open thread


Dance, dance, dance!

Man Boobz’ first FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY is now open for business. Most threads here are pretty open, but this one will be even more so. Talk about whatever you want, link to interesting shit, link to your own blogs, go wild!

Or you can talk about this:  Earlier today I was listening to the song Dusseldorf, by La Dusseldorf, one of my favorite Krautrock bands, and I started thinking about bands that write songs referencing their band name in the lyrics and/or the titles of the songs. (In the song “Dusseldorf,” the word “Dusseldorf” is repeated probably a hundred times.) Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of other bands that have done this:

The Monkees, “Hey hey we’re the Monkees”

Public Image Limited, “Public Image.”

The Fall, “Neighborhood of Infinity,” “Crap Rap 2,” I’m sure others will come to me.

Who else has done this? (I think we should leave out rap, because rappers often mention themselves.)

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13 years ago

Does Devo’s We Are Devo count:

13 years ago

Honestly, I hope that MRAL follows up on what he posted last in the “Fear and loathing on a date” article thread, which is, “You know what? I’m leaving manboobz for a few months to improve myself. See you then!”

I mean, as mean-spirited as he is, I honestly think that there is some hope for him. Maybe it’s misguided. I dunno.

Also, I love the “Judas” music video.

13 years ago

No one’s mentioned The Who? Who’s Next, Who Are You, etc.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

My music tastes are HKpop, Cpop, Jpop and country xD Yus… when it comes to English music I like country xD Well.. poppish country 🙂 I like Jessica Simpson, Taylor Swift, SheDaisy and Dixie Chicks. 😀 I tend to ONLY like female singers for some reason (that and the boyband thing back in the 90s xD ) which isn’t ideological… i just like their voices better xD Exceptions are the boybands (esp 98 Degrees and Savage Garden) and L’Arc~En~Ciel 😀

But none of that is dancing music. xD When it comes to dancing music, I dun care what plays as long as it’s got a beat and I want to move to it 😀

13 years ago

I don’t like to be too harsh on MRAL, no matter how odious he is. Remember the dogpiling that happens at Feministe, how every thread devolves into “You used ableist language!”?

I’ve been on both sides, and being dogpiled, where everyone picks on you even if they would happily accept an identical statement from someone accepted by the community, is no fun.

That said, I don’t go someplace and call everyone bitches.

13 years ago

@ Katz Yeah, good point.

My musical tastes are mostly in Jazz/Electronica/House, though I do dab into other genres. I’ve even attended a few underground musical events.

13 years ago

Let’s see:
Moxy Fruvous – “King of Spain” which often ends with the lyric “And now I’m jamming with Moxy Fruvous” depending on the version/concert.
Paul and Storm – “We Are (The Opening Band)” well, doesn’t actually say their name, but it’s all about them. So that’s an exception I think.
KLF – “3AM Eternal”
I’m sure I’ll think of more at some ridiculous hour of the night and not remember when I wake up.

13 years ago

Wham! “Wham Rap.” (That absolutely CANNOT count as rap.)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Okay! So this is a club/dance thread right? 😀

So let’s share your best/worst/most hilarious pick up lines! 😀 Either that you’ve used, heard or just thought of now 😀

We can vote on the winners and give out fake prizes too! 😀

13 years ago

Dang, I expected to see a lot more naked people.. Curse you Ami and your misinformative first post!

I tend to alternate between metal (no death or scream) and folk. Nightwish is awesome! 😀 Can’t think of any songs I know the words to (most of the ones I’ve heard) where the band is mentioned… I must not be listening to the right music…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I think the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard btw (and I was ABOUT to talk about the Asianphiles when I remembered this one) is the chaser who wanted to try “something new” and thus followed me out of a store and blocked my car so I would have had to run over his foot -_-;;; and said “when you’re dying of thirst, you don’t care about the label on the bottle… I want to drink you.”

