evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA racism rape rapey reactionary bullshit the spearhead violence against men/women

Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s arrest: A Rorschach test for misogynists

Looks like another evil lying bitch, doc.

Some highlights, by which I mean lowlights, of a recent discussion on The Spearhead of IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s arrest on sexual assault charges. The Spearheaders, naturally, have some unique and interesting perspectives on the case:

Black women (like the accuser) are all a bunch of liars. Run away!

Reality May 18, 2011 at 11:04

I knew it was going to be a black woman- I suspected from the second I heard about this. Crystal Magnum anyone? Don’t want to make this a racial issue- but how can you avoid it? You take 5 ounces of Female/Feminist hate and deception, add 8 ounces of the stereotypical black thing of always sniffing around for a lawsuit, stir .. and you have more than enough reason to avoid black women even more vigorously than women in general.

The case is somehow all about how badly “beta” men are discriminated against by evil women:

Commander Shepard May 18, 2011 at 11:53

Typically false rape allegations are made when a woman realizes she’s slept with a beta but doesn’t want her rep taking a hit and wants to avoid feeling like crap (betas are icky) my gut tells me either this is a totally fabricated set up (politically motivated) or Strauss-Kahn is getting a lesson in how betas have to apologize everyday for their existence.

She’s accusing him because she’s got AIDS and therefore (?) wants to make a quick buck, ethics be damned:

Avenger May 18, 2011 at 18:55

Since she has AIDS she knows that an infection could take her out at any time and she has a teenage daughter. A person like this will certainly not think like a normal person and may very well do something for a lump sum of cash since she has nothing to lose and may have some resentment towards men and doesn’t care what happens to this one guy. She also may be thinking that if she dies at least her daughter will have the money. This is not someone I would trust. …

I predict that Strauss will be released on bail tomorrow. He’ll pay the female’s lawyer some money and then the whole thing will just fade away.

He’s probably innocent, but he’s a white-hating Commie Jew bastard, so ha ha:

goldenfetus May 18, 2011 at 09:57

Libertarian here. I doubt this guy is guilty. Seems unlikely, yet possible. But as observed, this guy is a White-hating elite Marxist Jew. So while I agree that political disagreement is not sufficient grounds for wishing false-rape accusation/conviction on him, I submit that his hostility toward my people coupled with his general evil is enough to justify the enjoyment of his suffering. We can’t forget that his politics are what makes this possible in the first place, or ignore the ‘reap what you sow’ component here.

As a white guy, I’d like to say that goldenfetus does not in fact speak for “my people.”

And before anyone steps in to complain that I’ve picked the “outliers” in the discussions, the fanatics whose opinions aren’t shared by the MRA masses, I will note that (as is generally the case with Spearhead comments I quote) all of the comments here have gotten numerous upvotes from Spearhead readers, and only a handful of downvotes, if any. In other words, they represent something close to the Spearhead conventional wisdom. (And by “wisdom” here I mean “offensive idiocy.”)

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13 years ago

“We do not make the perps pay cash to the victims in criminal cases-that is not how the US criminal law system works.” I should qualify that, property crimes may have a restitution to the victim for the value of the property as a part of the sentence, but crimes against the person, like sex crimes, murder, and assault do not involve criminal financial penalties paid to the victim.

13 years ago


Thats right there is a difference between being called a rapist and an abuser, part of an abusers lobby, a rape apologist etc on the internet and being falsely accused of rape or abuse in court/reported to the police .. they are different categories of the same bahaviour. All mra’s have first hand experience of one or both kinds of false accusations. There is also feminist research, which is organised, “academic” false allegations of abuse against men as a group, and protection of female abusers as a group.

So we are a little jaded by claims or rape and abuse against men.

13 years ago


To be told that making excuses for rapists makes you a rape apologist!

Oh the humanity!

I’ll get my smelling salts out, lol, just in case. You seem a mite… overcome.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yes, Sally, it’s kind of like how being called a racist is worse than racism itself.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Thats right there is a difference between being called a rapist and an abuser, part of an abusers lobby, a rape apologist etc on the internet and being falsely accused of rape or abuse in court/reported to the police .. they are different categories of the same bahaviour.

Except that one (making a false accusation to police) is crime with real-world consequences and the other is…not.

