open thread


Dance, dance, dance!

Man Boobz’ first FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY is now open for business. Most threads here are pretty open, but this one will be even more so. Talk about whatever you want, link to interesting shit, link to your own blogs, go wild!

Or you can talk about this:  Earlier today I was listening to the song Dusseldorf, by La Dusseldorf, one of my favorite Krautrock bands, and I started thinking about bands that write songs referencing their band name in the lyrics and/or the titles of the songs. (In the song “Dusseldorf,” the word “Dusseldorf” is repeated probably a hundred times.) Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of other bands that have done this:

The Monkees, “Hey hey we’re the Monkees”

Public Image Limited, “Public Image.”

The Fall, “Neighborhood of Infinity,” “Crap Rap 2,” I’m sure others will come to me.

Who else has done this? (I think we should leave out rap, because rappers often mention themselves.)

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zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

New challenge: try to find a song that syncs up with the dancing guys above!

I vote for “Tuff Titty Rap” by Ciccone Youth, followed by “Into The Groovey”

I am almost positive the two are going to be wildly out of sync, but it will seem appropriate.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

How about “Baking is a DELICIOUS activity”.

I love baking, even if I am typically bad at it.

I am better at general cooking.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

On a totally unrelated note: OH MY GOD the new episode of Doctor Who. OH MY GOD.

Zombie Son this afternoon: Knock knock

ZRM: Who’s there?

ZS: Doctor

ZRM: Doctor who?

ZS [smirks]

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I agree that the traditional concept of ‘women’s work’ should be valued more. I absolutely love cooking and sewing, but I do them because it satisfies me to make something beautiful and enjoyable with my hands (and the investment and necessary space to get into sewing is much less than with carpentry!). I’m starting to branch out a bit into leatherworking, as well. Being a woman has very little to do with it, it’s about being creative and crafty.

I’m also into cooking because I like being in control of what I eat, and want to eat fresh, wholesome food instead of overprocessed prepackaged food loaded up with high fructose corn syrup and various chemicals.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

instead of overprocessed prepackaged food loaded up with high fructose corn syrup and various chemicals.



Kirby, nah 13 and I are trying to create a new type of hamburger that is more then just meat patties.


zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Better than regular Sonic Youth,


hamburger that is more then just meat patties.


zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

America hater or no, David, that link is fully of nutty goodness.

The first two paragraphs instantly juxtapose sexual assault, rape, and domestic violence with no distinction.

Not to mention the title talking about 1 in 10 somehow NOT being a minority, then later changing the claim to “small minority” so it would seem more reasonable.

No mention of whether the remaining 9 in 10 instances of domestic violence are OK or not, but I suppose we know the answer to that, don’t we? either that, or if 1 in 10 instances are false, than all the other instances must be false also, right?

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

O great, it gets better. The survey they cite says this:

11% of respondents said they themselves had been falsely accused of abuse

Hey, I say that I myself am a zombie, SO IT MUST BE TRUE.


I read the survey and it was a telephone survey, not a checking of court records or anything like that.

I thought about commenting but after reading about the Yuma shooting I just do not see the point. The blogger is going to assume that most, if not all women, are in the wrong and that this guy was at most a lone wolf. If this guy could sit in on when one of the judges here who put together a program where victims can request orders of protection at the hospital they are still recovering from the last beating in has to do one of these orders…maybe he would understand that 10% or even 11% is nothing compared to the misery that victims go through.

13 years ago

@Dave Futrelle – I went and looked at the survey methodology. How did they get their statistics? They randomly called people and asked “do you know anyone who was falsely accused of abuse?” Um. Yeah. Real reliable. Because it’s not like we live in a culture that downplays abuse. Because it’s not like people are unwilling to believe that someone they personally like – whether it’s their own child or a friendly face down the street – could be an abuser. It’s the classic line, as rumors are flying around: “But (person) is so nice! I don’t believe (he/she/etc) is capable of that!”


The second this guy was the blogger, not he shooter as he is dead now and cannot watch anything unless you believe in hell.

Also, I love America so much that the national anthem is one of my favorite songs. That said, hamburger needs something.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago


…dang. I was looking for Ted Leo’s “Loyal To My Sorrowful Country”, but no luck.

