Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Picture the scene.
Itβs January 1997. Arnoldβs in a good mood, sitting in his den, paging through the latest issue of Variety. He chuckles to himself. Fuck the critics! Jingle All the Way is putting asses in the seats of the multiplexes of America, and that means money in the bank to the Terminator.
Suddenly, he hears the door to the room click shut behind him. Itβs that devious maid again, with her wily, sexy Latin ways! βQue pasa?β she says, running her hands through his hair. Heβs still not quite sure what that phrase means, exactly, but it seems to have a hypnotic effect on him, and his penis. He pulls the maid to him.
The next minute and a half are a blur. βCurses!β he mutters to himself, as he realizes that, once again, the wily maid has lured his hapless penis into her vaginal cavity. But itβs too late. The penis has released its precious load. βMe han robado tu esperma,” she hisses. βΒΏDΓ³nde estΓ‘ la biblioteca?β
This, give or take a few of the details, seems to be how the author of the Rebuking Feminism blog imagines the events that led to the birth of Arnoldβs love-child 14 years ago. Yep: in his version of events, itβs the women β both the maid, Patty Baena, and wife Maria β who are responsible for Arnoldβs indiscretions:
Maria Shriver should have known better than to let any half way decent looking woman spend so much time in the house. The whole ballgame changes when a man reaches Arnold’s status. Women come begging to be f***ed by you. Women practically disrobe and spread when guys like Arnold walk in the room. I’m sure he abstained plenty of times but women like this maid wait for her opportunity when in such close proximity.
Itβs tough, I guess, to be a freakishly huge, fabulously wealthy alpha male who wants to fuck everything in sight. But tougher indeed to be a beta:
As is quite common with the type of situation that took place with Arnold, I’m sure this little whore took her prized bastard back home to be raised by her oblivious, committed, and cuckolded beta male husband.
Some people might say, hey, isnβt Arnold partially to blame for cuckolding that little whoreβs cuckolded beta male husband? No. Itβs important to remember: heβs a victim too, and obviously not responsible for the sexual activity that Mrs. Baena lured him into with her fiery Latin vagina.
Maria may now file for divorce. The only people to end up completely fu*ked here will be the two men…Arnold for engaging in adultery (and the price only men have to pay for it) and the man that was cuckolded by his adulterous whore wife and will have to pay for it as well. Men bear liability to women on both sides of the equation. Men have no rights.
Now all Maria and Patty need to do is sit back and collect the cash. Ka-ching-gle All the Way!
EDITED TO ADD: The author of the post has added a response to my post as a addendum to his original post. The gist of it:
Arnold and his impropriety was not the intended focus of this article. I take it as common knowledge among my readers that what Arnold did was obviously wrong. This was not the point of the article.
The point of this article was to illustrate how adultery is supported by law on one end (the female end) and not supported by law on the male end.
Arnie, everyone here already knows that it was women who didnβt want the vote, but that doesnβt matter. That icky part of history must be rewritten so men can be oppressors. Hatred must be maintained.
Seriously, you are just dumb as a box of hair, aren’t you?
Nobody’s going to pick on this bit of statistics fail?
We have a 50% divorce rate which means there is a 50% chance of this happening to me.
Why not just say those guys were good and noble, but you slave, your a worthless piece of shit that shouldβve been aborted. That I can accept.
Ah, we agree on something at last.
“I already went over this before, the reason divorce rates are down is because marriage rates are way down. ”
Cite needed.
And also, who cares if marriage rates are down? How does that hurt you? Especially if you don’t want to get married? Marriage has never, in the history of humankind, guaranteed anything other legal rights. It doesn’t guarantee happiness, respect, or children.
NWO, you might want to point that marxists.org link out to Arnie here, as the piece there was by a socialist opposed to women’s suffrage. Arnie, how does this happen if socialism and feminism are the same thing?
Also, NWO, no one is saying you should have been aborted. If people here dislike you it is because of what you say, not who you are.
Oops. I guess I spoke too soon. Well, NWO, *I* don’t think you should have been aborted.
Actually, Dave, I was being tongue-in-cheek. I really don’t think NWO should have been aborted. Just so we’re clear.
Okay, let me go over this step by step for the clueless (aka Arnie):
1) at conception, the people own their respective gametes.
2) If the fertilized eggs are outside of either progenitor’s body, they belong to both equally (see cases of IVF disputes)
3) If the fertilized egg is inside of the progenitor, that pregnant person has the sole right to abort
4) If the fertilized egg is inside of a third party, that third party has the sole right to abort (see surrogacy cases)
5) After birth, the progenitors have equal rights and responsibilities (or should, surrogacy and “birth mother” laws can get wonky).
