Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Picture the scene.
It’s January 1997. Arnold’s in a good mood, sitting in his den, paging through the latest issue of Variety. He chuckles to himself. Fuck the critics! Jingle All the Way is putting asses in the seats of the multiplexes of America, and that means money in the bank to the Terminator.
Suddenly, he hears the door to the room click shut behind him. It’s that devious maid again, with her wily, sexy Latin ways! “Que pasa?” she says, running her hands through his hair. He’s still not quite sure what that phrase means, exactly, but it seems to have a hypnotic effect on him, and his penis. He pulls the maid to him.
The next minute and a half are a blur. “Curses!” he mutters to himself, as he realizes that, once again, the wily maid has lured his hapless penis into her vaginal cavity. But it’s too late. The penis has released its precious load. “Me han robado tu esperma,” she hisses. “¿Dónde está la biblioteca?”
This, give or take a few of the details, seems to be how the author of the Rebuking Feminism blog imagines the events that led to the birth of Arnold’s love-child 14 years ago. Yep: in his version of events, it’s the women – both the maid, Patty Baena, and wife Maria – who are responsible for Arnold’s indiscretions:
Maria Shriver should have known better than to let any half way decent looking woman spend so much time in the house. The whole ballgame changes when a man reaches Arnold’s status. Women come begging to be f***ed by you. Women practically disrobe and spread when guys like Arnold walk in the room. I’m sure he abstained plenty of times but women like this maid wait for her opportunity when in such close proximity.
It’s tough, I guess, to be a freakishly huge, fabulously wealthy alpha male who wants to fuck everything in sight. But tougher indeed to be a beta:
As is quite common with the type of situation that took place with Arnold, I’m sure this little whore took her prized bastard back home to be raised by her oblivious, committed, and cuckolded beta male husband.
Some people might say, hey, isn’t Arnold partially to blame for cuckolding that little whore’s cuckolded beta male husband? No. It’s important to remember: he’s a victim too, and obviously not responsible for the sexual activity that Mrs. Baena lured him into with her fiery Latin vagina.
Maria may now file for divorce. The only people to end up completely fu*ked here will be the two men…Arnold for engaging in adultery (and the price only men have to pay for it) and the man that was cuckolded by his adulterous whore wife and will have to pay for it as well. Men bear liability to women on both sides of the equation. Men have no rights.
Now all Maria and Patty need to do is sit back and collect the cash. Ka-ching-gle All the Way!
EDITED TO ADD: The author of the post has added a response to my post as a addendum to his original post. The gist of it:
Arnold and his impropriety was not the intended focus of this article. I take it as common knowledge among my readers that what Arnold did was obviously wrong. This was not the point of the article.
The point of this article was to illustrate how adultery is supported by law on one end (the female end) and not supported by law on the male end.
Also I was trying to make it clear b/c I know a lot of ppl tend to assume gender even if you’re using neutral terms when talking about pregnancy 🙁
I’m a cis-gendered bisexual woman. There’s a very good change that at some point, I will to raise a child with another uterus-haver. Maybe I would get myself knocked up; maybe my partner would. I’m comfortable with both options.
If my partner were the one who carried the pregnancy, zie would have the right to abort at any time, and I would be okay with that. If I got cold feet, or the relationship dissolved, I would be okay with paying child support.
The idea that the pregnant person–and zie alone–gets to decide the fate of the pregnancy seems totally fair to me.
So does the idea that if two people make a mutual decision which leads to a pregnancy, then they should share the responsibility for any resulting children.
In practice, applying both these principles does disadvantage those without uteri. But since reproduction is an inherently unequal situation, it is still the least unfair compromise.
“To not have to be relegated to those roles if we don’t want to be and be able to pursue any career from coal miner to computer programmer as we wish”
Why don’t men have the choice to stay home?
“To have the right to our own bodies, to use them as we most desire, with neither legal nor social interference.”
Why don’t men have rights to our own bodies and the fruits of it’s labor?
“What more do women want? How about equality.”
What is this even supposed to mean?
Arnie: I’m having a hard time figuring out what needs “fixing,” in your opinion.
Well, I just think that men should be needed as part of the family and not stripped of the right to our property, our children our bodies and the fruits of it’s labor.
I just wish women had commitments, responsibilities. accountability and reciprocal obligations.
“Why don’t men have the choice to stay home?”
They do. Or at least as much as any woman has.
“Why don’t men have rights to our own bodies and the fruits of it’s labor?”
We do.
“Abortion is not about “absolving oneself of responsibility” although I am sure that financial factors are major considerations in many abortions. A woman could choose to give birth and give the child up for adoption if that was all it was about.”
