
Mutant Illuminati whores, oh my!

Illuminati tool?

You can always count on men’s-rightser-turned-conspiracy-maven Henry Makow for sound and sensible commentary on the sexual and social mores of today.

Oh, wait, it’s not Opposite Day. You can count on Henry for loopy misogynist paranoia.

Henry recently took a trip to Toronto, where, he explains,

signs of the elite’s psychological attack on heterosexuals are everywhere. Young females are the main victims.

His evidence for this? He noticed some people fundraising for a program designed to help girls in the Third World. He read about a conference of feminists in Winnipeg.  (No, it’s still not opposite day: in his mind these things are terrible for girls.) Oh, and he read about one oddball couple that is raising their kid to be genderless.

All this leads him to conclude, naturally, that the powers that be are trying to make women obsolete. Huh? Let’s let him explain it, because I sure can’t:


If a woman will not accept her husband’s just leadership, she does not love him. …

A woman loves by surrendering power to her husband in exchange for his power (protection) expressed as love. Men want power; women want love. …

Masculinity is defined by power. Power = penis. Empower women and you give them a psychological penis. You neuter them.

Well, damn. That doesn’t sound good. Who exactly is giving women these psychological penises?

By sabotaging their gender identity and their faith in marriage, the Illuminati are transforming females into their sexless worker-drones and amateur whores.

Oh, right. Those guys. Those guys must be really, really busy.

Anyway, back to Henry’s trip to Toronto:

Most of the young women I saw on the street clearly defined their self-worth in terms of sex appeal. …

But they seemed to regard male attention as predatory. They were like amateur streetwalkers who were both too self-enamored and gender-confused to relate to males.

There’s also a chance that these women looked at Mr. Makow and thought, “huh, a weird angry dude old enough to be my father is staring at my tits like they belong to him. I will definitely not be having sex with him.”

Oh, and apparently ol Henry has heard about the Slutwalks:

Yet they will actually demonstrate for the right to behave like sluts without suffering any consequences. Their younger sisters are also being sexualized and look like Brooke Shields in the film Pretty Baby.

Um, THAT’s your cultural reference? Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby? Not, I dunno, the Bratz? And seriously, if you want to reference a 70s movie that creepily sexualizes underage girls, at least be a little original about it: go with Jodie Foster, in Bugsy Malone.

If you’ve never heard of Bugsy Malone, or simply want to remind yourself of its icky weirdness, the trailer below should help.

Ol Henry again:

The Illuminati are turning young women into mutants, unfit for marriage, and unfit for motherhood.

They are fit only to betray themselves and their society as cannon fodder in the New World Order.

Our world is increasingly zany because it is controlled by a Cabalist satanic cult, the Illuminati.

Dude, way to totally sell yourself short.  The world is zany because of people like you. And the producers of Bugsy Malone.

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13 years ago

NWO – No, but if you click on every link that is part of this blog I should certainly hope it’s something that David agrees with!

And if David should suddenly say that the world is made of stewed prunes, I would start questioning other things I’d read on his site, especially if they were directly linked to the stewed-prunes theory.

Face it, NWO: the whole Rockefeller/Rothschild conspiracy theory was created by holocaust deniers and anti-Semites. Maybe you’re not one of them, but as long as you stick to your theories, you’re always going to be in bed with them.

And you don’t seem terribly bothered by that.

13 years ago

They also fund Jersey Shore and tanning salons.

Now that I believe! Those Macaroni Rascals totes take my mind off the horror of my birth certificate being bought and sold on the stock market!

Also: Somewhat off topic, but … I forget. Where, in the World of NWOslave, is Spain exactly? Asia? Africa? … Antarctica?

13 years ago

When I did my search Dave I typed in something like what is the total of the rothchild fortune.

