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Smurfette was a stuck-up bitch

Do MGTOWers get their notions of modern romance from old Smurf cartoons? I’m beginning to think they do. As you may remember, the world of the Smurfs was an all-male bastion until evil Gargamel created the creature he called Smurfette from a mixture of

Sugar and spice but nothing nice…A dram of crocodile tears…A peck of bird brain…The tip of an adder’s tongue…Half a pack of lies, white, of course…The slyness of a cat…The vanity of a peacock…The chatter of a magpie…The guile of a vixen and the disposition of a shrew…And of course the hardest stone for her heart…..

Initially an evil, deceitful brunette, Smurfette was transformed by Papa Smurf into a glamorous (and less obviously evil) blonde. At which point Smurfs young and old began falling in love with her, supplicating themselves before her Smurfy beauty. Even Papa Smurf himself had the Smurfs for her, as you can see in the video above – even though, as her co-creator, he was basically her father. Ick. Sometimes Smurfette played her smurfy suitors against one another, inspiring them to even greater depths of supplication.

MGTOWers, and a lot of MRAs, basically see this as the basic paradigm of romance: men jumping through hoops to even get noticed by stuck-up women who need do nothing but exist in order to garner male attention. In the Smurf world, this was because there was only one Smurfette in a village full of lonely Smurfs. In the real world, in which men and women balance out more evenly, well, MGTOWers and MRA recreate the weird Smurfy imbalance by simply declaring most women undateable – too old (if they’re over 25 or 30) or too fat (with BMIs over 25). Hey presto! Now men, much like Smurfs, can compete against one another for the same small number of women, making almost everyone miserable in the process, especially themselves.

In Smurf world, of course, Smurfette is chaste and pure; she may kiss the boys but that’s about it. This hardly comports with the MGTOW notion that women are all slutty sluts, bedding down with every thug-boy and alpha male who makes their ‘ginas tingle, to use the peculiarly offputting parlance of the misogynist set. Natually enough, a few creative internetters have reimagined Smurfette as a Smurfslut. Warning: this video may destroy your image of Smurfette forever. This one’s worse.

Oh, and for an interesting discussion of the misogyny and apparent anti-Semitism of Smurf creator Peyo, see here.

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13 years ago

This is smurfing funny: United States of Sparta…God I love

13 years ago

MRAL, I got news for you. If you’re for real, you’re all ready proving something. Not just to me, but anybody who cares to read this. You’re easily provoked, it’s almost impossible for you to admit when you’re wrong and whenever the stunted thing you have that passes for a conscience pipes up it is quickly silenced by your misplaced anger. You want to know why women avoid you? It’s not your outside. It’s what you’ve got contained in your head that’s seeping through to the outside. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not enough to send people screaming away from you in terror but it is enough to send a chill up the spine of anyone with more situational awareness than a fireplace brick. The only people that are going to want to be near you as long as you’ve got that kicking around inside your skull are people working on the same frequency you are. Anyone else is going to get the creepy crawlies after five minutes of close proximity with you, even men, but especially women.

So no, you don’t have shit to prove to me or anyone else that you haven’t all ready proven. Only person you have to deal with is you.

13 years ago

You! I have you to blame, PostertowhomIwillrefertoasElizabethfromnowon! I’ve been reading Cracked for the past hour or so now. I’m on “The 10 Creepiest Craigslist Casual Encounters.”

Help… me… Please…. O.O

13 years ago

I accept full blame…that website is the awesome.

There is no help because oddly enough they have not managed to figure out how to write the five ways to stop being addicted to I even bought their damn book.

13 years ago

Alright, alright. But I warn you, this site is like.. like… hrm… Some sort of addictive substance. Something that will keep you up all night? Oh, I know!!

Creepy Craigslist Casual Encounters

13 years ago

“I don’t think it’s acceptable to have such violent thoughts, but that time I couldn’t help it.”

“If the mods want to delete my violent comment that’s ok. I think it might be triggering to some people and I wish I hadn’t posted it. That’s not who I am. I think we all maybe lose control mentally once in a while.”

This sounds quite a lot like an acknowledgment of wrongdoing to me. MRAL didn’t actually abuse the girl. Not disagreeing about the need for therapy though.

13 years ago

Well poot, I should probably not have posted so many links.

13 years ago

The “Creepy Craigslist Casual Encounters” is really funny. I almost want to be known now as “Archbishop of Ass-Nailing”.

And there’s no hope. Once you’re there, plan at least two hours.

13 years ago

New theory; every woman that comes into contact with MRAL is psychic. We need to get some scientists on this pronto to follow him when he is out and about and track down women that turn away and do not acknowledge him to show his picture to prove they felt his rapey, entitled to women’s bodies vibe.

If we can get some women in military intelligence to hone this skill for intel, the US would be unstoppable.

13 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian at Feminist Frequency posted a video on the “Smurfette Principle” (with a TV Tropes shout out!) recently. She’s half-way finished with her 6-part series on pop culture tropes about women. The first two posts (“Women in Refrigerators” and “Manic Pixie Dream Girl”) are also relevant to this discussion as they address the trope of marginalizing female characters through violence and the trope of the perfect woman having no life of her own. The site is awesome. Can’t wait for the remaining installments!

13 years ago

I’ve been watching the exchange with MRAL since he’s been here, I think that in some threads he’s gotten real compassion from the people here and maybe he might be saved.