“For a Childfree person like myself, abortion is about not wanting to accept the permanent and often devastating medical effects of pregnancy and childbirth.”
Abortion to you is about avoiding the medical effects of pregnancy and childbirth??? What about how conception affects your life or the life of the father? Shouldn’t abortion be about this rather than simply a means to avoid continued pregnancy? I just don’t understand who you see abortion or lack of abortion as something that only affects women?
“MRAs seem to define egalitarianism in reproduction as “men get to make all the final decisions regardless of what everyone else wants or who has to deal with the consequences, including children.”
Male abortion is not about having the final decision, it is about having one in the first place. No one ever said women could not have their own choice in the matter. What you are afraid of is that male choice will be a type coercion that affects your full power to decide over not only your life, but the child’s life and the life of the man. You are afraid that if a man had a choice in the matter it would affect yours.
Actaully, Arnie, most of the feminists I know would love to see more rights for fathers. And in some European countries fathers get just as much time off with their babies as mothers do. And I don’t think any mother – whose child’s father is a good father – would begrudge him the time home with his child.
As for rights to your bodies? What aren’t you getting?
“I’d say “chivalry” ranks a distant third. And at least in the case of my great-grandfather it was his choice to stay behind. Many men did get into the lifeboats, and as a fairly famous guy in first class he could have gotten onto a lifeboat if he had so chosen.”
Men were trained as chattel then as we are now. Our lives, welfare, safety, protection and provision is less important than a woman’s. Well it is a lie. Women’s lives are not more important than men’s.
“You are afraid that if a man had a choice in the matter it would affect yours.”
Uhm… Yeah actually. Since a woman’s body is the one that takes the full brunt of a pregnancy and a man’s doesn’t. Sort of makes the decision to abort or not much more important to a pregnant woman than the guy who got her pregnant…
Arnie: They do. I’ve done it. I’ve been the stay at home partner. I’ve been a primary caregiver for a child.
What makes it hard to do that is idiots like NWO, and (to be honest) you, spouting nonsense about how women run the world and the system is unfair to men.
No one is stripping you of rights to your body, etc. You want to avoid the risks of supporting someone who is dependent; because you didn’t work to prevent them becoming dependent, then do that.
If you don’t, well, you chose to have sex; you knew the risks.
The reason we see abortion as being, when all is said and done, about the woman in the equation, is because she (disproportionately… really disproportionately; as in life and limb at risk) bears the burdens. Then, if the dude bails, she bears most of the monetary costs as well.
You complain about how, “a man can’t walk away.” Well look at the stats, lots of men do walk away. The walk away when the find out she’s pregnant. They walk away when she files for divorce. They walk away when they’ve been paying child support and they want to spend that money on a new girlfriend.
Then, some of them, just to be assholes, find the money to protest when their ex (and the kids they’ve been refusing to support) wants to move to have a better life. All of a sudden they have the money to contest that, and say they “need to be a part of my childrens’ lives.”
So yeah, on the books a guy is on the hook. In real life, not really.
How not really? So not really they had to pass a law saying one can’t get a passport issued/renewed if one has a federal order for back child support.
Laws get passed when some group is committing a breach of the common good. That law means there are a lot of people reneging on child support. Since men are usually the non-custodial parent, that means men are usually the ones refusing to pay child support.
“The captain must have been a woman. You know, women driver, amirite?”
“Totally, totally right.”
A woman would have never been captain because a woman would have never been aggressive enough to build a ship in the first place. Male aggression forged the way for that ship to be there in the first place. Male aggression forges the way for all of us and all women can do is complain that men are aggressive.
Yes, no women have ever been captains or the forerunners in human innovation. And yet, even with this logic? Men are the marginalized gender.
Okay, let me go over this step by step for the clueless (aka Arnie):
“1) at conception, the people own their respective gametes.
2) If the fertilized eggs are outside of either progenitor’s body, they belong to both equally (see cases of IVF disputes)
3) If the fertilized egg is inside of the progenitor, that pregnant person has the sole right to abort”
Sole right??? No one ever contested her sole right to abort, what is contested is the equal male right to abort. The choice to abort in most cases has nothing to do with the consequences of the pregnancy process but rather it is done for lifestyle choice as to the ramifications of conception of an unwanted pregnancy.
Again, no one ever said that women should not have the right to abort. What was stated is that men should have the right as well.
Arnie: “You are afraid that if a man had a choice in the matter it would affect yours.” No, as a man I’m not, directly affected by this.
As a moral being, I care. That sort of careless coercion, is reprehensible. The whole myth of the “sperm stealing woman” is bizarre. I’ve seen a lot of custody fights, and the thing I see in them is, 1: they start because the guy decides it’s not his responsibility to support his kids.
