There are a lot of manosphere misogynists and MRAs who think that “Game” (pick-up artistry) offers a sort of liberation for guys who heretofore have been at a horrible disadvantage to stuck-up bitches in the dating arena. But there are others – and the blogger at Omega Virgin Revolt is one of them – who think that spending so much time trying to figure out how to impress women is not only a waste of time but a sort of capitulation to the evil that is women. To put it in the parlance of the manosphere: If women are just a bunch of cunts, why waste your life chasing pussy?
I recently ran across a comment on the blog Omega Virgin Revolt that explains this particular theory quite cogently. Well, as cogently as these guys ever get. (I’ve taken the liberty of editing out some of the less-comprehensible bits.) According to this anonymous non-Gamer:
Men have so much power that they literally give it away… [by] chasing tail. Biological impulses my ass. Humans have this thing called the ability to think and the power to choose. It’s why we are at the top of the food chain yet there are much larger and stronger creatures that exist. Apply that to women and sex as well. If [men would] go on a sex strike like the MRM should have [done] as one of it’s primary objectives … .
It’s like Lysistrata, only with penises.
Which makes men who chase after women sexual strikebreakers. Scabs. Traitors. Collaborators. BeneDICK Arnolds who are quite literally sleeping with the enemy.
Who in their right mind thinks that fraternizing is going to get them anywhere? First off it makes men in general look like … out of control [scum] who only want sex and gives women even more reason to view us all like that. Well I myself am not manipulated by sex and once men get to that point, women simply can’t overcome that. And you know why? Because they have to bring something else besides it which many unfortunately don’t comprehend.
Yep. We’re back to the MRA misogynist theory – discussed here previously – that the only thing women bring to the table, as possible romantic partners and humans, is the vagina. And that when men “call them on it,” as it were, they will collapse in a heap, realizing they can’t lord it over men with the power of their vaginas any more.
Our anonymous philosopher then makes what he evidently sees as a highly cutting remark about feminism:
Isn’t that actually being a true feminist and the basis to which we should all hold women up to?
Um … yes? Feminism does indeed suggest that the worth of women does not inhere entirely in their vaginas, at least not any more so than the worth of men inheres in their dicks.
What do we want? Genital equality!
When do we want it! Now!
But back to our anonymous friend and his manifesto:
You go to war, the first thing you do is try to embargo or blockade your enemy’s means of getting supplies to keep their own war effort going long before the firs[t] shot is fired. But these days, men are giving women all that and much more just to turn around use on them.
That’s right, fellows. He’s talking about a cock blockade. Cut off their dick supply at the source!
Urk. Let me reword that last bit:
Keep your dicks locked down, far from the grasping hands of desperate women. Starve them out.
Soon enough they’ll surrender, and come out waving white flags. And, presumably, their panties.
EDIT: I changed the title to one that darksidecat recommended. It’s really a much better title.
time to flounce
Well, I suppose after having you actually develop compassion, humility, and intellectual honesty, that’s the second best way things can go.
T4T: Well, let’s see: you are a middle-class white guy living in one of the wealthiest societies on Earth. I think it’s clear, on the basis of those facts, that you’ve been more oppressed than anyone else here, and middle-class white guys from industrialized countries are the most oppressed and put-upon group of people ever in the history of the entire universe. It’s quite consistent with what I’ve been saying: for someone like you to be belittled is contrary to your proper role, and whereas if a member of a historically oppressed group gets beaten or belittled, that’s just a normal state of things and the fault of the victim, if someone like YOU gets beaten or belittled, it’s a total fucking tragedy and a crime against humanity. Which is why you totally have the moral right to practice blatant equivocation and be all benevolent towards bigots who viciously hate groups that you are not a member of. Because you’ve suffered.
@Simone I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I tend to be a little more lenient on such matters. I obviously was burned by Ion in that other thread for doing that, but seeing as I have a little higher tolerance for it then others I try and make us of that. I will agree he definitely didn’t refute it absolutely, so there is that.
And, I had also somehow disconnected his statements here and on Holly’s blog, so I wasn’t considering that entirely valid point until Holly chimed in.
Also, who is a liar, T4T? there were a lot of statements in there.
Also, doesn’t flounce mean to say you’re leaving and not? I feel like declaring that it kind of silly.
I’m in it for the money and the chicks, myself. Also, my official Manbooz Discount Card (TM) is good for a discount at Applebee’s on alternate Thursdays before 5.
