antifeminism evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men sex

Fear and loathing on a date

Let me tell you more about the Pussy Pass ...

The Men’s Rights subreddit on Reddit is awash in mini-manifestos. My favorite of the most recent batch, a rousing 3-part rant running under the title “Do not fear them!” 

Who is “them,” you ask?

Women who might just decide that they don’t really want to have sex with some dude who keeps going on about how men are the most oppressed group in the world.

Responding, apparently, to a comment in an earlier thread suggesting “that being publicly vocal about the way men’s rights are trampled on and ignored is a great way to lose the opportunity of getting laid,” manifesto writer Kuppers argues that it just ain’t so —  but when it is, just bite your tongue for as long as it takes to get into her pants.

He starts off with a strange variant on the notion that there are plenty of fish in the sea. If you feel that women won’t want to have sex with your Men’s-Rights-espousing self, Kuppers suggests,  it’s

because your brain was conditioned in a small communal/tribal setting. A group of angry women was a serious threat to your prospects of reproduction. As you know, women often act like herd animals, and view acceptance and appreciation from their peers of their choice of man to be important. This is completely moot today. There are millions of fish in the sea.

Aside from that final truism I have no fucking idea what he’s talking about.  I don’t recall growing up in anything that might possibly be considered – literally or figuratively – a “tribal setting” ruled over by a group – sorry, a herd – of “angry women” hell-bent on keeping me from reproducing.  Is this a common experience? Also, I have precisely zero interest in “reproduction.”  Indeed, I sort of make it a policy to only have sex with women who are at least as interested in preventing reproduction as I am.

On to point two in this curious document, which is that ladies love dudes with strong opinions:

Women, while they do not always explicitly say so and sometimes contradict so, sincerely do appreciate a man who has strong internal beliefs and principles, and does not compromise that for the sake of assuaging someone else’s sensitivities, including theirs. A man who is willing to pretend he is something he is not, isn’t attractive on a deep masculine level to women.

True, up to a point, but you might want to keep all that shit about women being angry reproduction-threatening herd animals to yourself. That might not go over so well on your first Starbucks coffee date. Or ever. Protip: Misogyny aside, very few people want to get with people who refer to sex as “reproduction.”

But if your desire for sex outweighs your manly desire to be truthful about your obnoxious beliefs, well, that’s all good too – if by “all good” you mean “you can still have angry sex with women you despise if you just keep your pie hole shut for a few hours.” Or, as Kuppers puts it in his third and final point, which he apparently doesn’t realize completely contradicts point number two:

The kind of woman who a) wants you to be subordinate to her crazy foaming feminist nonsense, and b) has no tolerance or patience for your concerns, is not worth anything more than a cheap, well-protected fuck anyway. Fine, keep your mouth shut for the couple of hours it takes to get her into bed, but you’d be mad to pursue anything more serious with a woman like that.

Men’s Rightsers – such romantics at heart!

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13 years ago

NWO, I guarantee that everything you think you know about 1955 is based on old television shows. A handful of people, mostly in the western world (mostly the U.S.), benefited directly from the economic boom following World War II and suddenly every woman from that era was Donna-fucking-Reed. All women were docile, satisfied homemakers, no one ever had sex outside of marriage, marital monogamy was at 100% and ethnic minorities loved being Pullman Porters and tenant farmers.

Look, women dress up for a lot of different reasons. If a woman is dressed in a way that you find attractive she may very well be hoping to attract the attention of some men. That doesn’t mean she’s trying to attract your attention, specifically. Your interest may very well just be collateral damage that she’d prefer to ignore.

Some men love women in jeans and a t-shirt. Does that mean that every woman walking around in the basic American uniform is trying to attract men?

You’re free to think whatever you like about the way different women dress themselves. And if you’re attracted to a woman you can express that in any manner that doesn’t violate her personal space or bodily integrity.

And any woman has the right to tell you to kick rocks. That’s equality. One form of it, at any rate.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Nobinayamu no no no.. you have it wrong… like w/ Asianphiles… I CHOSE to be Asian to attract them! xD If I DIDN’T want to attract them, why am I going out looking like an Asian person!? xD Altho sometimes my Caucasian skin is at the cleaners, and y’know, being a Klingon is so last year xD

13 years ago

Questions, questions, questions, all I do is answer questions. So heres mine.

1) Have any of you women ever gotten free stuff from men? Drink, movie, meal, jewelry, anything?

2) Have any of you ever worn skimpy clothing, make up, perfume, ect? If so why? And don’t tell me to feel good aboout yourselves unless you do these things when you’re alone in equal proportions.