MRAL, my brother is in a mental hospital again because of his battles with schizophrenia and very much because the mra has fueled his delusions. I’ve watched him online for years and not once has anyone in the mra camp questioned his decision making. Instead they’ve agreed that his wife is horrid and his children are damaged because of her beyond saving, which lead to him making more then one attempt on their lives.

The truth is none of the stories he recalls online are true. For instance he talks about how he lives in poverty supporting his family. The truth is our family supports him, to the point of hiring full time aids when he is functional enough to live independently and we’re not wiping him off the street after he’s gone missing.

The family has supported the ex-wife and grandchildren, and moved them when he becomes violent.

Someone on the thread said you might be have Aspergers, that idea was shut down. Personally I don’t believe that’s out of the range of possibility simply because aspie kids are not all the same.

But whatever your issues are I really hope you seek positive help, and I hope you don’t grow up to be like my brother. I have the idea that you are here postings maybe because you are searching for something other then the mra? If so I wish you all the luck in the world.

13 years ago

My favourite article:

More fun than the constant MRAL pity party!

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Yeah, I love me some

13 years ago

I just wanted to add one more thing, mental illness isn’t something we should really make fun of but people do.

There is no doubt that there is no one here that can claim they haven’t insulted someone who was either mentally ill or impaired, I’ve done it more times then I can count. (and sometimes people dismiss metal illness)

But it’s pretty clear to me and it seems to the overwhelming majority of posters in the last few weeks that MRAL is not firing on all cylinders, or he’s breaking down. Not a time to call him an asshole, is a time to explain to him this is asshole behavior.

Also a time to set boundaries, he shouldn’t be able to take over threads to make them about him..

13 years ago

And MertvayaRuka

Same thing as MRAL. I know he upsets you but frankly it’s kinda the same thing.

Draize Train
Draize Train
13 years ago

Just in case he is NOT a troll and/or a lost cause, MRAL can get started on basic cognitive therapy “homework assignments” without leaving his room at . (It is free and legit, developed by faculty and researchers at an Australian university.) It is NOT a substitutes for live, in-person therapy, but it’ll certainly do him more good than listening to MRA “scholars.”

13 years ago

I heart Cracked as well, but have to mention that you should take everything they say on there with a grain of salt. They do cite sources, but they’re a humor site, so they exaggerate and tend to state things as absolutes. For instance, when they say “science says,” they usually mean “this one study suggests.”

13 years ago

Kave, I’m not sure I follow you. Because I’m fairly certain you’re way too intelligent to be saying that me getting torqued about some guy talking about how he wants to rip a woman’s eye out for not showing him proper respect is the same as that guy wanting to rip a woman’s eye out for not showing him proper respect.

13 years ago

Science is smurfing AWESOME!

13 years ago

“What would a Spartan smurf be like?”

“Today I was on the elevator with someone I recognized from one of my classes, so I said hi. I’m not interested in her or being creepy or anything, it was just a polite “hi” meant to be one person to another. She basically looked completely put out, almost wrinkled her nose and said “hi” in the rudest possible tone imaginable, like she’d rather be anywhere than talk to me or be in my presence”

How the hell does one say hi in a rude tone? I am trying to think of ways in which I could say hi that could be construed as “explicit rudeness” and I got nothing.

“Like law1204 said…”Creepiness doesn’t register on other men’s radars but it does on womens’”Thats heresy law1204, you’re insinuating biology dictates ability. You are banned from the feminist movement. Men and women are interchangable, there are no biological differences in brain chemistry. Misogynist is what you are I tellz ya.”

I’ll help here, what’s creepy to WOMEN will not register on men’s radars. Better? Sort of like what’s oppression and worthy of a savage beating to MRAL is just someone not wanting to make eyecontact, smile, or speak for whatever reason to the rest of us.

“Seriously, who talks in elevators? Jackasses. Unless you were talking before you got on and you know everyone in the elevator at the time … why would you do that? Just to make people uncomfortable??”

Now that I think about the many times I’ve been on elevators, people rarely talk.

“It’s more the rudeness of female strangers, who judge me only on appearances.”

Unless they have actually said what they think of his appearance, he is very much assuming based on his own low self esteem.Or is there some way he is reading their minds?

13 years ago

In MRAL’s world the Smurfette’s don’t smile at him.

What a smurfin’ shame

13 years ago

Xtra –

It’s actually not that difficult to say “hi” in a way that conveys “oh my god I can’t believe you TALKED to me!” I kinda doubt this girl actually DID that, I’m sure it only happened that way viewed through MRAL’s skewed lens of expecting all women to treat him like ass, but it is actually possible. I tried to find a video but my google-fu is inadequate apparently. If you were here in person I could demonstrate 🙂

Also, while I definitely consider elevator conversations non-standard and prefer not have them, I have managed to be pleasant to people in elevators after my initial surprise that they talked to me in the first place. Usually it seems to be women who try to be chatty with me in the elevator at work (ones I don’t work with I mean – the people I DO work with I expect to talk to and that’s totally cool. it’s a multi-tenant building though and most of the people in it I have never even seen.)

Simone Lovelace
13 years ago

When I was in my early teens, my mother told me never to make eye contact with or smile at strange men, because they might “take it the wrong way.”

I still don’t do those things. It’s part force of habit, part personal safety measure.

Doesn’t mean I bear the men any ill-will.