I clicked the link and it took me directly to that page. I didn’t bother reading the novel that the entire site probably contain.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

How come all individual women are held by NWO to any words of any woman at any time, but he can’t see how holocaust denial by the same person he holds as a trustworthy source, on the same SITE he suggests is a trustworthy site, could be related at all? o_O

13 years ago

“We’ll take Title IX in the US. By the 70s women weren’t forbidden from any schools other than all male schools, but there were also all female schools.” The bad logic of this has been pointed out, but I want to address the wider point. When did men start being allowed into all women’s public universities? When did women start being allowed into all men’s public universtities? The answers are 1982 and 1996, respectively. See the US Supreme Court’s decisions in Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan, 458 U.S. 718 (1982) and United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996).

@CB, can we not use the term “hermaphrodite” to refer to human beings please? Besides, things are not legally easy for many intersexed people seeking to enter into gendered social institutions.

PS: “My best friend is a…” Whenever this phrase is used defensively, the person saying it should just admit defeat in whatever the argument is, really.

13 years ago

Also I agree with everything on that page Dave.

13 years ago


Why isn’t Title IX gone now than? Isn’t 58% of college degrees enough?

13 years ago

David – I’m sure he’ll answer that the Economist and the IMF are in the Rockefellers’ pocket.

Because he trusts no one–except some websites (that also coincidentally contain Holocaust denial, but no big deal) run by lone nuts out of their basements, those guys have the truth.

Not sure where they got it, but they have it. For sure.

13 years ago

“Also I agree with everything on that page Dave.”


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Because if Title IX was gone more Canadian universities could join the NCAA xD As it stands they’d have to create women’s teams or get rid of men’s teams if they wanted to fit the criteria to join… so they can’t, and that’s as it should be, b/c Canadian colleges joining the NCAA would violate the Plan. For the moment we need them here until the brainwashing is complete. >:|

It’s all in the Protocols of the Elders of XXion

13 years ago

Dave since every guv bank is owned by the Rothchilds that means every Guv debt is owed to the Rothchilds. How can that translate into only 65 trillion. That doesn’t even count all the assets. Every private bank also in indebted to the prospective Guv banks of thier countries.

None of your taxes goes towards the deficit, you know this right? Big Daddy borrows money from the Fed and you foot the bill with interest. In 2008 the Fed collected $2.5 trillion from just this country alone. Now times that worldwide by every year and than tell me they only have 65 trillion.

13 years ago

Silly question (which won’t be answered because I’m a racist for believing in the Holocaust, or something):

Why are the Rothschilds doing this? I mean, they’ve got to have enough money for an indoor pool, outdoor pool, and one more pool going nowhere just for show by now, right? If they’re as rich as all that, they can pretty much retire to a private island and ensure that all their children and grandchildren have islands as well. Why not give the world’s banks a rest and just enjoy that money?

I’m not seeing a motivation here other than “because it’s eeeevil.”

13 years ago

Wanna see where this false monetary leads?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

I refuse to answer any more questions or converse with you. Being a mutt racism disgusts me, and you are a racist.

So, if David admitted to a racially motivated hatred of triskaidekaphobes, does that mean that you would boycott this blog and never come back?

I’m asking out of simple curiosity, you understand.

13 years ago

Isn’t that largely owed to China?

Do the Rothschilds own China?

Oh god don’t even answer that.

13 years ago

I’m no political scientist, nor am I an economist, but aren’t socialism, marxism and communism, though related, separate things? I mean they have separate Wikipedia entries and everything.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Holly, Amy, China = Communism = socialism = Jews.


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

If they own China, this now puts me as part of the conspiracy with Holly! xD (or as her racial servant :O )

13 years ago

Here ya go dave, this site looks credible enough, but somehow I’ll probably offend someone.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Also, too, I gotta get me some a that mutant illuminati action. Hawt!

13 years ago

What you people fail to understand is this country was set up to escape the stranglehold the bankers had on the rest of the world. Guess what? We lost.

Google all the earlier presidents and cross check what they had to say about the bankers. I repeat. WE LOST!

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