
How NOT to convince the courts to give you more access to your children

Lone father paralyzes Sydney in rush hour protest

(AFP) – 2 hours ago

SYDNEY — A lone protester paralyzed rush-hour traffic in Australia’s largest city for hours Friday by scaling the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and forcing the closure of the country’s busiest roadway.

The man, who said he was “ex-military”, evaded extensive security precautions to climb the bridge at dawn and hang two banners in a protest apparently linked to a custody dispute over his children.

The stunt forced the closure of the bridge that links north Sydney with the downtown area for around two hours, causing massive back-ups and leaving thousands of motorists and train and bus commuters stranded. ….

“If I have to stuff four million people around for one morning and that gets my kids and other kids help one day sooner, I have achieved my goal,” he said before rappelling down onto the roadway to be arrested by waiting police.


“Stuffing” four million people around. Goal achieved!

Getting more contact with your kids. Goal not so much achieved as hindered, I’m guessing.

More on the protestor here. He’s apparently a “bikie” – the Australian version of a biker – and “was almost killed during an alleged bikie shootout last year.”

UPDATE: As a result of this, the protester, Michael Fox has, not surprisingly, been ordered to not contact his ex-wife or family members.

And here’s an interesting detail from the coverage:

He left a note in his car, warning police to close the bridge and not to try to bring him down by force. “If anyone attempts to climb the upper arch of the bridge during my protest, the consequences will be fatal. Do what I ask and this will start and end peacefully,” it said. “You’ve taken my kids, I’ve taken your bridge.”

Generally speaking, nonviolent protestors don’t threaten “fatal consequences” for those who try to arrest them.

UPDATE 2: Another odd detail:

He last saw [his kids] almost 70 days ago, soon after a home owned by him was engulfed by fire. His estranged wife and one young daughter were sleeping inside. Both escaped the blaze.

The story gets stranger and stranger.
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tin spider
13 years ago


Jewish Bolshevism? Wasn’t that just Nazi propaganda, though?


Lackwit usually works in your case NWOslave. Tragic when a supposedly grown man has no wits about him.

13 years ago

Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It’s the only way to live
In cars

–Fear Factory

I’ve always loved that song. Don’t mind being called a “cager” at all! 🙂

13 years ago

Here is a longer list of his writing on Jewish issues, and of letter by others to him about questions relating to Jewish issues:

Ghandi Docs

13 years ago


Oh, there are plenty of insulting terms for people of mixed race. I’m sure you can think of a few if you try. The question is – has your mixed race status lead to actual discrimination for you?

I’m not saying it hasn’t as mixed race people clearly face discrimination of various types. But I do find it interesting that you claim being male makes you a victim but I’ve never heard you complain about racial discrimination against you. Did I miss something?

13 years ago

Holly: I am cutting him some slack, though he has used an MRA trope (Parental Alienation is the Australian Equivalent of, “Alienation of Affection”).

My real problem with calling this, “activism” is he has (so far as I can tell) given any details to support his action, “I did the because I want my kids to be safe and I want to see them again.”

Ok. But what’s the reason you can’t see them now? We don’t know. So we can’t judge the merits of his claims; he has no claims.

13 years ago

As I said tin spider, being all races that I am, I can blame any individual or group of individuals for whatever injustice they perpetrated. Did the Germans kill lotsa Jews? Yep. Did the Jews kill lotsa peasants? Yep. Did the Japanese kills lotsa Chinese in WW II? Yep. Did the Pol Pot try to commit genocide? Yep.

You can’t commit a crime and than pull out a victim card. It doesn’t work that way.

13 years ago

NWOSlave, judging/classifying people because of a perceived group relationship/characteristic is considered prejudice. IE, Jewish, Black, Muslim, Female, Male, Transgendered, etc.

Perhaps you should try judging people on their individual characteristics rather than an arbitrary group affiliation. You know, actually consider them people rather than an subhuman other.

