antifeminism bad boys beta males evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men precious bodily fluids sex sluts vaginas

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s adultery: Blame the bitches!

Non-stop fun indeed!

Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Picture the scene.

It’s January 1997. Arnold’s in a good mood, sitting in his den, paging through the latest issue of Variety. He chuckles to himself. Fuck the critics! Jingle All the Way is putting asses in the seats of the multiplexes of America, and that means money in the bank to the Terminator.

Suddenly, he hears the door to the room click shut behind him. It’s that devious maid again, with her wily, sexy Latin ways! “Que pasa?” she says, running her hands through his hair. He’s still not quite sure what that phrase means, exactly, but it seems to have a hypnotic effect on him, and his penis. He pulls the maid to him.

The next minute and a half are a blur. “Curses!” he mutters to himself, as he realizes that, once again, the wily maid has lured his hapless penis into her vaginal cavity. But it’s too late. The penis has released its precious load. “Me han robado tu esperma,” she hisses. “¿Dónde está la biblioteca?”

This, give or take a few of the details, seems to be how the author of the Rebuking Feminism blog imagines the events that led to the birth of Arnold’s love-child 14 years ago. Yep: in his version of events, it’s the women – both the maid, Patty Baena, and wife Maria – who are responsible for Arnold’s indiscretions:

Maria Shriver should have known better than to let any half way decent looking woman spend so much time in the house. The whole ballgame changes when a man reaches Arnold’s status. Women come begging to be f***ed by you. Women practically disrobe and spread when guys like Arnold walk in the room. I’m sure he abstained plenty of times but women like this maid wait for her opportunity when in such close proximity.

It’s tough, I guess, to be a freakishly huge, fabulously wealthy alpha male who wants to fuck everything in sight. But tougher indeed to be a beta:

As is quite common with the type of situation that took place with Arnold, I’m sure this little whore took her prized bastard back home to be raised by her oblivious, committed, and cuckolded beta male husband.

Some people might say, hey, isn’t Arnold partially to blame for cuckolding that little whore’s cuckolded beta male husband? No. It’s important to remember: he’s a victim too, and obviously not responsible for the sexual activity that Mrs. Baena lured him into with her fiery Latin vagina.

Maria may now file for divorce. The only people to end up completely fu*ked here will be the two men…Arnold for engaging in adultery (and the price only men have to pay for it) and the man that was cuckolded by his adulterous whore wife and will have to pay for it as well. Men bear liability to women on both sides of the equation. Men have no rights.

Now all Maria and Patty need to do is sit back and collect the cash. Ka-ching-gle All the Way!

EDITED TO ADD: The author of the post has added a response to my post as a addendum to his original post. The gist of it:

Arnold and his impropriety was not the intended focus of this article. I take it as common knowledge among my readers that what Arnold did was obviously wrong. This was not the point of the article.

The point of this article was to illustrate how adultery is supported by law on one end (the female end) and not supported by law on the male end.

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Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Arnie, all the links you provide appear to be from MRA sites. Forgive me if I tend to question their validity. If you can give me an impartial source for your allegations about VAWA, then I might take it seriously. One thing I’ve noticed about MRAs, however, is that they attribute all manner of bad things to VAWA without actually knowing what it is or what it does.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Lady V, my understanding is that Marx believed that following a proletarian revolution the state would simply wither away after a generation or so, leaving society in a stateless utopia of “true communism.” He envisioned a transitional period of “state socialism” somewhat similar to that practiced in the USSR, though with fewer gulags. I could be wrong, however, as it’s been quite a few years since I studied Marx.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

@ Arnie:

You know, I’d try and counter you, but I doubt that even if I were able to produce the most impeccable research and perfectly fact-checked articles to disprove you, you still would insist the sky was pink and grass was orange.

@ Cap’n Bathrobe:

Yeah, it’s been awhile for me, too. Most of what I remember is Marx thinking that workers were being exploited by capitalists, and that the workers deserved the profits of their labor more than the capitalist did. Which struck me as very similar to what Arnie was saying about men having the right to the product of their own labor.

