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Smurfette was a stuck-up bitch

Do MGTOWers get their notions of modern romance from old Smurf cartoons? I’m beginning to think they do. As you may remember, the world of the Smurfs was an all-male bastion until evil Gargamel created the creature he called Smurfette from a mixture of

Sugar and spice but nothing nice…A dram of crocodile tears…A peck of bird brain…The tip of an adder’s tongue…Half a pack of lies, white, of course…The slyness of a cat…The vanity of a peacock…The chatter of a magpie…The guile of a vixen and the disposition of a shrew…And of course the hardest stone for her heart…..

Initially an evil, deceitful brunette, Smurfette was transformed by Papa Smurf into a glamorous (and less obviously evil) blonde. At which point Smurfs young and old began falling in love with her, supplicating themselves before her Smurfy beauty. Even Papa Smurf himself had the Smurfs for her, as you can see in the video above – even though, as her co-creator, he was basically her father. Ick. Sometimes Smurfette played her smurfy suitors against one another, inspiring them to even greater depths of supplication.

MGTOWers, and a lot of MRAs, basically see this as the basic paradigm of romance: men jumping through hoops to even get noticed by stuck-up women who need do nothing but exist in order to garner male attention. In the Smurf world, this was because there was only one Smurfette in a village full of lonely Smurfs. In the real world, in which men and women balance out more evenly, well, MGTOWers and MRA recreate the weird Smurfy imbalance by simply declaring most women undateable – too old (if they’re over 25 or 30) or too fat (with BMIs over 25). Hey presto! Now men, much like Smurfs, can compete against one another for the same small number of women, making almost everyone miserable in the process, especially themselves.

In Smurf world, of course, Smurfette is chaste and pure; she may kiss the boys but that’s about it. This hardly comports with the MGTOW notion that women are all slutty sluts, bedding down with every thug-boy and alpha male who makes their ‘ginas tingle, to use the peculiarly offputting parlance of the misogynist set. Natually enough, a few creative internetters have reimagined Smurfette as a Smurfslut. Warning: this video may destroy your image of Smurfette forever. This one’s worse.

Oh, and for an interesting discussion of the misogyny and apparent anti-Semitism of Smurf creator Peyo, see here.

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Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Today I was on the elevator with someone I recognized from one of my classes, so I said hi. I’m not interested in her or being creepy or anything, it was just a polite “hi” meant to be one person to another. She basically looked completely put out, almost wrinkled her nose and said “hi” in the rudest possible tone imaginable, like she’d rather be anywhere than talk to me or be in my presence. I wanted to grab that FUCK and kick the FUCKING SHIT out of her and then rip her left eye out.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

fyi I wouldn’t actually do that, I’m just saying I was filled with rage for a second.

13 years ago

Hmm, I think this is what is known as “confirmation bias”. You expect women to ignore you so you notice every time a woman ignores you. You expect men to be polite to you so you notice men being polite to you. You are not an unbiased observer.

We all have things we miss. For me, somehow, I never notice guys staring at my tits. It’s just a thing, I’m not tuned in to that. I have friends who for whatever reason are – the complain all the time about guys staring at their tits. They’ve even reported that guys stare at my tits! They see it and I don’t. I’m just not looking for it.

13 years ago

And you know why she was put out how?

For smurf’s sake, she could really just be having a bad day. She could have heard you threatening someone else’s life and wants to stay away. Get some help dude.

13 years ago


Apart from recomending you to see someone about rage issues, I’d like to let you know something really important: body language conveys your thoughts. If you are silently stewing at someone, (and wanting to rip their eyes out), it will show in your face and in your posture. I don’t doubt for a minute that for that elevator ride, she desperately wished she was anywhere but in that car with you.

Unrelated note, whats the stance on violent comments around here, David? Its not exactly a forcibly-civil section, I know, but is there a line to be drawn in this case?

13 years ago

Well it’s clear that you have some serious anger issues, and frankly, given what I’ve read of you on here, I’d not be inclined to speak to you in real life either. You’ve got more than just a chip on your shoulder, it’s like a boulder. And considering how you project your scathing hatred of women at every possible second, sounds like being trapped in an elevator with you isn’t something this woman liked either. Just because YOU don’t think you’re being creepy doesn’t mean you aren’t being creepy.

13 years ago

Kirby, I do believe it is borderline reportable for his being taken in for an evaluation at least.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’d really really really like to know how a nice, polite “hi” to someone who I literally don’t know at all could possibly be construed as creepy.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I don’t have anger issues, I’ve never hurt anyone in my life. My thoughts are my business and anyway I don’t usually think like that. I was pushed to it by explicit rudeness and an especially bad day.

13 years ago

Unsolicited greeting, body language, tone of voice…and maybe you do not know her but she could know you.