See I’m going to judge you on your actions. Not your sex, race, religion etc.

What’s a cager? I’m guessing it’s not referring to practicing in a baseball cage.

13 years ago

Wait… the Jews killed lotsa peasants? When? I think I missed that day in Hebrew school.

13 years ago

Plymouth, the only discrimination I face is at the hands of the State. The man in this article obviously faces similar discrimination. This is due to the policy in the western world of denying equal custody to fathers. If a part of feminism has implemented this law, than your faction is to blame. If you’re part of this faction, (feminism) then you need to reform this situation. Accountability, you need to be held accountable for the actions of your members.

13 years ago
13 years ago

That’s a holocaust denial website, Champ.


Again Lackwit, I mean NWOslave, feminism is not responsible for people assuming that only mothers should have custody of kids and making it harder for men to have custody of their children.

But hey, no one said you had to adhere to reality.

13 years ago

“So I can’t be anti-semite or I’d be against myself.”

Sure you can. And by the way, you are an antisemite NOT because you “said something negative about some Jew”, but because you insinuated that Marx’ Jewish ancestry justifies the wholesale extermination of Jews. That’s classic antisemitism regardless of the “mutt-ness” of the person it comes from. Don’t beat yourself in the chest about your ancestry. Just because you obsess about that stuff doesn’t mean others do.

Pecunium: While Gandhi’s statements about Jews are consistent with his views about non-violence in general, he still employed a double standard. For example, while he decried Arab violence in Palestine as well, he didn’t call on the Palestinians to kill themselves. He didn’t tell them that they should just submit to whatever happens and resist the occupation that way. That, to me, is a significant difference. This isn’t meant as a statement on the Arab-Israeli conflict in general — I am only pointing out the significance of the stance that it’s Jews — not anyone else — who, in Gandhi’s view, are expected to lie down and die when assaulted.

Gandhi said some nice things about Jews and he called the Holocaust a great crime — which leads a lot of people to conclude that he was not prejudiced against Jews. We are now in a territory that’s a matter of individual perception to some extent, but as a Jew, I resent the status of my group in the eyes of non-antisemites like Gandhi as a symbol of victimhood and nothing else. The idea that Jews have a theoretical right to exist just like any other group, but a moral obligation to submit to slaughter without protest (unlike any other group) is one that I, personally, find profoundly offensive. That’s what it ultimately boils down to, the “spiritual value” of Jews as mandatory victims, for whom the only appropriate response to ethnic and religious violence is to “shame” the perpetrator by dying horrifically. I don’t think there is anything reprehensible about wanting to live even in the face of adversity, instead of sacrifice ourselves for the sake of some arguable moral lesson to the rest of mankind. We are people, not a metaphor; when Gandhi treated Jews as the latter, he denied Jews their humanity and objectified them in the most despicable way. But that is merely how I see it.

13 years ago

PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth, than go to the many feminist sites and see what they advocate. If any of them advocate default child custody to the mother than your faction needs reform.

Holly, this is what a I mean when I say giving you links to anything is pointless. When a link disagrees with your view of total innocense of any wrongdoing you discount it. You are perfect, born that way and in actions as well. You are the denyer. Unless of course you’re a holodomor denyer?

As I said, since I am literally all races, the race victim card means nothing to me.

13 years ago

Well, giving me links to any holocaust denial website is pointless, yes. Seriously now.

13 years ago

Amused, I said nothing of the sort. There could never be any justification for what Hitler and Germany did. They were fucking evil.

I’m not obsessing about my ancestry, you are. Thats why I can blame any race for any atrocity they commit, while your obsession of race purity won’t allow you to ever admit to “your” race as having ever done anything immoral. I have no race to defend, so I’m free.

13 years ago

Races don’t do evil things. People and political movements do. I don’t blame “the Germans” for the Holocaust; I blame the Nazis.