13 years ago

I saw a single mother playing catch with her son in the park the other day. Not real catch of course just half ass throwing a ball back and forth from 7 feet. Despite what feminists say, young men need more than the myriad of “male role models” passing in and out of their life, they need a father.

In the time I spent with my father he taught me things and encouraged my masculinity. He bought me my first pocket knife. I carry my swiss army knife to this day. He built model rockets with me and flew them, he taught me baseball, he taught me about all his tools and how to use them, he taught me to swim and to ride a bike, he taught me how to resolve conflicts and to stand up for myself, he let me take apart old things and taught me how things work, he taught me how to camp and start a camp fire.

He taught me how to use a gun, why learning to protect myself and others was important and to do so safely, rightfully and with honor. He taught me to use a map and compass. He taught me how cars work and how to work on them and to change a tire. He taught me how to work on plumbing. He taught me how to fish. He taught me how to cut wood. He taught me how to care for my boots. He taught me how to tie knots. He taught me the honor in work and making money.

He taught me that as a man the world will not be so kind to me as to women. He taught me that all men have is ourselves and that the only thing a man can rely on to support him is himself and as such must stand on our own two feet. Without this it is only men who end up sleeping under a bridge. He taught me how to tie a tie. He taught me many things to help me become the man I am.

I don’t know where I would without him in my life. I resent a culture who destroys masculine culture and values. I resent a culture which in many cases isolates a young boy from masculinity, masculine culture and values from the time he is young, to the school system to home life. I resent a culture which foolhardily believes that boys can be raised into men by women. This culture will increasingly be on the receiving end the errant masculinity it turns out into the world.

13 years ago

“Arnie, all the links you provide appear to be from MRA sites.”

Radar is not an “MRA” site. Besides at least 40% of the ACFC supporters are women. Women are also supporters of Radar and anti-vawa as well. What is it to you that constitutes an “MRA” site? Why don’t you research and look into the legislation yourself.

13 years ago

The man must pay for the woman’s legal fees.

This is not true. Sometimes courts will order one spouse to pay for the other spouse’s legal fees, based on the conduct of the parties or the reasonableness of the claims, for example. Generally, each party has to pay for their own legal fees.

Women will never openly advocate for this and neither will feminists. To have a man do so would ostensibly give men all the rights and privileges women have now. Women will not take this risk.

This is not true. If only (although, actually, not only) because women are not a monolith. Some women love the idea of a stay at home dad. Some feel guilty if they’re not the ones caring for the children. Some don’t want children. Likewise, some men would love the opportunity to be a full-time caretaker, some wouldn’t. Jesus. Try to incorporate phrases like “some” and “in my experience” and “occasionally” and “I suspect” into your writing.

Why does NOW say that men should not be allowed presumed shared custody?

From what I understand, NOW believes that a presumed shared custody would unfairly elevate the burden of proving abuse, neglect, and manipulation in these situations, and isn’t always in the best interest of the child, and thus is better off being one option a judge can choose when assessing what’s the best interest of the child.

Removing men from the family through VAWA without due process is not “fair”.

Do you know what due process means? Do you know what VAWA is? Perhaps I’m being unfairly suspicious, but it really does sound like you’ve swallowed a bunch of MRM catchphrases without really understanding what you’re talking about.

No a child has a rightful claim to hisher father not his money.

And I’m gonna disagree with you here. A child has a right to be supported and cared for by its parents. Parents have a moral and legal duty to make sure their child is fed, clothed, housed, educated, and otherwise cared for.

Factoring in tax code it equates to 40-50% of his income.

