
Trogdor005 awaits the apocalypse, which will totally put those bitchy single moms in their place

The average man

Our friend Trogdor005 has returned with a new manifesto on the greatness of men and the utter suckitude of women. It’s inspiring stuff, rendered extra HEROIC through his use of CAPS, BOLD TEXT, random “quotes” and “italics,” and, from time to time, red lettering.

Trog starts by setting forth a now-familiar thesis: Men do everything, and women are just useless parasites. As he puts it:

Men …  are survivors, innovators, explorers, fighters. Most importantly, we men have the ability to ADAPT to changing conditions and environments … something women are incapable of for the most part. …

Take away all the take-out/fast food, automatic cars, cell phones and place one of these self-proclaimed “strong and independent” women out in the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back and watch how quickly she starves to death or gets eaten by a bear/lion/tiger/hyena/snake/shark, whichever comes first.

Especially if she’s on her period. Bears love menstrual blood. Sharks, too. Whereas the average man could easily knock a bear out with a swift left hook to the jaw or fend off a shark some sort of clever shark-killing tool he’s managed to fashion out of seaweed, jellyfish and his Speedos.  That’s because men are HUNTERS:

[T]he average man is a natural hunter thanks to instincts ingrained in his brain by evolution and (barring injury) can fend for himself. Women on the other hand are PARASITES that depend on, and live almost exclusively off of, MEN for their survival. Even today with all of the technology that we have, women are still COMPLETELY and HOPELESSLY dependent on men.

Trog then provides a long, long list of the things MEN and only MEN do.  Some highlights:

– It is MEN that create and service the cars, trucks, and SUVs that women drive to/from work, to/from their “thug” lover’s place, to/from the mall, etc. …

– It is MEN that create and service the computers that women use to hop on Slut-book/MySpace and do their attention whoring.

– It is MEN that build and assemble the couches, sofas, recliners, and other furniture than women use to sit on their fat asses watching shows like “Oprah”. …

– It is MEN that toil and sweat in the fields in scorching temperatures, collecting the raw vegetables/fruits that are then shipped to the grocery stores that women visit.

– It is MEN that work in dangerous unsanitory conditions inside the meat/butcher plants to provide safe meats to the fast-food/take out chains that women frequent.

– It is MEN in the form of police, security guards, and soldiers that provide women with a “safe atmosphere” in which they can walk around freely at night.

– It is MEN in sweat shops halfway across the world, working in some cases for nothing but a meal, that produce the “designer clothes” women buy and wear.

– It is MEN in semi-trucks that transport all of the goods I just mentioned (except real estate of course) to their intended destination and “keep the machine turning”.

– It is MEN that set up and maintain the necessary electrical, telecommunications, and sewage “grids” that make “civilized life” possible….

– And finally, it is MEN who venture deep into the deadly, hazard prone “diamond mines” located in remote locations to retrieve the raw stones which are necessary for, and later cut to create the shiny looking object that goes in THE RING

The bottom line is, women need men, but men DON’T need women.

So here is a collection of pictures of Women Who Do Not Exist, in the World of Trogdor:

Imaginary female auto worker
Imaginary female computer assemblers
Imaginary female furniture maker
Imaginary female farm worker
Imaginary female butcher
Imaginary female police officers
Imaginary female sweatshop workers
Imaginary female truck driver
Imaginary female electrician
Imaginary female diamond miners

Trogdor follows his list of Things That Only Men Do with another familiar MGTOW fantasy:

And of course, if things go total “Road Warrior” on us and the electrical, financial, and transportation grids finally fail altogether, women will be in an even more untenable position. I suspect they will be getting raped, robbed, and otherwise not be safe in “the streets”. The police will NOT help, let alone “other” men … who will not have forgotten all the abuse these same women imposed on them in years past via “divorce”, “child support”, “false rape accusations”, “sexual harrassment”, and “I cheated on you … I love you _____ but I’m not IN love with you”. Aside from the contempt for/distrust of women that will have been built up over the years in such a scenario, most men will simply be too busy trying to survive to the next day to give a fuck about some “desperate” single mom that comes to their front door begging for food.

Has anyone else noticed just how much MGTOWers love talking about how bad women will have it when The Shit Hits The Fan? How much they enjoy fantasizing about women being robbed and raped in a lawless world? How much Trogdor seems to relish the notion of single mothers (and presumably their kids) starving to death?

Trogdor continues on, suggesting that our future looks a lot like “any African country where lawlessness reigns.” Naturally, he manages to throw in yet another reference to women “in constant fear of being raped or robbed every time they are walking thru the streets.”

