Poor Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Picture the scene.
It’s January 1997. Arnold’s in a good mood, sitting in his den, paging through the latest issue of Variety. He chuckles to himself. Fuck the critics! Jingle All the Way is putting asses in the seats of the multiplexes of America, and that means money in the bank to the Terminator.
Suddenly, he hears the door to the room click shut behind him. It’s that devious maid again, with her wily, sexy Latin ways! “Que pasa?” she says, running her hands through his hair. He’s still not quite sure what that phrase means, exactly, but it seems to have a hypnotic effect on him, and his penis. He pulls the maid to him.
The next minute and a half are a blur. “Curses!” he mutters to himself, as he realizes that, once again, the wily maid has lured his hapless penis into her vaginal cavity. But it’s too late. The penis has released its precious load. “Me han robado tu esperma,” she hisses. “¿Dónde está la biblioteca?”
This, give or take a few of the details, seems to be how the author of the Rebuking Feminism blog imagines the events that led to the birth of Arnold’s love-child 14 years ago. Yep: in his version of events, it’s the women – both the maid, Patty Baena, and wife Maria – who are responsible for Arnold’s indiscretions:
Maria Shriver should have known better than to let any half way decent looking woman spend so much time in the house. The whole ballgame changes when a man reaches Arnold’s status. Women come begging to be f***ed by you. Women practically disrobe and spread when guys like Arnold walk in the room. I’m sure he abstained plenty of times but women like this maid wait for her opportunity when in such close proximity.
It’s tough, I guess, to be a freakishly huge, fabulously wealthy alpha male who wants to fuck everything in sight. But tougher indeed to be a beta:
As is quite common with the type of situation that took place with Arnold, I’m sure this little whore took her prized bastard back home to be raised by her oblivious, committed, and cuckolded beta male husband.
Some people might say, hey, isn’t Arnold partially to blame for cuckolding that little whore’s cuckolded beta male husband? No. It’s important to remember: he’s a victim too, and obviously not responsible for the sexual activity that Mrs. Baena lured him into with her fiery Latin vagina.
Maria may now file for divorce. The only people to end up completely fu*ked here will be the two men…Arnold for engaging in adultery (and the price only men have to pay for it) and the man that was cuckolded by his adulterous whore wife and will have to pay for it as well. Men bear liability to women on both sides of the equation. Men have no rights.
Now all Maria and Patty need to do is sit back and collect the cash. Ka-ching-gle All the Way!
EDITED TO ADD: The author of the post has added a response to my post as a addendum to his original post. The gist of it:
Arnold and his impropriety was not the intended focus of this article. I take it as common knowledge among my readers that what Arnold did was obviously wrong. This was not the point of the article.
The point of this article was to illustrate how adultery is supported by law on one end (the female end) and not supported by law on the male end.
Arnie – I respectfully submit to you that if any man wants to terminate his responsibilities while the woman gives birth, that man should have to shit a canteloupe.
And then diaper it and feed it for three years.
@Holly | May 25, 2011 at 3:58 pm
All time dumbest question ever put forth. WOW.
Lets try to distill Arnie’s arguments:
Men should be able to have sex. (I agree)
Women who get pregnant can either get an abortion, or not. (I agree).
If a man wants to walk away (which he calls, “abortion”) he should be able to.
If he walks away, the woman has to cope. (nb Arnie seems to think that walking away is an option which lasts longer than a pregnancy).
If the man walks away, the woman can 1: get an abortion (see above, regarding the problems of timeline); 2: Support the child on her own; 3: Give it up for adoption (see above the problem regarding timeline).
The child, of course doesn’t figure into his equations. He seems to think a child is, “property.”
He also said, “Taking responsibility for a mutual act involving mutual responsibility is pretty gracious of you. Couldn’t you just as easily sterilize her and make her responsible for this mutual act and it’s ramifications? which implies that walking away from a responsibility isn’t just.
