misogyny MRA quote of the day racism reactionary bullshit reddit violence against men/women

Quote of the Day: “I say lynch her.”

Here’s a comment found today in the Reddit Men’s Rights subreddit, probably the most “moderate” MR forum I know of online.

From Reddit's Men's Rights subreddit

The comment is in response to the video below, which is camera-phone footage of a woman beating the shit out of a guy (who refuses, on principle, to fight back). The physical abuse starts about half way through the video, and escalates at the end. It’s frankly horrifying.

Obviously this woman should be in jail, and presumably this video would be enough to guarantee her conviction. (If the video is pulled, I have saved a copy.) That’s not the issue. The issue is someone suggesting on the MR subreddit that a woman – a black woman at that — should be quite literally lynched, and getting upvotes rather than massive downvotes for expressing this opinion.

It’s not as if the MR regulars have trouble downvoting comments they dislike; another comment in the discussion stating that “men should not hit women” is considered so outrageous that it is assumed to be the comment of a troll (which it indeed seems to be). Last I checked, it had 8 downvotes, and was the most-downvoted comment in the thread.

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13 years ago

And equally disgusting. Ghetto culture is in no way people want to strive for.

Laughing gull
Laughing gull
13 years ago

According to the MRA’s, women like thugs and assholes. So by that reasoning this chick should have been turned on by this guy telling lies about her. Violent women who attack men should go to jail. But I watched the whole video and never saw the broken nose. She definitely was hitting him, but he had an iron board over him during the lamp beating. Was it staged? And why didn’t he leave, and then call the law?

The lynching comment was way over the top, though.

13 years ago

I’m definitely not excusing her actions, I think what she did was wrong but using violence to defend “honor” is something that cuts across all classes there’s no need to call it “ghetto culture”. There’s fashion and art, bansky for example, that could be called “ghetto” and that is very respected, I don’t think it’s fair to say ghetto culture is disgusting. That is classist and racist and just unnecessary.

13 years ago


Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

This reminds me of that other video recently of 2 cis women beating up a tran woman 🙁 and how the initial reaction as all racist and “see how black women are!” and then when it turned out the victim was trans, the same racist asshats tried to shift hateful narratives w/o a clutch and their heads exploded as they either went to “OH WELL THEN THEY BEAT UP A POTENTIAL RAPIST” or they had no idea what to do xD But it’s scary the hate in ppl’s hearts 🙁 That video was intensely triggering to myself and so many ppl I know, and so is this one. It’s not like women who have experienced violence aren’t similarly affected if the victim of a horrible vicious attack is a man 🙁 All of this terrible violence is just so freaking horrible and tear inducing ;-;

Also, somebody up there mentioned the Superbowl commercial and I HATED that commercial so much -_-;;; Emotional abuse is emotional abuse, and controlling behaviour is controlling behaviour… >:O

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I just realized my last comment could be misread and misunderstood to mean that I thought that trans women were men. (which I obv dun xD ) I was referring to THIS video, and how it is similarly frightening, visceral and upsetting even if in this case the victim was a man.

13 years ago

“By saying something reasonable, you have just guaranteed that your comment will vanish down the MRA memory hole. Ten seconds after reading it, their confirmation bias will erase it from their memories, and it will be like you had never posted it.”

“You gonna call the cops on me? I’ll tell ’em you raped me!”
Bet it won’t take half as long for that bit to go down YOUR memory holes.

13 years ago


Who is still running lynch mobs, rape fear mongering and brute propaganda?

Progressives and leftist feminists, just these days its are no longer race specific.

13 years ago;_ylt=AnXHIa4ZK91RMEkKMPNz0MqbvZx4;_ylc=X1MDUCMyMDIzNTM4MDc1BF9yAzIEYW8DMQRmcgN5ZnAtdC0zNzcEZnIyA3NidG4Ebl9ncHMDMTAEb3JpZ2luA3VzLXlmcARxdWVyeQN2YXdhBHNhbwMx?p=vawa&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-377

The Duluth Wheel, VAWA, DV site, type in either for your own fun facts.

Funny how if you go to any DV site all you see is angelic pictures of women.

@lol…How else can the grievance industry continue it’s march towards to Marxist power unless it spreads fear mongering and hatred. Remember the Marxist motto of AA, Title IX, ect. Create and amplify a problem that doesn’t exist or is infintesimal, then offer the solution in the form of more “security forces.” I wonder whose leading the charge into this Marxist madness?

By the way, don’t forget to buy you giant Duluth Wheel posters. Yea they actually sell them. Put em up everywhere. Remember, according to law, any action by any man could make you “feel” uncomfortable, and thats DV. Read it, learn it, live it. Oooo, that could be a new saying for the grievance industry.

13 years ago

First actual website (after Wikipedia) when you search “Domestic Violence”:

“Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of size, gender, or strength, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied.”

“Domestic violence and abuse does not discriminate. It happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more commonly victimized, men are also abused.”

Also contains links to resources designed for men.

You’re very tedious, NWO.

