
Trogdor005 awaits the apocalypse, which will totally put those bitchy single moms in their place

The average man

Our friend Trogdor005 has returned with a new manifesto on the greatness of men and the utter suckitude of women. It’s inspiring stuff, rendered extra HEROIC through his use of CAPS, BOLD TEXT, random “quotes” and “italics,” and, from time to time, red lettering.

Trog starts by setting forth a now-familiar thesis: Men do everything, and women are just useless parasites. As he puts it:

Men … Β are survivors, innovators, explorers, fighters. Most importantly, we men have the ability to ADAPT to changing conditions and environments … something women are incapable of for the most part. …

Take away all the take-out/fast food, automatic cars, cell phones and place one of these self-proclaimed “strong and independent” women out in the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back and watch how quickly she starves to death or gets eaten by a bear/lion/tiger/hyena/snake/shark, whichever comes first.

Especially if she’s on her period. Bears love menstrual blood. Sharks, too. Whereas the average man could easily knock a bear out with a swift left hook to the jaw or fend off a shark some sort of clever shark-killing tool he’s managed to fashion out of seaweed, jellyfish and his Speedos.Β  That’s because men are HUNTERS:

[T]he average man is a natural hunter thanks to instincts ingrained in his brain by evolution and (barring injury) can fend for himself. Women on the other hand are PARASITES that depend on, and live almost exclusively off of, MEN for their survival. Even today with all of the technology that we have, women are still COMPLETELY and HOPELESSLY dependent on men.

Trog then provides a long, long list of the things MEN and only MEN do. Β Some highlights:

– It is MEN that create and service the cars, trucks, and SUVs that women drive to/from work, to/from their “thug” lover’s place, to/from the mall, etc. …

– It is MEN that create and service the computers that women use to hop on Slut-book/MySpace and do their attention whoring.

– It is MEN that build and assemble the couches, sofas, recliners, and other furniture than women use to sit on their fat asses watching shows like “Oprah”. …

– It is MEN that toil and sweat in the fields in scorching temperatures, collecting the raw vegetables/fruits that are then shipped to the grocery stores that women visit.

– It is MEN that work in dangerous unsanitory conditions inside the meat/butcher plants to provide safe meats to the fast-food/take out chains that women frequent.

– It is MEN in the form of police, security guards, and soldiers that provide women with a “safe atmosphere” in which they can walk around freely at night.

– It is MEN in sweat shops halfway across the world, working in some cases for nothing but a meal, that produce the “designer clothes” women buy and wear.

– It is MEN in semi-trucks that transport all of the goods I just mentioned (except real estate of course) to their intended destination and “keep the machine turning”.

– It is MEN that set up and maintain the necessary electrical, telecommunications, and sewage “grids” that make “civilized life” possible….

– And finally, it is MEN who venture deep into the deadly, hazard prone “diamond mines” located in remote locations to retrieve the raw stones which are necessary for, and later cut to create the shiny looking object that goes in THE RING

The bottom line is, women need men, but men DON’T need women.

So here is a collection of pictures of Women Who Do Not Exist, in the World of Trogdor:

Imaginary female auto worker
Imaginary female computer assemblers
Imaginary female furniture maker
Imaginary female farm worker
Imaginary female butcher
Imaginary female police officers
Imaginary female sweatshop workers
Imaginary female truck driver
Imaginary female electrician
Imaginary female diamond miners

Trogdor follows his list of Things That Only Men Do with another familiar MGTOW fantasy:

And of course, if things go total “Road Warrior” on us and the electrical, financial, and transportation grids finally fail altogether, women will be in an even more untenable position. I suspect they will be getting raped, robbed, and otherwise not be safe in “the streets”. The police will NOT help, let alone “other” men … who will not have forgotten all the abuse these same women imposed on them in years past via “divorce”, “child support”, “false rape accusations”, “sexual harrassment”, and “I cheated on you … I love you _____ but I’m not IN love with you”. Aside from the contempt for/distrust of women that will have been built up over the years in such a scenario, most men will simply be too busy trying to survive to the next day to give a fuck about some “desperate” single mom that comes to their front door begging for food.