13 years ago

Yeah, and violently raping a woman and making cat-calls to her on the street are in the same category of behavior so I guess we’re all rape victims because I’m pretty sure every woman has been cat-called at least once 😛


13 years ago

@lol just to say, others have said enough about other points, but this: ‘There is also feminist research, which is organised, “academic” false allegations of abuse against men as a group’ reads as feminists making false allegations of abuse against men. As in, that we apparently say ‘men are victims of abuse’ falsely. Methinks that’s not what you meant. I’d also like to see links to the abuses you actually meant.

13 years ago

Plymouth, a cat call isn’t rape or a threat of rape, only in feminist rape culture propaganda, which is a mass false accusation of rape, is it defined as that, while a false allegation of rape, whether its reported to the police or not, is a false allegation of rape.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, I pricked my finger on a nail the other day, and now I know just how Jesus felt.

13 years ago

LOL – did you totally miss the part where in giant all caps I said that was HYPERBOLE??

13 years ago

Capt Bathrobe – Nice! Good one!

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

a false allegation of rape, whether its reported to the police or not, is a false allegation of rape.

Being called an apologist for rape isn’t really the same as being accused of an actual, specific incident of rape, now is it? Especially, you know, if the charge is accurate?

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

(didn’t you recently declare that I was a paid agent of some nefarious feminist astro-turfing cabal, or something?)

And, more importantly, how do I get on the payroll? To think I’ve been doing all this commenting for free!

13 years ago

DSK is a beta? Seriously? Cuz I was under the impression he was one of the richest and most powerful men in Europe.

13 years ago

Well Captain Bathrobe if the charge is accurate its not a false allegation.

There is a tendency to call anyone that doesn’t buy into the feminist line on rape a rape apologist. Remember all the so called “rape apologists” that came out against one time feminist poster girl Crystal Magnum and in support of the men she falsely accused?

I was talking about the over reliance of false allegations and insinuations about rape and abuse by feminists and how all mrs’s have experienced them as well as the number that have had false allegations made to the police.

There was a recent article on AVFM about a regular here who made false allegations of rape against Paul Elam and the Welmer Price of the Spearhead, by name ..

Its just par for the course.

LOL @ you guys defending the practice of smearing political opponents with false allegations of rape and abuse.

13 years ago

No, I only defend the practice of smearing political figures with true allegations of rape and abuse.

13 years ago

DSK is a beta? Seriously? Cuz I was under the impression he was one of the richest and most powerful men in Europe.

Oh, I love playing the “who is a beta?” game! As far as it’s been explained to me, the system works like this: about six guys are alphas, and they get to have sex with all the women in the world. All other men are betas or omegas or some other Greek letter, and they are all virgins, even the married ones.

You can identify the alphas because they’re rich and powerful, since all women are materialistic and only want men for their money. No, wait! They’re lower-class “bad boys” and “thugs” from the wrong side of the tracks, because all women like being slapped around by biker gangs. No, they’re the very handsomest men, or possibly just Brad Pitt, because women are shallow about looks even though only men ought to be allowed to be that way. No, wait! They’re those damn manginas, using their nefarious ability to go five minutes without calling women “bitches” to get laid. Those are the only guys who get to have sex, because women all want doormats, forget what I said three seconds ago about women all wanting thugs. No, they’re guys who are over eight feet tall. No, they’re black guys. Eight-foot-tall black guys. No, wait…

It’s a silly game, but it’s more fun than the “how much do you guys think I can coerce a woman without technically raping her?” game or the “getting laughed at for making dumbass comments on the Internet makes me a modern-day Sojourner Truth” game, both of which just depress me.

13 years ago

I’ve cracked the code!
Alphas are eight foot tall handsome black guys who were once thugs, but are now rich powerful ‘manginas’! No wonder there’s only six of them…

13 years ago

No, seriously, it wasn’t a rhetorical question. I really do want someone who believes in this ranking system to explain to me how one of the most rich and powerful men in the world, with a reputation as a womanizer, can be a beta. Dude isn’t even that bad-looking. He’s 62, so his teen-heartthrob days are long behind him, but there’s still some rugged good looks there. The man has literally no disadvantages.

