The Men’s Rights subreddit on Reddit is awash in mini-manifestos. My favorite of the most recent batch, a rousing 3-part rant running under the title “Do not fear them!”
Who is “them,” you ask?
Women who might just decide that they don’t really want to have sex with some dude who keeps going on about how men are the most oppressed group in the world.
Responding, apparently, to a comment in an earlier thread suggesting “that being publicly vocal about the way men’s rights are trampled on and ignored is a great way to lose the opportunity of getting laid,” manifesto writer Kuppers argues that it just ain’t so — but when it is, just bite your tongue for as long as it takes to get into her pants.
He starts off with a strange variant on the notion that there are plenty of fish in the sea. If you feel that women won’t want to have sex with your Men’s-Rights-espousing self, Kuppers suggests, it’s
because your brain was conditioned in a small communal/tribal setting. A group of angry women was a serious threat to your prospects of reproduction. As you know, women often act like herd animals, and view acceptance and appreciation from their peers of their choice of man to be important. This is completely moot today. There are millions of fish in the sea.
Aside from that final truism I have no fucking idea what he’s talking about. I don’t recall growing up in anything that might possibly be considered – literally or figuratively – a “tribal setting” ruled over by a group – sorry, a herd – of “angry women” hell-bent on keeping me from reproducing. Is this a common experience? Also, I have precisely zero interest in “reproduction.” Indeed, I sort of make it a policy to only have sex with women who are at least as interested in preventing reproduction as I am.
On to point two in this curious document, which is that ladies love dudes with strong opinions:
Women, while they do not always explicitly say so and sometimes contradict so, sincerely do appreciate a man who has strong internal beliefs and principles, and does not compromise that for the sake of assuaging someone else’s sensitivities, including theirs. A man who is willing to pretend he is something he is not, isn’t attractive on a deep masculine level to women.
True, up to a point, but you might want to keep all that shit about women being angry reproduction-threatening herd animals to yourself. That might not go over so well on your first Starbucks coffee date. Or ever. Protip: Misogyny aside, very few people want to get with people who refer to sex as “reproduction.”
But if your desire for sex outweighs your manly desire to be truthful about your obnoxious beliefs, well, that’s all good too – if by “all good” you mean “you can still have angry sex with women you despise if you just keep your pie hole shut for a few hours.” Or, as Kuppers puts it in his third and final point, which he apparently doesn’t realize completely contradicts point number two:
The kind of woman who a) wants you to be subordinate to her crazy foaming feminist nonsense, and b) has no tolerance or patience for your concerns, is not worth anything more than a cheap, well-protected fuck anyway. Fine, keep your mouth shut for the couple of hours it takes to get her into bed, but you’d be mad to pursue anything more serious with a woman like that.
Men’s Rightsers – such romantics at heart!
So hey, if the woman pays all the time, is the man a slut/user? Or does that only work against women?
Oh don’t worry Skyral, every body pays in their own way. *winks knowingly*
Well Plymouth if you’re a slut and someone treats you like a slut don’t get in a huff about it. You’re a slut.
Whoa, only attractive people are good enough for you aye? You’ll mock MRAL if he dares calls a woman a fatty, yet only attractive are good enough for the lovely Plymouth and her 9X used goods. This would be the hypocrisy, (spelled correctly) to which I was alluding.
Welcome back NWO: So tell me, are you gonna answer my question now? How do a man and woman date without one or the other being a slut/abuser?
My answer is that their is no case where that is true, but if both parties are worried and happen to date a lot they can alternate. Or whatever. But I’m more interested in how you think it should work.
I’ve answered you twice kirbywarp, please refer to my previous answer I gave you.
I find it amazing that not one woman here has ever gotten a free drink, movie, meal, ect. from a man. Is this planet bullshit, cause it ain’t earth.
Wow, Slavey, got a chip on the shoulder there?
When I met my husband and we had the “are we going to have sex?” chat it pretty much went like this: I have had sex with many people! I also have had sex with many people! Good on that, shall we have sex together with some contraception? Sounds fabulous!