6) After birth, neither progenitor has the right to financially abandon the infant if the other takes custody, barring the other’s consent.
But, wait a minute-where does that bit number 4 and 2 come in? The egg provider has no more rights than the sperm provider if the embryo is not inside of them? Yes, that is the case. And someone who provided neither egg nor sperm has the right to abort other folk’s embryos? Yes, that is the case. As a matter of law, the right to abort is conditioned on being the pregnant party, not on being the egg provider (i.e. bio mom). Granted, in practice the large majority of cases involve the egg provider being the pregnant person, but it is the pregnant status that grants the right, not the egg provider status. So, to point out the obvious, the right to abortion does stem from the fact that the fetus is within the person’s uterus. But why does this give the pregnant person the sole right to abort?
1) Pregnancy causes permanent physical changes (see for example forensic anthroplogists’ methodolies to figure out how many births a skeleton delivered).
2) Pregnancy carries a substantial risk of death, serious injury, scarring, and/or other injuries.
3) Pregnancy can not only be dangerous (see 2), but can also be uncomfortable physically (e.g. things like morning sickness) and emotionally (imagine you have something in your guts wiggling around like an alien larva).
4) Pregnancy carries social risks-pregnant people are discriminated against in employment opportunity and educational settings (these can also be disrupted by pregnancy and delivery as well) as well as in social settings.
5) Giving birth is generally painful-it requires, you know, labor or major surgery.
6) Pregnant people are generally subject to invasive medical prodecures throughout the pregnancy, certainly including but not limited to issues surrounding the delivery itself. (Ever had a dude stick his hand up your genitals while you poop yourself in front of a whole room of people-because my mom has)
7) Pregnant people are expected to bear the costs of supporting the pregnancy, such as medical expenses, housing, food, water, etc.
8)Pregnant people have the fetus literally living inside of their guts.
It should be pretty apparent, then, that pregnancy imposes additional burdens on the pregnant person, even if we were to assume the pregnant person would be allowed to abandon the infant at birth (which, face it, is the exact opposite of how most cases work in real life), that the non-pregnant people are not subject to. Considering the gravity of these burdens, the pregnant person has the right to early termination of the pregnancy.
Now, let me address the core complaints of the obstinate (aka NWO):
1) We do not care about life. Seriously. Cockroaches are alive, tumors are alive, lice are alive, sperm are alive, plants are alive. Really, life is not what we care about, it is personhood.
2) Persons have thoughts and emotions. This is the necessary feature, not having “unique DNA”. Tumors have unique DNA, monozygotic twins do not. Yet we know the former is not a person, and the later is two people.
3) Fetuses do not have the brain development needed for such thoughts until rather late in the pregnancy (this is disputed, but the smooth frontal lobe at 15 wks puts 95% or so of abortions before it is even a serious question).
4) Okay, let’s suppose that fetuses are people. That still does not get you what you want. We do not require any other person, even negligent people, to allow use of their bodies or organs without consent by another. If I hit person B with my car because I was driving drunk, I would not be legally required to give B my kidney so B could live, even if the kidney fails due to my reckless behavior. B is certainly a person, and it is even my “fault” that B is in the situation (I do not think this is comparable to sex, but I am allowing the opposition the strongest possible sensible argument here), but not only am I not required to give B my blood or organs, I am legally protected from being forced to do so. The fact is that no other person has this right that you purport a fetus has-to nonconsensual use of another person’s organs. Voluntary rescue is not a counterpoint, because your opponents are perfectly fine with the fact that some women elect to donate their wombs’ use temporarily, just as people are fine if some people donate their kidneys, but not if it is forced.
OMG Supernatural Love!! (I am so pissed at Comcast, they totally fucked up our installation at our new house and we missed recording the season finale on our TiVo!)
/end off topic
So to the whole abortion thing…
When it comes to reproduction biology made men and women unequal. That’s just how it is, nature’s a bitch. So, ya know, it sucks that women are the only ones who have to go through pregnancy or abortion but that’s the way it is. And we can argue until the cows come home about whether a fetus is a human life but it is most certainly not a SEPARATE life – if it was we could just take it out and continue incubating it in a nice soft little fluid-filled pod for a few months until it was ready to be born. I’m sure someday we’ll have technology that can do this at which point men’s and women’s rights in regards to fetuses will become more equal. In the meantime, don’t blame feminism for the inequality – blame biology. For fuck’s sake, I sure as hell wouldn’t have designed it this way if anyone gave ME the choice! I would have started out with pods first thing!
Hmm, I think the avian species call them eggs π
To your list of risks of pregnancy, DSC, I would add post-partum depression, which my wife had after both our sons were born. It’s the primary reason we’re not having any more.