13 years ago


There has been a battle over wiki domestic violence between feminists and those telling the truth. Kimmel and Flood had their propaganda all over it but the genuine research by the likes Dutton, Straus and Gelles – the people that MRA’s cite is there now.

13 years ago

What point are you trying to make, lol?

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

Put em up everywhere. Remember, according to law, any action by any man could make you “feel” uncomfortable, and thats DV. Read it, learn it, live it. Oooo, that could be a new saying for the grievance industry.

NWOSlave, are you encouraging us feminists to change our position on DV because we are disappointing you by our strong stance against any and all domestic violence?

The feminists you’re actually talking with in this thread are not saying any of the things your pro-beating-men straw-feminists would say. Can’t you just accept that actual, non-straw-feminists, believe that intimate partner violence is a terrible, awful thing no matter who commits it and no matter against whom it is committed?

People who make commercials like that disaster of a super bowl ad and people who write sitcom scenes in which men are beaten up for laughs — those people are PROFOUNDLY anti-feminist.

Why don’t we just all work together to reduce the frequency of intimate partner violence? Why try to convince feminists to perform the straw-feminist role you’ve created for us? Just listen. No one here is supporting this abusive woman and what she did.

13 years ago

But that does not mean that a guy who has clearly been beaten will get arrested on the word of a woman with no scratches on her except perhaps on her knuckles. Cops are aware that women can be violent thugs. (Heck, even viewers of the tv show COPS are aware that women can be violent thugs.)(David)

I agree that he probably wouldnt have been arrested but the more telling thing is that she BELIEVED he could be, based on her statements alone. For that reason we might want to take note.

13 years ago

@Laughing Gull @27 – Generally, abused victims have a pretty good reason that they don’t “just leave” their abuser. This woman’s threats clearly show that her means of control go beyond the physical.

Life is What You Make It
Life is What You Make It
13 years ago

Telling your victim you’ll be arrested if you call the cops is something some men apparently do too. I saw a news story not long ago where a man was arrested for beating a woman. Witnesses said he told her if she called police he would make sure she was arrested too, then he hit himself in the face with a tricycle. This woman in the video may or may not have believed he would have been arrested if he had called. Or she may have believed she could intimidate him into not calling the police. But if you watch TV, read newspapers, especially the local PD’s crime reports, or research any states crime statistics, you will know that anyone trying to convince you that women are never arrested for dv crimes. More than 1 in 5 arrests for dv crimes nationwide are of women.

13 years ago

@t4t @40 – Maybe she did believe it. Does this woman strike you as particularly bright or well-educated? And even if she did know it wouldn’t work, she might have used it as a psychological weapon anyway. That’s what abusers do.

What should we do, once we “take note”? Try to tailor the law so that an ignorant person can’t possibly get it wrong, or an abuser can’t possibly misquote it for their own purposes? You can go ahead and do that. I’ll go help Sisyphus with his rock.

Life is What You Make It
Life is What You Make It
13 years ago

Well, meant to say that anyone trying to convince that women are never arrested for dv crimes are misinformed or are lying to you.

13 years ago

typical bias from our feminist infected police…wymym are only 1 in 5 of dv arrests…but they commit 147% of all dv. that’s right – 147%, but only 1 in 5 get arrested…do the math…that means 146 in 5 get away with it.

13 years ago

Pshaw. When have MRA’s ever cared about what happens to black men? They see them all as “thugs” anyway. I’m not impressed by the crocodile tears I’m seeing here.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Thanks, NWO! I will print out the Duluth wheel to use in my work. I’m not sure what you were trying to prove by linking to it, but I guess even a blind.pig finds an acorn every now and then.

13 years ago

Why don’t we just all work together to reduce the frequency of intimate partner violence? Why try to convince feminists to perform the straw-feminist role you’ve created for us? Just listen. No one here is supporting this abusive woman and what she did.(Comrade)

I understand the point of David’s blog is to show the inanity of most MRA’s but I can understand how most of them would view this post. It takes a horrific act perpetrated by a female on a male and the spin becomes about how bad the MRA comments are. Though he does acknowledge the despicable act it quickly devolves into how nasty MRA’s are. I know that is easy to do but maybe they have a point in regards to certain things they banter about. Like CB says,

“but I guess even a blind.pig finds an acorn every now and then.

“You gonna call the cops on me? I’ll tell ‘em you raped me!”(Evil)

Maybe the blind pig was right.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Not so much, T4T.

13 years ago

This blog is basically about spin doctory, and its likely astro-truf activism, somebody up there is paying for it.

But I see some changes recently, there has been a shift from guarding the feminist abuse culture in which female abusers are protected and male victims are denied existence to acknowledging the truth, that abuse isn’t gendered.

And everyone, even the loyal followers of the blog knows that what David does is take a minority of abuse victims and damaged members on the outskirts of the mrm and present them as if they are representative of the whole.

And as I said before this particular post is way off, because leftist and progressive feminists are the ones that are still running rape fear mongering and siring up the lynch mob mentality for political gain, just most of the plebs and followers aren’t aware that that’s what it is.