
Trogdor005 awaits the apocalypse, which will totally put those bitchy single moms in their place

The average man

Our friend Trogdor005 has returned with a new manifesto on the greatness of men and the utter suckitude of women. It’s inspiring stuff, rendered extra HEROIC through his use of CAPS, BOLD TEXT, random “quotes” and “italics,” and, from time to time, red lettering.

Trog starts by setting forth a now-familiar thesis: Men do everything, and women are just useless parasites. As he puts it:

Men …  are survivors, innovators, explorers, fighters. Most importantly, we men have the ability to ADAPT to changing conditions and environments … something women are incapable of for the most part. …

Take away all the take-out/fast food, automatic cars, cell phones and place one of these self-proclaimed “strong and independent” women out in the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back and watch how quickly she starves to death or gets eaten by a bear/lion/tiger/hyena/snake/shark, whichever comes first.

Especially if she’s on her period. Bears love menstrual blood. Sharks, too. Whereas the average man could easily knock a bear out with a swift left hook to the jaw or fend off a shark some sort of clever shark-killing tool he’s managed to fashion out of seaweed, jellyfish and his Speedos.  That’s because men are HUNTERS:

[T]he average man is a natural hunter thanks to instincts ingrained in his brain by evolution and (barring injury) can fend for himself. Women on the other hand are PARASITES that depend on, and live almost exclusively off of, MEN for their survival. Even today with all of the technology that we have, women are still COMPLETELY and HOPELESSLY dependent on men.

Trog then provides a long, long list of the things MEN and only MEN do.  Some highlights:

– It is MEN that create and service the cars, trucks, and SUVs that women drive to/from work, to/from their “thug” lover’s place, to/from the mall, etc. …

– It is MEN that create and service the computers that women use to hop on Slut-book/MySpace and do their attention whoring.

– It is MEN that build and assemble the couches, sofas, recliners, and other furniture than women use to sit on their fat asses watching shows like “Oprah”. …

– It is MEN that toil and sweat in the fields in scorching temperatures, collecting the raw vegetables/fruits that are then shipped to the grocery stores that women visit.

– It is MEN that work in dangerous unsanitory conditions inside the meat/butcher plants to provide safe meats to the fast-food/take out chains that women frequent.

– It is MEN in the form of police, security guards, and soldiers that provide women with a “safe atmosphere” in which they can walk around freely at night.

– It is MEN in sweat shops halfway across the world, working in some cases for nothing but a meal, that produce the “designer clothes” women buy and wear.

– It is MEN in semi-trucks that transport all of the goods I just mentioned (except real estate of course) to their intended destination and “keep the machine turning”.

– It is MEN that set up and maintain the necessary electrical, telecommunications, and sewage “grids” that make “civilized life” possible….

– And finally, it is MEN who venture deep into the deadly, hazard prone “diamond mines” located in remote locations to retrieve the raw stones which are necessary for, and later cut to create the shiny looking object that goes in THE RING

The bottom line is, women need men, but men DON’T need women.

So here is a collection of pictures of Women Who Do Not Exist, in the World of Trogdor:

Imaginary female auto worker
Imaginary female computer assemblers
Imaginary female furniture maker
Imaginary female farm worker
Imaginary female butcher
Imaginary female police officers
Imaginary female sweatshop workers
Imaginary female truck driver
Imaginary female electrician
Imaginary female diamond miners

Trogdor follows his list of Things That Only Men Do with another familiar MGTOW fantasy:

And of course, if things go total “Road Warrior” on us and the electrical, financial, and transportation grids finally fail altogether, women will be in an even more untenable position. I suspect they will be getting raped, robbed, and otherwise not be safe in “the streets”. The police will NOT help, let alone “other” men … who will not have forgotten all the abuse these same women imposed on them in years past via “divorce”, “child support”, “false rape accusations”, “sexual harrassment”, and “I cheated on you … I love you _____ but I’m not IN love with you”. Aside from the contempt for/distrust of women that will have been built up over the years in such a scenario, most men will simply be too busy trying to survive to the next day to give a fuck about some “desperate” single mom that comes to their front door begging for food.

