So I recently ran across a site called “Is It Normal?” The idea behind it is simple, and kind of wonderful: people confess some possibly odd thing about themselves, and others tell them if it’s normal. Now, normally (as it were) I’m against the too-rigid enforcement of what is considered “normal” behavior, especially when it comes to sexuality and sex roles. But that’s not really what we’re talking about here. Ohhhh, no. We’re talking about grown men and women eating their own boogers; having sexual fantasies about zombies; feeling an urge to jump off of high places; or wanting to be turned into a doll or manikin. (Hey, whatever floats your boat.)
Naturally, I did a search for “misogyny” just to see what turned up. Is that a normal thing to do? I don’t know, and I don’t care, but I did it and the search pulled up a couple of pretty interesting little discussions.
The one that really grabbed my attention was from a guy who said he hated female sexuality. Which may not be “normal,” though as readers of this blog know it’s not uncommon. But this guy is no Christopher from Oregon, whose hatred of female sexuality is part of a package deal that includes hatred for pretty much everything female.
No, this guy hates female sexuality in part because, well, he thinks the male body is ugly and so assumes – or at least feels on a gut level — that any woman having sex with a man is being coerced, bamboozled, or raped. Yep, we’re talking about a rich and toxic stew of misogyny and misandry here. Let’s let him explain:
I Hate Female Sexuality
What little mysogyny I have in me is directed at female sexuality. I can’t stand it that females are attracted to males, ever. I hate them a little for it, just feel it in my gut. I thought for a long time when I was younger that females were basically asexual, not interested in sex, and that romance for them was something far removed from physical love. It didn’t occur to me that anyone might find the male form attractive, and I always suspected males were using some form of deception or raping women in some way when they were with them. I don’t understand this hate and distrust for my own sex. It really bothers me.
I hate that I feel there’s something wrong with a female having an active sexuality when I know intellectually there’s not. I’m a passionate feminist and attracted to females myself. I don’t really understand this feeling.
I think maybe a small part of it is jealousy when I see a couple, and the rest mostly my wierd, incongruous hatred for the male sex.
I don’t think females are doing something wrong but that something wrong is being done to them when they engage in sexual activity, even consentual, with a male, and they’re allowing it to happen, are complicit in it. This is just a feeling I have and can’t shake. It’s not overwhelming, like I’m freaking out whenever I see a couple but it’s there a lot, subtle but persistent. I’m atheist and I’m not someone who belives sexual promiscuity is wrong or even undesirable in male or females. This is just a wierd, lingering emotional problem, like fear of the dark or something like that.
Is it normal?
So, yeah. For what it’s worth, only 14% of those reading this confession rated it normal. But, as I said, I don’t think it’s uncommon. We grow up, after all, in a society that treats sexuality as a commodity that women possess, and that men try to “get” from women – by charming them into “giving it up,” by buying it directly or indirectly (by going to a prostitute or paying for dinner), or simply taking by force.
This way of thinking about sex is pretty deeply embedded in our culture; as regular readers of this blog know all too well, many MRAs, MGTOWers, and PUAs (especially) seem unable to conceive of sexuality in any other way. Neither does the questioner on Is It Normal (who goes by the name SamuraiPeeper), even though he’s a self-described feminist.
Like a lot of misogynistic ideas, this “women own sex, men must fight to get it” idea contains a heaping helping of misandry as well – suggesting that women basically don’t enjoy or desire sex with men because male bodies and male sexuality are inherently disgusting. It’s only a few small steps from this to SamuraiPeeper’s whole muddled mixture of desire and disgust, hatred and self-hatred.
The biggest difference between SamuraiPeeper and the MGTOWers and other misogynists I write about here is that he’s aware that his views are fucked up, and is trying actively to work through his issues. And he’s actually gotten some good responses to his query on Is It Normal?
PoisonFlowers suggests that some of his hatred and disgust probably stems from a fear of female sexuality:
Is it misogyny? I don’t think it’s as clear cut as that. Perhaps because the image you had of women (almost an idealised impression it seems) when you were younger has been destroyed (instead of having romance that is above sex, it turns out that women can be just as animalistic as men), you feel a sort of resentment and that mixes with the jealousy and then as you say “a weird, incongruous hatred for the male sex.” This then becomes a strong dislike for female sexuality.
Why do you have these feelings about men? Is it the people you’ve been surrounded with throughout your life and their behaviour/attitudes? Have you witnessed a man being abusive towards a woman at any point in your life? …
You say that you feel as though “something wrong is being done to them,” which could point to an urge in you to protect women, or perhaps it is more accurate to say to protect the _idea_ you have of women that stems from the concept you had when you were younger.
randomsensuality offers some similar observations:
It definitely sounds like you want to protect the idea of females as pure, with an almost divine stature. It also sounds like you have been taught or embraced the idea that penetrative sex is inherently degrading or immoral: therefore a woman who enjoys it is equally so.
Another bit on the matter is that many men do not find it attractive when women lead the hunt, as it were. They want to be the ones in control, in the pursuit of the sex and relationships. If a woman is as much “on the prowl” as he is, then he can’t say that it was a full conquest. He wants to know he’s been where others have failed to enter, that it took his prowess to crack the nut, setting him apart and making his mate a trophy and attribute to his stature.
