I don’t know if anyone else is as interested in this as I am, but I am perpetually fascinated by the weird search terms that have led people to this site. Currently trending: cats and sperm — sometimes at the same time — as you can see from these recent search terms:
men dressed as sexy cats pics
i want to hug your sperm
cat women with spermy faces
But not everyone coming here is interested in cats, people who dress as cats, or sperm (with or without cats involved). Here are some other topics that tickle their fancies:
snow white doing blow
rapist unicorns
do women like it if guys get boners
And perhaps my favorite:
ascii boner
Note to readers: I am not interested in seeing your boner, in ascii or in any other format.
I like how you let slide the objectifying language from wymyn about “sexy men”. They’re allowed to do it but not men, fuck that.
Um. He is making fun of the search terms, just like he makes fun of you weirdos. How is that letting it slide?
How do you know it’s not men who are looking for “sexy men?”
You know, MRAO, who does indeed seem to be MRAL with an O, people are allowed to type whatever they want into search engines. I don’t really have any control over that. I have classified ALL of the terms I quoted as “weird,” and made no distinction between cat men and cat women. Well, I suppose the cat women in this case have more of an issue cleaning up afterwards.
Personally I like being objectified and I like objectifying men. Mmmm, sexy cat men 🙂
I suppose that could be filed under “reasons I don’t call myself a feminist”.
p.s. – Despite liking cat men, I swear, I am not the one who performed that search 😀
Futrelle, you are a snivelling mangina who simply will never see our misandrist society for what it is. I wash my hands of the situation.
You know, I don’t really mean to mock anyone’s sexuality, even if it does involve cat people or ascii boners. (The movie Cat People, kind of hot.) It’s just weird that people searching for all that end up here. Hopefully they are not too disappointed.
Futrelle, if you wish to avoid shaming language you would do well not to touch the fymynyst movement with a 40000000-foot pole. They’re the biggest shamers literally in the history of the world.
I’m never disappointed when I search for ascii boners.
And I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate MRAO* on his long-overdue promotion. Looks like that military career is really taking off.
*Veiled Cat Reference?
@Johnny Pez LOLZ X100
I once saw Cat People. A friend and I were in the rental store and saw it. We got it on a whim, not sure what it was about.
It was … kind of ridiculous cheese.
Anyway, search terms are hilarious. I haven’t checked mine in ages. I should …
MRAO:::Futrelle, you are a snivelling mangina who simply will never see our misandrist society for what it is. I wash my hands of the situation.:::
LOL. Can we hope that the level of discourse will improve around here?
David, don’t you realize what this means? You have the perfect opportunity to reach a broad audience with your blog; all you need is the perfect ad campaign.
Are you ready?
ASCII cat women doing blow and hugging sperm.
Just think it over. I can have some people on it by Monday.
Say, instead of plain old hookers and blow, we can have cat hookers and ascii blow.
Or ascii hookers and cat blow.
What the hell is “fymynyst?” It sounds like something Steve Martin would say.
Men will not take it quietly (omegas). We simply won’t. I am SICK and TIRED of being spat on by elitist alpha women and kicked around by alphassholes. We will take control and create a better world, mark my words.
Speedlines: I think it’s an attempt to be clever, and play with the same sorts of ides those who use, “womyn” and, “grrl” are attacking.
MRALO, now with more hate, less introspection.
MRA pawn
I still have a ton of compassion for you and wish you the best no matter what walls you throw up. I really hope you’ll be o.k.
Kave, that’s just plain mean.
@Pez- Isn’t that what catnip is? Cat Blow?
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I did a search for that 3rd search term I mentioned, the one about cat women, and, well, rule 34 applies.
At this point I’m hoping MRAL is a put-on, but “They’re the biggest shamers literally in the history of the world” would still be an excellent T-shirt.