He ends with this happy picture of the End Times:

The smart men will expat before shit hits the fan and watch the entire debaucle from a safe distance. The “thugs” will not go anywhere and will simply rob the women to deal with their “food shortage” issues. The manginas will cower in the corner like pussies … unable to grasp reality, and will also be robbed of their food, water, and possessions by the “thugs” and “bad boys”. The real losers will be women in the end (as it always is following these “Feminist” periods of history … look what happened to women in Babylon, Greece, Egypt, Rome, etc), I suspect many of them will be reduced to fucking for food. …

I’m not really quite sure I’m willing to accept the dire prognostications of someone who can’t spell the word “debacle.”

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13 years ago

If MRAs are always envisioning, with a sort of glee it seems, a society without women, I wonder why more of them don’t deliberately get themselves thrown into prison.

No women there.

Their post-apocalyptic world looks a lot like men’s jail, really. Then all the MRAs can just go around having sex with each other. Just like in jail.

13 years ago

NWO – you often post crap about Title IX, and I just wonder, you do realize that title IX has NOTHING to do with CRIMINAL convictions that result in the loss of liberty, right? Also, someone else’s editorial does not equal proof…you could have written it and sent it to the paper to publish only to turn around and point to it as proof of your argument later…

Anyway, stop mischaracterizing what Title IX is…or, if you are unaware of what Title IX is, learn. Learn what it does, where it applies, what the law says, etc. I am POSITIVE that Title IX will still piss you off once you do some basic research, and maybe you would be capable of forming a good argument against it…but right now, your arguments are so factually false that they are laughable.

13 years ago

The prof displayed her seriously sick sense of humor at this point by considering that this means they also have a source of meat. Because really, there just aren’t enough cannibalism jokes in higher education, apparently.

Placentas are meat, right?

13 years ago

“Because really, there just aren’t enough cannibalism jokes in higher education, apparently.” Apparantly, you weren’t a philosophy major (or your department was radically different from the one where I got my BA). 😉 Still though, human infants take too much energy to grow, too much risk in birthing, and too much resources dedicated to raising to make the person birthing them have a good strategy in wasting such things to eat them. Children have tradtionally been used as workers for their parents, though. Even a three or four year old can do basic gardening work, especially if supervised by an older child.

I actually have a huge collection of woodsy and first aid skills-I grew up poor in an extremely rural farming area. Though why we are assuming people would be in a woods rather than picking clean the bones of the huge resource filled cities is beyond me (except perhaps in a zombie related scenario as cities would have far larger numbers of zombies). Still, as a person who needs medication every day to avoid risking death, I suppose my first move would be to capture a team of well trained chemists, a hospital laboratory, and an endocrinologist. Those are necessary tools for my survival, because I am high maintainence like that.

Leroy Brown
Leroy Brown
13 years ago

Placentas are meat, right?

Heh, good point, but it was pretty clear that wasn’t what she meant in this case. Though placenta-as-tasty-meat meal is an idea that fascinates me. Gotta give credit to any practice that some people might argue is BOTH cannibalistic AND vegan AND is socially acceptable in some circles.

Apparantly, you weren’t a philosophy major (or your department was radically different from the one where I got my BA). Still though, human infants take too much energy to grow, too much risk in birthing, and too much resources dedicated to raising to make the person birthing them have a good strategy in wasting such things to eat them. Children have tradtionally been used as workers for their parents, though. Even a three or four year old can do basic gardening work, especially if supervised by an older child.

Did you guess I wasn’t a phil major based on the cannibalism thing, or not remembering for sure if it was Hobbes? 😉 It was a philosophy prof, though. Revolting jokes in the biology department tend to take other tracks, we have a lot of options. And I would say I don’t think anyone could be bright enough to function and not get that eating our young would be a loss in terms of energy, except I did once hear an antievolutionist argue that there is no evolutionary advantage toward female animals caring for their young, so I don’t want to underestimate how dumb people can be. Somehow I doubt that mistake would be made by anybody who actually HAS made a person, though.

13 years ago

human infants take too much energy to grow, too much risk in birthing, and too much resources dedicated to raising to make the person birthing them have a good strategy in wasting such things to eat them

Wait wait… hold up. Are you saying that evil atheist evilutionists (see what I did there) are WRONG in thinking it’s a good idea to bbq babies?? *mind blown*

Though I suppose it’s still a good evolutionary strategy, as long as you confine yourself to eating other people’s babies.