I’m sure it can, yes. How much of a custodial parent’s income do you think goes toward raising a child? Just wondering. I’m guessing it’s similar. Maybe more.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

The problem w/ conspiracy theories is that if somebody believes in the conspiracy theory, then nothing can disprove it, b/c facts and reality that disprove it are merely manufactured to hide the truth -_-;;; It’s like moon landing hoaxers, or birthers : When ppl bring up reality, the counter is always “this doesn’t fit what I “know” is the truth that I constructed out of theory” 🙁

Your dad is an amazing person, and maybe a good thing to do (as I recommend to everybody :)) to help all the negativity you see would be to be a man like him and follow in his footsteps 😀 At a community centre, or youth shelter… if the world needs more great role models, you can be one :] And if boys need more father figures you can be one :] You sound like this is a passionate important thing, so you’d be a perfect person for it 🙂 The community and social agencies out there always need more enthusiastic and positive role models and volunteers of all genders (I know, I work w/ them, and every person counts) 🙂 As I said, theoretical is all well and good, but get involved in the real too 🙂 While you’re dismantling the feminist conspiracy online, you can also help boys and young men who need real actual help as well 🙂

13 years ago

Arnie: Despite what feminists say, young men need more than the myriad of “male role models” passing in and out of their life, they need a father.

Y’know what? I basically agree with that — although I would add that same-sex couples provide the love and support that a child needs growing up, and single parents can definitely be awesome parents who give their kids all the support they needs. So, two loving, supportive parents is awesome. Having a role model is awesome. Knowing that your parents love you is awesome. Having an extended family that you know will always be there for you is awesome. Etc., etc.

You, however, have said that if you ever impregnated a woman, you wouldn’t want to help raise the child or be a part of its life. So … it seems that the problem you’re complaining about here wasn’t a problem in your childhood, isn’t a problem that any of us are supportive of in any way, but is a problem that you have said you would be happy to advance if you could. This kind of seems like something you could take the reins on and fix in yourself, and not something that we have to fix for you.

He taught me many things to help me become the man I am.

Oh my. And I was starting to like him.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

So what you’re saying is that fathers should be good role models for their children (which I agree with), but that men should not get emotionally attached to any children, even their own? And men who adopt children or assume a fatherly role are dupes and terrible people, despite the fact that children need good fathers in their lives?

13 years ago

On VAWA, here is the complete and inclusive text of VAWA offenses, courtesy of the fucking department of justice’s website There are no civil penalties under VAWA, due to a speration of powers constitutional dispute, see United States v Morrison, 529 U.S. 598, 120 S.Ct. 1740 (2000).

The rest of VAWA is primarily about federal grants for certain services and trainings, though there are a few modifications to ATF regulations and immigration rules thrown in (see the DOJ’s website here

Learn some basics about a law before shooting your mouth off, Arnie. Also, this “The man must pay for the woman’s legal fees.” is false. If one party of any gender can demonstrate to the court that the fees are due to financial need and that the other party has the means to meet that need (or, just the latter in some jurisdictions if the income discrepancy between the parties is large enough), then the court may award payment of necessary (again, the person seeking these damages has the burden of establishing this) attorney’s fees. Also, the court may award legal fees deemed to have been necessary for the protection or enforcement of the child’s property rights or the child’s rights to personal protection, liberty, or relief.

13 years ago

“So what you’re saying is that fathers should be good role models for their children (which I agree with), but that men should not get emotionally attached to any children, even their own? And men who adopt children or assume a fatherly role are dupes and terrible people, despite the fact that children need good fathers in their lives?”

Any man that intends on the natural right of fatherhood should be leery of his actual right to be so. It would be my advice for any man to keep this in mind when starting a family i.e. that women abandon their family frequently 70% of the time in 50% of marriages +- a few points. Marriage and commitment for a man is a grave risk. It is one that many now consider not taking at all. I do not blame them.

I would almost rather start a family from a divorced type lifestyle then if things work maybe get closer and closer to my children and to the idea of family over time.

13 years ago

I think more and more men are preferring it this way. Kinda hang around the peripheral. You know, be marginally involved but keep your distance. I know that men do this in the matriarchal black community. There they have 70% single mother birth rate, children from multiple fathers and the highest rate of abortion. These are all typical of a social structure based on fatherlessness.

13 years ago

One of the citations listed in the References of the mediaradar doc for which you provided a link, is none other than Phyllis Shlafly, ardent ANTIfeminist, who was instrumental in fighting against the ERA. The citation attributed to her in the linked article, “VAWA may ride roughshod over the
constitutional rights of men.” Her main concerns, other than the concern about certain rights being extended to homosexuals, about the ERA?

