Man Boobz’ first FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN THREAD DANCE PARTY is now open for business. Most threads here are pretty open, but this one will be even more so. Talk about whatever you want, link to interesting shit, link to your own blogs, go wild!
Or you can talk about this: Earlier today I was listening to the song Dusseldorf, by La Dusseldorf, one of my favorite Krautrock bands, and I started thinking about bands that write songs referencing their band name in the lyrics and/or the titles of the songs. (In the song “Dusseldorf,” the word “Dusseldorf” is repeated probably a hundred times.) Off the top of my head, I can think of a couple of other bands that have done this:
The Monkees, “Hey hey we’re the Monkees”
Public Image Limited, “Public Image.”
The Fall, “Neighborhood of Infinity,” “Crap Rap 2,” I’m sure others will come to me.
Who else has done this? (I think we should leave out rap, because rappers often mention themselves.)
Kill Mother Fucking Depeche Mode?
and… in the OMG FAIL dept. is not just the post, but the comments on Brendan O’Neill’s self-satisfied rant about the slutwalk in Glasgow.
It’s not as if the MGTOW/MRAs aren’t supported by people who don’t frequent their fora.
Yep…it is as if he has no clue why anyone would possibly have a problem with be catcalled on the street.
Almost tempted to tell the guy to dress as a woman to see what we have to deal with.
I told him he was a rape-culture apologist, and committing exactly the logical failure he accuses women of.
But the comments tell me that was as wasted an effort as dealing with NWO, or EWME.
Hey, one never knows-he might respond and say “nut’un!” And hilarity ensues.
Haha, I wonder if he picked his own photograph. The headline is “These are the Most Antisocial Sluts on Earth,” and just below that is a picture of a woman carrying a sign reading, “This is not an invitation to rape me!”
So… I guess anti-social actually means not wanting to get raped, in the MRA mind.
Who knew?
Is that a rhetorical question?
Yes 🙂
To be fair he’s not an MRA, rather he’s a, “tell it like it is” idjit, who thinks that by being some sort of conservative/reactionary who is against, “priggishness he’s an iconoclast.
What he is, is a bog-standard sort of “whah… my privilege is eroding” twit.
I’ll be brief since I’m typing on a phone. This site is making me smile which is rare since the Joplin tornado. Once I rebuild my home I will enjoy adding more instead of lurking.
Kendra, good to know you’re hanging in there!
That GIF was too beautiful to leave uncaptioned