There are a lot of manosphere misogynists and MRAs who think that “Game” (pick-up artistry) offers a sort of liberation for guys who heretofore have been at a horrible disadvantage to stuck-up bitches in the dating arena. But there are others – and the blogger at Omega Virgin Revolt is one of them – who think that spending so much time trying to figure out how to impress women is not only a waste of time but a sort of capitulation to the evil that is women. To put it in the parlance of the manosphere: If women are just a bunch of cunts, why waste your life chasing pussy?
I recently ran across a comment on the blog Omega Virgin Revolt that explains this particular theory quite cogently. Well, as cogently as these guys ever get. (I’ve taken the liberty of editing out some of the less-comprehensible bits.) According to this anonymous non-Gamer:
Men have so much power that they literally give it away… [by] chasing tail. Biological impulses my ass. Humans have this thing called the ability to think and the power to choose. It’s why we are at the top of the food chain yet there are much larger and stronger creatures that exist. Apply that to women and sex as well. If [men would] go on a sex strike like the MRM should have [done] as one of it’s primary objectives … .
It’s like Lysistrata, only with penises.
Which makes men who chase after women sexual strikebreakers. Scabs. Traitors. Collaborators. BeneDICK Arnolds who are quite literally sleeping with the enemy.
Who in their right mind thinks that fraternizing is going to get them anywhere? First off it makes men in general look like … out of control [scum] who only want sex and gives women even more reason to view us all like that. Well I myself am not manipulated by sex and once men get to that point, women simply can’t overcome that. And you know why? Because they have to bring something else besides it which many unfortunately don’t comprehend.
Yep. We’re back to the MRA misogynist theory – discussed here previously – that the only thing women bring to the table, as possible romantic partners and humans, is the vagina. And that when men “call them on it,” as it were, they will collapse in a heap, realizing they can’t lord it over men with the power of their vaginas any more.
Our anonymous philosopher then makes what he evidently sees as a highly cutting remark about feminism:
Isn’t that actually being a true feminist and the basis to which we should all hold women up to?
Um … yes? Feminism does indeed suggest that the worth of women does not inhere entirely in their vaginas, at least not any more so than the worth of men inheres in their dicks.
What do we want? Genital equality!
When do we want it! Now!
But back to our anonymous friend and his manifesto:
You go to war, the first thing you do is try to embargo or blockade your enemy’s means of getting supplies to keep their own war effort going long before the firs[t] shot is fired. But these days, men are giving women all that and much more just to turn around use on them.
That’s right, fellows. He’s talking about a cock blockade. Cut off their dick supply at the source!
Urk. Let me reword that last bit:
Keep your dicks locked down, far from the grasping hands of desperate women. Starve them out.
Soon enough they’ll surrender, and come out waving white flags. And, presumably, their panties.
EDIT: I changed the title to one that darksidecat recommended. It’s really a much better title.
*no xD
I can’t type tonite. xD (i’m sure some will argue I can’t type ANY night xD BA DA BUM!)
MRAL – Find a new schtick. This one’s played out. *yawn*
“Also interesting is that these MRAs (like MRAL) who bitch about women only chasing after teh hotties and ignoring all the ‘lesser males’, are usually also the first ones to cry out ‘ewww! Fat chicks! Cougars!’ But there’s definitely no hypocrisy there.”—Yaz
Apples and oranges comparison. There are men out there that have done things to elevate their status; become healthier/go to the gym, got a better job/career, raised their social standing, and developed more personable skills and yet still found that there are women that only go for a narrow spectrum of men.
As far as fat women are concerned, there is no reason a fit man should go for them unless he’s one of the minority that is interested in them.
Now I have ideas for movies! xD
101 Dalmatians…that aren’t yours!
V for Vasectomy
Prytty Wymyn
Handsome Men
Dating over 30: Attack of the Crones
12,000,000 Angry Men
3 Men and a Little Gentleman
10000000000 Things I Hate About You Bitches
Vags (think Jaws poster but w/ a giant spiky vagina underneath a swimming man xD)
The Mistress Cuckoos
To Kill A Beta Male
American History XX
Feminism 2: The New Batch
Throw All Mommas From The Train
Kill Bill… and Joe.. and John.. and Steve….
To Find an Alpha Man
Gone With The Wind… And Your Wallet
MRAs Attacks!
The Great White Hope: Asian Chicks
Romancing The Stone: Dating 21st Century Women
and yet still found that there are women that only go for a narrow spectrum of men
I.e. a small subset of women only want a small subset of men. This is surprising why exactly? Sounds like natural selection in action to me. If a dude only wants someone from that small subset of women and he’s not in that small subset of men, well, sucks to be him, we don’t all get what we want. The point is there are actually LARGE VOLUMES of women out there who are interested in all sorts of other men other than the ones supposedly labeled “alpha”.
