
Mutant Illuminati whores, oh my!

Illuminati tool?

You can always count on men’s-rightser-turned-conspiracy-maven Henry Makow for sound and sensible commentary on the sexual and social mores of today.

Oh, wait, it’s not Opposite Day. You can count on Henry for loopy misogynist paranoia.

Henry recently took a trip to Toronto, where, he explains,

signs of the elite’s psychological attack on heterosexuals are everywhere. Young females are the main victims.

His evidence for this? He noticed some people fundraising for a program designed to help girls in the Third World. He read about a conference of feminists in Winnipeg.  (No, it’s still not opposite day: in his mind these things are terrible for girls.) Oh, and he read about one oddball couple that is raising their kid to be genderless.

All this leads him to conclude, naturally, that the powers that be are trying to make women obsolete. Huh? Let’s let him explain it, because I sure can’t:


If a woman will not accept her husband’s just leadership, she does not love him. …

A woman loves by surrendering power to her husband in exchange for his power (protection) expressed as love. Men want power; women want love. …

Masculinity is defined by power. Power = penis. Empower women and you give them a psychological penis. You neuter them.

Well, damn. That doesn’t sound good. Who exactly is giving women these psychological penises?

By sabotaging their gender identity and their faith in marriage, the Illuminati are transforming females into their sexless worker-drones and amateur whores.

Oh, right. Those guys. Those guys must be really, really busy.

Anyway, back to Henry’s trip to Toronto:

Most of the young women I saw on the street clearly defined their self-worth in terms of sex appeal. …

But they seemed to regard male attention as predatory. They were like amateur streetwalkers who were both too self-enamored and gender-confused to relate to males.

There’s also a chance that these women looked at Mr. Makow and thought, “huh, a weird angry dude old enough to be my father is staring at my tits like they belong to him. I will definitely not be having sex with him.”

Oh, and apparently ol Henry has heard about the Slutwalks:

Yet they will actually demonstrate for the right to behave like sluts without suffering any consequences. Their younger sisters are also being sexualized and look like Brooke Shields in the film Pretty Baby.

Um, THAT’s your cultural reference? Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby? Not, I dunno, the Bratz? And seriously, if you want to reference a 70s movie that creepily sexualizes underage girls, at least be a little original about it: go with Jodie Foster, in Bugsy Malone.

If you’ve never heard of Bugsy Malone, or simply want to remind yourself of its icky weirdness, the trailer below should help.

Ol Henry again:

The Illuminati are turning young women into mutants, unfit for marriage, and unfit for motherhood.

They are fit only to betray themselves and their society as cannon fodder in the New World Order.

Our world is increasingly zany because it is controlled by a Cabalist satanic cult, the Illuminati.

Dude, way to totally sell yourself short.  The world is zany because of people like you. And the producers of Bugsy Malone.

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13 years ago


7% inflation? Really? This place says otherwise. It’s more like 3%.

“If everyone in this country both personal and corporate would pay off their debt, do you know how much money would be left in circulation? Nothing…”

Yeah, I can pretty safely say this is wrong too. The money people make is not dependant on how much debt they incur, its how much they get paid at their job, or something like that. You do realize that in the market crash, banks had run out of money to lend to their customers and whatnot, right? The Fed had to step in and give banks the money to lend out to support buisness. How does this translate to bankers controlling the money… at all?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

“For over a thousand generations the MRAs were the guardians of peace and justice in America. Before the dark times. Before the Jewish Bankers”

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

The Constitution Bee sounds like a character on some saturday morning cartoon civics education show.

Or the social studies counterpart to the Spelling Bee.

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
13 years ago

Hey NWOslave, what do you think of Wonder Woman?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

“Luke, you must learn the ways of the gold standard if you’re to come with me to Fort Knox.”

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

This is my favorite interpretation of the Illuminati:

13 years ago

@Lady Victoria von Syrus…I can only answer so many questions at one time so be patient.

We’ll say feminism started around 1900 or there abouts in the western world but really took hold in the 60s or whenever. Doesn’t really matter for exact dates.

Well back in the 1800s world population was roughly, in fact almost exactly 1/3 asian, 1/3 white, 1/3 black. Today white population is 10% and falling rapidly.

In Africa which is actually resource rich and should be well off they are starving, poor ect. How could this happen. The world bank/imf lends them money to do whatever projects which of course these same banker own those companies, and the folks of course cant pay them back so they, the banker own them. They’re being killed off by starvation, poverty, ect. Further the Rockefeller foundation runs in with there “help” in the form of abortion and contraception, ect. which you can go to my previous link to see.

In asia as I’m sure you know they have like a 2 to 1 boys to girls population due to abortion. That is going to be a real roit to watch how that turns out, and of course lower population.

