evil women idiocy MRA PUA rape reactionary bullshit violence against men/women

MRAs respond, predictably awfully, to the arrest of IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn

There have been some strange, but hardly surprising, reactions in the MRA-verse to the arrest of IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn on attempted rape charges.

On The False Rape Society blog, Pierce Harlan seems bothered that the police would arrest such an important man, citing an assortment of articles saying that Strauss-Kahn’s arrest will likely have a big effect on markets and on the global economy.

Harlan titles his piece: “So rape claims aren’t taken seriously? Reuters says the claim against Strauss-Kahn could impact “the well-being of the global economy.”  After quoting from an assortment of news stories that suggest that, yes, Strauss-Kahn’s arrest has already affected markets and could affect the global economy, Harlan ends with this petulant conclusion:

All because of a disputed rape allegation. Right now, that’s all it is. I have no idea if a crime was committed, and neither do you.

But I know one thing: the entire world is taking very seriously — and perhaps way too seriously — the word of an unnamed maid it knows nothing about.

First of all, just as we don’t know whether or not Strauss-Kahn is guilty of this alleged attack, we also don’t know what evidence the police have. What we do know from other media accounts suggests that there is more to go on than the “word of an unnamed maid” – including DNA and other evidence at the scene, footage from the hotel’s security cams, injuries suffered by the maid, who was treated at a local hospital. There may well have been witnesses too; we simply don’t know. (Also, the maid has now been named in the French press. Wonderful.)

Second, and more importantly, why should the fact that the arrest has affected world markets have any bearing whatsoever on the case? By this logic, no important political or financial figure should ever be arrested for anything.

To make myself perfectly clear here:  Harlan does not say explicitly that DSK is too important to be arrested on the word of a lowly maid, but that seems to be the implicit suggestion of his post, the whole reason to quote several articles about the effect this is having on the world economy, all because of  “the word of an unnamed maid [the world] knows nothing about.”  I have asked him to clarify what exactly he did mean, and he has refused. In a followup post he asks rhetorically “Have we handed an unnamed maid too much power to destroy a presumptively innocent man?” and answers himself by saying “The question scarcely survives its statement.” Which I will take as a “yes.” He goes on to say:

We reported yesterday what the world press is saying about the sexual assault claim against Dominique Strauss-Kahn. About how it could impact not only the IMF he heads, and France where is a presidential hopeful, but the global economy itself.  It is widely believed that Mr. Strauss-Kahn’s reputation has been marred beyond repair, regardless of the outcome of this affair.

To say this is morally grotesque does not capture the evil of what is happening to a presumptively innocent man. …

If there is a running theme in this blog, it is this: we have handed anonymous women and children far, far too much power to destroy the lives and reputations of presumptively innocent men before even a scrap of evidence has been introduced to prove their guilt.

If I am reading this correctly — and please correct me if I am wrong, Mr. Harlan — he is saying that ALL men are too important to be arrested on sexualk assault charges based on the word of “anonymous women and children.”

Again, let me ask you, Mr. Harlan, is this what you mean? I invite everyone here to read the two posts in question —  the first one here; the second one here — and tell me what you think he is trying to say.

Mr. Harlan, if you want to clarify what you mean here, I will put that clarification up without comment as a post, under a neutral headline (Pierce Harlan clarifies what he meant in his posts on the Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrest”).

I would also like to point out, again, that the police seem to be going on a lot more than the “word of an unnamed maid,” including surveillance tapes, statements from those who spoke to the maid immediately after the alleged incident, DNA evidence in the room. There may also be DNA evidence on her clothing; that we don’t know. But it seems fairly clear that there is evidence beyond the maid’s testimony.

Meanwhile, over on In Mala Fide, a guest blogger from, an MRA site that devotes a lot of its attention to railing against child porn laws, attacks the accuser and dismisses the charges. It’s hard to know what in the post is sarcasm and what is simply astounding stupidity. But as far as I can figure it, Mr. Stupidity is far more distressed by reports that the maid accidentally walked in on a naked Strauss-Kahn than he is by the possibility that he sexually assaulted her:

The story is very strange, and dominated by clear mistakes and screwups committed by the accuser. A five-star hotel maid trespasses into a naked client’s room?  Unforgivable. …

This is not supposed to happen in a high-class hotel. Were the sex roles inverted, were a male employee to walk in on a prominent female guest, like Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the male employee would be fired and arrested for sexual harassment.

Mr. Stupidity then goes on to suggest that such a powerful man would never try to rape anyone because, you know, powerful men don’t do that sort of thing.

A hitherto well behaved, civilized man, suddenly goes crazy? Just because he was naked, he wanted to take advantage of her and rape her?

A man pictured on the covers of magazines, admired by millions of women, who could get any woman he wanted with a snap of his fingers. A man from a country with legalized prostitution who could afford two luxury prostitutes per day, if he happened to be a sex addict. And this guy, exactly the moment the woman walks in, illegally, incorrectly, grabs her and rapes her?