Has anyone else noticed just how much MGTOWers love talking about how bad women will have it when The Shit Hits The Fan? How much they enjoy fantasizing about women being robbed and raped in a lawless world? How much Trogdor seems to relish the notion of single mothers (and presumably their kids) starving to death?

Trogdor continues on, suggesting that our future looks a lot like β€œany African country where lawlessness reigns.” Naturally, he manages to throw in yet another reference to women β€œin constant fear of being raped or robbed every time they are walking thru the streets.”

He ends with this happy picture of the End Times:

The smart men will expat before shit hits the fan and watch the entire debaucle from a safe distance. The “thugs” will not go anywhere and will simply rob the women to deal with their “food shortage” issues. The manginas will cower in the corner like pussies … unable to grasp reality, and will also be robbed of their food, water, and possessions by the “thugs” and “bad boys”. The real losers will be women in the end (as it always is following these “Feminist” periods of history … look what happened to women in Babylon, Greece, Egypt, Rome, etc), I suspect many of them will be reduced to fucking for food. …

I’m not really quite sure I’m willing to accept the dire prognostications of someone who can’t spell the word β€œdebacle.”

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Stanly The Misogynist
Stanly The Misogynist
13 years ago

Well….it is true…women are hopelessly dependent on men. They are so dependent in fact that they have to codify their dependence on men and social support by law.

I mean, they really don’t know how anything works…you know? I don’t look down on them for it but it’s true. Without men women might very well starve to death. We just don’t know because they have never been “independent” without the support of men or the State. Men take risks and build innovative structures of business etc. Women do not come up with anything new. Women serve as functionaries withing structures that men build, including the house they are sitting in now.

Stanly The Misogynist
Stanly The Misogynist
13 years ago

One thing that women do well is spend money. It is important to get money in their hands in that respect, it’s good for business. Women will buy anything, it does not have to be functional or useful. Something cute, sparkely, shiny etc. In the business we call it the “cute” affect.

Stanly The Misogynist
Stanly The Misogynist
13 years ago

Being a man it is startling when you look at the numbers. In the business we say “all money leads to women.” We found that the majority of women’s money is spent on themselves. More money flows from men and government to women than men and government to men and even boys.

Women are a tremendous drain upon resources but the important part is that by consuming so much they keep the economy running. Liquidity is a form of production. It is all run off the “me factor” of women. Appealing to their tastes and proclivities is not that difficult.

I’ve been involved in several shopping center development projects. We want to make sure we attract women’s retailers which is not that difficult. A good 80-90% of all market space is devoted to women and sometimes for a single item…for women. The economy would literally grind to a halt without the voracious level of female consumption of resources.

13 years ago

I’m making homemade granola out of bulk grains from Whole Foods. No, I’m not a hippie.

I guess I’d be making homemade granola out of grains from my back yard? Then I’d give it to all the starving macho guys and hire them to fight for me.

Which brings me to my next question: who cares?

The million-dollar question! That was actually one of the most interesting, although least outrageous, bits of the OP. He’s arguing the same tack as the older person telling you how you’d never get by without the Internet or your cell phone, or complaining that kids these days don’t know how to use a card catalog.

But who cares? We know how to use the skills required to survive in the present-day real world; why does it matter if we don’t know how to survive in a world that doesn’t exist?

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym

Oh, and I should probably explain that the elevators will be powered by banks of hamster wheels

So, according to MRAs, women’s brains can be used to power elevators. See, Trogdor005, they will be useful.

Stanly The Misogynist
Stanly The Misogynist
13 years ago

How is it that you insist on lumping anybody who says anything about women into the MRA group.

Last time I checked, men want fair access, representation and resources in education, healthcare, judicial law, family law, economic policy etc. I also get the idea that men understand that under equality, it is no longer their job to provide anything to women. It sounds fair to me. I think much of what David picks up on are expressions of anger and frustration at the current status quo and not the over all MRA message.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@katz I just had an image of Vin Diesel begging you for granola and a chance to join your macho army.

