Our friend Trogdor005 has returned with a new manifesto on the greatness of men and the utter suckitude of women. Itβs inspiring stuff, rendered extra HEROIC through his use of CAPS, BOLD TEXT, random “quotes” and “italics,” and, from time to time, red lettering.
Trog starts by setting forth a now-familiar thesis: Men do everything, and women are just useless parasites. As he puts it:
Men β¦ Β are survivors, innovators, explorers, fighters. Most importantly, we men have the ability to ADAPT to changing conditions and environments … something women are incapable of for the most part. β¦
Take away all the take-out/fast food, automatic cars, cell phones and place one of these self-proclaimed “strong and independent” women out in the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back and watch how quickly she starves to death or gets eaten by a bear/lion/tiger/hyena/snake/shark, whichever comes first.
Especially if sheβs on her period. Bears love menstrual blood. Sharks, too. Whereas the average man could easily knock a bear out with a swift left hook to the jaw or fend off a shark some sort of clever shark-killing tool heβs managed to fashion out of seaweed, jellyfish and his Speedos.Β Thatβs because men are HUNTERS:
[T]he average man is a natural hunter thanks to instincts ingrained in his brain by evolution and (barring injury) can fend for himself. Women on the other hand are PARASITES that depend on, and live almost exclusively off of, MEN for their survival. Even today with all of the technology that we have, women are still COMPLETELY and HOPELESSLY dependent on men.
Trog then provides a long, long list of the things MEN and only MEN do. Β Some highlights:
– It is MEN that create and service the cars, trucks, and SUVs that women drive to/from work, to/from their “thug” lover’s place, to/from the mall, etc. β¦
– It is MEN that create and service the computers that women use to hop on Slut-book/MySpace and do their attention whoring.
– It is MEN that build and assemble the couches, sofas, recliners, and other furniture than women use to sit on their fat asses watching shows like “Oprah”. β¦
– It is MEN that toil and sweat in the fields in scorching temperatures, collecting the raw vegetables/fruits that are then shipped to the grocery stores that women visit.
– It is MEN that work in dangerous unsanitory conditions inside the meat/butcher plants to provide safe meats to the fast-food/take out chains that women frequent.
– It is MEN in the form of police, security guards, and soldiers that provide women with a “safe atmosphere” in which they can walk around freely at night.
– It is MEN in sweat shops halfway across the world, working in some cases for nothing but a meal, that produce the “designer clothes” women buy and wear.
– It is MEN in semi-trucks that transport all of the goods I just mentioned (except real estate of course) to their intended destination and “keep the machine turning”.
– It is MEN that set up and maintain the necessary electrical, telecommunications, and sewage “grids” that make “civilized life” possible….
– And finally, it is MEN who venture deep into the deadly, hazard prone “diamond mines” located in remote locations to retrieve the raw stones which are necessary for, and later cut to create the shiny looking object that goes in THE RING
The bottom line is, women need men, but men DON’T need women.
So here is a collection of pictures of Women Who Do Not Exist, in the World of Trogdor:

Trogdor follows his list of Things That Only Men Do with another familiar MGTOW fantasy:
And of course, if things go total “Road Warrior” on us and the electrical, financial, and transportation grids finally fail altogether, women will be in an even more untenable position. I suspect they will be getting raped, robbed, and otherwise not be safe in “the streets”. The police will NOT help, let alone “other” men … who will not have forgotten all the abuse these same women imposed on them in years past via “divorce”, “child support”, “false rape accusations”, “sexual harrassment”, and “I cheated on you … I love you _____ but I’m not IN love with you”. Aside from the contempt for/distrust of women that will have been built up over the years in such a scenario, most men will simply be too busy trying to survive to the next day to give a fuck about some “desperate” single mom that comes to their front door begging for food.
Has anyone else noticed just how much MGTOWers love talking about how bad women will have it when The Shit Hits The Fan? How much they enjoy fantasizing about women being robbed and raped in a lawless world? How much Trogdor seems to relish the notion of single mothers (and presumably their kids) starving to death?
Trogdor continues on, suggesting that our future looks a lot like βany African country where lawlessness reigns.β Naturally, he manages to throw in yet another reference to women βin constant fear of being raped or robbed every time they are walking thru the streets.β
He ends with this happy picture of the End Times:
The smart men will expat before shit hits the fan and watch the entire debaucle from a safe distance. The “thugs” will not go anywhere and will simply rob the women to deal with their “food shortage” issues. The manginas will cower in the corner like pussies … unable to grasp reality, and will also be robbed of their food, water, and possessions by the “thugs” and “bad boys”. The real losers will be women in the end (as it always is following these “Feminist” periods of history … look what happened to women in Babylon, Greece, Egypt, Rome, etc), I suspect many of them will be reduced to fucking for food. …
Iβm not really quite sure Iβm willing to accept the dire prognostications of someone who canβt spell the word βdebacle.β
“Youβre coming waaayyy out of left field there, buddy.”
Naw, he’s coming out of right field.
In other words, something that might taste good at the time but is full of empty calories.
Or something that tastes either bland or awful at the time, and gives you diarrhea.
You don’t want to know what happens when you squeeze me.