Excellent use of State law which is the only thing that gives you that “right” and clear your concience. In the end abortion = death, becuase the product of a succesful abortion is a dead person. After an abortion the woman is as whole as she ever was, no part of her is dead. Therefore, not her body.
In the second part of your screed you list all the many things a woman does. Thank you once again. Ladies be sure to tell your fathers what peices of shit they are for doing nothing in the way of support, care, finances, worry, ect. I’m sure they’ll be pleased to hear it.
The final part of your lecture is simply to ease your concience of the murder you commit or support. Unless you can produce a live child roughly 9 months after conception that person is dead.
NWOSlave – Uh, how exactly did we go from “pregnancy does a bunch of crappy things to women’s bodies” to “fathers are pieces of shit”? Quit it. Seriously, just STOP PUTTING WORDS IN PEOPLE’S MOUTHS!!
For the record, my dad is pretty awesome.
@Plymouth…NO he’s not, here is the list of who does what. He bore no inconvience, worry, burden, finance or care. Love. Nothing.
1) Pregnancy causes permanent physical changes (see for example forensic anthroplogistsβ methodolies to figure out how many births a skeleton delivered).
2) Pregnancy carries a substantial risk of death, serious injury, scarring, and/or other injuries.
3) Pregnancy can not only be dangerous (see 2), but can also be uncomfortable physically (e.g. things like morning sickness) and emotionally (imagine you have something in your guts wiggling around like an alien larva).
4) Pregnancy carries social risks-pregnant people are discriminated against in employment opportunity and educational settings (these can also be disrupted by pregnancy and delivery as well) as well as in social settings.
5) Giving birth is generally painful-it requires, you know, labor or major surgery.
6) Pregnant people are generally subject to invasive medical prodecures throughout the pregnancy, certainly including but not limited to issues surrounding the delivery itself. (Ever had a dude stick his hand up your genitals while you poop yourself in front of a whole room of people-because my mom has)
7) Pregnant people are expected to bear the costs of supporting the pregnancy, such as medical expenses, housing, food, water, etc.
8)Pregnant people have the fetus literally living inside of their guts.
Also to add to your lists of who has the right to abort, Darksidecat π Pregnant men have the legal right over their own bodies and whether to abort or not (and yes still are considered legal men too, so any laws that apply to men also apply to them, but there is no law that says men cannot abort fetuses in their bodies π ) Just to again hammer home the fact that it’s about body autonomy, and it is just incidental that almost all pregnancies are carried by women, it’s not a conspiracy π (Ami’s razor: the truest explanation does not require convoluted and often self contradictory feminist conspiracies xD except when it comes to dinosaurs…)
And Plymouth, that sucks π The finale is on tonight for us! :O Too bad I can’t invite you over to catch it D: I wonder what will happen to Cass : He wun be back for the next season π
NWOSlave – Please go learn some BASIC LOGIC and then come back and talk to us.
“Group A did a bunch of stuff that group B did not” does not imply “Therefore group B did nothing”.
BASIC ELEMENTARY LOGIC. Are you, like, 4 years old or something?
Yeah, I’m still not reading “father’s are pieces of shit” in what DSC wrote.
I’m a father who loves his boys more than anything. I did not, however, carry them in my body at any point. Nor did I have to pass them out of a small bodily orifice. Nor did I have to let them chew on a very sensitive part of my body in order for them to feed.
My wife did all those things. Yet it does not in any way negate my contribution to caring for or loving my boys. Both/and. See how it works?
When I hear a list of things women have to go through during pregnancy, my first reaction isn’t “goddam women think fathers aren’t worth shit!” My first reaction is “Whew! I’m glad I didn’t have to do that!”
Then I go change another diaper, because that’s something I can do. That’s what I consider being a real man.
Maybe NWOslave is so angry because he’ll never be able to have a baby?
I’m sry π I empathize completely about the not knowing your family history and etc : cuz that’s my family history too π One giant black hole before my parents’ families fled their homes and their country b/c of evil ppl and an evil regime and any family left behind they dunno what happened to π It’s awful π And I often feel left out when ppl discuss their long family histories also, so you’re not alone :] I’m so sry you have that sort of tragedy in your family history too :
Not being able to have a biological child isn’t an excuse for becoming a member of the abuser’s lobby. If it’s about babies, he can always adopt one or go foster one or volunteer with kids.
^ I am all for that π I always advocate ppl to volunteer and to help out π There’s so much guys can do to help other guys (if they dun trust women to help men and they dun want to help women) π Volunteer is one! Help at a community centre, or youth shelter π There’s so much talk of boys w/o male role models here, but there’s also lots of men here who care about it and can go and be those role models that they are concerned boys lack π And they can help boys grow up to be aware and avoid the pitfalls that they talk about and are concerned about π Arguing ideology and working for a better future is one part of activism, helping the present and real ppl who are suffering & reducing how awful things are even if it’s just for one single boy is another part π
@ami, pregnant non-women were included in most of my list of points, only two sidenotes used the phrase “women” or “mom” (three if you count the fact the mention of my specific mom).
