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Smurfette was a stuck-up bitch

Do MGTOWers get their notions of modern romance from old Smurf cartoons? I’m beginning to think they do. As you may remember, the world of the Smurfs was an all-male bastion until evil Gargamel created the creature he called Smurfette from a mixture of

Sugar and spice but nothing nice…A dram of crocodile tears…A peck of bird brain…The tip of an adder’s tongue…Half a pack of lies, white, of course…The slyness of a cat…The vanity of a peacock…The chatter of a magpie…The guile of a vixen and the disposition of a shrew…And of course the hardest stone for her heart…..

Initially an evil, deceitful brunette, Smurfette was transformed by Papa Smurf into a glamorous (and less obviously evil) blonde. At which point Smurfs young and old began falling in love with her, supplicating themselves before her Smurfy beauty. Even Papa Smurf himself had the Smurfs for her, as you can see in the video above – even though, as her co-creator, he was basically her father. Ick. Sometimes Smurfette played her smurfy suitors against one another, inspiring them to even greater depths of supplication.

MGTOWers, and a lot of MRAs, basically see this as the basic paradigm of romance: men jumping through hoops to even get noticed by stuck-up women who need do nothing but exist in order to garner male attention. In the Smurf world, this was because there was only one Smurfette in a village full of lonely Smurfs. In the real world, in which men and women balance out more evenly, well, MGTOWers and MRA recreate the weird Smurfy imbalance by simply declaring most women undateable – too old (if they’re over 25 or 30) or too fat (with BMIs over 25). Hey presto! Now men, much like Smurfs, can compete against one another for the same small number of women, making almost everyone miserable in the process, especially themselves.

In Smurf world, of course, Smurfette is chaste and pure; she may kiss the boys but that’s about it. This hardly comports with the MGTOW notion that women are all slutty sluts, bedding down with every thug-boy and alpha male who makes their ‘ginas tingle, to use the peculiarly offputting parlance of the misogynist set. Natually enough, a few creative internetters have reimagined Smurfette as a Smurfslut. Warning: this video may destroy your image of Smurfette forever. This one’s worse.

Oh, and for an interesting discussion of the misogyny and apparent anti-Semitism of Smurf creator Peyo, see here.

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Major Mangina
Major Mangina
13 years ago

“If an omega fat asshole got on the elevator with me I’d still be polite because even though I hate them I am a nice person. Even though I don’t think it’s the same because fat fucks have earned contempt. But as said I’d still be nice.”

Are you seriously so shallow, insecure, and small that you believe your own words?

Herr Hitler…One has to wonder WTF happened to you in childhood to turn you into a bully, fascist, and dickhead in one swift move. You do understand that genetics and nature and nurture play into the luck of the draw that we are bourne into? Ya sound like an Ayn Rand eugenist. Must suck to be you!! And be so insecure as to be so shallow.

13 years ago

Everyone else:

MRAL is autistic or Aspberger’s, right? No offense to the many awesome autistic and Aspberger’s friends I’ve had, but a fairly common trait is the inability to think about things from another’s perspective.

That is, you know what you think and feel, but you just have no conception that other people think and feel, too (of course you know factually that other people have thoughts, you are just completely unable to realize what that means), let alone what they might be thinking or feeling.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Ok, maybe I went too far. I had a really bad day. I’m cooling off now. I don’t think it’s acceptable to have such violent thoughts, but that time I couldn’t help it. I was just very angry. I think a lot of people have fleeting thoughts about people they really dislike… in real life I’m not violent at all and I really don’t think I’m creepy. I have one or two female acquaintances who have said I’m a gentle person. It’s more the rudeness of female strangers, who judge me only on appearances. Anyway I’m going to go to bed.

Major Mangina
Major Mangina
13 years ago

I live in a culture where random stangers talk to one another most often without any semblence of agenda. It’s a pretty day. It’s nice to be alive on Earth. How did your people fare in the last rounds of tornados. Etc… It is in sick societies, that basic social interactions are viewed as forms of aggression and on-up-MAN-shit. We pay-it-forward. The day begins with smiles and giggles between stranges and ends with smiles and giggles, no agendas in the mix. It’s called being NICE. What a fracking threat MRAs!! Lighten up a bit. Pay a smile forward and you might get one, and even get laid again.

13 years ago


I am still going to hope you are just being a troll of some kind and what you’re writing is pure and utter fabrication. If you are not, then you are a wretched excuse for a human being who either needs to seek serious professional help immediately. You seriously envisioned yourself attacking and mutilating someone because they didn’t return your fucking greeting properly? And not only do you not see a problem with this, you blame THEM for your little rage fit? You spineless little shit-sucking intestinal parasite. If you are a troll, I would encourage everyone else here to ignore you and not further feed your behavior. If you’re not, do the world a favor and go walk into traffic.