1) That ERA would take away women’s traditional exemption from military conscription and also from military combat duty.

2) That ERA would take away the traditional benefits in the law for wives, widows and mothers. ERA would make unconstitutional the laws, which then existed in every state, that impose on a husband the obligation to support his wife.

3) That ERA would give Congress the power to legislate on all those areas of law which include traditional differences of treatment on account of sex: marriage, property laws, divorce and alimony, child custody, adoptions, abortion, homosexual laws, sex crimes, private and public schools, prison regulations, and insurance.

Schlafly argued that the amendment would actually take away important family rights for women, such as automatic child custody in the case of divorce, and weaken punishments for sex crimes committed towards women.

Ah yes, she is a GOOD friend to men! Glad you have her on YOUR side!!

13 years ago

@Arnie, everything on that list is a thing my mother can do better than my father (as is to be expected, she grew up in Appalachia, he grew up near Denver), except, perhaps, the part about teaching misogyny and classism. My great aunt cooked the man she ended up marrying a meat pie from a bear she shot herself as part of their courtship, may I suggest you go tell her that her sons needed him to teach them how to shoot. Seriously, is your argument here “women can’t fish or throw balls”? Because that isn’t true. You invoke gross generalizations and stereotypes, not facts. Children need loving, responsible adults as there caretakers, they do not need a “mother” or “father” per se. Of course, the sperm provider can be a person who is one of those loving, responsible adults, as could an egg provider, but you seriously overestimate the importance of asinine antiquated gender roles in this equation. Children do not need “good male role models” they need “good role models” some of whom happen to be male, some of whom do not. Not to mention the fact that you MRAS always want all of the rights and none of the responsibilities when it comes to child custody.

13 years ago

Darksidecat: Restraining orders and DV law is routinely used by women to separate men from their children. I have seen it myself in my brothers case. She kidnapped the child and then claimed sexual abuse against an infant.

A restraining order was issued and the motion toward permanent alienation was set in motion. My brother then had to prove that he was innocent. In this respect, as per the Radar pdf I showed you there is no presumption of innocence when alienating a child from the father.

The lawyer actually advised her to make such claims. DV law is used as the “silver bullet” to begin the process of alienation of children from their fathers. Unsubstantiated claims are in many cases are made permanent.

13 years ago

So, Arnie, of your list of things your dad did for you here is a list of the things MY dad did for ME (with just a few words changed) – A GIRL:

In the time I spent with my father he taught me things and encouraged my [personhood]. He bought me my first pocket knife. I carry my [leatherman] knife to this day. He … taught me about all his tools and how to use them, he taught me to swim and to ride a bike, he taught me how to resolve conflicts and to stand up for myself, he let me take apart old things and taught me how things work, he taught me how to camp and start a camp fire.

… He taught me to use a map and compass. He taught me how cars work and how to work on them and to change a tire. He taught me how to work on plumbing. He taught me how to fish. He taught me how to cut wood. He taught me how to care for my boots. He taught me how to tie knots. He taught me the honor in work and making money.

… He taught me that all [people] have is ourselves and that the only thing a [person] can rely on to support him is h[them]self and as such must stand on our own two feet. … He taught me how to tie a tie*. He taught me many things to help me become the [person] I am.

In short, dads can be AWESOME.

* yup, really, a girl tying a tie, imagine that!

13 years ago

p.s. – for some of those things my mom helped teach me too 🙂

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


I just realized:

WE’RE ANGLER FISH! xD (at least in some ppl’s worldview xD I bet this comic will be ALL OVER MRA sites soon, framed on walls everywhere! SEE SEE THIS PROVES IT! WE EVOLVED FROM ANGLER FISH! (or we’re evolving INTO angler fish! xD ))

Except me cuz I’m half cat half bunny half angel and half Kryptonian 😀 (I have very dense DNA)

13 years ago

Heres the VAWA power and control wheel, the heart and soul of VAWA, lets review it shall we?

