Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Picture the scene.
It’s January 1997. Arnold’s in a good mood, sitting in his den, paging through the latest issue of Variety. He chuckles to himself. Fuck the critics! Jingle All the Way is putting asses in the seats of the multiplexes of America, and that means money in the bank to the Terminator.
Suddenly, he hears the door to the room click shut behind him. It’s that devious maid again, with her wily, sexy Latin ways! “Que pasa?” she says, running her hands through his hair. He’s still not quite sure what that phrase means, exactly, but it seems to have a hypnotic effect on him, and his penis. He pulls the maid to him.
The next minute and a half are a blur. “Curses!” he mutters to himself, as he realizes that, once again, the wily maid has lured his hapless penis into her vaginal cavity. But it’s too late. The penis has released its precious load. “Me han robado tu esperma,” she hisses. “¿Dónde está la biblioteca?”
This, give or take a few of the details, seems to be how the author of the Rebuking Feminism blog imagines the events that led to the birth of Arnold’s love-child 14 years ago. Yep: in his version of events, it’s the women – both the maid, Patty Baena, and wife Maria – who are responsible for Arnold’s indiscretions:
Maria Shriver should have known better than to let any half way decent looking woman spend so much time in the house. The whole ballgame changes when a man reaches Arnold’s status. Women come begging to be f***ed by you. Women practically disrobe and spread when guys like Arnold walk in the room. I’m sure he abstained plenty of times but women like this maid wait for her opportunity when in such close proximity.
It’s tough, I guess, to be a freakishly huge, fabulously wealthy alpha male who wants to fuck everything in sight. But tougher indeed to be a beta:
As is quite common with the type of situation that took place with Arnold, I’m sure this little whore took her prized bastard back home to be raised by her oblivious, committed, and cuckolded beta male husband.
Some people might say, hey, isn’t Arnold partially to blame for cuckolding that little whore’s cuckolded beta male husband? No. It’s important to remember: he’s a victim too, and obviously not responsible for the sexual activity that Mrs. Baena lured him into with her fiery Latin vagina.
Maria may now file for divorce. The only people to end up completely fu*ked here will be the two men…Arnold for engaging in adultery (and the price only men have to pay for it) and the man that was cuckolded by his adulterous whore wife and will have to pay for it as well. Men bear liability to women on both sides of the equation. Men have no rights.
Now all Maria and Patty need to do is sit back and collect the cash. Ka-ching-gle All the Way!
EDITED TO ADD: The author of the post has added a response to my post as a addendum to his original post. The gist of it:
Arnold and his impropriety was not the intended focus of this article. I take it as common knowledge among my readers that what Arnold did was obviously wrong. This was not the point of the article.
The point of this article was to illustrate how adultery is supported by law on one end (the female end) and not supported by law on the male end.
You’re of course are correct Arnie, feminism started as a marxist/communist/socialist (take your pick) hate movement designed to destroy the family and transfer all social, economic and political power from men to women with the State being the ultimate authority. This is all it could ever be.
Actually modern feminism (in the US at any rate) is thought to have begun in 1848 with the Seneca Falls Convention–which demanded, among other things, the right to vote. Although the attendees were mostly women, they also included such notable manginas as Fredrick Douglass, who declared that he as a black man could not accept the right to vote unless it were given to women as well. By the way, Douglass was true to his word, and fought for women’s suffrage until the day he died, long after free black men had won the right to vote.
@Lady V, of course, in the real world, women did work in coal mines and still do. Women and children traditionally worked both in the mines and as pickers-a quasi legal to illegal job with exposure to the health dangers of coal mines at far, far lower pay.
Here are just a few sources about women and children working in the coal industry, in traditional and modern situations:
NWO, katz, if you actually pay attention to history you will find that when bills were passed to ban women from mines, women working in mines fought damned hard against them-because being a picker was also hard labor and subjected one to arrest and severe brutality by police while generally reaping far less pay. You know nothing about coal mining and coal country, so take your paternalistic whining and shove it. I’ll be over here, adding “coal mining” to the long list of things MRAs don’t know shit about. I think I will put it right between “Marxism” and “Title IX”.
How laughable when you say this.
“Why do you get to have a “right” to another human being? A “right” to do what? Your rights with regard to your children include making sure they are well cared for and make it to adulthood alive, in one piece, and emotionally stable. YOUR feelings in the matter, well, don’t matter.”
Men don’t have the right to another human being, only women do. Like Ceasars of old women give the thumbs up for life and the thumbs down and that “human being” as you put loses the right to even be called a seperate life.
Your next fine statement of
“If you created a child, YOU should be the one to take care of it regardless of the circumstances. But if it is determined that you are a social bad influence on the child, you don’t have a “right” to be around that child anymore. I fail to see what’s so hard to comprehend about that. That goes for either gender.”
Suddenly at the perfect ones decree I have a small part in “creation” yet the “care” I’m permitted is once again contingent upon what level she allows; either direct care (a father as part of the family) or an ATM (child support, maybe visitation rights granted be her).