Has anyone else noticed just how much MGTOWers love talking about how bad women will have it when The Shit Hits The Fan? How much they enjoy fantasizing about women being robbed and raped in a lawless world? How much Trogdor seems to relish the notion of single mothers (and presumably their kids) starving to death?

Trogdor continues on, suggesting that our future looks a lot like “any African country where lawlessness reigns.” Naturally, he manages to throw in yet another reference to women “in constant fear of being raped or robbed every time they are walking thru the streets.”

He ends with this happy picture of the End Times:

The smart men will expat before shit hits the fan and watch the entire debaucle from a safe distance. The “thugs” will not go anywhere and will simply rob the women to deal with their “food shortage” issues. The manginas will cower in the corner like pussies … unable to grasp reality, and will also be robbed of their food, water, and possessions by the “thugs” and “bad boys”. The real losers will be women in the end (as it always is following these “Feminist” periods of history … look what happened to women in Babylon, Greece, Egypt, Rome, etc), I suspect many of them will be reduced to fucking for food. …

I’m not really quite sure I’m willing to accept the dire prognostications of someone who can’t spell the word “debacle.”

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Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Sarah I think he got bored and decided to see how we’d react, kind of like how we’re bored with Stanley. 😛

13 years ago

I can kill and dress a sheep in 5 minutes. Any time Trogdor would like to come and show me how helpless I am by doing it better, he’s most welcome.

13 years ago

What sort of apocalypse?

I’d be in pretty good shape, if I survived all the random death from idiots like the OP running around shooting people.

Becuase I know how to do all sort of shit. I’ve been a machinist, and a soldier, and an urban farmer. I can run a snareline, set traps, dress and butcher animals. I know how to make rope, set bones, work metals, turn wood, make a bow; and gunpowder.

I can train soldiers, teach cooking, make fire from a couple of sticks. I can change a diaper, make a road, make a dam; and sluice gates for irrigation. I own tools. I can do carpentry. I know how to keep chickens, geese and horses. I can ride. I know how to sharpen my knives; and other cutlery. I can fell a tree, mill four (and make bread)

More to the point, I believe in community, and I own books, and I know other people who share my ideals and have even more skills.

So, in the post-apocalypse, I’ll be raising guinea pigs, and rabbits, and chickens and tomatoes and wheat and summer squash and winter squash and working with those friends to make a place which might become something like the world as we knew it.

And when the Trogdors of the world show up… we’ll put them on the road, make them work, or kill them.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Pecunium *stares in awe* I have… uh… (counts) seven of those skills. When I’m on the road homeless after the Apocalypse, can I offer you a sonnet in exchange for a guinea pig? 😀

13 years ago

Pecunium is totally allowed in the Manboobz Post-Apocalyptic Co-op! Damn it, they can can run the whole thing! You will clearly save all of our asses.

And now, it’s been fun talking to you kids, but I really need to go to bed. Night, now!

13 years ago

Our new troll literally has nothing of his own to say. Literally. He can’t even phrase someone else’s talking points in his own words like NWO.

I also just realized that NWO must be totally confused whenever MRAL talks about the “Greek system” because he thinks it’s the Latin system.

It’s not like babies pop out of men’s semen stains, like Pegasus from the blood of Medusa.

Fun fact: According to Greek mythology, the Athenians sprang out of Hephaestus’ semen (because they couldn’t claim to be the descendents of virgin goddess Athena).

you mean meese


Wow…I’m starting to realize that not only do I not have enough time to write my own blog, I don’t even have time to be a significant commenter on a blog.

CB, you will always be a significant commenter to us.

13 years ago

MRAL: It’s possible you have more IQ than most, that doesn’t make you smarter. It certainly doesn’t equate to social status.

As to stronger… what value your strength against cunning? The saying, “old and treachery will beat youth and skill…” Forget that. I have old age (I’ve been an adult longer than you’ve been alive), skill, treachery; some ruthlessness you don’t really believe in, and the ability to persuade people to join me.