Also, my official Manbooz Discount Card (TM) is good for a discount at Applebee’s on alternate Thursdays before 5.
but only at the salad bar.
I get to use the VIP Salad Bar, thank you very much. It’s even more non-existent than the regular one.
I just wanted to say that this has helped me the learn about the issues facing women. I had no idea that there were people as crazy as the MRAs. And I’ve read The Authoritarians.
Keep up the good work, David.
“Were you hurt by MRAs in the past? Do you have some kind of grudge against them?”
I definitely have an ex-boyfriend when I was in high school (I was really young, so cut me some slack) to whom MRA philosophy would appeal to greatly, especially as he hailed from a family of quality misogynists. He was really pissed off that I went to college, expected to get a job, and was not committed to popping out babies anytime soon.
“Were you hurt by MRAs in the past?”
“Do you have some kind of grudge against them?”
Not really. They’re just absurd.
Is it a requirement that one must have been a victim to be angry?
I have never been raped, but am I not justified, and in fact, morally obligated to oppose rape and rape culture?
An MRA (that I am aware of) has never stolen from me, shat on my front porch or hit me. But why shouldn’t I be miffed that there’s a segment of the population (a segment that votes) which believes I’m inferior, evil and unworthy of love and support? Not only that, but believes it of my sisters, my mother, my aunts, my cousins and quite a few of my friends.
You cannot claim that the so-called Men’s Rights Movement and feminism are in any way morally equal. They simply aren’t. The MRM mocks their opponents in far harsher terms than anything David puts up here. For one, David has never adopted a nickname for MRAs the way the MRAs have so cottoned to terms like ‘mangina’. Also, look at the leaders of each movement. Who leads the MRM? Paul Elam? Look at the shit he’s said about women, and then imagine someone else, a feminist leader, saying it about men. Compare the comment section of leading blogs. Commenters can talk about ‘toxic vaginas’ on the Spearhead all day long, but I promise you, if I went on Pandagon or Feministe or Feministing or Shakesville and mentioned ‘toxic penis’, even in a joke, even in passing, I would be soundly (and deservedly) called out on it.
David’s motivations seem to be much like the Joker’s in the 89 Batman movie xD “This movement needs an enema!”
But who is Batman enuf to stop him? 😮
(is Batman an alpha? 😮 Or is Joker the alpha? 😮 I’ve always wondered… like in the NFL right now.. who’s the alpha.. the jock millionaire players, or the bald short owners who run the league and buy and sell the jocks? 😮 Or are they all betas cuz I can wrap them around my little paw pads? 😀 )
Ion, I am a member of deviantart.com. MRAs are crawling on nearly every single pro-feminist piece on that site. Sometimes even on pieces that mention nothing about feminism but are simply anti-lolicon, or advocating against domestic violence, etc. That is, in fact, how I first came across them. So yeah, it’s very possible to run into them while casually browsing. And they annoy the shit out of me, which is why I come here. For the lulz.
The conservative radio hosts in my city regularly get self-identified MRA emails apparently who dun think they’re conservative enuf or try to say how something is all women’s fault, even when they agree it’s bad (like homosexuality) and they make fun of those emails o_o;;; And most of those hosts are INCREDIBLY “family values” and sexist (both ways) and rail against feminists all the time but seem to completely go “WTF” at the MRAs (they identify as MRAs in the emails, so it’s not my characterization 🙂 ) so… take that as you will xD
Even in sports, there was a letter a bit ago about how violence in hockey and head shots is bad (oddly this deviates a lot of men who think it’s good for kids cuz it makes boys into men, and matches with a lot of women who don’t think it’s good) but it was all feminist and women’s fault who invented hockey and UFC in order to hurt men (there’s an occam’s razor thing here I think xD ) and that only women and our feminized feminist run society like these sports b/c we enjoy watching men get concussed o_o;; So this pops up even in sports which you think would be accepted as a pretty male space 😮 But apparently sports, and esp rough and tough sports, are all part of the feminist conspiracy too O_O;;; (as you can guess, both women and men who like hockey violence, and women and men who hate hockey violence, thought this entire premise was o_O ) But as I said, if you’re a conspiracy theorist, you see the conspiracy everywhere (that’s the great thing about conspiracies xD Lack of a conspiracy’s tendrils just means you’re not looking hard enuf xD)
Personally I like hockey b/c I enjoy seeing pretend-Alpha Male American owners be exposed as the Beta Males they are and lose their shorts owning teams in Atlanta, Phoenix, Columbus, etc… xD
Interestingly, of all the NA pro team sports, hockey has had 2 active (active being the key word) ppl w/ big name recognition to boot come out publicly in loud support of gay ppl and gay ppl in the lockerroom which is pretty rare for all the sports and involve themselves in the queer community and activism (Sean Avery, NYR player and Brian Burke, Maple Leafs GM & President, who marched in Toronto Pride! 😀 ) Maybe it’s cuz it’s a tough sport and both of these guys are known as tough mean guys, so it’s easier to do it and not have your masculinity questioned xD
I think that just proves that hockey is all part of the conspiracy tho :O (and Gary Bettman ttlly alpha maled Jim Balsillie! but oddly, I’d sleep with Jim and not Gary (EW, he looks like the Penguin xD plus I want a Playbook! >_>;; xD ) )
I love how t4t is still not over that someone once used a word he didn’t know.