@NWO, I did not discuss mother’s raising children either in my abortion bit, and I explicitly made a statement that the pregnant person considered is not necessarily the biological or intended mother. Nothing about emotional attachments and worries about the potential infant was discussed on either side. Think about the surrogacy case again-the surrogate is the pregnant person with the right to abort. The intended mother and intended father have equal status and equal potential for emotional attachment to the fetus. To go back to my car example, your argument is basically “well, B’s family member is emotionally hurt, so the family member should be able to forcibly chop out your kidney”, but that is not something we allow in issues of bodily autonomy. Shit, I could be a violent and bizarre person who chopped out B’s kidneys and ate them Hanibal Lecter style and they still would not have that right to use my organs without my consent.
Sidenote: While many fathers are absolutely wonderful and loving parents, you picked a bad example with me, NWO, because my father is an abusive, alcoholic, narcissist crackhead. He called my sister while she was in labor to whine about his headache from a hangover and put a girlfriend in the hospital last year with three broken ribs, a broken jaw, and several missing teeth. Right now, he is in jail for DUI, reckless endangerment, and destruction of property because he almost ran over a guy and crashed his car into a house. Not precisely a shining jewel of humanity. “He bore no inconvience, worry, burden, finance or care. Love. Nothing.” is basically his standard operating procedure with all humans, except himself. Not that my mother was ever parent of the year either, but self centered sporadically abusive neurotic actually edges out “are you quite sure this guy isn’t a psychopath?” My older sister was the person most responsible for raising me, and, I feel as if this needs explained to you, she did not bear any of the pregnancy burdens on my list either (at least for me, she has two kids now).
oh ok i missed that π I didn’t mean to imply that you didn’t care btw, it is just important to point out and am glad you put it there π
[ break rule re NWO ]
1: You are worse than anit on the basic principles of logic.
2: Murder is the killing of a legal person.
3: Fetuses are not legal persons.
4: Your religious beliefs (which I infer from your screeds at Holly about how she can’t be, “moral” and accept legal abortion; esp. because she goes to some form of religious study) are immaterial at law (unless you think religious law should have weight, in which case… well that gets really messy).
5: Your religious beliefs are not universal. I infer you are some form of christian. Do you believe in transubstantiation? Are you a trinitarian? Are you an Arian, or a Nestorian? Do you have some aspects of Manicheaen beliefs? How do you feel about infant baptism? Are you a millenialist? If you are you dispensational? If you are dispensational are you pre, or post-millenialist in your dispensationalism? Can women be ministers? Priest? Deacons? Do you accept an episcopacy? A presbytery? is anyone able to read the scriptures and interpret them, or is there a formalised system of instruction?
That list just touches the surface of the differences which exist in Christianity. It doesn’t go into Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Voudun, Santeria, Wicca etc. (all of which are practiced by enough people in the US to merit consideration.
6: Life isn’t sacred, not in the way you are talking about it. We toss human life away all the time. We don’t fund healthcare. We have wars. We engage in capital punishment (Which the Catholic Church actually condemns more harshly than it does abortion; not that the bishops in this country seem to care). We starve children because their parents can’t find work (and then add insult to injury by blaming the parents and calling them “welfare queens”).
Life in this country is talked about as if it were this all-important thing, and hypocrites like you use abortion as a club to beat people with.
Screw that. I think living people matter more than not-yet-people. Maybe the fact that I spent a whole lot of time killing people for a living (16 years in the Army, and a stretch in a war zone) has made me callous, but I felt that way before i joined up (I was 25, so it’s not like I was completely wet behind the ears).
Hell, the religious groups in the world used to not care. It wasn’t until the 1880s that churches got down on abortions. Prior to that getting one before “quickening” (the time at which the fetus starts to move) was just fine.
I’ve gone over the ethical questions. I’ve looked at the logic of the arguments, and I have yet to see an honest one. One that doesn’t equivocate, or end up with, “but think of the children”, while also saying’; out the other side of it’s mouth, “ignore the woman.”
So you want someone to say it… I will. If it’s killing, it’s killing. We do it all the time, and the questions aren’t if or when but whom. That being the case I’ll choose to kill an incoherent fetus over the “inconvenience” it might cause to an aware, adult, person.
If that bothers you, if it angers you, if it offends your “wa”, and gives you a case of butt-hurt.
/break rule on NWO