Greek system believers? Even if you, personally, don’t consider him to be a beta, can you explain how someone could make that mistake?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So all of the MRAs have been in jail or have a criminal record? o_O I thought rape complaints led to autojail? 😮 Or at least the vast majority did right? 😮 So if all MRAs have been accused of rape, that means they’ve been charged and arrested for rape, and convicted too right? 😮

Also my reading of the MRA thingie about Beta males at the top was that this was some odd conspiracy to teach an Alpha male a lesson by treating him like Beta males supposedly are (this entire thing makes me think of Metroid II xD Alpha MRAtroids, Beta MRAtroids.. Is there a Queen MRA too? xD )… but I’m unsure who’s doing the conspiring xD

I wonder if MRAtroids are weak to ice beam + 5 missiles too? :O

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

*waits for ppl who dun understand sarcasm or geek humour to show up* 😀 and a 1 and a 2….

in other news, the Winnipeg Jets are coming back! 😀 (sry I’m too excited so it must be an addendum to all comments 😀 )

Winnipeg ttlly alpha maled Atlanta! Those hockey teams only like Bad Cities! xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

hmmm they converted my concerned faces to happy faces… that’s odd… : o The ones in my 1st comment were not supposed to be happy 🙁 they were o faces, like :O only not capitalized xD

*switches to angry strawfeminist mode*


13 years ago

@Nobby, even in a civil case, her possible recovery is not that incentivising. Okay, let us look at what happens if she wins: She ends up with is her medical bills and perhaps a small amount for emotional or punitive damages after going through a huge and public trial. Let us say that her medical bills came to about $5,000 and lost wages of $100. She is going to get that if she wins. She might also get a comparable amount for pain and suffering (assuming the allegations are true and she puts a psycologist on the stand to say as much). Now, punitive damages are not incredibly common in New York, but the facts of the case (again assuming the allegations are true) could warrant those. You could expect, with punitive damages at about average, about $40,000 total awarded at the trial level and to have that knocked down to about $20,000 or so on appeal (New York is notorious for appeals courts dropping punitive damages down on appeal). The lawyer gets 20-40% off the top a lot of the time, so take the low range and you are down to $16,000. If she gets court costs, which frankly, many people do not, after years of brutal public trials, she comes out about $10,000 ahead. Without costs, considering the resources the defendant has to draw the case out, she would have to give up every penny of that and it still would not cover the witness fees. Statistically, she would be better off applying for the crime victims assistance fund to get her medical bills paid.

An additional consideration is that going public at this stage actually hurts her chances to settle. In many cases, businesses (large corporations are usually the defendants in the rare cases where ratios between compensatory damages and punitive damages are higher than 4:1 or at most 10:1) and, yes, individuals as well have less of a motive to settle once the issue is out in the open. Keeping things quiet to avoid a public scandal is a huge factor in large settlements, and that ship has sailed here. If she were lying to get money, her best strategy would be to keep the issue as quiet as possible, because the low levels of cash needed to pay her off are pocket change to the defendant here (one night’s hotel bill probably would do it) meaning that the threat to reputation is the largest leverage, not the threat to take money. Shoot, let us say that she got the largest, most disproportionate punitive damage award ratio ever upheld by the US Supreme Court a comes off with a cool million, that is still only a hundreth of his personal net worth. The harm already done to his reputation now (again, if the accusations are true, that harm is warranted, but looking at the hypothetical where they are not) and to the reputation of the institutions he manages are probably worth more than even the largest conceivable and extremely atypical court payout she would achieve and “hush money” could get as much or more than a typical court case would award here if she won.

So, is this woman both clever enough to frame an incredibly rich and powerful person well enough to get the police, the DA, and a judge to think there is a case worth indicting here as part of her grand scheme to get a criminal conviction of the defendant used as evidence in a future civil case, or is she so fracking ignorant that she can’t even blackmail correctly? Also worth noting: even assuming she is a mass of contradictory brain skills, Avenger is still wrong. The DA does not need the victim to move forward (though it helps the case), but a defendant paying off a victim not to testify is a crime in and of itself. Witness tampering, obstruction of justice, etc.-his lawyer would have to be a dumbass or a habitual crook at mob level intrigue to go along with a plan like that.

13 years ago

@darksidecat Wow, lots of info! That’s all really interesting. I didn’t know much beyond the one sentence mentioning the chance of a civil case. Thanks! I’m not exactly well versed in law, so I’m always good for some elucidation.

Johnny Pez
13 years ago

@ Seraph

I believe the answer to your question is “Because I said so.”

And the neat thing is, that’s the source of every other claim any MRA makes. It’s very handy.