

13 years ago

Sarah: You’re cute as three buttons, and your hair is the rad-est!

Filetofswedishfish: Ahhh, your lucky, lucky guests. What a great feast you’ve made. Have fun!

All this talk about horror films reminded me to put “Let the Right One In” on my netflix account. The intersection of vampires and Morrissey on the Venn diagram is a place for Bee.

13 years ago

Sarah *HUGS* –i hate that avoidance shit.

Horror: am a big wimp. I remember seeing PSYCHO when was 14 and babysitting in an old house and it freaked me out.

BODYSNATCHERS which is sort of sf horror is one of my worst nightmares–literally, as a child I had recurring nghtmares about how everybody in my family looked the same but were entirely different people inside.

And finally, THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE (book and film) scared the everloving crap out of me.

I haven’t seen any recent horror because I dislike gore though (blush) there is one exception. since Sean Bean was in THE HITCHER, I saw that–it’s probably splatter or slasher rather than horror.

Book recs: Sheri S. Tepper has two really excellent horror novels — BLOOD HERITAGE and THE BONES (a duology). HIGHLY recommended.

13 years ago

“Let the Right One In” is sooooooo good!

13 years ago

“Let the Right One In”–yes!
I finally figured out the titles to some of the Korean/Japanese ones we watched on Friday nights: Suicide Club, Audition, Tell Me Something. I also really like Angel Dust for some reason. Oh, Session 9–US–is pretty good psychological horror. I think David mentioned The Kingdom on another thread–as much as von Trier pisses me off I found TK creepy and kind of fun. Although, the whole women-get-abused-even-in -the-afterlife thing just made me crazy.
Ami–The Land Before Time, I had forgotten about that one! I think I did cry! It’s weird how much cartoons rely on violence against mothers: Land Before Time, Bambi, Dumbo…
Plymouth, do you feel the emotions are fake because you feel the movie is manipulating your emotions or because crying is perceived as a way of performing a conventional gender role or some other reason? I’m genuinely curious because crying is, unfortunately, such a loaded social act and I’m wondering how others negotiate it. For instance, I’m much more likely to cry when I’m on my own and am terribly uncomfortable when others can see my emotional responsiveness.
OK, so on a lighter note, filetofswedishfish’s BBQ looks scrumptious!

13 years ago

I just wanted to let everyone know that Mission: DC Manboobz Meet-Up/Pride was a smashing success! We had a great time, caught a ton of beads, and started a dance party in the middle of the street. XD

13 years ago

David: Audition was a weird experience because I wasn’t there when the rest of the group saw it (can’t remember why) so the first time I watched it was kind of filtered through what I had heard from them. Sooo, [SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT for those who haven’t seen it]
I knew it would start off innocently and then nosedive into deep dark eyeball-gore disgustingness pretty quickly, which kind of takes the edge off the effect. But, yes, rough movie to watch. I’ve been meaning to see Ichii the Killer for lo these many years and have never heard of Visitor Q. Where I’m living at the moment the film selection is pretty dire because of censorship (and no Netflix! NOOOOOOO!), but Austin has some really terrific alternative video stores (Vulcan Video!!!), so I’ll check these out in July. I’m looking forward to Save the Green Planet!
Sarah: Yay! Woohoo!

13 years ago

I don’t cry at endings a lot. Madame X I cried at. The series end in Babylon 5 when Sheridan is leaving and he and Delenn are saying goodbye always puts me in tears. The ending of the last LOTR movie made me cry too, but I was warned by my other doesn’t-cry-at-movie-endings-much friend that it made her cry, so I was prepared. I got teary at Deep Impact.

I’m not a big crier, but if the writing’s really good, I may. Unless the movie is painfully stupid and I can’t escape it – but those are tears of anger as my brain cells jump to their death out of my ear.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

hey, Ami; you’re in To-Ron-To and at least somewhat gothy; are you familiar with a local band named The Birthday Massacre? I have been getting into them quite a lot lately.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

what, we’re all done dancing already? BUT IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WEEKEND YET!!