Never mind that other women are coming forward with stories of assaults by Strauss-Kahn, suggesting that he may not be quite so well-behaved as Mr. Stupidity assumes.

So what does Mr. Stupidity think really happened? After raising the possibility that this is all some political setup, he ends the piece suggesting that the maid – who, he says “committed a serious professional lapse, almost a crime” by accidentally walking in on Strauss-Kahn – simply made up the story in order to protect her job. Because maids are instantly fired for accidentally walking in on guests? Because never ever in the history of hotels has a maid walked in on someone naked? (A quick Google search suggests not only that this is relatively common, but also that it’s a sexual fantasy of quite a few men.)

Meanwhile, Ben Stein – not, as far as I know, an MRA, but a neocon and a bit of a dick – has offered his own highly problematic defense of Strauss-Kahn, which boils down to, well, envy:

this is a case about the hatred of the have-nots for the haves, and that’s what it’s all about. A man pays $3,000 a night for a hotel room? He’s got to be guilty of something. Bring out the guillotine.

More on this as it develops. And it’s developing fast.

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I checked out the article by Mr. Stupid and he shows more stupidity by claiming that the False Rape Society only posts information about rapes “proven to be false.”

No. Nope.

Not proven to be false.

Of course it is not a surprise since they do the same thing that they accuse feminists of doing when a person is charged-but not convicted-of filing a false report and assume the defendant is guilty.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Stein is a different sort of MRA–a Millionaire’s Rights Advocate. It’s just as absurd as the other kind, when you think about it.

13 years ago

“, an MRA site that devotes a lot of its attention to railing against child porn laws”

Wait, what?


With more power to damage people CB.

13 years ago

oh yeah, nothing spices up the same tired old misogyny like a heaping dose of classism.

13 years ago

Seriously, why can’t these rich guys just keep their pants on around woman that don’t want to have sex with them? It’s like they’re asking to be accused of rape.

Men, here we come
Men, here we come
13 years ago

“we simply don’t know.”

Um, False Rape Society never said any different.

“Second, and more importantly, why should the fact that the arrest has affected world markets have any bearing whatsoever on the case? By this logic, no important political or financial figure should ever be arrested for anything.”

Um, FRS was pretty clear that the whole point of the post was to point out the lie that “rape isn’t taken seriously.”

*whoosh* right over your head.

Laughing gull
Laughing gull
13 years ago

The reaction of neocon Stein is as disgusting as the immediate false rape accusation and victim blaming.

Laughing gull
Laughing gull
13 years ago

..and… does the 3000$ a night hotel room not have a latch thing on the door or a Do Not Disturb sign? I tend to use those devices at a hotel until I am dressed. just saying’….

Pierce Harlan
13 years ago

You truly do think as poorly as you write, don’t you?

13 years ago

“A man pictured on the covers of magazines, admired by millions of women, who could get any woman he wanted with a snap of his fingers. A man from a country with legalized prostitution who could afford two luxury prostitutes per day, if he happened to be a sex addict.”

This is exactly what is wrong with how people talk about rape. It isn’t just when some dude reallllly wants sex and decides he can’t resist (which is the same reason how the victim was dressed is irrelevant), it’s a violent attack. Totally different motivation.

13 years ago

Men, here we come: It’s absolutely amazing to me that you’ve come here to point out two ideas contained in the False Rape Society blog post that David has already pointed out, quoted, or drawn attention to in his post. And then accused David of missing those points. What’s wrong with you?

About the “lie” that rape isn’t taken seriously: Here we’re talking about one instance where an accusation of rape was taken seriously. And there are many more, obviously. This does not mean that the many other instances where rape isn’t taken seriously, where reports of rape are ignored, overlooked, not believed, and pushed under the rug, do not exist or are not important. Only a very, very stupid or dogmatic person would think otherwise.

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

Also, just because this one rape charge is being taken seriously by some people, says nothing about rape charges in general. N = 1 isn’t the strongest sample set.

Iris Vander Pluym
13 years ago

By this logic, no important political or financial figure should ever be arrested for anything.

Anything? Even war crimes? Torture? Corruption? Financial fraud on a world-economy-crashing scale?

Naaaaah. That could never happen in the U.S. of A. You’re clearly delusional David, and you need to seek professional help immediately.

I recommend Klonopin. Martinis are also nice.

13 years ago

Yeah, big mystery there: WHY would a rich, powerful man sexually assault a woman when he could just pay for sex?

Because he prefers the thrill of overpowering a woman and forcing her to do something against her will to any other kind of thrill.

That’s why rapists rape: not because they can’t get sex, but because they prefer rape to sex.

13 years ago

Men, here we come: The affect on markets has nothhing to do with how seriously rape is taken. The markets are bizarre bazaars, where Warren Buffet announcing he likes the generic form of Claritan can cause the entire pharmaceutical market to drop.

