Last night, many hundreds of comments into what would become Man Boobz’ first 900-plus comment thread, an idea arose: a Man Boobz meetup! Specifically, a Boston-area MB meetup, since a lot of MB commenters seem to live around there. Holly – the awesome lady behind the excellent blog The Pervocracy – stepped up to organize the thing.
And thus was born the first of what quite possibly could be many Man Boobz/Pervocracy meetups, tentatively scheduled for 6pm on Friday, June 17th at the Prudential Center Food Court in Boston. If you’re in the area and want to attend, post a comment below and/or get in touch with Holly directly. (Email her at [email protected].) I’ll post about it again before it happens, so if there are any changes in the details you all will know about it.
Also: for those Man Boobzers who live in and around Chicago, I’ll be organizing a meetup here too, probably within the next couple of weeks. If you’re in the area and want to attend, post below! I’ll do my best to accommodate everyone’s schedules, find places for people to crash, and so on.
There’s also talk about a Toronto meetup.
If anyone else reading this blog wants to get a meetup going in your area, post below! There are Man Boobzers all over the map. Let’s make this happen.
Meanwhile, some other Man Boobzers have set up a book club on Library Thing. Which is also amazing.
I am really happy to see this sort of thing happening, and honored, really, that so many of you all have found a little online home on this blog. And I want to do whatever I can to facilitate this. I’m still considering the possibility of a Man Boobz forum, though I’m not quite sure that the peculiar dynamics that propel so many of the discussions here into sprawling hundreds-of-posts-long threads would work as well on a forum. People here seem fairly evenly divided on the idea. So I’m holding off on that, at least for now, but if there’s enough demand for it I can set up a forum pretty much instantly. Post your thoughts below!
Also: I know a lot of you are broke (as am I), but if you have a few bucks to spare I’d like to once again plug the Man Boobz store., which has awesome “We Hunted the Mammoth” and other t-shirts and assorted products, designed by the awesome JohnnyKaje, who also designed the main Man Boobz banners. (Shaenon also contributed a lovely drawing of an evil cupcake.)
And finally: If you want to help Man Boobz take over the internets, promote the fuck out of the posts here with the little “share” buttons. Links bring traffic, and traffic brings more regular readers and commenters into the Man Boobz fold. Heh heh.
And finally finally, keep sending along suggestions for posts. Quite a few of my recent posts have been inspired by links people sent me. (If you send along a suggestion, and you’d like me to credit you in the posts, let me know; I’ve been assuming people would prefer anonymity.)
Thanks again, everyone!
Oh… now you can? What the hell….
Sorry for the triple posts…
Hello Everyone,
I’m a bit of a lurker because I live on the other side of the world to America which means I’m asleep while most of the conversations happen. It would be lovely to meet some like minded people, but unfortunately I don’t think this is a possibility. I think the only other people who have read this blog where I live are some friends who I’ve sent links to! Have fun meeting up.
🙁 Someone at wordpress already took Nobby! No signing up for me yet.
Don’t be sad, Nobby! You can still get a Gravatar account. Just use the same email you use to sign in … you don’ need to use Nobby for your Gravatar name, even. And then you can add a picture and join the cool kids!
(Is it okay that I just called myself a cool kid?)
So it looks like we’ve got two midwest contingents: some folks in Chicago (or who could make it to Chicago), and some folks in Madison/Milwaukee. So maybe we need two meetups?
Me, Capt. Awkward, Mediumdave
Out of town folks who say they can make it to Chicago:
Absinthe, Rachel, tofu nutloaf, Bee
Wisconsin contingent:
Absinthe (could attend Chicago)
Doctress Julia
Other Midwesterners:
Tofu nutloaf (could attend Chicago)
Rachel (might make Chicago)
Ami, sure, I’d be happy to donate the store profits to Doctress J. (I’ve gotten one check so far from Zazzle, not a ton of $ but something, I have yet to deposit it; the original plan was to send the $ to Planned Parenthood).
we could meet at that O-so-attractive truckstop right on the border….
Huh. No other SF Bay Area denizens here?
Well I’ll be damned. I guess it’s not the center of the universe after all.
I’m not sure if anyone lives in the Fort Lauderdale/Miami area, but I’m down here for the summer and would be willing to organize a meetup at some point.
dreamhouse, feel free to jump into the conversation. There are a couple of other commenters here from your, er, hemisphere. And some in the US like me who keep very very late hours.
Hmm, I can log in, but now I show up as my gravatar name. How do I change that, Bee? I want to be a cool kid!
David, you can kill that ‘testing?’ comment in moderation, different name. Sorry!
Oh, wait, snazzy picture! Wooo! Also triple posted!
Oh crap … I forget! I think it wanted me to use my Gravatar name, but then I just used my regular name and email (which was the same one I used for Gravatar), and the picture showed up like magic. That’s not working, though, huh? Anyone else with a Gravatar account and a little more tech sense want to advise?
Yay! Now you’re cool, Nobby! Niiice.
Capt Bathrobe – I’m SF bay area and so is Pecunium (though I guess he’s moving soon?)
Hey, thanks Bee!! Nift. And now I has a picture! (which actually for a little internet avatar thingie looks surprisingly actually like me. Though maybe moreso when I was 25 :D)
Though as “plymouth” was already taken I had to go with my stealth backup PLURAL ME!
Which makes me the east coast person? I am living in upstate NY right now.
whoa! it gave me retroactive icons!!
Oooh.. very cool icon! 😀
Err, so how do you get a gravatar icon to show up?
Does this work, I wonder?
😀 heh.. he he.. heh eh. ha! HA ha! HAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAA HAA HAA HA HA HAA!!
Mrow! :O I am visible! >:D
Hooray Ami! Lookin good! *thumbs up*