13 years ago

Look MRAL-what you said was very scary and worrisome. You really should take the advice of the dozen of people telling you go seek help and seek help.

You should not have flashes of rage that involve hurting anyone for a perceived slight. That is not normal, or if you insist, acceptable behavior or response to someone doing something that is annoying.

13 years ago

MRAL, I’m not making an allegation–but your words are a warning. You stated that you would really, really like to attack a woman you met for a few brief seconds. And you blame her for your rage. If a woman turns up in your neighbourhood missing a left eye*, I’d start looking at you very closely.

*seriously, how creepy is it that MRAL is so very specific about her left eye?

One more time for emphasis:

Today I was on the elevator with someone I recognized from one of my classes, so I said hi. I’m not interested in her or being creepy or anything, it was just a polite “hi” meant to be one person to another. She basically looked completely put out, almost wrinkled her nose and said “hi” in the rudest possible tone imaginable, like she’d rather be anywhere than talk to me or be in my presence. I wanted to grab that FUCK and kick the FUCKING SHIT out of her and then rip her left eye out.

Please get help.

13 years ago

He did acknowledge that he may have gone too far, so that’s something. That’s partway to acknowledging that maybe the woman in the elevator also was just having a bad day and/or got the wrong vibe from him.

13 years ago

He says he “can’t help it”, and at the end of that most recent post, goes back to blaming “the rudeness of female strangers” who “judge” him. He’s saying he has no control, and is also mind reading/projecting the worst possible things onto the women around him. We’ve heard this before from abusers–you made me so angry, I couldn’t help it, it’s all your fault. It’s partway to actually doing what he obsesses over, physically assaulting a woman.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I stayed up to do some studying and went back to check this section. If the mods want to delete my violent comment that’s ok. I think it might be triggering to some people and I wish I hadn’t posted it. That’s not who I am. I think we all maybe lose control mentally once in a while. Maybe she was having a bad day, but then so was I.

Lady Victoria von Syrus
Lady Victoria von Syrus
13 years ago

Wait, she almost wrinkled her nose? As in, she didn’t and it’s only your perception which made you believe that she *almost* did something, which she didn’t actually do. And we have only your word that her tone was rude. Hell, she responded to your greeting!

Here’s a story: Years ago, there were allegations going around that Denny’s was a racist restaurant, based on a few widely publicized incidents. So 60 Minutes decided to do a ‘sting’, and I think it was Diane Sawyer, a white woman, who went to Denny’s with a black friend of hers. They sat at the same table, had the same waitress. etc. The black friend said that she picked up on some racism from the waitress; Sawyer said that she thought the waitress seemed harried and overworked.

Who’s right? Was the waitress actually racist, or just stressed that day? For purposes of this discussion, it doesn’t even matter. Sawyer saw one thing, her friend saw another in the exact same behavior. You, MRAL, because you are ragefully wedded to the idea that women are rude bitches, will interpret every interaction you have with a woman through that lens. You insist that women speak to you in rude tones and that they “almost” wrinkle their noses when being forced to share an elevator with you. But we have only your perceptions to go on, and you’ve already demonstrated a lack of empathy that devolves rapidly into sheer delusion about the way people operate.

13 years ago

@Katz, I doubt MRAL is autistic or an aspie. Aspies tend to default to “I have no idea why the fuck you are doing what you are doing or what you want” not “you are all members of an evil conspiracy to deny me sex and smiles, bitches”. A shy aspie would be unlikely to talk first in an elevator, a chatty aspie would not easily pick up on body language suggesting the other person did not want to talk. MRAL is not autistic, he is just an uncaring a-hole.

MRALs elevator story reminded me of a time my sister’s boyfriend came to pick me up at a bus station. There was heavy snow, most people on the bus missed their connections, and I had to be picked up four hours away from my destination. So, I spent a good six hours hanging around this bus station with the other stranded people. Two of the people were young black men. They discussed their hope that their mothers would buy them a certain video game for Christmas, chatted with me about the bad horror movie on the tv, and requested songs from the guy who had a guitar with him. They were, in short, very friendly guys, from what I observed. My sister’s boyfriend thought they were “scary” and said that they “glared at him” and voiced his suspicion that these two young men “hate white people”. Of course, they had a half a dozen hours being very friendly to my pasty ass (I am part native american, but I inheritated all the pale ass genes in my family and am a very pale blond) and to the white guy with the guitar. The issue was not that these two young men had a problem with white people, the issue was that my sister’s boyfriend had a problem with black people and so treated them differently than he would have two white boys. The problem here is that MRAL makes it damned obvious how much he hates women and *surprise* women tend not to like that very much.