You would be mucking out latrines and living on scraps, if that’s that the “Alphas” of the world wanted. Because what you don’t have is the common sense God gives a goat.

As proof, I offer the, “It was all a thought experiment” on the matter of rights. From your (repeated, and ongoing statements) you don’t think women are really people. You don’t think they deserve rights, but you expect the people who’ve been watching you spout bile and gall to just nod and smile when you say you don’t really think that.

Just food for the brain.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago


13 years ago

MRAL: How was the club? It’s disappointing that you’re coming back so gloomy.

Anyway I’m just tired of being fucked over in ways I cannot control.

Welcome to the human race. Now do you want to sit around complaining about it, or do you want to try to improve the things you actually can control, like the rest of us do?

13 years ago

On aspergers and anime: I am an aspie and I love anime and animation in general. Expressions and emotional reactions are at once simplified and exhagerated, making them much easier to spot. Anime greatly increased my ability to read body language and facial expressions.

MRAL though, does not come off as an aspie to me. He goes on and on about the body language of people in elevators and seems extremely enamoured of complex social heirarchies.

Moving on:

“the ability to kill, skin, cook, and eat a rabbit is much more important than living in a world where that isn’t necessary.” My mother used to raise meat rabbits. Her butchering execution device of choice was a hatchet. My siblings and I used to catch wild juvenile rabbits, sometimes with the help of a dog, sometimes without. The thing is, those who have post-apocolyptic fantasies about how great of hunters and farmers they would be are almost never actual hunters and farmers. They have never lived in subsitance or even close to it communities, because people who have know how those women live and work. I was born and raised in Appalachia, I can do pretty much everything they consider survival skills, and my mother and older sister can do twice that. Of course, without modern medicine, I would have died at four of appendicitis, not to mention my maintainable disabilities now. Though, speaking of rabbits and medicine, one year my mother left vaccinating the rabbits up to my perpetually drunken father, and a bunch of them got tetanis. If you’ve never seen what it looks like when an animals dies of tetanus, let me tell you it is a horrible way to die. Seizures, screaming, lock jaw (meaning that some die of thirst and starvation). And a quarter of a million infants worldwide die of that disease yearly. Living without modern trappings looks less pretty when you start to think of all of the horrible ways to die that people live with without it. There is a reason that these types of apocolype fantasizers do not just move to Somalia, because living without modern medicine, without running water, without pre-prepared food, without electricity is as unreal to them as living with dragons and elves.

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
13 years ago

My first post ever got kinda buried way back when it was finally set free from its moderation purgatory. So hi, second post from a former lurker.

Two things…

1) I wonder if Trogdor005 has ever killed or grown his own food. Or made his own clothes. Or built his own shelter. Or started a fire without aid of a match or a lighter. Because I know that come the zombie apocalypse, I want to be part of a survivor society where everybody lends different strengths.

2) It will be a zombie apocalypse. I’m counting on it being that and not the rapture/tribulation kind, and aliens? Ppbhtht! That would be just silly.

13 years ago

My husband and I were just watching Game of Thrones.

In a post-apocalyptic world, we’d be part of Game of Thrones, fighting off the dothrakians with my granola-fed mercenaries.

13 years ago

Guys… In the event of an apocalypse, it will take a co-op (tough I don’t think violence will lose it’s “profitability).

I am so-so at organization. I am a great second fiddle/committee member. I also like doing things. I left out all the stuff I’ve dabbled in (like spinning, and knitting; I can’t crochet or make nets to save my life, but I can make fishhooks).

And people like Trogdor think killing animals is easy. Ha. Bear scat looks more like moose turds than one might think. Meeting a hungry bear is a bad idea. Almost as bad an idea as meeting a rutting moose.

Sarah: Don’t worry about objectifying people, just because you like to look at them. It’s when you start to treat them as objects; as means to your ends, instead of them being ends in, and of, themselves, that things go wrong.

Molly: For a sonnet (a form of poetry I can’t really manage), I might even trade you a cooked guinea pig.

13 years ago

Tabby – it’s true! Even the CDC admits it!


