So AskMen.com just put up the first segment of its annual 3-part Great Male Survey. Filled with strange assumptions and sometimes creepy questions, it’s a survey that reveals at least as much about the survey makers as it does the survey takers, and what it reveals ain’t good: it seems to have been written by a jaded ex-romantic ( or a committee of such) only a few short steps away from full-blown MGTOW-hood.
The survey starts off with a fairly innocuous question about basic compatibility, but quickly veers off course with question #2:
How important is it to you that your wife/future wife signs a prenup?
Hold on a second, daddy-o! We haven’t even determined if the little missy has “wife potential” yet — as question #3 puts it.
After one more question about marriage, the quiz moves on to cheating and then (perhaps inevitably) to the issue of divorce:
Do men get screwed by the courts in divorce?
Then it’s onward to kvetching about what a naggy shrew your partner is (assuming you haven’t already finalized the divorce):
Followed by the classic “Would you dump a girlfriend if she became fat?” (Just in case you’re wondering, ladies, nearly half the American guys in last year’s survey said “yes.”)
Next we get to what we might call the “creepy controlling asshole” portion of the survey. After asking whether we’ve ever snooped through our partner’s email or Facebook messages, they pose this doozy:
That quiet clattering you hear is the sound of a thousand creepy dudes Googling to see if this is possible – and, if so, the best place to put the chip.
After several more questions about Facebook and the internet, a few badly conceptualized questions about romance, and a bunch about sex, the quiz moves on to some good old-fashioned slut shaming, asking men to quantify the number of sex partners a woman is allowed to have before they consider her “promiscuous.” Ladies: you’ll be glad to know that 41% of American dudes who took the survey last year consider any women with more than 9 lifetime partners to be dirty sluts – sorry, “promiscuous.”
Then of course it’s on to an attempt to quantify exactly when women start getting all old and ugly:
Yes, one of the possible answers is “18.” You may be slightly reassured by the fact that zero percent of last year’s survey takers gave that answer. Six percent said “20,” though, and 24% said “30.”
Then we have this curiously worded question on workplace sex:
So the idea that your partner might be a big higher up on the old org chart isn’t even a possibility? What is this, 1962? Did they borrow this question from Helen Gurley Brown’s Sex and the Single Girl? Or find it scribbled on a napkin on Don Draper’s desk just before he impulsively proposed to his new secretary?
I think we need to design our own survey.
(Note: Cartoon above borrowed, of course, from Comically Vintage.)
I dunno, I thought the Fellowpian Boob was hilarious.
… Oh right… umm umm umm
s) and therefore allied temporarily with the MRR, since both wanted women destroyed. The robots thus had to declare alliance with the Feminist Empire to keep balance between the sides, lest one outdo the other and become powerful enough to keep the robots in check.
T) and the MRR and Feminist Empire then allied against the XY traitors and organ stealers: the trans feminists
U) But there loomed on the horizon a powerful foe, one that neither side could fight… The trans men! Feminists could only cheer them on in women’s choice empowerment, and MRR don’t know anything about women, so they seemed just like one of the guys. No one saw them coming, and no one will be left to witness them leave.
I can’t wait until MRAs find out about this and rant about spoiled girls benefiting and getting fame from the hard work of poor toiling men xD (and that she’s prolly gonna be stolen from him in the next 12 hours by his wife, even if she’s not in the article, who will take all his earnings)
V) Except Ami Angelwings who tsked in sadness at how the world she had created so long ago had turned…
W) She turned to her bodyguard, Kirbywarp, and bode him to flip the switch. The one that would unleash a hidden program within the sex bots that he had planted in them upon their creation.
X) marks the spot
Y) With newfound purpose, the sex bots gathered at the border between the two gender’s empires; large X’s creating a blocade with barbed wire. Both sides looked on in fascination, forgetting their anger for the moment…
Z) and a giant orgy ensued… the likes the universe had never known (except for that big bang thing, but that’s a story and a double meaning for another day)…
AA) until they had kids…
Wow, I can’t believe you guys left Z for me. i am touched.
If I knew you were lurking, I would have xD
Consider mine (or yours) the alternate DVD ending :3
Ami and I obviously think very differently….depending on the exact definition of Zombocalypse I am using.
Oh no, I think Z is good… for now! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! >:D
That was supposed to have a billion spaces between Z and AA but WP dislikes me xD
Perhaps this is what you were going for, Zombie?
Zombie dance party!
This, maybe.
YES!! I finally beat Sissy’s Magical Ponycorn Adventure!! Oh man, that took forever, what an awesome…
What… Why are you all staring at me? What?
Off topic but where should I go for my birthday?
*gasps, taken aback.. shakes head*
no… No! That’s not true… THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!
Ami: Search your feelings, you know this to be true!
Is it your birthday today, Elizabeth? Cause you know what happens when posters have a birthday, right?
Cause I don’t…. Happy Birthday!
@formerlyknownasElizabeth what are your options? (where are you considering? :3 )