evil women feminism men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men rape rapey violence against men/women white knights woman's suffrage

Using the myth of the “Pussy Pass” to justify rape and murder


Quite a few MRAs and MGTOWers seem to have have convinced themselves that women rarely if ever serve real time, or face any real consequences, for committing crimes. In the parlance of the manosphere, this is known as the “Pussy Pass.”

Now, this is, of course, almost complete bullshit. Why the “almost?” Because women do in fact receive somewhat lesser sentences when compared with men committing the same crimes. (So do white people, though you don’t hear the MRA crowd talking much about the “Honkey Pass.” )

Are the lighter sentences for women the result of evil feminist man haters? Not so much, Ampersand of Alas, A Blog argues in a thoughtful look at several studies on the subject. The author of one study concludes, as Ampersand summarizes it,

that this may be caused by sexist paternalism among judges; women are seen less as full adults, and as being less capable of being responsible for their own actions, and as a result judges depart from sentencing guidelines to give women lighter sentences.

Another study found that, contrary to what virtually every MRA or MGTOWer would assume, male judges were more likely than female judges to give especially harsh sentences to men.  Let me repeat that: Male judges gave the harshest sentences to men. As the study’s author noted, “the greater the percentage of female judges on a district’s bench, the smaller the gender disparity.” (Emphasis mine.)

Just don’t try telling this to the MRA/MGTOW crowd. We saw the other day how the idea of the “pussy pass” – the notion that “the law does not serve justice” – has led some MRAs to advocate or voice their support for lynching female perps (with what degree of seriousness I don’t know).

Meanwhile, over on NiceGuy’s MGTOW forum, nigeles175d “humorously” suggests that the supposed existence of the “Pussy Pass” should also give guys the right to rape women who happen to give them boners:

[I]f we men cannot control our passions as women often claim, why don’t we get a Dickie PassTM like women get the Pussy PassTM? If women cannot control their tears, their screams, their giggles, and if women are driven to poisoning or murdering their sleeping husbands and use the excuse of years of abuse and being unable to control their mental state, why do we not consider a similar excuse for men. The way some women dress (hint, hint, SlutWalkers) to deliberately entice men to want sex with them, why is it not an exonerrating circumstance in the same way as it is for women? It seems women are never made to take responsibility for their actions, nor are they ever held accountable. Alternatively, if men are not allowed it, but women are, then we’re treating them like children and they don’t deserve the vote or positions of authority.

And of course it all goes back to women having the vote — the source of all evil in the modern world. Attitudes like this are, of course, what make the Slutwalks (and feminism in general) necessary in the first place.

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13 years ago

See, this is one of those things that really hammers in why MRA isn’t just the male equivalent of feminism. (I think feminism is the male equivalent of feminism but let’s not even go there right now.) I get the distinct feeling that these guys don’t want men to be punished more fairly, or even just less. In fact, they’re not even really thinking about men here, it seems. Concern for unjustly jailed men seems to be coming in a very distant second beyond rage that women are getting away with something.

They don’t want things to be better for men; they just want it to be worse for women.

13 years ago

Here ya go, the pussypass at work. To achieve feminist vaunted Equality one of two things need to happen. Womens conviction rate and punishment need to skyrocket, or mens conviction rate and punishment needs to plummet. I’ll leave it up to the egalitarian geniuses that reside here to decide which.

13 years ago

I disagree with the lesser charges for the same crimes point. Women, for certain crimes, do have a lower average sentence-but they also have a lower rate of committing their crimes in a manner that includes aggravating factors. Looing at aggravating factors is crucial, because men are more likely to be repeat offenders, use firearms, commit their crimes in the course of a felony, etc.

13 years ago

NWOslave – I wouldn’t mind if men’s punishments, at least for nonviolent crimes, did plummet, actually. I agree, that would be the best way to achieve equality.

13 years ago

No darksidecat, women recieve lower sentences for all crimes if they’re sentenced at all.By including “aggravating factors” you have justified handing all women the pussypass. A “man” is more likely to be a repeat offender is judging “him” for a crime “he might” commit in the future that a woman, “she” is unlikely to commit in the future.

Man = Bad.
Woman = Good.

13 years ago

Sorry Dave, reading all the links to every article would be a little time consuming. I’ll try to be a little more thorough in the future. You probably have all the sites at your fingertips where I have to search em out.

13 years ago

In the previous thread, lol wrote:

Are you alleging that mens rights activists are interested in a free pass to rape as opposed to standards of evidence in line with other crimes and the standard human right of innocent until proven guilty?

Well…yeah, I guess so. In the case of this particular guy, anyway, a free pass to rape is exactly what he wants. Maybe you feel differently, I hope?

13 years ago

“See, this is one of those things that really hammers in why MRA isn’t just the male equivalent of feminism.”

Yeah, I had a similar thought. This line of thinking is so ridiculously foreign. And, well, ridiculous might be the key word.