2: It’s hard on the woman (and the kids)
3: Child support payments are never enough to make up for the loss of income that comes of being a single parent.
4: The kids suffer. The guys gets hassled. The courts let him get away with refusing to pay.
Those are moral wrongs. Those are moral wrongs done (by and large) by men; to women and children.
Someone has to decide on the issue of bearing to term. There is only one person who can (ethically) be given that choice. The pregnant person (who will be a woman, until, and unless, men can get pregnant [hey, didn’t “Ahnuld” make a movie about that?]).
You can’t get pregnant. That means you don’t get to decide. The same way I don’t get to decide about you donating a kidney; even if the person who needs it needs it because you did something intentionally harmful to them. The courts can’t even make it a quid pro quo (give the kidney and get out of jail).
You want to be sure you never have a kid. Get snipped, or stick to your hand. Otherwise, you may be responsibile to the child. Not the woman. The child.
She is responsible to it too, and she’s going to pay a lot more than you ever will.
So, deal with it.
“Again, no one ever said that women should not have the right to abort. What was stated is that men should have the right as well.”
And again, I totally agree. Men who get pregnant should have the right to abort.
Arnie: I begin to think you have never read any history, nor yet known any women.
Queen Elizabeth. Hathupset. Cheng Shi
Women are not fundamentally inferior to men. And… the captain of the Titanic, didn’t build it. Didn’t design it. Didn’t actually sail it. He was in charge of a bunch of people (from the “black gang” to the helmsmen) who did the work.
He was a manager.
Arnie: I’m repeating my question: At what point in the pregnancy is the “male right to abort” terminated?
Questions for you Arnie.
What did your dad pay in child support? What was the reasons given for your dad to be denied parenting you? (the legal ones)
How do you feel about your mom? What did each of your parents say about each other?
“Why don’t men have the choice to stay home?”
They do. Or at least as much as any woman has.
No women will not allow this. Women will not marry men who are less successful than they are to begin with. Most all women do not plan on having a man stay home while they are the more successful breadwinner nor does their biology prefer this.
“Why don’t men have rights to our own bodies and the fruits of it’s labor?”
We do.
No we do not as it is mandated that men perform labor for women and give them the fruits thereof or be placed in a cage. You call this control over ones body?
@spitfire…Heres what you said
“Uhm… Yeah actually. Since a woman’s body is the one that takes the full brunt of a pregnancy and a man’s doesn’t. Sort of makes the decision to abort or not much more important to a pregnant woman than the guy who got her pregnant…”
Here again is the problem. When a man and woman have a child the man will go out and work very hard to ensure her comfort. He does this as an extra effort, a concious choice do ensure the wellbeing of both her and his child. Her pregnancy is not a concious effort, its a biological function, she doesn’t suffer any discomfort by seeking it out. Also women aren’t suffering from the major discomforts from day one, none of them know they’ve concieved. If women “knew” they concieved there would be no such thing as a pregnancy test. They’ll only know without a test by multiple missed periods or they begin to show, which is after months. It’s only very late in the pregnancy that any discomfort is felt, and there was no effort into acquiring this discomfort.
Thank you for the sympathy, David and others. I clutch my children tight at night grateful to have them. Some of my neighbors perished, and others don’t know if their loved ones are alive or dead. I know my house can be rebuilt but you can’t get people back. I’ll be fine with time and perhaps some crisis counseling.
I want to reiterate that both men and women in my city have been working around the clock to help each other find shelter, clean clothes, medical care, and food. I have never seen such an outpouring of compassion from so many people. A nearby town’s senior class donated all of their senior trip money to Red Cross relief efforts. People have bought new toys for my kids to cheer them up. They needed that after the traumatic experience of huddling in a basement closet while your house above is blasted by an F4/5 twister.
This past week has really shown me how most people are generally good. Altruism, self sacrifice, and unconditional love come naturally to people. When disasters occur, you would never believe the ordinary men and women around you can so quickly step up to the plate and become heroes. The MRA’s are too pessimistic about human nature, believing women are out to get them somehow. The truth is that many of those women, as well as men, would risk their own life to help them in a crisis.
“Uhm… Yeah actually. Since a woman’s body is the one that takes the full brunt of a pregnancy and a man’s doesn’t. Sort of makes the decision to abort or not much more important to a pregnant woman than the guy who got her pregnant…”
No one ever said which is more important. Women can abort if they want to…and so can men.
“No one is stripping you of rights to your body, etc. You want to avoid the risks of supporting someone who is dependent; because you didn’t work to prevent them becoming dependent, then do that.”
“If you don’t, well, you chose to have sex; you knew the risks.”
And what risks do women bear in divorce?