antifeminism atlas shrugged evil women I'm totally being sarcastic internal debate men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny MRA oppressed men sex vaginas

The Cock Blockade

Benedict Arnold: Don't let your dick be like this guy!

There are a lot of manosphere misogynists and  MRAs who think that “Game” (pick-up artistry) offers a sort of liberation for guys  who heretofore have been at a horrible disadvantage to stuck-up bitches in the dating arena. But there are others – and the blogger at Omega Virgin Revolt is one of them – who think that spending so much time trying to figure out how to impress women is not only a waste of time but a sort of capitulation to the evil that is women. To put it in the parlance of the manosphere: If women are just a bunch of cunts, why waste your life chasing pussy?

I recently ran across a comment on the blog  Omega Virgin Revolt that explains this particular theory quite cogently. Well, as cogently as these guys ever get. (I’ve taken the liberty of editing out some of the less-comprehensible bits.) According to this anonymous non-Gamer:

Men have so much power that they literally give it away…  [by] chasing tail. Biological impulses my ass. Humans have this thing called the ability to think and the power to choose. It’s why we are at the top of the food chain yet there are much larger and stronger creatures that exist. Apply that to women and sex as well. If [men would] go on a sex strike like the MRM should have [done] as one of it’s primary objectives … .

It’s like Lysistrata, only with penises.

Which makes men who chase after women sexual strikebreakers. Scabs. Traitors. Collaborators. BeneDICK Arnolds who are quite literally sleeping with the enemy.  

Who in their right mind thinks that fraternizing is going to get them anywhere? First off it makes men in general look like … out of control [scum] who only want sex and gives women even more reason to view us all like that. Well I myself am not manipulated by sex and once men get to that point, women simply can’t overcome that. And you know why? Because they have to bring something else besides it which many unfortunately don’t comprehend.

Yep. We’re back to the MRA misogynist theory – discussed here previously – that the only thing women bring to the table, as possible romantic partners and humans, is the vagina. And that when men “call them on it,” as it were, they will collapse in a heap, realizing they can’t lord it over men with the power of their vaginas any more.

Our anonymous philosopher then makes what he evidently sees as a highly cutting remark about feminism:

Isn’t that actually being a true feminist and the basis to which we should all hold women up to?

Um … yes? Feminism does indeed suggest that the worth of women does not inhere entirely in their vaginas, at least not any more so than the worth of men inheres in their dicks.

What do we want? Genital equality!

When do we want it! Now!

But back to our anonymous friend and his manifesto:

You go to war, the first thing you do is try to embargo or blockade your enemy’s means of getting supplies to keep their own war effort going long before the firs[t] shot is fired. But these days, men are giving women all that and much more just to turn around use on them.

That’s right, fellows. He’s talking about a cock blockade. Cut off their dick supply at the source!

Urk. Let me reword that last bit:

Keep your dicks locked down, far from the grasping hands of desperate women. Starve them out.

Soon enough they’ll surrender, and come out waving white flags. And, presumably, their panties.


EDIT: I changed the title to one that darksidecat recommended. It’s really a much better title.

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Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I have nothing but pity for Omega Virgin Revolt and the quoted commenter, who are completely incapable of viewing sex & romance as anything other than an adversarial and degrading zero-sum game. They’re missing out on one of the most satisfying and joyful aspects of being alive.

This is why I think high schools should abandon abstinence-only education and instead teach kids how to relate to each other when it comes to sex & romance. Maybe we could get rid of these attitudes before they are even formed.

13 years ago

God, all this antagonism just makes my head hurt. Still a Conscientious Objector in the Battle Of The Sexes here. I used to have that as a sig-line somewhere.

13 years ago

And suddenly I’m upgraded from “guy you can count on for a safe, no-drama booty call” to “blockade runner”.


13 years ago

“Well I myself am not manipulated by sex and once men get to that point, women simply can’t overcome that.”

Well, actually, yes you are. By focusing so much on sex, intentionally abstaining yourself, and trying to coerce others to do the same, you are still being manipulated by sex. I just don’t understand the argument; if you have sex, are you now slave to the almighty vagina?

Why oh why can’t these people see that it takes two to tango, that sex is an event for all participants? It’s so much more fun that way!

13 years ago

To be honest I do have to agree that for people who so greatly hate women, most of the “The Game” shit I hear involves being incredibly preoccupied with them. It sounds like a lot of work to get intimate with someone you don’t like and don’t want to be around.

13 years ago

Certain PUAs are merely practicing an eccentric and slightly annoying hobby: learning the most effective way to hit on (a small segment of) ladies. Many of them, however, are rapey and misogynistic, and most of them have the problem that they equate The Majority Of Ladies What I Have Fucked, or even This One Chick I Fucked Once, to Every Woman Ever.