“Granola Mercenaries” — awesome porno or Fight Club parody?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

My friends got in on the fun too xD

“in the post-apocalyptic future, i would be tired and slow to begin another day harvesting the organs of cis ppl”

“I’m going to be an immortal cyborg with a uterus harvested from a poor third-world cis woman.”

“not part of her body, just sitting on her desk”

“Oh, yeah, I didn’t mean *inside* me. I meant I would wear it on my fist and use it to fire lasers.”

13 years ago

Let’s see, right now I am playing with the dopey dog and checking to be sure I have everything I need in my messenger bag to go to rehearsal tonight. And trying to decide if I am going to eat this piece of cake now or when I get home.

I suppose in a post-apocalyptic world that means the ridiculously happy Golden would be a preternaturally smart and utterly loyal attack dog. And instead of scripts and post-it notes my messenger bag would be full of super-secret plans to the lair of a bunch of evil slaver hoarder baddies. Beats the hell out of me what the cake would be doing in this scenario.

13 years ago

Long time lukrer and first time comment-poster. πŸ™‚

Recently a MRA troll visited my blog, I did a post about how there were cultures where women hunted alongside men, and in some cultures where men play a large role in child-rearing and gathering. Which indicates the “man hunter/woman gatherer” isn’t universally true. He actually had the nerve to say “feminists academics” falsified reports on these cultures.

I asked him to provide some evidence on these falsifications and I’m stilling waiting for it. I guess these MRA’s will say women working throughout history in textile factories, working during WW2, etc. is also part of some “feminist conspiracy.”

So I’m not surprised Mr. Trodgor believes his own nonsense. In the meantime I’ll just sit back and wait for this “apocalypse.” πŸ™‚

13 years ago

If a woman falls in the forest and a man isn’t around to save her, does she make a sound?

β€œIt is MEN that work in dangerous unsanitory conditions inside the meat/butcher plants to provide safe meats to the fast-food/take out chains that women frequent.”

Did he just pick up a copy of β€œThe Jungle” or something? I’m preeetty sure meat packing, at least in the β€œWest”, is regulated by laws about sanitation, etc.

No, no! He said “unsanitory,” which I imagine is like and adjective form of “sanitorium,” so … dangerous-and-totally-not-like-a-crazy-house conditions. I’m not sure why he would want to be that specific, but I can’t question the almighty malez.

Furthermore, if you dropped me and my older brother in separate locations deep in the wilderness, I would bet you anything that I would survive longer. He would probably eat the purpleberries, to be honest. (He’s the sort who leaves the toothpick in the sandwich.)

13 years ago

-Do men resist improved safety measures in factories and workplaces?

Doesn’t make a difference because all bad things are cause by women directly. I suggest a new game; everybody remember six degrees of Kevin Bacon? The new game would be six degrees of women’s evil, where any horrible thing that exists can be connected to women withing six steps. Example: Starvation—lack of food—evil fatty fat fat bitches!, only took three steps.

13 years ago

I’ma do this, even though it may be long, just cause its cool..

Lets take a journey, back in the cloudy haze of time, back to early humans. It was a simpler time, where men were men, women were women, and little fuzzy animals were dinner. In those days surviving would be the name of the game, with women having babies as fast as they could raise them, and men providing the nutrition they required. But no one wants to live on the edge; stability is good.

Villages form, groups of families out to protect each other with the assurance that others would do the same. These villages thrived, as there is safety in numbers. Over time, new advances, all making survival easier, would be developed. Hunting would be sharpened to a fine art, and it would be discovered that putting this little part of a plant makes another plant appear sometime later. Food would not longer be dependant on hunting, which would often be more danger than it was worth.

Fast forward a little bit, and our little villages have grown immensely. Some villagers would be able to specialize in certain arts, like finding out which bit of plant would help you feel better if you had a pain in your tummy, or a gash in your leg. Ever onwards technology presses, with more stable houses, language, domestication.

These new people were much different than their ancestors, some of them could barely hunt, while others could provide food but didn’t know the slightest about what to do when the rains came. It didn’t matter, because these were longer, healthier lives that could not be wiped out in their entirety after a bad hunting season.