Dave’s mockery of the MRM is a public service. I wasn’t aware how stupid their ideas are until he began.
I am trying to work out how the Dick Blockade would affect day to day life. Currently, there are an awful lot of men who supply me with goods and services that I already don’t have sex with.If the postie should decide he will never have sex with me, I’m not seeing how life would change much.
Also: the bloke with the idea for the Dick Blockade has totally forgotten that the current legal system is designed by feminists to defraud and impoverish men when relationships end. Recommending that men withdraw from relationships in this terrible era of division of property seems like bad advice.
Sorta off-topic, but I wonder what these MRA folks think of the movie “Antichrist”? I’m curious.
I would say tops there are 800 active MRA’s on the internet, and that’s a pretty liberal figure. Yet these 800 or so damaged souls seem to pop up on any article or blog where a woman is involved to state that women are to blame.
There are mra websites where the sole purpose seems to be to campaign for attacks on blog or news threads that might hold women in a decent light.
It is a hate movement plain and simple. It attracts men that need someone or something to hate, it attracts the mentally ill, and it also a few women who seem to hate themselves.
Hay! I dun hate myself >:O I am f-ing awesome 😀 (oh wait, MRAs != Men’s Rights Angelcatbunnies xD It SHOULD! xDDD)
I dun think that it attracts women who hate themselves tho… I think they honestly want to help stuff like father’s rights and their focus IME is more on the men than on how horrible the female gender is 🙂 They often are self identified anti-feminists tho, but I dun think that’s self hate.. just a different worldview :]
^It should indeed.
I have a thought-are MRAs so obsessed with sex robots replacing an entire gender of people due to their fear of certain sex toys as potential weapons of mass destruction against the cock blockade? Calm down, fellas, as nice of one of these http://www.techbreak.net/ohmibod-the-ipod-vibrator/ might be, it is not a replacement for the company of another person. Well, not in general, maybe it is a superior replacement for your company if you are the sort of person ranting about sex robots and cock blockades (yeah, I know it is dick blockade, but, come on, cock blockade is a much catchier slogan).
You know, “cock blockade” is better.
“It is a hate movement plain and simple. It attracts men that need someone or something to hate, it attracts the mentally ill, and it also a few women who seem to hate themselves.”
They said the same thing of feminism in the beginning.
I think some women are just afraid that the tactics the MRM use are too effective – too close for comfort.
and of course, there is some legitimate criticism that the movement harbors those of hateful tendencies. But again, when has that stopped feminism, which also responds with the cries of “feminism is not a monolith, the answer to your problems is always more feminism!”.
For every raging misogynist you find on the internet, I’ll find you a Julian Real, a radical feminist or profeminist, that hides their hate and bile in the cloak of “fighting oppression”. For every woman with a legitimate concern in the way that society has dealt her a lousy hand, I will find you the corresponding man – treated as a thug, a deadbeat, a sexual deviant, and used up and exploited by society.
The MRM is simply a response to the maltreatment of men in gendered ways, and judging by the fact that feminists are just as fallible as anyone else when it comes to gender – it’s not surprising that half of them don’t even understand what all the anger’s about.
The MRM is simply a response to the maltreatment of men in gendered ways
No, it’s not. The MRM is a repository of selfish, money-obsessed abusers who resent not being given absolute control over everyone in their lives, having been forced by law to pay their dues, or social misfits who can’t get laid. It has nothing to do with equality or mistreatment; it has to do with a small group of bitter control freaks with an overblown sense of entitlement.
Fortunately this is obvious to most people.