Strange how the ones claiming powerlessness have all the power. A mans unborn child will live or die by her command, He’s part of the family or merely a paying spectator by her command. I’m sort of breaking my own rule of trying to debate logically with one of the perfect ones. Unfortunately abstract thought is beyond your comprehension.
I’m confused how we can be miserable lonely cat ppl (first off, cats automatically negate miserablness cuz THEY ARE AWESOME 😀 ) if we’ve got the pussy pass, ability to fuck a guy anytime we want… the alpha male orgies… checks from the state, no responsibility for nething, being let in free to clubs, having drinks bought for us with a bat of an eyelash.. etc etc etc… 😀 (ALLL true btw 😀 except for the free stuff… I dun even need to bat an eyelash.. I’m Asian >:D)
and how suddenly ppl turn around w/ the tears-in-their-eyes WE ARE HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL PPL! esp when they just also listed how unhappy and unsuccessful they are o_O even the omega and beta males are successful w/ great jobs and great lives? I thought by definition they couldn’t be o_o I thought we couldn’t understand how awful men had it and how miserable all non-alpha males are and how trodden they are by the state and by their alpha male bosses and the women being promoted left and right, and no woman could ever understand loneliness
now it’s the opposite xD
I’m confused 🙁 Also confuzzled :
Also I thought we were just compared in the previous thread to the popular kids making fun of the losers and that explained the snark xD Now it’s the opposite.
Plus the anti-cat bias 🙁 Didn’t you know cats are the original oppressed species? 🙁
It’s sad how this thread degenerated tho : I mean did nebody remember this was about a specific case that somebody had been misinformed about and was corrected about what happened and that the father was not cuckolded… and somehow it’s turned into weird conspiracy theories “nyah nyah I’m happy I’m SO HAPPY YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM AND HOW MISERABLE CAT PPL YOU MUST BE!!! I AM SO HAPPY I’M CRYING” 🙁 and then something something about communism o_O;; If arguing is upsetting you, I think the best thing to do is step away and calm down 🙂 Go shoot some baskets or bike or run or something (things I like to do 😀 but YMMV) and get some of the stress and upset out 🙂 Hopefully you will feel better soon 🙂
“I mean everyone here knows men die 7 years earlier, men recieve much harsher conviction rates and sentences, 80% of suicides, 95% of work related deaths/injuries”
—“What does this have to do with women?”
Ohhhhh ohhhhh lol I’m on the floor laughing. Wow I LOVE IT! Her nature is amazing..wow unbelievable.
“Why do you get to have a “right” to another human being? A “right” to do what?”
I don’t know…sounds like these MRAs want to be a father and have the right to have a child and to be involved in their life.
Or maybe a right means property as it does to women so in that case men should have the right to kill the child like women can.
Oh, and a neat tie-in with the earlier Marxism & Debs point-Mary Harris Jones (aka Mother Jones) founded the IWW with Debs and was an organizer for the UMW (United Mine Workers). She was seen as a controversial figure in Appalachia and by women of the UMWA (United Mill Workers Association) because women and girls working the textile mills when she was brought in to get them to try to get them to strike together, rather than seperately, with the higher paid adult male workers who did the same job fought against her anti-sufferage and anti-women’s labor positions. A long time organizer of coal miners, Jones was a socialist unionist. Her work on mine conditions is considered a pivotal part of the US coal mining safety movement. In short, go fuck yourselves, you ignorant little MRA shits.
Or absolve ourselves from the responsibility of conception as women can. Remember, “a child’s body my choice” is the mantra.
I live in an apartment with a cat! Two cats, in fact! They both belong to my male roommate.
And NWO, you really gotta start saying what you actually believe. All I get out of sarcasto-speak is that you’re very angry, but sometimes I’m genuinely unsure what you’re angry about.
Like: “Men don’t have the right to another human being, only women do.”
I assume you actually believe that no one should have a right to another human being. Well, I agree with you. I think most people here do too. So why so angry?
The arguments with you are very strange, because you don’t argue with the feminists here, you argue with what you think they believe, and when they say what they really believe, you accuse them of lying.
NWO – “Feminists think all men should be castrated by angry goats!”
Everyone – “No, of course not.”
NWO – “Liar! You really support goatstration and just won’t admit it! I see right through you!”
I just don’t have an answer to that kind of thinking.
“If you created a child, YOU should be the one to take care of it regardless of the circumstances.”
No, men have no obligation to take care of women’s children, to be involved in the lives of women’s children or to support women’s families either. Men also have the equal right to walk away from the responsibilities of conception and to abort such responsibilities within a reasonable amount of time for the woman to decide whether she wants to do likewise.
Arnie, dude, you can’t be against abortion and in favor of deadbeatdadhood. You gotta pick one.
“Actually modern feminism (in the US at any rate) is thought to have begun in 1848 with the Seneca Falls Convention–which demanded, among other things, the right to vote.”