And now today: vast metropoli (plural?) dotting the once barren landscape. Billions (billions!) of people living without knowing how to hunt or sometimes even cook. Get sick? We know the cure. Hungry? We’ve got resteraunts open everywhere. Survival is a non-issue; even the poorest in the city can scrape by on loose change from benevolent passersby. Though we are quite different than our ancestors, we are comparatively living in utopia.

And now, Trogdor, you see this “unbroken chain” (thanks Carl Sagan), this beautiful result of human struggle and ingenuity, and say “oh to hell with it.” Because in your mind, the ability to kill, skin, cook, and eat a rabbit is much more important than living in a world where that isn’t necessary. And in fact, you look upon those hardened ancestors of yours and say “hmm, men did all the hunting, while all women did was raise the enormous number of children needed to ensure that the human race continues to exist… Men are awesome, and women are parasites!”

You squishy, modern day man, have no “instincts ingrained… by evolution” because you do not require it. You live in a world where you can enjoy art, literature, and music because your life doesn’t depend on when your next meal comes. And you use accidents of evolution and history to conclude that 50% of the population is nothing more than a worthless parasite, and that if only the world were brought back to the early days (of man and mammoth), that 50% would be put in their place. Do you so spit on that 200,000 years of human history, and use it so flippantly to try to support your modern day bias?

;tldr; technology is awesome, Trogdor is ungrateful

13 years ago

Right now I am waiting for my friend to come bring me tea and take me to a used bookstore. In post-apocalyptica I would be vigilantly defending our base while he goes out hunting to bring back rations. Including brain rations!

I would also be giving a rousing speech to our rag-tag band of survivors, about fellowship and stuff.

13 years ago

Yep! I’m a useless female. In the event of the apocalypse, I’m dependent on the goodwill of my boyfriend’s dojo to keep me from being killed by zombies/ex-thugboys/granola mercenaries/sharksnakes.

Of course, the dojo is half female, so…

I just got home from my boyfriend’s house after a long and stressful day of cuddling and watching Galaxy Quest. In the post-apocalyptic world, I’m pregnant with my fourth child by three different fathers (gotta insure genetic diversity, dontcha know) and tending to my boyfriend’s war wounds while telling my enthralled children what I remember of the story of Galaxy Quest.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I admit I have thought this myself. Women bitch and moan but in the end are entirely dependent on an artificial society (which men built).

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I just got back from biking and am amused by all the post apocalyptic scenarios (I like the hamster one esp! πŸ˜€ ) and happy that ppl are playing along and having fun πŸ˜€

In post apocalyptic world, I just got back from the death races having machine gunned down yet another poor sap and stolen his vital organs, and am currently being inspired by Sarah’s rousing speech πŸ˜€

13 years ago

Yeah, MRAL, good point. Afterall, “we hunted the mammoth,” amirite?

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym

Even ignoring all the other things women have contributed to society, we wouldn’t be here at all if our foremothers hadn’t given birth to our ancestors and nurtured them to adulthood.

It’s not like babies pop out of men’s semen stains, like Pegasus from the blood of Medusa.

13 years ago

I need modern medicine, so in a post-apocalyptic world I’d most likely be, umm, enriching the soil. Maybe my bones could be used for farming implements or something. But if I could live in Johnny Pez’s post-apocalyptic world, I’d be a Designated Hamster Wrangler and barter for all my needs with hand-knit socks.

13 years ago


We.. we don’t? I.. My parents… oh god…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Not as artificial as the apocalyptic future with robotic trans spiders harvesting the organs from cis women and the rampaging sexbot rebellion and the zombie plague caused by a vaccine spread around the world in an attempt to feminize all men that went wrong xD And all the while the genderpocalypse rages!

And yet… the worst is yet to come, for on the lips of the dying as they stare into the abyss and see a glimpse of the future is the name of one who is approaching Earth… one who will bring the final end to all life… one who has existed since the beginning of time…. Zie who will end the gender war….

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym

The Gender Wars will never happen. The Doctor would manage to stop it before it got anywhere near that point. That is, unless he dies and regenerates into a woman. Uh oh, now I’m scared.