I wouldn’t use the terms “alpha”, “beta” and “omega” to describe it because I think there’s a whole lot more variety to people than that, but I do think it’s true that people mostly tend to end up with partners of similar attractiveness to themselves. Otherwise one partner ends up feeling like the ugly-duckling of the relationship and the other constantly has to deal with friends asking why they settled or what they see in the other person. It’s just easier to avoid that most of the time.
Hmmm… the Midwich Cuckolds would prolly be better… it’s pretty much the plot neways xD Those skanky women and their alpha aliens >:|
Well I myself am not manipulated by sex and once men get to that point, women simply can’t overcome that.
Someone should link the poor guy to AVEN. Maybe he’s just spent his entire life projecting his lack of sexual attraction on the rest of the world and he needs his eyes opened about his true self.
I have to say that one of two things is beginning to occur to me.
1: MRAs/PUAs don’t understand what they are talking about.
2: I am an Alpha.
I say this because, in my life I’ve been sexually active since I was 16. I have never had a chunk of time when I was interested in having sex that I was unable to get it.
The sex I’ve had has been fun, worthwhile, and meaningful (even the short flings I’ve had were friendly, I can’t think of more than one of them whom I never want to speak to again; and that was partly my fault. I put more meaning into that relationship than the circumstances warranted. I don’t know that I can see any good way to have done it differently, but I was younger then).
None of the women I was with have, “left me for a “better” guy.
I have chosen to turn women down (and was propositioned before I was willing to have sex).
So I seem to be an Alpha (in terms of being able to get women).
But I’m of average height (about 5’9″), have never had a huge amount of disposable income, possess a slight build. I suppose (from a youth spent as a skinny white kid in a rough part of town [the edge of East LA, in the late ’70s, early ’80s] and then time in the army) I might have a bit if the, “bad boy” about me, but I’ve also had relationships with Quakers too.
None of the women I’ve dated have wanted for company either, so it doesn’t seem I’m getting “Beta” women (certainly they’ve not all been “barbie”, and I’ve got a wider spectrum of interest in terms of somatype than most, but there have been some who would have no problem in competing with “movie stars” for looks).
So either what makes someone an Alpha isn’t what they think it is, or I’m a freak.
Then again, it might all be hogwash; meant to make bitter men who haven’t the social skills to actually establish enough of a connection to manage a one night stand, just for the sex to not have to admit that, as Shakespeare said, ““The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
Man, this place has gotten monotonous lately. I don’t know what’s worse – a bunch of misogynist nutjobs with their crackpot theories, or a bunch of smug nerds who dedicate their time to making fun of them. It’s like Mystery Science Theater without the laughs.
I gotta ask Dave something though: why do this? I mean, why dedicate a blog to digging up and mocking MRA quotes in particular? Were you hurt by MRAs in the past? Do you have some kind of grudge against them? Or do you just like going after easy targets – and if that’s the case, why these guys and not white supremacists, or scientologists, or some crazy religion, or any one of a million other groups of weirdos? Are you a self-styled ‘male feminist’ who believes he’s doing women a service/earning their gratitude or something? Just wondering if there’s a reason beyond some kind of need to feel smug and superior.
Yes, Ion. I was hurt by MRAs in the past. MRAs murdered my parents!
Well, no. I started this blog because the MRAs I ran into online irritated the fuck out of me. Once I started looking into them in more depth I found myself fascinated by the extent of the misogyny I found, and by its baroque weirdness. Misogyny is baffling to me. Getting mad at women in general makes no more sense to me than getting mad at, I dunno, people with red hair.
I do this because I enjoy it. I’m glad other people enjoy it. No one owes me gratitude for it.
True, I do feel superior to the people I mock here. But that doesn’t exactly put me in an elite class. Pretty much everyone is superior to these guys.
Why do you leave comments here? Were you hurt by this blog in the past? Are you a self-styled non-feminist who believes he’s doing men a service/earning their gratitude for being here? Just wondering if there’s a reason beyond some kind of need to feel smug and superior.
I don’t know about Ion, but that’s exactly why I comment here. That & the fact that the chicks dig a blog commenter.
On the contrary, it’s replete with lulz.
With that phrase you have captured, allbeit analogously, the essence of a catchphrase that (mostly feminist) women use when a man tells them what they should be discussing instead of what they are discussing.
Hrm.. I can do this one…
One flew over the cuckolds nest
Alpha Supremacy
Me, Myself, and Mysogyny
The Vaginator
Alpha Womyn and the seven Beta Males
Ok, I’m done now…
I’ve seen this argument in many other places. “Why are you so angry at God” for instance. When you don’t have any more arguments, you resort to questioning your opponents intentions. “Why pick on me all the time? You big meanie…” Its lame, especially on the internet where you can just not comment on the site you don’t like.