Women did not “demand” the right to vote, they asked for it. Men never protested women’s right to vote….women did. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-suffragism
Amazing isn’t it Arnie. It’s like if men die it has no meaning to her at all. Actually I could be wrong when I said women don’t think abstract. To her maybe when men die it’s like an abtract thought. Like a little theoretical puzzle; Why did the mans shovel break when he was digging my sewage pipe? Who cares get a new one and fix my plumbing. I guess it doesn’t really matter when you look at that way.
Women did not “demand” the right to vote, they asked for it. Men never protested women’s right to vote….women did.
This is plainly factually untrue, but it’s also important to note that the existence of women anti-suffragists doesn’t change the fact that women deserved to vote and were denied it. Feminism isn’t “women against men.” It’s more like women against injustice.
“Arnie, dude, you can’t be against abortion and in favor of deadbeatdadhood. You gotta pick one.”
I’m pro abortion. Abortion means you get to absolve yourself of the responsibility and ramifications of unplanned pregnancy. Sex and conception being a mutual act requiring mutual responsibility then under abortion both sexes should have the right to abort such responsibility. By the way, there is nothing “deadbeat” about abortion, it’s simply a human right.
Ok Arnie: Then a woman who doesn’t want kids should have the right to have him vasectomised.
Right… I mean it’s only a little snip. A whole lot less invasive than getting her tubes tied, and there isn’t any risk to him that she might actually go through with it.
Heck… if he he doesn’t want the responsibilities of a kid, he could do it himself (well, ok, he probably ought to see a urologist, not do it at home with a bottle of rubbing acohol, an X-Acto Knife and buttonhole twist).
That would be taking proactive responsibility.
Because, as we keep pointing out, the money a non-custodial parent has to pay… isn’t for the custodial parent. It’s right there in the name: Child Support.
Not, Ex-support, not alimony, not “I won the lottery money”, but child support.
And the deadbeats who walk away, aren’t changing diapers. Aren’t cleaning up puke, or dealing with earaches, and the flu, and homework, and clothes, and busted libs, nor any of the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.
No, the parent who manages to skip out is living free and easy. No problem explaining to a date that, “I have to go home now, because the sitter has to leave at 11.” No sideways looks at the market because there isn’t a partner.
So, “be a man” and own up to it. Being an adult means accepting the responsibilities that accrue to an action.
If he didn’t want to take a chance on kids, he could have kept in his pants, used a rubber, or gotten a vasectomy.
If he doesn’t, well he made his bed, he can lie in it.
@David, I have a longer comment on NWO and katz’s failure on the history of coal mining held up in moderation, I think because of the number of links.
Oh, and NWO, I dare you to say that shit to a woman who’s lost her father, grandfather, husband, boyfriend… I double dog dare you.
Women don’t care when men die so you won’t care if I give her a piece of rebar and close the door, will you?
“So, “be a man” and own up to it. Being an adult means accepting the responsibilities that accrue to an action.”
No, abortion allows one to absolve oneself the responsibility. I fully agree that both sexes have the right to abort.
“If he didn’t want to take a chance on kids, he could have kept in his pants, used a rubber, or gotten a vasectomy.”
Well that would make sex and conception a non mutual act requiring non mutual responsibility and that’s not fair of course. Sex and conception is not something a man does to a woman.
“If he doesn’t, well he made his bed, he can lie in it.”
So you are anti abortion or just anti abortion for men?
Arnie, everyone here already knows that it was women who didn’t want the vote, but that doesn’t matter. That icky part of history must be rewritten so men can be oppressors. Hatred must be maintained.
On a happy note ladies you’ll be thrilled to learn that in the new history textbooks the term “founding fathers” has been stricken from the textbooks. Those evil white male oppressors will now be known as the “founders.” Thank the goddess. And thanking the goddess is great because goddess worship is celebrating the goddess in you.
“I fully agree that both sexes have the right to abort.”
So do I! Next time you get pregnant Arnie, I fully support your right to have an abortion.
“the existence of women anti-suffragists doesn’t change the fact that women deserved to vote and were denied it.”
No, they never asked for it. Can you show me any law that denied women the right to vote?
Arnie – The difference about “abortion for men” is that (unless the woman consents to a medical procedure that she didn’t want to be performed on her body) the kid still exists. It still has to eat and wear clothes and go to school.
An aborted fetus doesn’t have needs and doesn’t accrue expenses. A child does. It’s not comparable.
Arnie your logic is flawed unless men are oppressors and women are victims. Remember the defining laws of marxist feminism. Men are the burguiouse oppressor class and women are the peasant victim class. This is rule #1.
“So do I! Next time you get pregnant Arnie, I fully support your right to have an abortion.”
How does the fact that a woman is carrying the child have anything to do with affecting her choice to not have it? How does this make a man any more culpable or responsible for the situation? Men don’t have a responsibility to women in this regard just like women don’t have a responsibility to men in the same. Each sex has the EQUAL right to abort such responsibility.
Where is your objection here?