
Mutant Illuminati whores, oh my!

Illuminati tool?

You can always count on men’s-rightser-turned-conspiracy-maven Henry Makow for sound and sensible commentary on the sexual and social mores of today.

Oh, wait, it’s not Opposite Day. You can count on Henry for loopy misogynist paranoia.

Henry recently took a trip to Toronto, where, he explains,

signs of the elite’s psychological attack on heterosexuals are everywhere. Young females are the main victims.

His evidence for this? He noticed some people fundraising for a program designed to help girls in the Third World. He read about a conference of feminists in Winnipeg.  (No, it’s still not opposite day: in his mind these things are terrible for girls.) Oh, and he read about one oddball couple that is raising their kid to be genderless.

All this leads him to conclude, naturally, that the powers that be are trying to make women obsolete. Huh? Let’s let him explain it, because I sure can’t:


If a woman will not accept her husband’s just leadership, she does not love him. …

A woman loves by surrendering power to her husband in exchange for his power (protection) expressed as love. Men want power; women want love. …

Masculinity is defined by power. Power = penis. Empower women and you give them a psychological penis. You neuter them.

Well, damn. That doesn’t sound good. Who exactly is giving women these psychological penises?

By sabotaging their gender identity and their faith in marriage, the Illuminati are transforming females into their sexless worker-drones and amateur whores.

Oh, right. Those guys. Those guys must be really, really busy.

Anyway, back to Henry’s trip to Toronto:

Most of the young women I saw on the street clearly defined their self-worth in terms of sex appeal. …

But they seemed to regard male attention as predatory. They were like amateur streetwalkers who were both too self-enamored and gender-confused to relate to males.

There’s also a chance that these women looked at Mr. Makow and thought, “huh, a weird angry dude old enough to be my father is staring at my tits like they belong to him. I will definitely not be having sex with him.”

Oh, and apparently ol Henry has heard about the Slutwalks:

Yet they will actually demonstrate for the right to behave like sluts without suffering any consequences. Their younger sisters are also being sexualized and look like Brooke Shields in the film Pretty Baby.

Um, THAT’s your cultural reference? Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby? Not, I dunno, the Bratz? And seriously, if you want to reference a 70s movie that creepily sexualizes underage girls, at least be a little original about it: go with Jodie Foster, in Bugsy Malone.

If you’ve never heard of Bugsy Malone, or simply want to remind yourself of its icky weirdness, the trailer below should help.

Ol Henry again:

The Illuminati are turning young women into mutants, unfit for marriage, and unfit for motherhood.

They are fit only to betray themselves and their society as cannon fodder in the New World Order.

Our world is increasingly zany because it is controlled by a Cabalist satanic cult, the Illuminati.

Dude, way to totally sell yourself short.  The world is zany because of people like you. And the producers of Bugsy Malone.

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13 years ago

Of course it did Holly, stupid question.

Savage Like Me
13 years ago

Yikes. That site is full of some heavy-duty crazy.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

@ NWOslave:

You’re ignoring my question. For purposes of this discussion, I will briefly accept that Title IX is the second coming of the Anti-Christ, financed by the Rockefellers for the purposes of implementing feminism as a tool for the establishment of the New World Order.

Again – to what end? What’s the endgame? What are their goals? What will the final NWO look like? What’s the overall goal behind programs like Title IX?

13 years ago

That’s good to hear you confirm that. But why are you taking things as gospel from multiple websites that deny it?

(Also, of course men get financial aid, that’s just incredibly silly.)

13 years ago

Oh and No Holly I’m not good friends with people who don’t. Do you believe the Holodomor happened? Heres my stupid question for you.

13 years ago

NWOslave: I’m afraid men recieve little if any State funding for college.

To pick only the easiest, most incredibly obvious example: Male students get athletic scholarships from state universities. True or false?

Next we’ll move on to academic scholarships, grants, loans, work-study, research funding, assistance for minority students, etc.

13 years ago

In what proportion do they get aid? Is it 50/50? If its not your movement is oppressive.

13 years ago

Female students get scholarships as well.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I’m afraid men recieve little if any State funding for college.

I’m a man.

So when I attended a state university with in-state tuition rates (substantially lower than the rate for non-state residents) the money that subsidized my education came from…where exactly?