So, either he thinks it’s unfair to force someone else to pay 100 percent for something they weren’t 100 percent responsible for causing, or he believes the nonsense about “male abortion”.
I suspect it’s the latter, and his attempt at a witty comeback stabbed him in the foot.
Re. the conversation that happens when men wish their partner who has decided to bear their child had aborted instead, and when men wish their partner who has decided to abort had bore their child instead: It always seems that at least some of this anger and frustration is predicated on their inability to see the woman as an equal partner-human being who can be talked to before sex. It’s like, Holy crap! I was just trying to get my rocks off, and I have this secret vision of the future/morals/children, and now there’s this woman-creature who is ruining everything what with her own ideas of what she wants!
Just fricking talk to your partner before having sex with them. Is it that hard?
Re. financial abortions: Nice way to really fuck up a kid longterm, anyway, if that’s what you were trying to do.
“Also, how is this ‘paper abortion’ in the best interests of the child? Does a child’s right to be fed, clothed, educated and maintained in a reasonable standard of living trump a man’s right to fuck whomever he wants?”
Well it is women’s ultimate decision isn’t it. What choice will you choose after a man aborts his half?
@Victoria awww it’s stormy and cold here 🙁 from that storm that caused all that awful damage in the US that’s heading up : (it’s terrible the destruction it caused 🙁 ) But I hope you have fun in the happy sunshine and kitties! 😀
Told ya Arnie, They don’t think like you. Besides best leave now, the conversation is about to turn into, “I guess that give a man the right to rape.”
Arnie: So men received their right to vote in 1850 is what you are saying…and your point is what
1: You are completely mis-informed when you say it wasn’t men who refused women the vote (since “property requirements was how you tried to weasel out of it when I pointed out that men were the only ones who could, “give” women the vote; in response to your claim that women resisted it, and it had to be “forced on them”).
2: You are willing to actively lie about things.
We can see, from the way you admitted to being wrong that actually owning up to your mistakes isn’t really part of your makeup, but that comes as no surprise it’s been pretty evident for a while.
NWO – So do you think that the very instant I dump that dish of sperm into a dish of eggs (okay, conception doesn’t exactly work like that because we’re not frogs, but go with it), millons of human babies with full human rights are formed?
Not every potential human can exist. That’s okay. That’s how the reproductive system works anyway–I’m sure I’ve menstruated “babies” away. The mere loss of a potential life, which is currently not capable of pain or fear, is not murder.
“If he walks away, the woman has to cope.”
And if he is forced to stay he has to cope
“(nb Arnie seems to think that walking away is an option which lasts longer than a pregnancy).”
And you seem to think an unwanted commitment lasts shorter than at least 18 years.
“The child, of course doesn’t figure into his equations. He seems to think a child is, “property.””
No, since abortion is legal it is not a child at all or even a life, it is a future liability that we have the choice to deal with by abortion.
Talk to your partner before having sex. Make sure you’re on the same page. And make sure that you take personal precautions to protect yourself from pregnancy, STIs, etc.
It’s pretty easy.
Holly: This is NWO you are trying to have a nuanced discussion of ethics with. It’s a noble effort. I don’t have the patience, but I hope you have a good bit of your preferred liquor handy.
Arnie: Arnie… take proactive responsibility.
Pop quiz:
1: When does this right to, “Male abortion” end?
Question 2: You are arguing for equal rights for men and women, yes?
No Holly, you’ve never menstruated babies away. Just as I’ve never pissed away any children along with any of my seed that has escaped.
No conception equals no life. The State has given women the power to terminate life and cleared their concience. There is nothing I can do to stop the mass slaughter other than try to change peoples minds. So thats what I do. I fight for life you fight for death. CYA.
NWOSlave, actually, lots of miscarriages happen very early in the pregnancy. They appear to just be normal periods. This is a biological fact.