Lets also not forget the angle of loathing the male form, which you say you can’t understand a woman being attracted to. If you are heterosexual male, this makes sense. Of course it’s easier to wrap your brain around lesbian sex, you like women, you understand innately attraction to women. Attraction to men, is scary for more than that reason though. If a woman is attracted to a man, then she could be attracted to any man the way a man can be attracted to any woman: this vision of the situation can induce pre-emptive jealousy and defensiveness.
Meanwhile, a 19-year-old girl calling herself so_damn_unpretty offers a blunter response – and one that might do the questioner as much good as the longer, more thoughtful responses:
I love men… and cock.. and sex… so i really cant relate.
In the end, that’s probably the most important takeaway here, as they like to say in the business world. Women – most women, anyway – genuinely like and enjoy sex as much as men. Sometimes more. When a guy “scores” with a woman — she is also “scoring” with him. Rigid gender roles that define man as the sexual pursuer and women as the sexual prize may make it hard to see this, but it’s true. Not only that, but women – heterosexual women, anyway – actually like and enjoy the male body.
Guys, know this: while you are watching sports, or playing video games, or playing with yourself, or knitting (or whatever your favorite hobby is), there are thousands of women writing, sharing, and reading slash fic about dudes (from various TV shows and movies and books) getting it on with each other. There are no women in these stories, at least not in the dirty parts. Just dudes, and their dude bodies, having dude sex with each other. Freud once asked: what do women want? And to that we have a partial answer: stories about Sam and Dean from Supernatural penetrating one another’s deepest mysteries.
Lady Syrus? You larp? What part of the country?
I thought he boycotted that show xD
@Lyn @David Well who knows? Maybe we’ll tie the knot one day and you can put “Manboobz: Hooking up Men more than the competing MRA site!” xD
West Coast, primarily. This handle is actually an old character of mine – the first comment I left on the old MBZ site, I was accidentally signed into the PC’s IC email addy at the time. People responded to me as Lady Vicky, and I figured I might as well hang onto it so people knew who I was. I used to do the various WoD larps, but have now switched to boffer.
Can I contact you thru lj?
Lady V, sure.
Ami: I don’t think you need to get to tying the knot for Dave to be more successful than any of the MRA sites.
You be trollin, no consolin
and no matter what we say
You be yearnin, not concern
bout the problems all in play
Yet we laugh at your gaff
and continue on our way
so keep trollin, we’ll keep rollin
on no matter what you say
I just want to join in and say to MRAL: Look, I’ve had a crappy life, too. Recently, I have taken steps to grab life by the horns. How am I doing that? By fixing my outlook on life, going outside my comfort zones, talking to people and learning new things.
I’ve also been berated for my looks, my voice, my mannerisms…pretty much everything. I was pretty much target practice for shitty people, but guess what? I knew that there had to be something better, and rather than curl myself into a ball and nurture my hatred, I decided to branch out into the world and do stuff that feels great: Doing volunteer work, learning stuff, even getting help from people who cared about me.
It’s all out there, man. Use it or lose it.
Also, sorry for the double post, but holy shit, did this post’s comment section blow up fast? Last time I checked today (yesterday?) it was at 60 comments.
I think when I started it was at… 114? Man, how the time flies…
MRAL, here’s a possible role model: David Bowie.
Eye issue: Glass eye.
Solution: Cultivated an aura of alien weirdness, thus making his glass eye sort of cool.
Height issue: He’s 5’9″ or 5’10”, according to the internets. Not really a problem, but I guess he wanted to be taller, so:
Solution: Became a glam rocker, which provided the perfect excuse to wear giant platform shows.
Bonus: Big dick. Problem: how to show it off?
Solution: Wore tights to show off his package:
Also, you’ll note in both pictures he’s got big hair. That adds another couple of inches, heightwise. And in the second one, he’s rocking an eyepatch.
Just a thought.
Like I said… MRAs are like blog fertilizer 😀 If you get a good one you get a nice lush comment thread xD
Oh, and here are some of Bowie’s big shoes:
Whoops! I was totally wrong about Bowie’s eyes. No glass eye. One paralyzed pupil:
And here’s a shot which shows that pretty clearly:
More celebs with Heterochromia of the eye — that is, different colored eyes:
David Bowie…Yum. Bowie as the Goblin King in “Labyrinth”–sexiest man EVAR.
Don’t you mean David Bowie, Goblin King – creepiest man evar? That’s right, steal a baby, win the heart of an underaged teen: nice.
(I jest, in some ways… Weird movie, but fun to watch at a party)
Labyrinth is one of those movies I know I saw when I was very, very young and remember very little about … except that it had creepy puppets in it.
Really creepy puppets. Why do people even bother using CG now? Puppets are way scarier.