3) If you’ve had/have a steady boyfriend/husband and he like to talk to other women and flirt would that be ok? If said boyfriend/husband said I don’t want you wearing revealing clothing/make up, ect because it attracts other mens attention, what would you tell him?

13 years ago

Oh, MRAL, I had not seen the lovely conversation in the other thread where you announced that lots of women deserve to be beaten and you’d do it yourself if you thought you could get away with it. I feel so stupid for ever trying to give you helpful advice. I hope you get some good medication for whatever the hell is causing these feelings in you, but I’m done with you, you nasty little fuck.

But first, just to keep things in perspective, the updated list of Crimes Against MRAL:

1. Strange women he passes in the street do not drop what they’re doing and beg to have sex with him.

2. This one time, in an elevator, he said hi to a girl? And she said hi back? But it wasn’t a really enthusiastic hi?

3. He applied for an internship that went to a female classmate, so she must have gotten it just because she’s a woman.

Remember, when he tells people who have been assaulted that they don’t know what real suffering is, this is what he has in mind.

13 years ago

“C’mon now, women dress up to attract mens attention, period.”

And you know this because of what? Citation needed.

I've been looking through my jewelry tonight because my cousin's getting married tomorrow and I want to look nice. I adore my cousin and he's a super-nice guy and I don't want to show up at his wedding looking like I don't care. I do! I think his fiancée is lovely, I've known her for many years, and it's a happy celebration! But then, I'm already married, and a pretty large majority of the attendants will be family…who am I dressing up for?

The mysteries of life…so easily solved by talking to people.

13 years ago


NWOaf, you are a complete headcase. Yes, the 50’s were a sterling time to be a woman. Sarcasm, do you understand it, motherfucker?

MRAL: too bad you don’t get to decide which assaults are legitimate, but thanks for trying.

13 years ago

Damnit end > – if someone could fix that I’d appreciate it.

13 years ago

Kirbywarp, I dress up -whatever that means- all the time. It’s an important part of my work to project an image that is stylish and slightly aspirational without being showy. It’s a fine line to walk, sartorially, especially since at heart I’m an old school art nerd who spent the first part of my adult life in exclusively creative work and dressed to please no one but myself.

Understand, I don’t have a dress code like some of my friends who are lawyers or work in business. There are no strict rules about hose and hem lengths. There’s just and underlying understanding that how the people I interact with feel about me, and the image I project, will directly influence their desire to work with me and pay me. So I dress to offer a pleasing appearance, generally.

And to be told on a regular basis how great my shoes are. My shoes are great.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

To ppl: answer my question up there first 🙂 then you can deign the other questions if you want :3 But my question is more important! (also more fun and not ideologically based :3 It’s not a trick or a trap xD Many Bothans died to bring you this question!)

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

When will people get it through their heads that I DON’T WANT TO BEAT WOMEN. I just think some PEOPLE deserve to be taught manners, some of whom are probably women. Get the picture? I actually probably wouldn’t be able to because I’m weak.

13 years ago

NWOaf, I’m not going to answer any of your asinine questions unless you first answer mine:

Why the fuck do you care what a woman’s motivation is for dressing one way or another? Assuming she’s not your girlfriend or wife, of course.

If you can answer that I promise I’ll answer your asinine and pointless questions, whatever you think that will get you.

13 years ago

So violence is the way to teach manners? I’m pretty sure that wasn’t covered by Emily Post.

13 years ago

When will people get it through their heads that I DON’T WANT TO BEAT WOMEN.

Right, you just fantasize about violence against women because it DOESN’T appeal to you. Do you even read the things you write?

13 years ago

Hi all,
Un-lurking to make a sociological point.

The entire concept of particular clothes being sexy or attractive IS societal, actually. The whole notion that certain clothes are “slutty” is not inherent to the clothes themselves, but rather a societal perception of those clothes. Take your clothes, NWO – the shorts and t-shirt. In various places at various times (including present-day), those shorts – showing off a bit of leg – would be considered OBSCENE for a woman to wear. Now we consider them modest. In other times and places (yes, including now) nudity isn’t considered particularly “slutty,” or worthy of attention at all. There is nothing inherent about a particular way of dressing that is slutty/appropriate/modest/what-have-you. It is in fact, societal norms that govern that. An individual does have some control over how they react to that of course, but to get to that in my next point:

Well, yes, I think a lot of women (though I’ve never actually seen anyone try to get stats on this) still dress in ways they find sexy when alone at home. I know I do. Why? Because my feeling sexy isn’t inherently tied to other people – sometimes it’s just kinda nice to feel that way, y’know?