13 years ago

FelixBC has it exactly right; this is textbook abuser justification coming out of MRAL. It’s always the other person’s fault and never their own. They always just have “bad days”, say they went too far this time, it’ll never happen again, blah blah fuckety blah. This only ends a couple of ways: they have a miraculous epiphany and realize that their rage is not the fault of others, they actually go full-blown violent and hurt or kill someone, or they go full-blown violent and someone puts them down like a rabid dog.

13 years ago

MRAL, if you actually regret what you said, there might be some hope for you. Talk to a counselor or other professional about what you’re feeling. If not, I’ve got no fucking pity for you and I only hope someone stops you cold before you act on what you’ve got writhing around in your head.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Hey fuck you man, we’re talking about some fleeting surge of personal emotion, there’s nothing to “repeat”. I’m not “sorry” because I didn’t actually DO anything. I just wish I hadn’t brought it up because it sends the impression that kind of thing happens regularly.

13 years ago

MRAL, even if no one else says it, at least I will. Thank you for backtracking, and showing, at least slightly, that you can admit you are in the wrong. Not many people can go that far.

That being said, it is not normal to fly off the handle, even mentally, like that (even if they don’t act on that impulse, which is hopefully the case for you). We have seen you flare up in many previous posts, and given that posting on the internet takes intent (the press of the submit button after writing), I can only echo what others have said and suggest you talk to somebody. This is not to belittle you for your views, we’ve done plenty of that already. This is unrelated from any man vs. woman thing. Please seek help.

13 years ago

Most of us do not broadcast it to the world MRAL. That says you know you are not doing well and need to do something about it but are too whatever to do it.

13 years ago

Oh I’m sorry, did I offend you? Too fucking bad. You described a detailed mental image you had of maiming someone for not returning your “hi” properly and you think nobody’s going to say there might be something wrong with that? And let’s not forget that this is after weeks of seeing you yammering on about what awful evil bitches most women are. Plus now you’re going to bullshit us and try and make us think you’ve never felt this way except that one time. If anyone should be offended, it’s everyone here for you thinking we’re that stupid.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I don’t need to prove anything to you, asshole.

13 years ago

No but you do need treatment jackass.

13 years ago

Soooo…. Smurfs… (awkward segway… That’s how you spell it, right? Segway? Like the vehicle?)

Its amazing that a cartoon can match MGTOWs so well. Here we have an ideal society, a merry band of brothers each with their own lovable quirks. And who should destroy this paradise but an evil Womynz! *Sigh* And I thought the smurfs were so innocent…

13 years ago

The thing about my professor is that he’s generally a really nice, goofy person. Maybe he had a bad day. Maybe he was tired of this girl sleeping in his class and not studying and didn’t want to talk to her (I’d noticed he’s taken to addressing her with an informal and potentially insulting form of “you” whereas he addresses everyone else in the class by name). My point wasn’t just “men do it too” but also “people have their reasons.” You would assume from this anecdote that the prof is a dick, but he isn’t.

If the girl even acknowledged you, +100 points. I know I wouldn’t have. I would have given you a look like, “Why are you talking to me in an elevator??” But I spent forever in a city where the only time a guy would talk to you on the street (or wherever) was to hit on you, and I fucking hate being hit on. If I don’t know you and you aren’t stopping me to say I dropped something (in which case, “Hey, I think you dropped something!” is a good opener), I’m not interested. (Twice had “excuse me” used as an excuse to flash me. So I stopped responding to “excuse me” from men all together.)

And guys like MRAL never consider that some women deal with these forced interactions with strangers all the damn time or one time too many and would prefer not to … no, her negative reaction is oppressing him.

13 years ago

segue. smurf.

13 years ago

I was about to say something nice to MRAL about his earlier apology. Except it turns out it’s not an apology and he has done nothing wrong and we’re all assholes. MRAL, it’s possible for you to be wrong sometimes. Everyone is wrong sometimes.

Aspies tend to default to “I have no idea why the fuck you are doing what you are doing or what you want” not “you are all members of an evil conspiracy to deny me sex and smiles, bitches”.

True; in fact, most aspies I know are actually hard to insult because they don’t pick up on it (unless you insult their favorite smurfing TV show, lol). So you’re probably right. The similarity is just that he seems to be unable to conceptualize others’ feelings.

13 years ago

Eh, yeah, you’re probably right. I’m a big softy at heart, even on the internets, and I know the shame of trying to say “I was wrong,” even when its anonymous. Even so, its a case of “I’m sorry about what I did.

BUT! I did nothing wrong, so there.”

Ah the not-pology, like holding a tantalizing piece of bacon above a dog’s nose only to substitute it with slime mold.