Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Picture the scene.
It’s January 1997. Arnold’s in a good mood, sitting in his den, paging through the latest issue of Variety. He chuckles to himself. Fuck the critics! Jingle All the Way is putting asses in the seats of the multiplexes of America, and that means money in the bank to the Terminator.
Suddenly, he hears the door to the room click shut behind him. It’s that devious maid again, with her wily, sexy Latin ways! “Que pasa?” she says, running her hands through his hair. He’s still not quite sure what that phrase means, exactly, but it seems to have a hypnotic effect on him, and his penis. He pulls the maid to him.
The next minute and a half are a blur. “Curses!” he mutters to himself, as he realizes that, once again, the wily maid has lured his hapless penis into her vaginal cavity. But it’s too late. The penis has released its precious load. “Me han robado tu esperma,” she hisses. “¿Dónde está la biblioteca?”
This, give or take a few of the details, seems to be how the author of the Rebuking Feminism blog imagines the events that led to the birth of Arnold’s love-child 14 years ago. Yep: in his version of events, it’s the women – both the maid, Patty Baena, and wife Maria – who are responsible for Arnold’s indiscretions:
Maria Shriver should have known better than to let any half way decent looking woman spend so much time in the house. The whole ballgame changes when a man reaches Arnold’s status. Women come begging to be f***ed by you. Women practically disrobe and spread when guys like Arnold walk in the room. I’m sure he abstained plenty of times but women like this maid wait for her opportunity when in such close proximity.
It’s tough, I guess, to be a freakishly huge, fabulously wealthy alpha male who wants to fuck everything in sight. But tougher indeed to be a beta:
As is quite common with the type of situation that took place with Arnold, I’m sure this little whore took her prized bastard back home to be raised by her oblivious, committed, and cuckolded beta male husband.
Some people might say, hey, isn’t Arnold partially to blame for cuckolding that little whore’s cuckolded beta male husband? No. It’s important to remember: he’s a victim too, and obviously not responsible for the sexual activity that Mrs. Baena lured him into with her fiery Latin vagina.
Maria may now file for divorce. The only people to end up completely fu*ked here will be the two men…Arnold for engaging in adultery (and the price only men have to pay for it) and the man that was cuckolded by his adulterous whore wife and will have to pay for it as well. Men bear liability to women on both sides of the equation. Men have no rights.
Now all Maria and Patty need to do is sit back and collect the cash. Ka-ching-gle All the Way!
EDITED TO ADD: The author of the post has added a response to my post as a addendum to his original post. The gist of it:
Arnold and his impropriety was not the intended focus of this article. I take it as common knowledge among my readers that what Arnold did was obviously wrong. This was not the point of the article.
The point of this article was to illustrate how adultery is supported by law on one end (the female end) and not supported by law on the male end.
Correct, any women who fucks indiscriminately is a slut.
Define “indiscriminately.” Are women not allowed to make their own decisions about who they sleep with and why? Just because YOUR descriminations are different than her discriminations doesn’t mean she didn’t make any discriminations at all. Since every woman having sex with someone consensually obviously has some kind of reason, that must be there is no such thing as a slut.
You’ve got all the choices with no liability or reciprocal obligation now, not even to share parenting.
You must not have children, otherwise you’d realize just how overwhelmingly difficult it is to raise them even with a partner, that you think women with loving, supportive spouses will try to gain sole custody just on general principle so they can take on the laughably easy task of single motherhood?