But the whole attention thing – saying that a woman deserves to get harassed when where clothes perceived as sexy is her fault is like saying it’s your fault if your house gets robbed because you have a “welcome” outside the front door. Even if you find a woman sexy or attractive, even if she gets your ATTENTION (gasp), YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE for acting like a decent human being. I can walk outside in a short skirt knowing full well that I might be interacting with some stereotypes that I do not like, but just the same way I wouldn’t treat an attractive shirtless dude with respect, I expect to be treated with respect.

But hey, maybe I’m misunderstanding the whole argument. And maybe whenever this gets out of new-person moderation you’ll try to explain it to me. Because I fail to see the logical connections between revealing clothes = bad. Especially when, more and more, revealing clothes are becoming more culturally normative for young women.

Apologies for the wordy comment…back to lurking.

13 years ago

Nobinayamu: Hooray, I’m not crazy! Thanks.

NWO: (I know I know, I’m a guy, but I thought it’d be fun)

1) I’ve accepted free food from my girlfriend at points. And we’ve had sex before. Am I a slut now?

2) Eh, I’ve never really worn anything sexy, I don’t care much about how I look as long as I’m clean and comfortable. I have dressed up before, for more formal occasions though, though I don’t usually have ladies on my brain when I do so.

3) I’m torn on this one. Technically I’m fine with “flirting,” hell I do it too, probably without realizing it. But I’ve had a bad experience with a former girlfriend where I was dumped because I “didn’t set enough limits,” and she ended up having to choose between me an someone else. *shrug* Dunno, I haven’t had much experience yet, so who knows where the road I’m taking will lead.

The problem is that its hard (for me at least) to differentiate flirting with being really friendly. Its not that I think every girl is flirting with me, I just can’t tell the difference. My guess is that overprotective men can’t either. Thus, when their girlfriend hangs out with guys, they jump to “flirting! cheating! screwing, oh my!” So I wouldn’t be okay with my girlfriend saying I can’t “flirt” with other girls.

13 years ago

Hellkell, what do you know about the 50s? You act like you were there and know all about the morals and ethics of the time. By the way, the “docile” women as you say weren’t docile, they were loyal. You’ve done what feminism does best taken the good quality loyaly and turned it into the lie of being docile. No doubt the bad men forced this docile behavior on women lest they get a stern beating. Which is par for the course since men beat women regularly back then. So were contantly told anyway.

13 years ago

Are you really going to contend that violence against women in the 1950s is a conspiracy theory, NWOaf?

13 years ago

MRAL: So…you don’t want to beat women, you just want certain women to be beaten for you?

If you mention wanting violence to happen to people, everyone is going to think you are violent. If you don’t want people to think you are violent, don’t mention violent things you want to happen. If you can’t avoid talking about your violent fantasies, then you are violent, period.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I dun wear coats or jackets indoors in equal measure. o_o;; I didn’t know those were slutty xD

I’ve NEVER worn shoes indoors, ever xD SLUTTY SLUTTY SHOES!!!

I learn something new every day!

THEN AGAIN my giant hoodie of super doom seems to be super revealing and slutty too xDDDDD

Given how often I spend in my home wearing almost nothing, and that I sleep in almost nothing 8 hours a day… even in the winter… xD Yeah it IS unequal measure xD BY FAR xDDDDD

Is it possible to answer those questions btw without being called a liar btw? xD Oh right.. unifying theory of everything AND mind-reading! xD

*mind being read* :O ruh roh! defenses breached! xD

Ami’s mind:

“Don’t try to frighten us with your snarky ways, Lady Angelwings. Your sad devotion to that ancient feminism has not helped you conjure up a rich husband, or given you enough equality to not be using men to buy you robotic parts to build a giant laser cat mech…”



13 years ago

Basically Sallystrange I just want an honest answer. I want women to admit that “yes” we dress up to get attention from men. We like the way it feels when every man within eyeshot looks at us. We like being sexual objects.

Thats what I want the honest to goodness truth.

13 years ago

oops, failed at formatting…sorry!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Kirbywarp no, cuz you’re a guy that’s had sex… you’re not a slut you’re a “FUCKING LUCKY BASTARD GODDAMIT IT WHY CAN’T IT BE ME!” xDDDD

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

. By the way, the “docile” women as you say weren’t docile, they were loyal

…and medicated.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So the only “honest” answer is the one you “know”? xD

I wish men would answer me honestly when I ask them if they’re actually invaders from Dimension X xD They always lie, so unfortunately I have to remove their brains from their bodies and put it into an occasionally scarf wearing giant robot xD

13 years ago

Uh, no, NWO, were you there? I made no mention of docility, that was another poster who claimed all of your 50’s knowledge was gleaned from TV.

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