Upper right moving clockwise

Using intimidation…”Includes making her afraid by using looks actions and gestures.” If I raise and eyebrow and she “feels” afraid thats DV. Yet of course women can do this to a man.

Using emotional abuse…”Putting her down, making her feel bad about herself, calling her names.” All DV, yet she can say, “get off you lazy ass and do the dishes you worthless shit” and thats OK.

Using isolation…”controlling what she does, who she sees.” DV again yet she can say, “if you think you’re going out with those worthless louts you call friends” you only response can be thank you dear or go to jail.

Minimizing or denying blame…”saying she caused it” In ohter words “she” is never at fault, disagree and thats DV.

Using children…”Threatening to take children away” Oh that is fantastically rich, like men have rights to their children. Lock him up, DV.

Using male privilege…”being the one to decide mens and womens roles” First of all “male privilege” is assumed to exist, second everyone of you here is determined to “define” mens roles couched in your happy talk of helping “free” men from the bad patriarchy that hurts us all. Hahahaha, lock him up, DV.

Using economic abuse….”Making her ask for money/giving her an allowance” She does not need to ask for money, it’s hers for the taking, whatever she wants, however if you think you’re spending money to go fishing you’ve got another thing coming. DV, lock him up, she wants more shoes!

13 years ago

Ohhh I forgot

Using coersion and threats….”threatening to leave” Thats right you can’t even say I’m leaving you cause thats DV. You can’t even leave, HAHAHAHA.

Yea, VAWA, working for gender equality.

13 years ago

So the inspiration for me in being an MRA comes from what I have seen and experienced first hand. I was alienated from my father and I’ve seen the same happen to my brother. I took a woman’s studies course in college as well which further substantiated to me the dominant narrative on gender relations that women have established.

All efforts are made to slander men and masculinity. DV and the machinations of feminism itself is a for profit industry that capitalizes on a warped world view towards men and masculinity. Far from fighting for equality feminism uses the already innate tendency for both men and women to defer to the “needs” of women. Feminism, female advocacy and feminist laws are no more than institutionalized chivalry.

Such separate and secular representation under law and within government by gender does nothing but divide us. It is a violation of our founding principals of equal representation under law and policy.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

as per the Radar pdf I showed you there is no presumption of innocence when alienating a child from the father.

Yeah, because if there’s an allegation of abuse, it’s not about making the man happy, it’s about protecting the child. Because some fathers are abusive assholes, and it’s about the best interests of the CHILD, not the man.

And, for what it’s worth, my dad is still married to my mom, came home every night after work, supported the whole family, and still managed to be a shitty parent. I’d rather have grown up poor with a blue-collar dad who took an active interest in my life than the white-collar bully I got. I don’t like to mention it much, because then I get accused of daddy issues and feminist man-hating, but one of my feminist ‘a-ha’ moments was when I realized my then-boyfriend was a) treating me the way my dad treated my mom; and b) this was emotionally abusive.

Some fathers are great, some fathers are awful. Some fathers end up with custody in the the divorce, some don’t deserve to ever look at their kid again. Your problem is that you see divorce and custody as all about the man, and ignore that there are other people also involved, who have just as much right to have their needs met and concerns addressed as the man.

13 years ago

NWO, I take it you’ve accepted that the state makes vital contributions to your accustomed lifestyle, since you’re still using the Internet.

13 years ago

Sure, protect the child by alienating the father from hisher life at the hand of a vindictive and possessive woman and without due process. Protect the children to the death of their own father…great idea.

If you don’t think many women attempt to do this you are mistaken. What mother doesn’t want full custody and many will do whatever it takes to get it.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

What mother doesn’t want full custody and many will do whatever it takes to get it.

What father doesn’t want full custody and many will do whatever it takes to get it.

You see? That’s what I mean, with you, it’s all about the father and what HE wants and what HE deserves. What about the mother’s right to her child? You insist that custody is always in the mother’s favor, even in the face of evidence that proves to you that it’s NOT TRUE.

You won’t be happy until a woman leaving a marriage has to surrender all custodial rights to her children and gets to take nothing with her except maybe some clothes and cookware.

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