Also, apparently all Marie Curie, St. Catherine of Siena, Catherine the Great, Emmeline Pankhurst, Florence Nightingale, Eva Peron, Tomyris, Hatshephut, Boudaceia, Joan of Arc or Rosa Parks had to bring to the table was pussy. Who knew!

13 years ago

They’re missing out on one of the most satisfying and joyful aspects of being alive.

That presumes their ability to actually partake in said aspect, which I find unlikely. Some people simply aren’t attractive, whether they’re ugly or, in the case of these guys, in permanent berserk status.

In that respect, removing themselves from the field probably is their best option. They just need to get the fuck over it and stop blaming everyone but themselves and/or a bad genetic draw for their problems.

13 years ago

OK, schism, this is totally unrelated to the topic at hand, but I feel a sudden need to inform you that I own the toy pictured in your avatar, and therefore am a member of the cool kids’ club. XD

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

I do wish they’d get the fuck over it, too, but I think that even the fuglier of us can get laid, if the fugly is offset by a sparkling personality and the ability to induce hair-curling orgasms (or, at least, the ability and willingness to pay an escort and treat her nicely).

The permanent berserk status is probably a bigger hurdle than being fugly. I’d fuck a fugly guy, if he met the above requirements, but a guy who hates me because he’s attracted to me is S.O.L.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

This arguement is faulty because it is only the alpha fucks who would effectively form a “dick strike”. Omegas and (to an extent) betas are spit upon and kicked at by arrogant and entitled bitches, and generally none of them (even women of beta status) will consider associating with a non-alpha (8 feet tall, face like Brad Pitt, body like Taylor Lautner). If the alphassholes struck, well, the women would be fucked, but that’ll never happen, because those alphassholes are happy with the way things are.

13 years ago

Soon enough they’ll surrender, and come out waving white flags. And, presumably, their panties.

Yeah, but then they’ll be sorry when women start deploying their clitgrenades and nipple bombs. And let’s not talk about the Improvised Explosive Breast.

More seriously though, I really hate the war metaphors for sexual relations.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

The BREAST STAR! 😀 (it wouldn’t be that hard to make it look like a breast xD)

Don’t be too proud of this matriarchical terror you’ve constructed. The ability to seduce a man is insignificant next to the power of the Cock.

13 years ago

…the crazy thing? I’m still not sure we can call Poe on MRAL.

13 years ago

I’m edging toward poe too, seraph. especially this bit: “8 feet tall, face like Brad Pitt, body like Taylor Lautner” Since i’m pretty sure nobody actually is that. Especially since Brad and Taylor don’t even fit that.

13 years ago

Also interesting is that these MRAs (like MRAL) who bitch about women only chasing after teh hotties and ignoring all the ‘lesser males’, are usually also the first ones to cry out ‘ewww! Fat chicks! Cougars!’ But there’s definitely no hypocrisy there.

13 years ago

As usual, MRAL is considering all men less than eight feet tall without faces like Brad Pitt or bodies like Taylor Lautner that who do have happy and successful relationships with women, even ‘alpha’ women, to be little more than myths perpetuated by the ebil feminists.

@Seraph and Nobby
MRAL is one of those cases I would hope for Poe, just because the alternative, that he’s completely serious, is just scary.

13 years ago

Should the MRAs ever go on strike, I’m afraid they will soon discover that they not make up a large enough percentage of the male population to make a noticeable difference.

13 years ago


Also that they’d be doing the human race a favour.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

My class of counseling students finds your mocking of MRAs to be disturbing.

zombie rotten mcdonald
13 years ago

Should the MRAs ever go on strike, I’m afraid they will soon discover that they not make up a large enough percentage of the male population to make a noticeable difference.

perhaps they can join the “producers” in Galt’s Gulch.

Then we put a fence around it, and if the Rapture happens on October 21 (this time for sure!), we’ll have gone a fair way to solving several societal problems.

13 years ago

MRA’s need a list of hot men to put in their complaints besides Brad Pitt, with some non-white guys for added tasty flavor. Some on my list would be

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Mario Lopez

Trey Songz

I think he’s such a cutie— Michael Cera

Shia Labeouf

Benjamin Bratt

John Legend
Gary Dourdan


Dwayne Johnson

Anderson Cooper
Bradley Cooper

Johnny Depp

Morris Chestnut

Ashton Kutcher


Taye Diggs

Jamie Foxx

Victor Huang

List too long?

13 years ago

Don’t you love it when people you absolutely hate declare that they will never, ever have sex with you?

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

Don’t be too proud of this matriarchical terror you’ve constructed. The ability to seduce a man is insignificant next to the power of the Cock.

This isn’t the pussy you’re looking for.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

“I have altered your child support. Pray I do not alter it further.”

“Fuck. Or fuck not. There is no try.”

“Your father… was seduced by the Dark Side of Feminism. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Futrelle. When that happened, the beta male who was your father was destroyed. So what I told you was true… from a certain point of view.”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I want to change that middle quote to “Game. Or Game not. There is not try.” xD I like that one better 😀

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