Ok, MRA/MGTOW/PUA dudes, I’m trying my best to understand the whole Alpha-Beta-Omega thing, really I am. But then you guys make comments like this one from Avenger, found recently on The Spearhead:
Arnold is by no means an Alpha (except in the films lol) In real life he was a muscle bound steroid using meathead in a “sport” that was associated with homosexuals until recently. You’ll notice that he always speaks English and never German even when talking to the German speaking press. That’s because his accent is so bad that they laugh at him.I guess he thinks he can hide it in English where people just assume it’s an ordinary German accent) He sounds like some yokel in German. Sort of like a German Gomer Pyle lol
And no Alpha would permit their wife to go on some talkshow.
I’m not sure how exactly someone who uses “lol” in his comments got to be the final arbiter of Alphaness, but what do I know?
So, please, guys, just explain to me what exactly defines alphaness? (Aside from forbidding wives to go on talk shows.) If Arnold — a giant muscular actor dude with lots of money who was only just recently the governor of a pretty big state — isn’t an alpha, then who exactly is.
Here’s a list of dudes that I think most people who believed in the whole “greek system” would define as Alphas. If any of them aren’t alphas, please tell me why.
Brad Pitt
Genghis Kahn
Barack Obama
Charles Atlas
Bill Clinton
Donald Trump
Mystery (the PUA)
John Wayne
The Situation
Margaret Thatcher
“At some point, when you’re rich and famous enough, ‘alpha’ is simply automatic, regardless of your social status or looks.”
Oh, ok, so does that mean Oprah Winfrey is an alpha?
And Brad Pitt can’t be an alpha, he’s raising kids that not only aren’t his, they’re not even his wife’s. Biologically speaking.
Ah, i see. The Greek system applies always. Except when it doesn’t!
Brad Pitt isn’t an alpha, but Johnny Depp very definitely is. Not only are there hundreds of millions of women who look upon him with lust in their hearts, but he plays a fucking pirate, and you can’t get more alpha than a pirate.
spitfire: I think you’re right. Also,
this behavior
doesn’t seem very Alpha, does it?
I never understood the lust for Johnny Depp. I guess he’s mildly attractive. And pirates ARE cool. I never understood the lust for Brad Pitt, either. I just don’t find either one all that hot.
Now Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs? Hott diggity damn. 🙂
Wait. MRAL. One more question.
Dalai Lama. Alpha or no?
The Dalai Lama I would think doesn’t really apply, but if you need to force him into one of the categories, he is indeed an alpha. He commands the awe of women and hypothetically could definitely get around. Oprah Winfrey? Alpha. There are a lot of men who worship Oprah even though she’s not supermodel hot- again, her awe and wealth speak for themselves, transcending the need for looks. Unfortunately, us plebians don’t have that.
Also, Clark Kent is an alpha, guys. An alpha can be quiet and reserved, as long as women want him.
Well, the Pope’s definitely an alpha. The Popemobile is a sweet ride. And the way he dresses? Pure pimp.
Then again, there is the question of just what constitutes someone women want.
Dear average looking guys with smallish penises
I adore, admire, and salute you. You are the unsung heroes of the bedroom. You try so hard, care so much, and learn so fast. Hands-down the two very best male sex partners I’ve ever had were really average-looking guys on the small end of the spectrum. Not relying on dashing looks or a massive tool to win the interest of potential mates, the face-in-the-crowd four-and-a-half-incher really, really knows his way around a pussy. Ladies of Reddit and the world, appreciate these hard-working and extremely attentive soldiers of love. That is all.
Oh… and the comments too.
But women don’t want Clark, they want Superman 😉
Why can’t I have both? o_O
I mean I find both the glasses and the non glasses sexy! It’s not fair that I can’t have both! >:O It’s not the same if I just asked Clark to take off the glasses cuz he’d just look lik…
Wait… Isn’t it weird that MRAs disparage so-called betas as “girl men” and use the term as an insult when they consider themselves to be betas? If they were alphas, they’d be getting all the sex they could possibly want from Ameriskanks and Cupcakes, wouldn’t they? I’m so confused.
Now Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs? Hott diggity damn.
Mike Rowe’s voice can cause the Alphaest MRA to go gay.
“But women don’t want Clark, they want Superman.”
Really? Damn it, spitfire, I just brought a Clark Kent cosplay set and I have to go to a con tommorrow! Now I’ll never get any poon! 😉
okay so oprah, a sixty year old fat woman is an alpha now? I thought being old and/or fat automatically made you an omega.
*brain melted out of side of head*
Maybe if we ask MRAL about enough specific people and he admits that every single one of them happens to not fit in his scheme, he’ll realize that his made-up system doesn’t actually work.
I thought the Dalai Lama being an Asian male negates any alphaness he might have o_o;; But if he were female she’d be the alphaness alpha woman evar xD
I’m Austrian, and wanted to note on the issue of Mr. Schwarzenegger and language:
He does speak a regional dialect (and the fact that he has spent so much time in America hasn’t helped, it influences his speech as well). He does sound a bit strange, and yes, he’s been teased about his accent in the past.
However, he is actually understandable, as opposed to people from the western-most edge of Austria; if they speak in dialect, they are very hard to understand, and sometimes are subtitled on TV (the reason for that is that their dialects go back to allemannic German, as opposed to austro-bavarian German).
@Ami, well, hunger strikes are an effective diet, you must admit.
I feel like an asshole having thought and typed that, but I will let it stand.
Oops, wait, that is Ghandi. I should probably get some sleep…
he’ll realize that his made-up system doesn’t actually work.
Are you new here?
Hey, we got him to admit that he wasn’t actually being spat on, but rather not being talked to this one time in the elevator. I have hope.
@ katz
Now, now, you’re misrepresenting the elevator event. It wasn’t “not being talked to this one time in the elevator.”
It was that she had the wrong tone and look when she said, “Hi,” back to him. You know, she didn’t give him the exact amount of respect he so clearly deserves.
Don’t deny him his oppression.
I think the alternative to him being shunned and spat on is infinitely worse: that she was having a bad day and her response had absolutely nothing to do with him at all. In other words, he’s just not that special.