So things are gonna solve themselves! 😀 (after 4 days that was quite a twist ending xD also I love how we went full circle except that he had to find the truth out for himself cuz y’know lying feminists and all xD as long as one gets to what reality is like (even a little), all is good w/ the world 😀
There’s also a lot of hoop jumping and assumptions going on :O But again… theory vs reality (or disbelieving reality cuz going outside is skary 🙁 ) :
But neways, yay happy ending! 😀 (but sadly not enuf posts 🙁 and now that he’s acknowledged reality a little, the thread is prolly going to die 🙁 *encourages the blog fertilizer* DUN GIVE UP!!! IT’S NEVER OVER!! )
I second third and fourth that! Socialize! Get out to the world and interact! 😀 Nothing like reality to help break down theoretical constructions based on assumptions, google searches and guesswork 😀 As I keep saying, the great thing about reality is that it exists, and is out there and you dun have to tie yourself into knots trying to guess what’s going on 🙂
Also it seems like this thread has been very upsetting and triggering, so I think “go out and party and have fun” is great advice 😀 (or shoot hoops, go bike riding, go to an arcade, watch a baseball game, something 😀 (all things I enjoy to do but YMMV and all 😀 ) )
*encourages* *nudge nudge* 🙂
I think there’s a chasm here which is why the big understanding fail and reality fail and stuff 🙁 One side talks about ppl entering relationships in general good faith and b/c of positive emotions like love and hope and caring (and sometimes things go pear shaped but that does not change the good faith) and the other side thinks everybody is out to get each other and it is this giant war between ppl w/ bad faith out to hurt each other and grab what they can and feel nothing to nebody ever and it’s a zero sum game, like Othello.. either you’re winning or you’re losing 🙁 (personally I like ties! 😀 but apparently this theory is like the NHL 🙁 no ties 🙁 ) that is why there is this giant disconnect and everything just kinda slides off confused eyes 🙁
Do you agree with presumed joint custody of children? If so are you willing to cast a vote toward equality and sign the shared parenting petition. Go to ACFC.org and make your feminist voices heard….
Sounds like Arnie agrees with shared parenting. He should go to anywhere and encourage fathers currently in a relationship with the mother of their children to ask her if he needs to do more day to day parenting activities so that she can have more time to pursue her career, a hobby or anything else.
He might be surprised at the answer he gets and make his relationship better. And everybody wins!
Men will fight to the death in order to be fathers to our children.
“What do you mean OUR children? You don’t have children. Do not presume to speak for men who do.”
Ok there big shot. Want to take this outside?
Wow, Arnie’s still going? Wow.
….aaaaand he’s asking people to “take this outside” on the Internet.
Correct, any women who fucks indiscriminately is a slut.
“Define “indiscriminately.” Are women not allowed to make their own decisions about who they sleep with and why?”
No they certainly can but I do not think highly of women who do not meet my standards of reservation as to who and how many. Any woman who has such low standards obviously does not think well of herself.
BWAHAHAHAHA! Sure, I’ll just take my laptop out to the parking lot.
Sure, Arnie, I’ll take this outside. After you.
Arnie – In the time that you have been posting on this thread, I’ve:
-Gone to a party
-Played Strip Uno
-Gone on a giggling midnight Emergency Cheese Run with my boyfriend (it was a cheese emergency)
-Participated in a Zombie Walk in downtown Boston
-Planned a camping trip in the Taconics
And I can’t help feeling like getting out there in the world with the opposite sex and for that matter the same sex–not necessarily having sex, just participating in life in general–is something that would do you a world of good and really break you away from running these same painful and hateful thoughts in your head all day and all night.
I know that my amount of free time and disposable income may be a privilege you don’t have, but simply going outside is free and friends aren’t so hard to find.
He DOES want to go outside tho! To street fight! xD
If you agree I suspect his next answer is: My battle.net or yours? xD I suspect he uses Protoss… cuz he can’t possibly use Zerg for ideological reasons xD
Hey Arnie, quick question. How many women “fuck indiscriminately?” Keep in mind the following definitions:
1. Not making or based on careful distinctions; unselective
2. Random; haphazard
3. Confused; chaotic
4. Unrestrained or wanton; profligate
“He DOES want to go outside tho! To street fight! xD”
No, I was making fun of jackass for laying down the law.
Ad hominem attacks on someones social life really don’t get you that far in a debate. Characterizing me as a loser is for losers.
