Creepy, huh? This is the most unsettling book cover from a set of “crappy joke books, circa 1955” found on the blog Vintage Sleaze – which lives up to its name, and then some.
Like Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap, whoever it was who bought these sorts of books by the millions in the 40s and 50s clearly had some trouble telling the difference between sexist and sexy. And I’m not quite sure how it was that anyone, sexist or sexy, actually found these funny. Then again, I think the same of newspaper comics today.
But I digress. Click on the link to see the covers of 1) an evidently hi-larious book called “Keeping Women In Line,” and 2) an irreverent guide to married life by Stanley and Janice Berenstain. Yeah, that’s right: the motherfucking Berenstain Bears Berenstains!
It’s not much of a “battle” if he’s imagining her as cuts of meat and she’s… walking down the sidewalk to wherever she was going in the first place. Maybe she, uh, gets him back inside the book? (Not that that really makes it better. I prefer nobody to “get” anybody.)
The Berenstain one doesn’t seem all that offensive on the cover, but I’m probably giving it too much benefit of the doubt. (Someone should tell that guy that if you put shaving cream on the mirror it won’t fog up.)
MRA-relevant note: notice the sexism against men on display here. Women may be sides of beef in Wacky Cartoon World, but men are brainlessly lecherous cannibals.
This shit’s a double-edged sword, and you can’t put someone “in their place” without revealing something pretty ugly about what you think your “place” is.
“you can’t put someone “in their place” without revealing something pretty ugly about what you think your “place” is.”
Well put. *yoinks quote for future use*
Cannibalism = sex…. I could see that!
Sexism or secret vegan propaganda? We report, you decide!
PETA did the same thing, quite recently!
I think it’s a nifty illustration actually. I always kinda wondered what some of those cuts actually meant. In that sense, the PETA one is a lot more useful – it’s actually instructive 😀
Oh, right, it won’t let me imbed:
See? Carol Adams was right! Eat more rice for feminism!
That’s why my strip club is a vegan strip club.
Given that that’s clearly Supergirl, I suspect that may be a supervillain w/ a meat/cannibal gimmick xD
And remember, we see men as just giant penises/wallets/status symbols/video game dispensaries/emotional tampons/organ donation sacs/I can’t keep track nemore
So we rly shouldn’t be ones to speak or make fun of ppl : (except we do b/c we’re cold hearted bitches with awesome lives >:D )
So, not so much hypergamous as hypergameboyous.
Carol Adams’s The Sexual Politics of Meat anyone? Lately she’s had some nice criticisms for the abomination that is PeTA as well.
Oh, Bee, you beat me to it!
Hey, thanks for the plug and the comments. Vintage Sleaze the Blog is daily and reveals forgotten artists, writers, models, cartoonists and such from the golden age of sleaze. Now around 500 posts, with over 1,000 followers on Facebook and ALL are WELCOME. Site features serious research of sleazy subjects, for the most part smut.
Emotional tampons? I…what? Is this being hyperbolic or did an MRA type actually say that? It’s pretty bad that I wouldn’t be surprised either way…
So, in a bout of unwise googling I discovered, on a site called ‘PUAlingo.com’, the following:
So I guess it’s a term for guys that soak up women’s emotional flow? Except that a tampon does get access to the woman’s ladyparts, so analogy fail. A real emotional tampon would be a guy that women sleep with in order to deal with their overflowing emotions. Or, you know, something.