The only area with positive population growth was North Africa and the middle east particularly. We attacked Iraq, (kill kill kill) and they hate us more than ever. Egypts mubarak was largely pro western, we deposed him and handed it over to rebel who hate us. Libya, havent heard a peep out of qadafi in 30 years sunndenly we attack and hand it over to rebels who hate us. Ivory coast here rebelss who hate us take this country. Syria agai here rebs who hate us take it. Afganisatan way too many peeps kill them. Pakisatn has more people of breedable age than all of Europe, we bomb them daily and make no mistake they are next.

When the smoke clears in the middle east there will be a united block that stretches from pakisatn to libya who hate the western world. WW III can now begin. This is the planned depopulation of the world. They, the bankers, don’t want his many serfs sucking up their stuff. Laugh at the slavey now but save this post within two years WW III.

13 years ago

“Luke, I am your father! And I lost you in the divorce case against your coniving bitch mother!”

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
13 years ago

Blah blah blah

You’re boring me, NWOslave. I’m going to talk about Wonder Woman instead of conversing with you.

This is my interpretation of an animated version of the character. I really think she deserves her own animated series.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

:: looks at everything NWOslave wrote ::

I don’t even know where to begin addressing all the wrong in that post.

Basically, you’re saying white women need to have more babies, even if they don’t want to have babies, or else the darkies will win?

:: goes back to reading Robert Anton Wilson ::

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

“I have altered the interest rate. Pray I do not alter it further.”

“Many MRAs died to bring us this information.”

“Search your feelings, Kirbywarp, you can’t do this. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your feminism.”

“Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. Your friends, up there on the Spearhead, are walking into a trap, as is your Movement. It was *I* who allowed the MRM to know the location of Manboobz. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best feminists awaits them. Oh, I’m afraid the snark will be quite operational when your friends arrive.”

13 years ago

There was infaltion but it zeroed itself out, war of 1812 supplies were needed ect. civil war was over in what 1865 i think. Hmmm a panic you say, wasn’t that a run on the banks? Pulling in the money suppy I believe. I’m pretty sure although not positive but didn’t JP Morgan buy everything up. Hey those guys are still around today. In fact didn’t they get lotsa bail out money, while we suffered. Ya mean the Guv borrowed from banks to pay banks that are owned buy the “family.” And we foot the bill.

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
13 years ago

There was infaltion but it zeroed itself out, war of 1812 supplies were needed ect. civil war was over in what 1865 i think.

And this is my interpretation of Clarimonde from the classic 1836 French vampire story La Morte Amoureuse.

13 years ago

“There is… another… eoghan…”

“NWOslave, you’ve turned off your bullshit detector. Is something wrong?”

“That’s no men’s rights forum. That’s The Spearhead!”

hmm… starting to run out…

13 years ago

@Lady Victoria von Syrus, I’m just telling you the effects it’s simple math. It takes 2.2 births per couple to maintain 0 population growth, (the .2 is due the accidents and such). A generation is 20 years, (basically a womans fertility range).

So here the math, if men and women are only averaging 1.1 that means the population of people who are able to reproduce gets cut by 1/2 every 20 years.

So I’ll say in North america there 200 million white people able to reproduce. In 20 years there’ll be 100 million, in 40 years there’ll be 50 million, in 60 years there’ll be 25 million, in 80 years there’ll be 12.5 million, in 100 years there’ll be 6.25 million white people able to reproduce.

I’m not saying for you to do anything. All I’m doing is giving you cold hard numbers. I think the present population of NYC is around 8 1/4 million, more than enough room.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I’ve got a bad feeling about the Rothschlids….

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
13 years ago

It takes 2.2 births per couple to maintain 0 population growth, (the .2 is due the accidents and such). A generation is 20 years, (basically a womans fertility range).

This is my drawing of Sir Francis Varney from the 1840’s penny dreadful Varney the Vampire, or: The Feast of Dread.

This one was particularly difficult to do. Not the drawing itself – that was average – it was reading the book. It was, without a doubt, the worst book I’ve ever read. I quite liked Varney as a character though.

Hope you enjoy the drawing, NWOslave.

13 years ago

“These are not the bankers you are looking for..”


Why the focus on the white population all of a sudden? Weren’t you the one complaining how everyone was racist?

13 years ago

Lady Victoria von Syrus, Black populstion is plunging in this country as well. The only reason population increased in the last ten years is due to 12 million mexican immigrants and their offspring.

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
13 years ago

*Feast of Blood.

Sorry, I’m a bit tired.

13 years ago

The focus wasn’t on white people, if you read my previous post It was on how worldwide depopulation was being achieved.

Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
Spearhafoc, who is changing his nym
13 years ago

Lady Victoria von Syrus, Black populstion is plunging in this country as well.

Carmilla, from the 1872 novel of the same name.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You’re an awesome artist :O

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

“This accountant is my kind of scum: fearless and inventive.”

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