I’m not making fun of you for not socializing (well, not just that)–I’m saying that if you did, it might make you happier as well as nicer.
It’s a serious suggestion. And I think ultimately it’s the only way to feel right about other people–to spend quality time with some of the nice ones.
Ah ha ha, I see what you did there, Arnie.. Boy aren’t you a smart coo…
666 comments!! Woohoo! Get your guitars and drumsets, its time for HEAVY METAL!
And you’re the one who took my comment srsly xD <3
You rly do need to lighten up 🙁
I dun think NEBODY is trying to play social life poker w/ you… I think ppl see that you are obv rubbed rly raw by this and a bit triggered, and could do w/ some fun 🙂 Nobody is bragging 🙂 (well I am, but I'm awesome xD )
“it might make you happier as well as nicer.”
How many people you spend time with or how often is not a quantitative way to measure happiness. My being nice or lack thereof is relative to you alone and is both inconsequential and irrelevant to me or the issues at hand. Nor does it measure how “nice” I am to others.
See, if you spent less time in MRA-land and more time on cheese emergencies, you might not say stuff like that.
Maybe as a middle step some MRAs could go on cheese runs together. I bet even that would cheer you up some.
That’s not what I was saying (nor implying, for that matter) at all. The whole point all along (and you’ve been harkening back to “the good ole days” of traditional patriarchal families, and therefore so shall I) was to marry a man you do like, but to not have sexual desire for him, because sexual desire is the realm of “bad” girls, not marriage-worthy ones.
Have you ever seen the film Splendor in the Grass? The dialogue between Mrs. Loomis and her daughter, Deanie, regarding what kind of girl a boy wants for a wife, encapsulates that sexual repression of females in order that they be considered worthy of marriage.
Yes, by the way, I am quite happy. I was married for 12 years and have been a widow for close to 20 years now. I am happier now than I was when I was married. I have a decent job, a nice house with a good-sized yard, two dogs and a cat, and a gentleman friend who owns and maintains his own abode.
I will have a look at that site and at the petition. If the vote toward equality includes encouraging fathers to share in the hands-on child care within intact families or while still in a relationship with the mother, and not just joint custody when no longer in a relationship with the mother, then yes, I might sign it.
Protoss are my FAV!! Though I don’t care much for their now stripping the dark archons of mind control ability.
He’s still here? Oh, well, it was worth a try.
I do not think highly of women who do not meet my standards of reservation as to who and how many.
Uh huh.
Why do I have the suspicion that this is some sort of Madonna-Whore syndrome/virgin fetish?
Any woman who has such low standards obviously does not think well of herself.
That would make sense in a world that didn’t have almost 8 billion people on it. Even a person with nearly impossible standards will find plenty of people who meet those standards unless you happen to live in a cave. And even cave dwellers can find someone. Let’s say I have impossibly high standards but I meet, say, 16 guys who meet those standards because I live in a big city with tons of people in it (so that’s 16 out of, say, 1,000,000+). Is there some compelling reason I should reject the sexual advances of men who meet or exceed my personal standards? Just because?
I suppose it’s your prerogative to bestow your “high thoughts” on religious fundamentalists (who hate you, BTW), asexuals, and those who abstain because they genuinely don’t enjoy sex – which are really the few categories of people you’re going to find who avoid sexual contact (there are also those who have diseases, injuries, conditions, or advanced age that prevent sexuality). Why would you reserve your respect for only these folks? What have they done for you lately? “Good job for avoiding too much sex or being unable to perform?” What difference does it make to you personally?
It always strikes me as silly when men have these hangups about women’s purity, I think any man who is obsessed with a woman’s sexual past should lose all priveleges to bitch when he chooses sexual partners who don’t know what they are doing in bed due to lack of experience or lack of desire or guilt or whathaveyou. Maybe if you respected your OWN sexuality you’d choose partners who actually enjoy sex and thus would make it enjoyable. Then again maybe you’re holding out for someone who doesn’t have enough experience to be able to tell how much you suck?