13 years ago

Also, I know I’m criticizing the paint job on the Titanic here, but calling it a “Pussy Pass” is really not doing the men’s fellas any favors. Constantly using schoolyard taunts to refer to half the human race doesn’t give a movement a super professional sheen.

Can you imagine if the feminist movement–not the occasional person going a little overboard on a message board, the people who actually write books and stuff–phrased everything in terms of “Wanger privilege” and “oppression by the Cockbrains”? I hate to make a tone argument, but I think we’d be taken just a hair less seriously.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

If the pussy pass is real, why are there so many women’s prisons?

And judges who give women lighter sentences probably also have the same sort of general attitudes about taking women seriously that feminists would really, really like to change.

13 years ago

So basically: “Women can’t control their emotions, as seen in their crying and giggling and such. Therefore, men should be allowed to not control their emotions and rape all the damn time.”

I refuse to believe that this is what passes for humor even in the MRM community. I don’t expect everyone to be able to do a passable Jonathan Swift impression, but good god, nigeles175d — if you’re this bad, don’t try.

This is where the MRM marginalizing themselves through their hatred and idiocy really harms men, actually. I’m totally on board with any reform that would help balance sentencing regardless of the gender and race of the perpetrator. (Well, not mandatory minimum sentencing — but that’s a subject for another day.) But start using that problem as an excuse for rape — even in jest — and you’ve lost all credibility for all times.

13 years ago

IMHO, anybody that murders or rapes shouldn’t be roaming free in public. That applies to anybody who commits those crimes, male or female.

Feminists aren’t trying to criminalize men for being men, we’re trying to criminalize rapists for being, you know, rapists, and to make sure that those rapists don’t get the chance to rape someone else.

13 years ago

Bee – Why can’t these guys envision a future where women don’t cry and giggle (um, if that’s what floats your boat, I guess) and men don’t rape? That seems like a much nicer outcome.

13 years ago

Holly: Oh, you know if they even tried to take away our crying and giggling, feminists would just pass a law requiring men to cry and giggle all the time. Pussy pass FTW!

13 years ago

“Male judges gave the harshest sentences to men”

They are obviously manginas and tools of the feminist gynocracy.

13 years ago

NWOslave-it was at your fingertips, it was linked in the damn article. You are just being lazy and you should stop it.

I will be around a hundred female judges on Sunday, I should ask them about hysterics by the defendant and the impact on the sentence they impose. I suspect it will be pretty much the same answer: “here is a tissue. Your sentence stands.”

Men, here we come
Men, here we come
13 years ago

“Using the myth of the ‘Pussy Pass’ to justify rape and murder”

When the single greatest indicator of the sentence you’ll receive for a crime is whether you have a penis, the “pussy pass” isn’t a myth.

Justifying rape and murder?

As I suspected, you are nothing but a liar. Sadly for you, your hatred blinds you to the obviousness of your lies.

Men, here we come
Men, here we come
13 years ago

“contrary to what virtually every MRA or MGTOWer would assume, male judges were more likely than female judges to give especially harsh sentences to men. Let me repeat that: Male judges gave the harshest sentences to men.”

You obviously don’t read many MRAs.

We always talk about how males are to blame.

Doesn’t change the fact that the “pussy pass” exists.

You’re NOT this dense, you’re just a liar.

Feminism, a pack of lies.

Men, here we come
Men, here we come
13 years ago

As you well know, we don’t like “white knights” –

We do blame men, when they are to blame.

You’re not so much a white knight, but a mangina.

I don’t like to use the term, but you’re not really protecting any women – you’re just placating to them in an attempt to win approval. I think that’s the different between white knight and mangina.

You’re still never going to get laid. Lol. No one respects a pushover, and that’s all you are – a pushover for feminist women.

Very sad.

Men, here we come
Men, here we come
13 years ago

And believe me, I don’t condemn you for not getting laid. I’m not cruel. And the act of getting laid doesn’t make you a man.

I just know that that’s the root of the reason you do this. You are the one trying to get laid by debasing yourself.

And you will never be a man – never comfortable in your own skin, and confident in your own abilities, I mean. Always seeking approval.


Men, here we come
Men, here we come
13 years ago

“You are now the second MRA to cite the SAME EXACT STUDY I REFERENCED IN MY POST as if it rebutted my post”

Yes, because it did rebut your post.

You said the pussy pass was a myth.

It’s not.


Men, here we come
Men, here we come
13 years ago

Also, prominent MRAs do not claim the “pussy pass” is the solely the fault of women. We lay blame on male judges, male prosecutors, and male policemen too.

It is entirely inconsequential to the fact of the “pussy pass”‘s existence whether the “pussy pass” is propagated by women or men or both.


Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever read something so full of willful ignorance since I accidentally stumbled across the game RaHoWa as that article on White Knights.

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