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


That’s awesome 😀

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Healthy granola
For post-apocalyptic
Berserker madness

tofu nutloaf
tofu nutloaf
13 years ago

Can I join the post-apocalyptic co-op? I work at a food co-op, so I’ve got some organizational skills that way. Plus, I have mad gardening/food preservation skills that we’re going to need once the zombie hordes start to take over.

I’m pretty sure that they’re going to be zombie kitten hordes that will eat your spleen first, and then proceed to your brain. And they’ll have lasers. They’ll join forces with the sexy lady robots, who will have become self-aware and freed themselves from their manboob masters, and who will also have lasers.


tofu nutloaf
tofu nutloaf
13 years ago

I really doubt trogdor has survival skills. I mean, we’re talking about someone who lacks the intellectual curiosity to google phrases like “female electrician” or “female truck driver” to see if they actually exist. Learning how to fend for himself in the wilderness would probably overload his synapses and make his brain explode.

13 years ago

Well ladies ya did it, all men are now rapists. Title IX as I told ya previously is judge jury and exocutioner. heres that extra 500 million at work. Heres a few exerpts of the jury training material.

“When people take a neutral stand between you and your abusive partner, they are in effect supporting him and abandoning you, no matter how much they may claim otherwise.”

“Everyone should be very, very cautious in accepting a man’s claim that he has been wrongly accused of abuse or violence. The great majority of allegations of abuse — though not all — are substantially accurate. An abuser almost never ‘seems like the type.’”

The “impartial” jury needs to read from, “Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.” before rendering a verdict. Any college that recieves public funds, (which is basically all of them) will need to follow the OCR mandate. If a juror is “undecided” thats a “yes” vote. That preponderance thingy dontcha know.

Here some more good stuff on whats illegal.

Columbia University already lists “love letters” as a form of sexual harassment.

The University of California, Santa Cruz, classifies using “terms of endearment” as sexual harassment.

At Yale, “unspoken sexual innuendo such as voice inflection” is considered sexual harassment.

Thats right a love letter, a “hi sweetie” or even the inflection of my voice will put me on the sexual offenders list.

How is it that women are always crying that they have no “power” yet they have all reproductive power, all power in marriage/divorce, all power in employment AA/quotas, all power in education Title IX, All power in health 10 fed funded womens health 0 for men = 7 years of extra life, all political power as denoted by the myriad of women specific “law” and agencies.

If I didn’t know better I’d think feminism was a marxist/communist/socialist hate movement designed to destroy the family and transfer all social, political and economic power from men to women with the State being the ultimate authority.

Lot’s more good stuff to come very quickly in the near future as the gang at the top of the pyramid preys upon womens fears, (womens nature). A problem which doesn’t exist will be pointed out and magnified, all it takes is one case, and women will scream for the State to protect them. Protection from who you might ask? Men of course. Here Big Daddy take our money and freedom, we love you.

Meanwhile women like this will say they were under the “spell” of an evil man, or maybe that bi-polar defense thingy, cause girls are good.,0,1994855.story

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym

Well ladies ya did it, all men are now rapists.

Countess Sarah Kenyon from 1900’s The Tomb of Sarah.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

439 word canned rant (not including link).

You’re slipping, Slavey. Time was you could do 1000 words without even breaking a sweat. I guess the orbital mind control lasers are taking their toll.

13 years ago

More funny stuff.
This is always a riot, bad man good woman. Preponderance of evidence says shes a victim.

When women are sex offenders it’s “hot”

Innocence project is batting like 99% I think, literally everyone and his brother is being exonerated with dna evidence. Seems they were falsely accused. Hmmmm.

Heres that feminist abortion thingy results coming to fruition in China, ya know 7 to 3 men to women ratio. Man is that workin out great. Guess what those women wont even look at a guy who isn’t “rich” or at least owns a house. In other words women demand payment for their very body. Like a hooker.

Drive over your husband 5 time and its not even premeditated murder. I geuss he “drove” her to it! (HAHA ya get it, “drove” her to it).

Things are working out just as….planned?

13 years ago

Back on moderation again, too much truth I suppose.

13 years ago
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