(And for the Holomodor, I blame the Stalinists. Who weren’t Jews or even very fond of Jews, but that doesn’t even matter.)

13 years ago

“I’m not obsessing about my ancestry, you are.”

And you have lobsters crawling out of your ears. Because I said so.

Thats why I can blame any race for any atrocity they commit, while your obsession of race purity won’t allow you to ever admit to “your” race as having ever done anything immoral.

Blaming a race for an atrocity is disgusting. Period.

My “race” has never done anything immoral. Neither has any other.

Doctress Julia
13 years ago

Hey, Plymouth: that song, Cars, is originally written and performed by Gary Numan (Fear Factory? Never heard of them, but they did a nice cover of it, I suppose… sniff)! I have it on vinyl. /smug

Check it out; the whole album (The Pleasure Principle, 1979!) is the shit.

Also, ignore me if you already love Gary Numan.


13 years ago

Apparently this guy, Mick Fox, has been ordered not to contact his ex-wife or his kids. So, although this was an example of protest, it really doesn’t see to have been an example of particularly effective protest.

Also, “bikie” sounds adorable. Hee! Even when they’ve trying to be scary-tough, Australians insist on being so adorbs!

13 years ago

And you’re exactly right Amused when you said, “Blaming a race for an atrocity is disgusting. Period.”

So when I say Trotsky was a dick for slaghtering millions, I mean “he” was a dick. So that particular “Jew” was a dick. So if that person was a “dick” and a “Jew” than a “Jew” had a hand in this slaughter. Not the entire race. So someone of “yours” and possibly “my” race was a “dick” and had a hand in this atrocity. So someone of “our” race was a “dick.”

Imagine it this way. Pretend there was no race. Did that person have a hand in something evil. Well the answer is yes of course.

I mean ya got Holly here who claims the “Stalanists” are “evil” because “Bolshevic” is associated with her precious purity of lineage. But I’m the racist, right?

13 years ago

This kind of categorical thinking reveals something about NWO’s psychology, now that I think about it.

If you believe every wrong done by a woman to be a wrong done by women, then women really are pretty horrible!

And if you believe every accusation against a man to be an accusation against men, then men really are persecuted!

(Also, fyi, “The Patriarchy” does not mean “all men” or “the secret conspiracy of men.” It means “the social system perpetuated by both men and women that defines gender roles in a way that oppresses both genders but gives men the upper hand.” Complicated, I know, but that’s why hating patriarchy does not mean hating men.)

13 years ago

Julia – my apologies! I was only 3 in 1979 so I never heard the original. I’ll def have to check it out.

NWOS – I’m not a feminist, so, no, that’s not “my faction”. I have my own issues with feminism and reasons why I don’t identify as a feminist but they have pretty much nothing to do with your mistaken fantasies of what you think feminism is. Despite my issues with the movement, feminism has also done a lot of good things that I completely support. And I personally know a lot of feminists who are good people.

13 years ago

Say anything bad about any Jew and you’re anti-semetic.
Say anything bad about gays and you’re homophobic.
Say anything bad about any woman and you’re a misogynist.
Say anything bad about any race, (other than white) and you’re racist.
Say anything bad about muslims and you’re Islamophobic.

Wheres my victim card?


the only discrimination I face is at the hands of the State.


This is due to the policy in the western world of denying equal custody to fathers.

Feminism is claiming that men can’t participate and are not equal members of caring and raising children?
Really? 😐

As I said, since I am literally all races

Really? Literally? So which of your ancestors came from Africa? Which tribe? Which ones came from the Pacific Islands? Which islands? Which ones came from Asia? Eastern or western continent? Which of the Native American tribes are you registered with? When did your ancestors are Indigenous Australians? Which Persian tribe did you come from?

Have I mentioned what a sad, strange little man you are?

@Doctoress J; Thanks for pointing out the Gary Neuman lyrics. I keep having to yell at these kids to get off my music with their covers and sampling.
/shakes cane in the air