13 years ago

Raising babies might do well as a strategy for animals that hunt in groups. As some get olde and their hunting skills wane, te next generation picks up the slack so the group can still eat. And of course, those tasty placentas. 😉

13 years ago


As per usual, your “facts” are a wee bit off…at least the facts related to the innocence project (I haven’t checked the others…but this one seemed especially fishy to me).

So, you claim – “Innocence project is batting like 99% I think, literally everyone and his brother is being exonerated with dna evidence. Seems they were falsely accused. Hmmmm.”

I can only assume you are talking about rape accusations when you say people were being falsly accused. What you don’t seem to understand is that the innocence project takes any type of case, not just rape cases. In addition, your claim that 99% of people are proven innocent is a little far fetched for a couple of reasons. The first is that the cases that innocence project take are only those that have been extensively evaluated to determine whether or not the person may be ultimately proven innocent. They don’t take every case that comes through their doors, they conduct interveis, review the files, etc. to determine which convicted individuals are most likely to be proven innocent via DNA.

Second is the fact that even according to the innocence project’s own website, “the DNA proves our clients innocent about as often as it suggests they are guilty . . . DNA testing proved innocence in about 43% of cases, confirmed the prosecution theory in about 42% of cases, and was inconclusive or not probative in about 15% of cases.”

And this is why no one takes you seriously.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Really, chuckee? There are affirmative action programs for female farm workers? And textile workers? Wow, who knew? Puts Norma Rae in an entirely different light, now doesn’t it?

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym

More funny stuff.
This is always a riot, bad man good woman. Preponderance of evidence says shes a victim.

I can assure you that Azzo von Klatka, at least, is a bad man.

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym

Oh, sorry, from The Mysterious Stranger: published anonymously in 1860.

13 years ago

Tokenism in sweatshops and diamond mines is a real problem, and farm work is noted for the way affirmative action has gotten women those cherry fruit-picking jobs they aren’t really cut out for.

Meanwhile, NWO seems to have successfully proven that no woman has ever been raped by a man in the history of the universe. Turns out that whole “rape” thing was an urban legend, guys!

13 years ago

Interesting that Slavey can take the end result of a intensely misogynistic culture and make it the feminists fault. NWO, that population discrepancy is the direct result of a culture which severely devalues female children, coupled with a strict one-child limit on families. First, if it was simply the case of abortion and feminism, wouldn’t there be more women since feminists love them girls so much more then boys? And secondly this is not the fault of abortion services existing, but being forced on the population. If both those situations didn’t exist, that population gap wouldn’t have happened.

Also, your link doesn’t have much to do with the cause of the gap, which you imply it does. And secondly it’s not that large, something like 55/44 males/females. It’s a large gap, up from ~52/48 in the 80s and definitely a problem, but certainly not 7/3.


And lastly, let’s take a look at a country that has abortion, lets say Japan to keep it close. Abortion laws are quite lax, and yet their population gap is fine, ~51/49


13 years ago

“Did you guess I wasn’t a phil major based on the cannibalism thing, or not remembering for sure if it was Hobbes?” For the canibalism thing. Canibalism is surprisingly common as a topic in philosophy discussions, particularly in discussions of utilitarianism. Not surprising if you consider the historical context in which many of these example originally arose. Travel by ship was not always so reliable, so people got stranded in life boats in the middle of the Atlantic on a fairly regular basis, so the topic of how ethical it was to eat each other came up.

13 years ago

Re: the Innocence Project, a quick perusal of the rape cases reveals that the majority of them don’t involve “false accusations” in the sense that MRAs seem to mean them. For the most part, these aren’t women saying, “Mr. X raped me” and then DNA proves that he didn’t. These are women who have no idea who raped them, make mistaken identifications of strangers in lineups (often following police misconduct, such as showing a booklet of subjects and then a lineup, and the guy they’ve arrested is the only guy in both). Some of the cases (about 15% I think, when I counted), are rape-murders, so there is no victim involvement at all in the arrest and trial.

13 years ago

Oh, also, I’m getting my biochemistry Ph.D. right now, so while I wouldn’t be all the useful post-apocolypse at first, I’ve got a ton of skills after the first shakedown. Like knowledge of some plants, how to isolate and purify substances, distillation of water (maybe also distillation of alcohol >.>) etc. And I’m relatively sure if I could salvage some text books I’d be pretty invaluable.

So, the question comes down to, who wants someone who can synthesize aspirin?

13 years ago

Wow, now I’m feeling outskilled. You’ve even already got another chemist and a probably-better archer.

I’ll just feed the hamsters.