13 years ago

Because you’re a creep.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Even if she does know me I am not a creepy person so she would have no reason to act that way. Unsolicited greeting? On a fucking elevator in a college? That’s no fucking excuse. I did not get angry until the rudeness and even then I did not show it.

13 years ago

Since when is getting on an elevator giving anyone permission to talk to the other person(s) using the elevator?

It is not.

Again, she could have noticed you were in a foul mood by your body language and was uninterested in hearing about it so she cut it off by doing something that YOU thought was rude but was her method of coping with someone she did not want to interact with.

Bottom line is-you have NO IDEA why she failed to respond the way you wanted her to.

13 years ago

First, I have never found Brad Pitt attractive. When Legends of the Fall came out, I went loop de loop over Aidan Quinn. After him it was Ralph Fiennes.

As for women not smiling at you, MRAL, do you blame them since your attitude almost guarantees you have a perpetual murderous look on your face? You might not even be aware of it. Creepiness doesn’t register on other men’s radars but it does on womens’. I know that because of a work situation I had with a man who was giving women in my building a lot of unwanted attention, to make a long story short.

Other reasons women might not be smiling or looking at you is because they are already in relationships and therefore not interested in sending the wrong message (most of us who are over the age of 20 know that smiling or acknowledging men is often taken the wrong way), or not on the market and not interested in sending the message that they are available, or just not attracted to you, or shy.

There are a 1000 reasons why women may be avoiding you. A superior attitude is pretty far down on the list.

13 years ago


You are a smurfing creepy smurf. This is not something you can evaluate yoursmurf. Only other people can tell you if you’re creepy. Those “dear woman” smurfs didn’t think they were being smurfy, but they were.

And you do have anger issues. Anyone who says “I wanted to grab that FUCK and kick the FUCKING SHIT out of her and then rip her left eye out.” after a stranger doesn’t respond the way he wants to an elevator greeting has anger issues.

Also, this thread smurfed my day.

13 years ago

hey katz, but how much smurf could a woodsmurf smurf?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I see women smiling and to men all the time, after the man said hi. At least ACKNOWLEDGING. Plus it happens all the time, this is not an isolated incident, just a blatant one. Also if women were never receptive to men saying hi there’d be no relationship between the sexes. But there is, because women reply to fucking alpha fuckheads and spit/look down people like me because I don’t look like Brad Pitt. Fuck them. I don’t care what day she was having, she is a BITCH.

13 years ago

You had a bad day and we are all supposed surround you cooing.

She could have a bad day so she does not want to talk to anyone and yet she is the bitch?

Do you not see the contradiction there? YOU get to have feelings. She does not.

13 years ago

“I’d really really really like to know how a nice, polite “hi” to someone who I literally don’t know at all could possibly be construed as creepy.”

Oh, IT CAN. Trust me. You say you’re not creepy but that’s not for you to decide. It’s all in eye contact, body language, tone of voice, etc.

Here’s some chicks discussing what creeps them out. One woman at her job has a “creepy chip vendor.” Her story is a lot like mine in that we have had more than one outside vendor at my company treating women this way.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I may have had a bad day but if she had smiled or said something to me I wouldn’t have wrinkled my nose and turned away and acted like it was a huge problem for me to acknowledge her presence. Because that would be rude, right?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Christ, I’m not expecting the bitches and alpha fucks to suck my dick on demand. It’s an acknowledgment of my humanity.

13 years ago



“I see women smiling to men all the time”
How many times have you been told about confirmation bias?

“But there is, because women reply to fucking alpha fuckheads”
How many times have you been asked to prove that your Greek System (which is neither Greek nor a system) exists, failed to do so, then told that it is all bollocks?

“… because I don’t look like Brad Pitt.”
How many times have you been told, by women on this thread no less, that Brad Pitt isn’t the epitome of male attractiveness?

In other words, how many times have you had something explained to you or a response given to you, only to promptly forget about (or ignore) it to continue trumpeting your delusions at the wary masses?

In shorter other words, why should we believe you are here to converse rather than preach?

13 years ago

For whatever reason that you will probably never know and to which she is perfectly entitled, Elevator Girl did not want your attention.

And for this you have fantasies about murdering her and disfiguring her.

This suggests the problem is not with her.

13 years ago

Snowy, she sells smurf shells by the smurf shore.

MRAL, you constantly call all women bitches. You think all women are bitches. That is a completely valid reason for all women to avoid you. And no, “but she doesn’t ”know” that I think she’s a bitch!” is not a valid excuse.

13 years ago

But you are not showing her any humanity. She is not allowed to have her own reaction to your unsolicited greetings. She may only respond the way you want her to. She cannot be human, she can only be a robot obeying rules imposed by you.