XDDDD (it’s funny NOW >_> but still creepy as f-) -_-

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I am not a big one for music, so I am just going to recommend y’all go see the new X-Men movie. Michael Fassbender is a fox even when wearing a dorky helmet.

13 years ago

and… since Dave said to link to cool shit, even our own.

On hatching birds Think of it as prepping for the apocalypse.

: )

13 years ago


“Also, does anyone else feel kinda bad about making fun of MRAL? ”

I kind of felt bad for him for a little while, but that was until the groping thread. Now he can fall off the planet for all I care.

Sam L
13 years ago

Motörhead- MOTÖRHEAD

Iron Maiden – IRON MAIDEN


Hope to god the embedding works.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Sam, some here can get the videos to embed in comments, but I ain’t one of them.

13 years ago

I feel badly about how thoroughly MRAL is being slammed. Mostly because I think it’s asymetric. I know why he’s being hit so harshly, and it’s not that he hasn’t earned some lumps. And it’s not as if I haven’t dished some out (the groping thread I was pretty severe… he’s pretty much not responded to me since. It’s a talent, of sorts).

But I’ve been as restrained as I can, because I don’t think he’s all bad. He’s in a bad way, and he’s quite capable of going off the deep end. I think he’s young, and impressionable, and there is a lot of attractive justification out there.

And it’s hard to be the outlier. It’s hard to have everyone challenge your worldview. It’s a lot harder when they aren’t just contradicting you, but using facts, and experiences (and that they line up). That causes a lot of cognitive dissonance, and digesting it is not easy, and it’s in fits and starts.

But he’s not like anit, or NWO, or EWME.

So I hope he can pull it together.

13 years ago

Haha! Bad pick-up lines? Well there was this jerk I once worked with who, jokingly (I think…I hope) considered having sex with “fat” girls for money. He was a total ego-maniac, and he started coming up with pick-up lines, such as “Do you have your own orbit? Because I feel drawn to you.” I don’t remember the others. Oh, and I once carried a net to see what I could catch in this pond (I’m curious, what can I say?), and some guy said “I’ll be your fish, baby.” lol WTF?

13 years ago

Not a self referencing band, but the best band name and song title ever,

My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult and their song

The Devil Does Drugs

13 years ago

They Might Be Giants: “They Might Be Giants”

Stray Cats: “Stray Cat Strut”

My boyfriend said this to me today: You’re making things hard on me. I don’t know if that’s a pickup line so much. It’s … something.

13 years ago


BIRDIE!!! Birdie! Birdie! Birdie! Birdie! BIRDIE!!! Seriously, that was the cutest series, I love it! How is the little birdie doing?

13 years ago

If I shake up my brain a bit, then tip over, sometimes things fall out. Scary things:

Are you a tripwire? Because I’ve fallen for you.

I must be really drunk, cause I see two verry fine ladies in front of me. (twins.. for a threesome)

*Walks up, takes out your ear-phones, pushes down book you were reading* Hi there! (I heard this from someone sharing it as a personal experience.. yeesh)

You must be the sun and I must be Mercury, cause I’m gonna orbit you all day! Way too close!

You must be a foreign nation because I’m annexing your personal space!

You’re so cute baby, I’m gonna put you in my pocket. (Hee hee, that won’t work) Why not? (Its too small!) Baby, nothing about me is small. (remember this from some random book)

Welp, I think that’s all for now. *Goes and rocks back and forth in a corner*

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You must be the sun and I must be Mercury, cause I’m gonna orbit you all day! Way too close!

That one was so self-aware it made me laugh out loud xD

The 2nd last one is TERRIBLE XD You need to be punished just for reading that book ! xD

I like the 2nd one… if it’s done by the right person in the right time in the right way I think I’d give the person a 2nd sentence to prove themselves xD

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

No actual pick-up line. Just show up at a singles bar wearing a rainbow wig and carrying a sign that says JOHN 3:16.