Also, I just want to state that I find those guys at the top of the post unattractive. Because I’m sure there’s some whiny Omega Man who would say, “But they’rrrrre alphaaaaaas! Women all want their cock in some way!” And I say, no! Gross! Buttchins! (See? Some people don’t like Brad Pitt, some people don’t like Mr.s Buttchin. Women are not some giant, groupthinky blob. The end.)
@kirby: My rationalization hamster hates you. Seriously, I know I’m not alone in this. I’ve randomly ended up discussing our mutual having the hots for Jareth with more than one woman. The pants were a factor. And the hair. And the eyeliner. Nomnomnom. You have no power over me!!!
I only have to add to the chorus telling MRAL: it’s not your eye. Or your height. It’s your hatred. And your belief that women owe you attention and affirmation merely because you exist.
I remember at high school I got bullied for having a huge nose…after I left no one has ever mentioned or noticed it again =/ I asked people but they just said “err it’s not that big is it?”. I’ve also gone pretty much straight from ‘beta/omega’ (had a couple of boyfriends but generally considered unattractive) to ‘alpha’ (getting lots of attention as a generally attractive lady, including from other ‘alphas’).
Everyone’s an asshole in high school, but no one is going to stare at your slight imperfections. I was actually desperate for plastic surgery for a long time, but I kinda like my nose now. Also my boyfriend is 5’7, hooray!
You seem to feel super bad about yourself and I know that is horrible from experience, but no one else is paying attention to how you look as much as you make out.
MRAL, dude, it’s so not your eye. Seriously. I had to really look at the picture you linked to, and then I was like, “oh, yeah, I see it.” If I met you IRL, I wouldn’t notice it (well, maybe eventually, but it would take a while).
If you were giving off a creepy vibe, however, I would definitely notice that. And that would make me want to get out of your company as quickly as possible. I can’t tell from the interwebs if you give off a creepy vibe IRL, but you certainly give one off here.
It’s true, I get no pussy 🙁
Well, except my own 🙂
Also, glam rock really needs to make a comeback. I want more men in high-heeled platform boots. Because that’s HAWT!
MRAL, I think you have nice eyes. The size difference gives them character. I kinda like it. And as others have said, height is not that big of a deal. My husband is about 5’7″. He’s not what you might call classically handsome either. I didn’t marry him for his looks, money or social status. (He’s a computer science geek who spent the entire 11 years of our relationship in college.) I married him because he’s genuine, kind, intelligent, passionate and he treats me like his equal and cares about my thoughts and opinions. He’s my best friend and he makes me happy. It’s as simple as that.
So, my advice to you… let go of your anger and cultivate a genuine interest in people. Form some platonic relationships and don’t worry so much about classifying people. Spend some time on yourself and focus on becoming a healthier, happier person. As others have said, therapy can help you with that. I guarantee you, if do these things, people will become more attracted to you.
ps. Jareth looks like an anime character come to life. Maybe that’s where his hotness comes from? He’s got that same somewhat androgynous sexiness about him.
Labyrinth is one of the best drinking games evar!!! Shot for every David Bowie song, sip for every instance of child endangerment. Which goes along fine until the second-to-last scene, with all the stairs. Then, your shit gets fucked up in short order.
Plus, David Bowie is married to the Absolutely Gorgeous Iman, which says a lot about the power of the eye patch and the platform boot. Mrowr.
Kratch said: Ever consider that you may have become so invested in women that you take any criticism as hate? You are aware that acknowledging women can and do lie about being raped isn’t misogyny?
I do actually try to look at most situations from every angle, so if, say, you’re telling me how terrifying it is to be a young man trying to get laid, with a fear of false rape allegations, I’m not going to dismiss that out of hand. I also might not understand it 100 percent, given that my imagination may not be perfect, but I do try. On the other hand, don’t try to tell me that False Rape Society is merely “critical,” not hateful. I do know the difference.
Here is a sample False Rape Society article. I picked it at random. The author does fine when he talks about Ann Landers’ mistake of changing the subject, and society’s moral obligation not to imprison the innocent, and I like this bit very much: “By the same token, just as we must insist that they stop talking about rape every time we talk about false rape claims, we must stop changing the subject to false rape claims every time they talk about rape.”
But from there it goes pear-shaped. Victim-blaming! (“About how the majority of rapes of college-age women take place when the victim is too intoxicated to resist, suggesting the need for the victim to exercise greater care.”) Classism! (“About how the vast majority of rape offenders come not from our college campuses but from lower socioeconomic classes and are under-educated, under-employed, under-skilled, and grew up without fathers.”) Mealy-mouthed lies! (“About how it is scientifically proven that young women in the hook-up culture feel far greater after-the-fact regret, and regret sometimes translates into feeling ‘used,’ and feeling ‘used’ sometimes translates into spurious rape claims.”)
And I haven’t even gotten to “The Underreporting Canard.” (Seriously? Canard? Like, having four of six friends tell me they’ve been raped and never reported it — having that happen to me — that’s groundless rumor that should pretty much be dismissed out of hand?) And the presumption that seems to run throughout FRS that all false-rape-allegation victims (rapists) are men and all false-rape accusers(victims) are women — that’s some pretty serious blindery shit right there, for all people, no matter what sex they are.