And the financial aid, grants, student loan subsidies, and paid teaching assistantships that I’ve received over the years–where did that money come from?

13 years ago

Wait, are the Holocaust and the Holomodor like opposites, where one justifies or cancels out the other? (And yes, I believe the Holomodor occurred. I didn’t think it was really up for question.)

I’m kind of uncomfortable playing one-upsies with real historical tragedies.

“Oh yeah, well, I see your Holomodor and counter with an Irish Potato Famine! How about that?”

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Well, considering college football and basketball is a pretty big deal in the country, and considering that college football and basketball teams are made up of all men, and that pretty much every college football or basketball player is there on a scholarship….

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Oh, I see, we’re moving the goalposts now. Instead of “little if any” money for men’s education, the standard is now 50/50.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Female students get scholarships as well.

See, that’s your problem. You think it’s an awful, terrible thing that women are getting scholarships that could be going to men.

13 years ago

CB – We’re also pretending that historical oppression of women is totally over (if it ever happened at all) so everyone’s starting point in life should be assumed to be exactly 50/50.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Wait, you mean both Hitler AND Stalin were assholes? At the same time? How is that possible?

13 years ago

Slavey: I’m afraid men recieve little if any State funding for college.

A few minutes later … Female students get scholarships as well.

So because female students get scholarships, that automatically negates any scholarships that male students get. Or perhaps it’s like Makow’s premise with the power … once you get one of those “girly” scholarships, you are no longer a Real Man(TM). Gotcha.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

CB – We’re also pretending that historical oppression of women is totally over (if it ever happened at all) so everyone’s starting point in life should be assumed to be exactly 50/50.

So, really, men ought to get more money for education. After all, we are expected to pay for dinner when on a date. It’s time for some reparations, people!

Holly, please talk to your relatives in the Rockefeller family about this, post haste!

13 years ago

Holly, I took nothing from any website that denied anything and I’m sick to death of your elitist racial status you continually use if anyone dares contradict or holds someone accountable who happens to be a Jew.

My best friend is a Jew. But that doesn’t exempt the Rothchilds/Rockefellers from the crimes they commit against humanity. Got it. So if I say these families are worthless fucks who I would love to see living the poverty they have created for the rest of the world, I mean it. If you find it so hard to accuse or admit to a fault of someone because they share your race that makes you a vile racist. Am I being clear enough even for you.

13 years ago

If my relatives in the Rockefeller family knew that my boyfriend and I split costs (even though he makes much more than me, working in high-tech while I work in healthcare), they’d kick me right out of feminism.

Then I’d have to go around thinking men were fundamentally better than women, because you can only believe in equality if you’re an accepted member of the conspiracy, y’know.

13 years ago

NWO: Search for “holocaust” on this page, which is from one of the websites you linked:

It’d be hard to find now, but this isn’t the first time you’ve linked to a site that also contained Holocaust denial.

Call me a nitpicker, but that’s one of those things I check for when deciding whether to accept someone’s account of mid-20th-century European history as factual.

13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe

There was no historical oppression of women. A father who loved his daughter and refused to allow her to marry a scum did so out of love not oppression.

Only the elite in the past went to fanct schools the masses were all in the same boat.

Men and women worked together in history for a better life for their families.

When the little girl cried bring me the head of John the Baptist, she was not oppressed, I’m afaid old John was oppressed.

Beside every man in power there was a woman in power who didn’t give a shit about the masses.

Women were not oppressed in the past. For every woman who was “locked” in the home a man was dying or being mamed in a thankless job. They worked together to build a better life. Now say it. Women were no oppressed.

13 years ago

Holly, that is not the site I linked and you my dear are a fucking racist.

13 years ago

There was no historical oppression of women.

I feel like a statement like this ends all hope of a discussion as decisively as “Women are all secretly FROGS! Frogs I tell you! Going about their sneaky little fly-eating business, and hopping, god, the HOPPING!”

It’s just so fucking far from reality.

13 years ago

I’m not sure why I’m a racist, but that is the site you linked on the previous page! Different page on the site, but same dude.

13 years ago


Since you seem to know so much about scholarships find out exactly who gets what and let me know.