Heh, also.. Did you just compare MRAs to white supremacists, and other “groups of weirdos?” Is this a confession? 🙂
Game. Or Game not. There is not try.
This is awesome.
Don’t be too proud of this matriarchical terror you’ve constructed.
HA! Not until I unleash my devious plan to make pipe bombs that resemble vaginas! Or the uterus-shaped Molotov cocktails. I AM VAGENIOUS. *snicker*
The Vaginator
We need this movie. I would not be offended by the idea of “It’s not just a vagina, it’s also a rocket launcher”.
try as I might, I simply cannot find a drawback to MRA’s going Galt
Are you a self-styled ‘male feminist’ who believes he’s doing women a service/earning their gratitude or something?
You know, he may find these ideas ridiculous…
But on a general note, I’m always amazed at the line of thinking that if a guy says or does something that women find funny/insightful/nice, that it’s only to get laid (or gain favor to get laid), as if there is no other reason to do something, for one’s own amusement, or because it’s the right thing to do, or that one likes to think (or mock). Oh no, it’s only because it has to be in service to women. Whatever happened to do doing something just for the hell of it? I mean, why would someone take themselves so seriously that they can’t imagine that people do fun things – like have sex or mock MRAs? It seems rather boring and tedious to think everyone has an agenda for everything all the time.
I started this blog because the MRAs I ran into online irritated the fuck out of me. Once I started looking into them in more depth I found myself fascinated by the extent of the misogyny I found, and by its baroque weirdness. Misogyny is baffling to me.
You don’t run into MRAs while casually browsing. The only way you could have been ‘irritated’ was if you either started reading some MRA forum, or some feminist blog where a bunch of MRAs wandered (though that’s not too likely, as they get deleted/banned in short order). This is why I asked if you’re a male feminist, aka internet white knight. So far, signs point to yes.
Why do you leave comments here? Were you hurt by this blog in the past? Are you a self-styled non-feminist who believes he’s doing men a service/earning their gratitude for being here? Just wondering if there’s a reason beyond some kind of need to feel smug and superior.
Wow, clever. Hell no, I’m just trolling for lulz. For you though, it’s like a full-time job. So again, why single out MRAs? Were you picked on by the bigger guys growing up? Got along better with girls, because you were nerdy and non-threatening? Decided to get even via an internet blog?
Heh, also.. Did you just compare MRAs to white supremacists, and other “groups of weirdos?” Is this a confession? 🙂
Right, because the part where I called them ‘misogynist nutjobs’ must have been too subtle. You’re not the brightest bulb in the box, are you?
Absinthe: when a guy goes out of his way to find examples of misogyny and only ever attacks men, you have to wonder a little. Or do you also subscribe to the view that men are the cause of all evil in the world while women are perfect, innocent creatures who can do no wrong?
Well I for one am totally here to get laid.
Hey, wait, it’s not working! David, your blog is broken! I haven’t gotten any cock from it! Oh my god all you commenters are taking part in THE DICK BLOCKADE!! You’re just pretending to mock misogynists in order to deprive me of my birthright cock!
Guess I’ll just have to settle for continuing to have awesome sex with my fiance 🙂
Ion: This is what is technically referred to as a “hobby.” Just like some people might play in a softball league, or some people might write fanfic, some people might go trainspotting. Completely pointless endeavors, but they’re fun. 🙂
Why you so hostile, Ion? Were you ignored by the girls growing up? Got along with nobody, because you were obnoxious and mean-spirited? Now desperately trying to get attention by trolling blogs?
Ion: This is what is technically referred to as a “hobby.” Just like some people might play in a softball league, or some people might write fanfic, some people might go trainspotting. Completely pointless endeavors, but they’re fun. 🙂
Playing guitar is a hobby. Forming an online clique in order to single out and mock a certain group of people is… not sure what, but it does take a certain kind of mentality to enjoy it.
I actually know a bunch of people like this in real life. They’re basically a bunch of insufferable smug nerds, social outcasts who always hang out together, whose favourite pastime involves judging and pointing out the flaws of everyone else around them. They see themselves as cool and clever, but if someone confronts them directly, they crap their pants in fear. I guess on the internet you don’t run that risk, which makes for cleaner pants.
Why you so hostile, Ion? Were you ignored by the girls growing up? Got along with nobody, because you were obnoxious and mean-spirited? Now desperately trying to get attention by trolling blogs?
Lame. Not even worth a real answer.
“I guess on the internet you don’t run that risk, which makes for cleaner pants.”
I take it you know from personal experience.