I really don’t understand this concept of a vagina getting worn out, especially if you’re not one of those crazies who treat it like a clown car. A woman who has never expelled a baby from her nethers is evil/bad/etc. if she’s had sex with more than one person, or nine, I don’t care, but one who has had a baby is somehow less used in the vagina portion than one who’s only had penises up in there. The sense, it does not make.
I am not darkside cat. Cheese=squirrels. Get over it you nasty little shits that are undeserving of life(but don’t you dare say I hate you lot or I’ll rip out your left eyeball).
*Practicing my MRAL style reasoning*
The freemasons are trying to feed me to the lizard people! Red Scare! Red Scare! If you are a commie, you’re a bitch! If you aren’t a commie, you are a bitch!
*NWO style*
Hehe, I farted. Smelled like you.
*EWME style*
NWO: “Everyone pays their own way.”
Kirbywarp: “Doesn’t answer my question. At all. Even in the slightest. Do women pay by having sex? Isn’t this making them sluts? Do women pay for dates by being labeled sluts/abusers? Again, where is your logic?”
NWO: “You asked who should pay, I said pay your own way.”
And yet if men pay for the date, by your reasoning women are sluts if they have sex, and abusers if they don’t. Presumably if women pay, the men are sluts/abusers. How does repeating “pay your own way” answer the question? Unless you think women are sluts/abusers no matter what happens on a date…
To be fair, Plymouth, in this instance alone I am being a bit hyperbolic for the sake of making the point that some men are as locked into gender roles as some women. He doesn’t “hate” it when I pay, but when we first started seeing each other it weirded him out a bit. It just wasn’t part of his experience.
But I tell you what, we almost didn’t make it to the second date.
Lady Victoria von Syrus…If you want to accentuate your cleavage you do this to garnish attention from men, right? There can’t be another reason because if there was you would do that every day when your home alone. I just want you to admit is all.
You say “society” even sexualizes your feet. Have you ever put toenail polish on? If so than it’s you who sexualizes your feet, not society. All those clothes and make up you wear is YOU sexualizing yourself, NOT society. YOU are to blame. Not only that, but since I normally, (vitually always) wear a t-shirt, a loose pair of shorts in the summer and sneakers, you find it somehow demeaning to dress as I.
So the “sexuality” feminists/women claim men shouldn’t judge women by, you dress up like a dresden doll. What you want is to be judged by your “sexuality” when you want to be judged that way. Perhaps women should wear shirts that say “I wish to be judged as an object” when shes feeling sexy. And a shirt that says, “I’m more than just a sex object” when she feels objectified.
Oh man, I’m feeling a little.. damp.. wait.. oh god. I’ve been spit on. NWO is spitting on me! *shock horror gasp*
Coming to the defense of NWOSlave (good god, that makes me feel ill) I believe the point he is trying to get across is that the only way that a woman can avoid being either a slut or a user is if they BOTH people on the date pay. I.E. going Dutch.
I hope I never have to do that again. *shudder*
On the other side of the ‘women do go out without dressing up’ coin (and I do that too), most of the women I know DO occasionally get dressed up just when they’re home, or when they’re going out to an event that’s only girls (showers, get togethers, etc). Not every day, because it can be a lot of effort. But yes, on occasion. So much for the women only dressing up to get men to lust after them.
If that were the case I’d happily agree. I’ve actually said something similar in a previous post. What NWO seems to think, though, is that sex is a one-way thing: women give something to men, therefore there is a “buying” process, therefore “slut.” He doesn’t seem to understand that it takes two to tango, therefore who pays for dinner isn’t as relevant.