One could rather argue this is a stunt, cooked up by the NYPD to divert attention from the hints that a couple of cops might be involved in serial murders in Nassau County, Long Island, or as the result of the DA wanting to be able to point to a “big name” who was arrested on a rape charge, so as to hide how poor is actual record is (and, before anyone goes to find out what the arrrest/conviction rate is for rapes in NYC, I don’t think this is the case, and I have no idea what the rates are. I am “blue skying” conspiracy theories to justify the charges as “proof” of it being exactly the opposite of evidence of how seriously rape is taken in this country).

One case doesn’t make a very good data set.

Iris Vander Pluym
13 years ago

That’s why rapists rape: not because they can’t get sex, but because they prefer rape to sex.


Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

The fact is that false rape reports are just one method used in our misandrist society to keep men down. It’s a fairly minor power, but a always, in the hands of the alpha wymyn. As with that other dude, Bardamu, it is a reasonable knee-jerk reaction given that these men have been spit upon and kicked and looked down upon their whole lives. The women on this thread need to check their considerable privilege.

13 years ago

I think there are two different forms of rape.

The one that the MRA types admit to, in theory, i.e. violent rape. Those are straight up about violence.

Then there is… there isn’t a good phrase for it… failed consent rape? poor consent rape? persuasion rape?

I am not sure those are all about, “rape”, so much as they are about control, self image, status. This is where I can see the parent ideas of the “Alpha/Beta/Omega thing having some real world mapping. I don’t think it’s the way the MRA/PUA types see it. I think some of that sort of rape is males who don’t want to lose status by being unable to get sex; not even from a drunk girl, being unwilling to take no for an answer. This is even more true of males in homosocial environments (fraternities, military units, travel (business or pleasure), esp. if they know each other. They have reputation to protect. If it’s the first time they’ve been under that sort of pressure I suspect they are more likely to cross lines they didn’t know they could.

And, because we have a social problem with the idea of consent (and a lot of people who think consent is a ticket to punch… once someone shows interest they are on until the ride stops), those people aren’t in it for the rape.

Doesn’t change the fact that it’s rape. Doesn’t mean the victims aren’t victims. Doesn’t mean their is any blame to attach to them. They didn’t, “bring it on themselves”.

It’s also why we hear, “Oh, he’s not a rapist, he’s such a nice boy. He’d never hurt anyone, esp. not a girl.”

13 years ago

And the resistance to admitting this is rape, is a huge part of why it 1: continues, and 2: is so pervasive. None of the people who have done that wants to admit it might so much as be rape.

Because if it were, then there are a lot of people who have to admit (if only to themselves) that they either committed, or countenanced, rape.

13 years ago

Pecunium – And, at least to me, an interesting thing about that is that it is NOT clear that ALL instances of that are definitely clearly 100% rape. Communication can break down and people can feel violated without rape having occurred. I have a friend who had a poorly-negotiated BDSM scene break down where she fell into subspace and couldn’t tell her top she needed him to stop. He was inexperienced enough at being a top that he didn’t correctly interpret her distress. She tried to draw this weird distinction that she was raped but the person who did it wasn’t a rapist. Try wrapping your head around THAT one. I am not only friends with both of these people but I WAS IN THE ROOM at the time the event happened (it was a play party). Trying to stay friends with both of them afterward was really damned difficult.

13 years ago

@pecunium, I disagree that there are two forms of rape. A person putting their penis inside of (or otherwise engaging in sexual activity upon) another who does not consent is in and of itself an act of violence. Non-violent rape is an oxymoron. These people know their victim did not consent, they often target the victim precisely because they think the victim is incapacitated or vulnerable. If they were doing similar targeting of people for other violent acts due to peer pressure, we would not assert that these people were non-violent or nice. If we discover the guy next door is a serial rapist, the reaction should not be “he’s such a nice boy”, it should be similar to the one upon discovering he is a serial murderer “I thought he was nice, damn was I wrong.”

13 years ago

“That’s why rapists rape: not because they can’t get sex, but because they prefer rape to sex.”

‘Rape is about power and not sex’ is a pernicious fabrication intended to absolve the female of any responsibility concerning the way she acts or dresses while painting the male as a sadistic control freak who’s actions couldn’t possibly have been sexually provoked.
It is the pussy pass taken to the extreme.
How do you regulate male sexuality without inviting calls to control your own? Simple. Just relable all aspects of men’s sexuality you don’t like as something other than sex and criminalize that instead.
Too bad for you all that there are people who see through this.

13 years ago

Too bad for you all that there are people who see through this.

Oh, you mean psychopaths and rapists, EWME? Yeah, that is too bad that they exist.

I feel like I’m saying this a lot tonight, but dude: You disgust me. Seriously. I’m glad you don’t have any kind of personal experience with rape, but please do not think that anyone has any interest in hearing what your uninformed ass has to say. Just no.

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