You just don’t.
Translating for Canadians who dun understand le baseball: “He’s in across the line… he’s not waiting…”
If it’s a Zombie Apocalypse I plan on recruiting some of my fellow opera singers. We will develop a zombie-proof musical code based on the music of, I don’t know, Bellini and use our freakishly loud voices to halloo messages about zombie movements to distant outposts.
If it’s a regular old Apocalypse I’ll probably end up dead, since I’m effectively blind without modern optometry (extreme near-sightedness, totally correctable with contacts or glasses, but I’d be toast without them). At least if it’s zombies we can capture some and train them to man the Bausch and Lomb factory.
Have you heard of the new Marriage Barbie? You press the button and she says cools stuff:
“he he he I shit out babies and this make me important.”
“he he he Girls are special just for being girls.”
“he he he I’m not valued by how successful I am”
“he he he working or stay home is for girls”
“he he he children are girls property”
“he he he husbands support girls and our babies even after marriage”
“he he he money, that’s what boys are for”
“he he he he’s only a father if I say he can be”
RenKiss, I do apologize. I may have accidentally sent Eoghan to your blog; I linked to that post of yours and, despite being banned here, I guess he still reads the comments here. He’s, er, very very chatty once he gets going.
Stanly: Have you all heard of the new Affirmative Action Barbie? You press the button and she says a lot of cool stuff.
Soooo … you’re not going to tell us which awesome MRM sites and groups espouse the kinds of overall MRM themes that are important to you, without engaging in woman-hating as well? What’s that? You’d rather throw out a bunch of tired old woman-hating tropes, you say? And intentionally misrepresent the aims of feminism? Okay then. I guess we can just assume you’re on the NWOslave ratio and automatically dismiss what you say as worthless, misguided, and assholish. Good to know.
Have you heard of the new Troll Stanly? You press the button and he says inane stuff:
βhe he he I’m a troll!β
βhe he he I’m a troll!β
βhe he he I’m a troll!β
βhe he he I’m a troll!β
βhe he he I’m a troll!β
Well, we did say it was inane, right?
βhe he he husbands support girls and our babies even after marriageβ
That’s not what marriage is *for*? o.O Familial support?
I’ll leave vampires for Slavey posts. Instead I’ll answer your Barbie posts with clips from Blackpool.
That episode btw proves us all wrong xD Us women are shrilly bitches who bring violence upon ourselves! xD (except he kills men too but they’re prolly manginas xD ) luckily there’s brave men (and the coolest women evar in Garcia and JJ) to stop him! xD You can tell the trembling beta male is trying his beta best to get the (beta) script (beta) thru but the ball busting alpha feminists keep rewriting the script xDDD
Also they need to stop plucking Stephen Brunt’s eyebrows on the outside sides xD Holy crumbs he looks like a vulcan xD (random aside xD )
Embedding disabled. Damn.
Watch Blackpool anyway. It’s pretty good.
Why can’t they at least be funny -_-;;
The anger is just so evident π And the hate xDDD
You want this, don’t you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your penis. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.
@Spearhafoc Rly? :O I see it π
For some reason I thought you meant DROWNING POOL xDDDD
That would be fitting for what spawned this thread xD
the thing that really gets me about these MRA’s (aside from their blinding ignorance and hatefulness) is that they think that just because they’re men, they can ride on the coattails of previous men’s successes, simply because they are men. Don’t these same idiots complain non stop that modern women whine they are oppressed because women in the past were? they are doing the exact same thing! hypocrites.
Hey! MRAL and co…exactly how are YOU contributing to society? and no, trolling feminist websites doesn’t count.
Furthermore, perhaps you’d like to get your heads out of your asses and take a look at these links in addition to David’s pictures. Here in good ol’ reality, women actually contribute to society:
of course you wouldn’t expect MRA’s to acknowledge any of these women’a existences because they are so biased in their world view and probably like to pretend they dont exist. GET HELP. Men AND Women BOTH contribute to society and will continue to do so. Maybe there is a shred of hope for an MRA to look at these links and develop a more balanced view of the sexes.
Btw David, I want to thank you for this website. When I found out about the PUA/MRM I lost my final shred of faith in humanity, but with Manboobz its back. Keep up the good work! π
“Oh, I’m afraid Title IX will be… quite… operational, when your friends arrive”
How many MRAs does it take to change a light bulb?
Three. One to replace the bulb, and two to make rape jokes.
How many feminists does it take to change a light blub?
Four. Two to talk about how useless and pathetic men are. One to beg a man to change it for them xD
You don’t know the power of the feminine side.
Ha ha ha, get it? Cause women can’t count! … I kill myself…
How many MGTOWers does it take to change a light bulb?
We don’t know… We’ve never been able to get them to do a damn thing.
Dvae, I found this blog via the Pervocracy, and I’ve had quite the enjoyable weekend reading the posts and the commentary. Much love!
Oh, Stanly, you make me laugh. Your views are paternalistic and simple, and I cordially invite you to shove them up your ass, if there’s room, what with your head up there and all.
^Sorry, I meant to type Dave.
How many feminists does it take to hunt a mammoth?
None. We hunted the mammoth!