You don’t understand, NWO. I mean that I’ve had sex and then had my period, and although I use birth control, it’s not at all unlikely that I conceived a zygote and then lost it at two weeks of “pregnancy.” These things happen. They’re little more “death” than the constant death of my skin cells.
Also, seriously, the “State” banned abortion for a long time in the US and is still making it difficult. I don’t think this one ties into your particular pet conspiracy theory.
Anyway. Shit. I’m late for yoga… I mean, spreading chemtrails and MKULTRA Cointel.
You know, it is important to realize that men are not really responsible for children in terms of being a father. Fatherhood is not a right. Children are something men should not get emotionally close to. Children are also a potential drain on a man’s finances just to support some strange woman and her children.
Men do not have a whole lot to invest in both before and after conception. I understand you think men should give you money to support your families and your children but men don’t really owe that to women’s families and women’s children. If a man is around great and if he’s not that is really not up to him. Men really don’t have any responsibility in any of this.
OH MY GAWD NWO is bringing a chair into the ring! The ref is telling him he can’t bring foreign objects in but he doesn’t care!
Now now JR, remember who runs this place now. We need to be politically correct, it’s international objects!
What in blue blazes are you talking about King?
Well we have a female commissioner and a cuckolded owner now, so we need to watch what we say JR!
King, I can’t be- OMG NWO WITH A CHAIRSHOT TO HOLLY! And another to Pecunium! The ref is calling for the bell but the damage is done! OH MA GAWD NWO JUST TOOK OUT HOLLY AND PECUNIUM WITH A STEEL CHAIR! Now Arnie’s in the ring with a chair too and… OH MY GOD.. he just slammed it into Pecunium’s knee!!! Good lord almighty! And here’s another one!
Good! They deserve it after the dirty way they fought that match JR!
What are you talking about King?
They refused the first blood match! They’re CHEATERS!
How is that cheating?
They refused a perfectly reasonable request JR! How is that not cheating?
I… ladies and gentlemen, if you just tuned in… this is a disgrace tonight! An absolute disgrace…
No it’s not! It’s great!
Folks, Holly and Pecunium are bloodied and laid out, and NWO and Arnie are finally stopping the assault! They’re on the turnbuckles now, arms raised! OH MY GAWD, you can bet there’s gonna be hell to pay on Thursday!
So Arnie, when would the right to male abortion end?
Comrade Svilova: It appears he isn’t willing to answer the questions.
Arnie: So men received their right to vote in 1850 is what you are saying…and your point is what
“1: You are completely mis-informed when you say it wasn’t men who refused women the vote (since “property requirements was how you tried to weasel out of it when I pointed out that men were the only ones who could, “give” women the vote; in response to your claim that women resisted it, and it had to be “forced on them”).”
Are you saying that it could have happened any other way? That women would have built civilization up to this point? Voting is about management and distribution of resources, something which women never bothered to acquire on their own because men did it for them. Men know the only way to gain the favor of women is if we get these things. You’ve been coddled since the beginning of time.
Don’t expect men to pay for you or support you financially in any way. If you divorce, share the kids and support yourself. Women need to learn to be independent. Men don’t owe our equals anything more than we owe other men.
Oh my god, Arnie. That is, bar none, the most misandrist thing I’ve ever heard anyone say.
I will be sure to pass along your “wisdom” to all the men in my life who tell me that their children are the best things in their life, what makes their life worth living, what brings the most joy to them every single day.
You are bullshit, man. “Women’s families”? “Women’s children”? Just — What?
“So Arnie, when would the right to male abortion end?”
It ends at the same time a woman’s right to do so ends.
“I will be sure to pass along your “wisdom” to all the men in my life who tell me that their children are the best things in their life, what makes their life worth living, what brings the most joy to them every single day.”
No, it’s not that men don’t want to it’s simply that these men you speak of are living under an illusion. Those children ARE NOT THEIRS. Understand clearly that children are women’s both pre and post conception. Fatherhood is important but that doesn’t mean that men have a right to it as women have a right to motherhood.