(And yes, this would make an awesome forum game.)


Unless every book spontaneously explodes, I am sure someone can figure out how to hunt for food or any number of things if half of humanity was wiped out. Or if electricity stopped working a la the Change by S. M. Sterling.

13 years ago

man, if the apocolypse [whichever one] had only happened 5 years ago, i’d be sitting pretty – i could hunt [rifle, shotgun, bow – compound, but still] AND fish and make a fire from only wood; make a quick-ish mostly-working water-filter – i can sort-of knit, if someone else starts it – and i CAN and HAVE cook anything i kill.
i could rebuild a carborator [although A) that’s no longer useful and B) too much of auto mechanics now *require* computers, sigh] an engine, replace alternators and brakes… strangely, although i know HOW, i’ve never changed a tire. but i’m sure i could have.

i also worked as a “volunteer” in a few ERs – not a paramedic or EMT, but a great assistant TO. and i know some herbology, enough to NOT kill people, find willow bark [asprin] and etc.

but now i’m stuck in a wheelchair and can’t do much at all – so come the day, i’ll be dead. if that happens, i leave my books to the co-op! you’re seriously going to need entertainment…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@FelixBC @SallyStrange awww ty 🙂 and I’m sry if I sounded flip in that last one… I was just trying to be goofy :3 I’m shocked by how my posts look so different after WP is done turning all my smileys into yellow faces >_>;; I just like expressing myself and how I feel a lot… I’m trying to use my vast array of non WP-triggering smileys! ^_^ I am a smiley arts master! >:3

And ty again :3 *curtsies*

13 years ago

Damn youngsters with their txting & LOLing and smiley-ing…


13 years ago

@denelian, you’ll be fine. You just need to find the Blaster to your Master, so to speak. 😉 Quick hint though, avoid putting him up against Mad Max in the Thunderdome, that goes poorly.

@nobby, if you can isolate thyroid hormone T4 from slaughtered animals, you can join my team. An ability to make synthetic thyroid hormone would work just as well.

13 years ago

darksidecat: Insulin (which is my guess) isn’t hard to make. One sheep a month is all it takes. As I said, I have books. (and I see it’s thyroid. That I don’t have the know how to manage.

Cities are problematic (In my mind) as a place to live, because 1; Water is a bit harder to get/retain, and available soil isn’t as prevalent.

2: Lack of wild forage means lack of meat animals just wandering about, which means a higher need for either balanced agriculture (like the Mexican ‘milpas’) or a way to bing fodder into town.

3: Boundaries are harder to define, which means conflicts are a: more likely, and b: it’s not as easy to avoid an aggressive person/group picking your people off.

Which means I’d be looking for a semi-urban area, not too far from a city. That way I can have structures, defensible borders and a place to strip mine/scavange for materials, parts and equipment (I used to be a machinist, and I can do gas welding; I know the theory of brass foundries. Cannon can be made. I was, in addition to being an interrogator [for the US Army] an armorer, combat lifesaver [heavy duty first aid] a marksmanship instructor, field sanitation NCO, and I forget what all else. Being in the army teaches one a lot of basic “wilderness” skills in that the expectation is one will do a lot of time/fighting in non-urban environments. My combat time, of course, was in urban/semi-urban areas. That is some shitty fighting, and I’d rather avoid in future, thanks).

So I’ll just be working to build a nice city state.

Nobby: I can brew/vint/distill. It’s not that hard. What would be nice if if you were good at making perchlorates and nitrates.

I can also do pottery, design a kiln (and smelt iron/steel: the japanese method, so the end result is going to be a bit harder to work… but the cities will have a lot of raw material for more homogenous steels, so all we need is some squirrel cage bellows to get a forge going) and generally handle most of the “basics” of what was a tolerably comfortable level of civilisation.

The infrastructure to make a steampunk world exists, and I know about 80 percent of the basics of it. Electrical theory I am a little weak on. Someone else will have to design the generators.

13 years ago

Yes indeed, I have simlar credentials to Nobby and I do think that being able to synthesize painkillers and antibiotics in the post apocolyptic world will be elevating to ones status to say the least. I would also be able to fashion a battery fairly quickly as well. and voila power…!
I also have a certificate in herbal medicine and have a active green thumb. I teach CPR and First Aid for the Red Cross.I can fish and trap small animals. I sew and weave and am able to be quite crafy if I need to be original. I also have experience in cabin bulding, putting up walls and creating a lovely small place to live.
Just for the record I am fat and female and I am quite skilled enough to live in this time period or whichever happens next. Life is good.