B/c nobody noticed amidst the end of the universe alphabet me and Kirby were doing last night, I’ll ask again 😀 (and given where I’m asking I might get a wide variety of responses xD )
But to the straight guys here (tho ppl who aren’t straight guys w/ opinions/exp can comment too :3 )
if a guy were rly tired from a late night the day before and just finished work and wanted to go home and sleep, would he go with a girl clothes shopping (esp if he doesn’t like shopping or being in a clothing store filled with girls) and stay with her in the dressing room line and give comments on her clothes, if he didn’t like her? :O (and she didn’t ask)
(that being like like, and not rly good friends)
(this is actually just a question, it has nothing to do with nething going on in this thread :3 )
Hmm. that came out wrong… I don’t mean that I would agree that “the only way that a woman can avoid being either a slut or a user is if they BOTH people on the date pay,” cause again, two-way street. So… I guess I wouldn’t agree… but having both pay or alternating or whatever works is a good compromise.
Thx for explaining the painfully obvious to Kirbwarp, footnotegirl.
Your second paragraph however is a poor cop out. C’mon now, women dress up to attract mens attention, period.
spit the check
Freudian slip, or intentional?
NWO, 1955 called. It wants you back.
Thank goodness hellkell, women had dignity and honor back then. They were respected because they earned it.
I thought everybody in the world knew that women mostly dress to entertain other women. Like a straight man is going to care what brand of shoes I have on.
Well NWO, thanks for your clear and insightful explanation, which in no way is obscure or could be misinterpreted.
This is a question for the ladies out there, actually. I’ve met girls who tell me they like to “feel pretty” sometimes (dress up and wear makeup and such). So does “feel pretty” mean “look pretty to men”, meaning “looking to attract men?” (assuming hetero for now…)
My sense is, if that isn’t the case, that you can dress up to look good for everybody, not just who you have sex with. A man can dress up in a suit and tie and look nice to other men without sexual overtones, perhaps with women its the same thing? (perhaps its blindingly obvious as well, and I’m denser than usual tonight?)
NWO, have you seen the car ads making fun of women driving? Hardly respect…
What the fuck difference does it make to you, NWOaf? Why a woman wears this thing or that thing–why do YOU care? What difference is it to you?
Yeah, “respect” in the 1950s meant that 90% of the interesting professions were barred to you, you are to accept any and all sexual harassment with an embarrassed giggle, if you get raped it’s definitely your fault and you can get an illegal abortion if you’re willing to risk death…
Fuck “respect.” I’ll take economic independence, thank you very much.
I think ppl who treat others know what they’re doing. XD We’re adults. I treat ppl to stuff all the time 😮 If they accept, I dun fault them or expect them to know what’s on my mind xD I mean treating ppl and expecting ppl to know that you’re being insincere and you expected them to refuse is… kinda weird isn’t it? o_O It seems a little odd to me 🙂 If I offer something I know that it could be accepted. :3
I dun like ppl treating me in general and I always ask over and over and over if it’s okay with them until usually my friends tell me to shush xD But that’s also my personal thing xD I’ve had a date who insisted on not letting me out of his car until he opened the door…. he almost killed himself rushing over to the other side of the car to open the door before I did o_o He also insisted on paying, I said I didn’t like doing that, but he said he was going to the washroom but didn’t and paid at the cash before we got the check xD Obv we didn’t work out xD I’ve had other guys AND girls (ahh bi-ness xD ) rly insist on paying, and then I usually treat them to something 🙂 I make it pretty clear that I want to go dutch and that I’m not interested in smex, and they still want to. I guess they just want to do something nice 🙂 Even if not (i can’t read their minds xD ), it’s their choice… I think adults know what they’re doing and aren’t busy playing mind games when they want to just have fun 🙂
As I said, I treat my friends to stuff all the time, sometimes non-friends or even strangers 🙂 Sometimes I want to do something nice or I want to cheer them up or somebody rly needs a meal and it does kinda hurt my finances, but it is something I want to do and if ppl say yes, I dun go “what type of person are you to accept!?” xD I offered 🙂 Getting bent out of shape about this seems weird. If my intentions aren’t honest, then I can’t rly get mad at ppl for accepting by saying that their intentions aren’t honest o_O And if my intentions ARE honest, then I’m glad they accepted! 😀
Also I wear bunny and cat hats all the time xD I am clearly playing to the animal gaze! xDDDD
I once kissed a stormtrooper wearing my cat hat! 😀