So instead, here is “Tell Balgeary, Balgury is Dead”, a song that is such an earworm that IT SHOWED UP IN MY DREAMS.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

HEH. The video worked. Blame david for all the messes I make from here on out.

13 years ago

1 in 10 Falsely Accused of Violence-Still Think it’s A Minority?

That’s so awesome. It’s like a little gift. Oh, for me? How kind! It makes me sad, though. We have this lovely language full of all kinds of words that have actual meanings! And here is a person who has no use for any of that. SAD TROMBONE. Oh, I know. I’ll just type random words and hope it works out.

I’m pretty sure the two guys up there are dancing to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It).” Like, 97 percent sure.

13 years ago

You mean this song?

(no, it doesn’t match up at all, but damn do I love that cover)

13 years ago

On issues of culture: About 20 years ago I had a book by an anthropologist at Oberlin. She was from France, and comparing the culture she grew up in, with the one she was living in.

One of the chapters was about being a mother, and that in France there was a large chunk of feminist thought that held rearing a child was a feminist act. It had to do with cultural expectations, and aspects of how the rearing was done, and without the book I can’t clearly explain it.

It was a great book (the chapter on being a late adolescent, and the quality of, sedusiant(e) alone was worth it).

13 years ago

Re: Pecunium’s link about using “slut” as an insult: I apologize to the group for referring to “my inner slut”–I was trying to convey sarcastically what the man in this interaction seemed to think of me and did not intend to condone slut-shaming itself.

13 years ago

@LaPlace, I was referring to Lawson’s linked article, not Yearwood’s (I agreed with most of what was in Yearwoods, but I am not certain she is interpretting Lawson’s statements as I would). Really, I don’t think Lawson said anything that was extremely disturbing or something of that order, but her wording and titling is problematic, for example:

“Sometimes that’s the best we can manage, but at other times we don’t want to feel like a post-modern, post-feminist, overstretched woman but, rather, a domestic goddess, trailing nutmeggy fumes of baking pie in our languorous wake.”

Lawson herself is conflating feminism with anti-feminitity there, using an asinine term like “post-feminist”, and suggesting women who enjoy these sorts of tasks are somehow more womanly than those who do not. Yearwood, on the other hand, is trying to call out just that stereotype that Lawson is reinforcing, for example, saying this:

“We’ve bought into stereotypes that are no longer useful – that women who thrive in positions of power can’t also enjoy “girly” hobbies like baking, for example.”

That doesn’t mesh up well with Lawson’s statements that are actually being discussed. I think Yearwood is giving Lawson too much credit (or, maybe, she is familiar with Lawson in a way that I am not, and so understands a good underlying understanding of Lawson’s of these ideas that is not coming through well in Lawson’s brief article). Lawson’s words and Yearwood’s statements about Lawson’s words just do not seem to match up to me.

Yes, I see more sexist and anti-feminist shit than this on a daily basis, but Lawson is still making some problematic gendered statements.

13 years ago

I was right! I checked, and they ARE dancing to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It).” I win.

So, a few weeks ago, there was a thread about Manboobz dreams. I am apparently extremely open to suggestion, and have since had two, which I shall share below.

Dream the first: In real life, I am an advocate for rape victims. In my dream, I took on another role: Advocate for MRAs. They (some … dream person) explained to me that I would be on call in case any MRA had an unpleasant experience — e.g., some bitch spat on him, etc. — so I could moderate for him, talk him through it, help him get through the situation.

Dream the second: David was dating and then broke up with my best friend (in the dream), Zoe Deschanel. As she was totally heartbroken (and he treated her rather crummily), I took her side and had to stop reading Manboobz. Sigh. David: Please promise me that you’ll treat Zoe Deschanel nicely in real life, so I never have to do that, okay?

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

“instead of overprocessed prepackaged food loaded up with high fructose corn syrup and various chemicals.”


I’m a Californian 🙂

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago


13 years ago

Only in my dreams …

If I were best friends with her, I suppose I would have figured out how to spell her name correctly. Embarrassed pouty face.

Stacey C.
Stacey C.
13 years ago

I’m late to the party so someone may have mentioned already but KMFDM has a song on every album that references the band.